METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of severe COVID-19 patients who were admitted to a single tertiary centre from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021. The clinical data of the patients during admission and clinic follow-up, including radiological images, were traced using electronic medical records.
RESULTS: In our cohort, the mortality rate for those with severe COVID-19 was 23.1% (173/749). Among the survivors, 46.2% (266/576) had persistent respiratory failure (PRF) after 14 days of illness. Of them, 70.3% (187/266) were followed up, and 68% (128/187) received oral corticosteroid (prednisolone) maintenance treatment. OP pattern made up the majority (81%) of the radiological pattern with a mean severity CT score of 10 (SD±3). The mean prednisolone dose was 0.68mg/kg/day with a mean treatment duration of 47 days (SD±18). About one-third of patients (67/187) had respiratory symptoms at 4 weeks (SD±3). Among 78.1% (146/187) who had a repeated CXR during follow-up, only 12 patients (8.2%, SD±3) had radiological improvement of less than 50% at 6 weeks (SD±3), with 2 of them later diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis. Functional assessments, such as the 6-minute walk test and the spirometry, were only performed in 52.4% and 15.5% of the patients, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Almost half of the patients with severe COVID-19 had PRF, with a predominant radiological OP pattern. More than two-thirds of the PRF patients required prolonged oral corticosteroid treatment. Familiarising clinicians with the disease course, radiological patterns, and potential outcomes of this group of patients may better equip them to manage their patients.
METHODS: A web-based survey on GD management was conducted on practicing clinicians. Responses from 542 clinicians were received and subsequently analysed and compared to outcomes from similar surveys from other regions.
RESULTS: A total of 542 respondents participated in the survey, 515 (95%) of whom completed all sections. Of these, 86% were medical specialists, 11% surgeons, and 3% nuclear medicine physicians. In addition to serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine assays, most respondents would request TSH-receptor autoantibody (TRAb) measurement (68%) during initial work-up. Thyroid ultrasound is requested by about half of respondents (53%), while the use of nuclear medicine scans is limited. The preferred first-line treatment is anti-thyroid drug (ATD) therapy (79%) with methimazole (MMI) or carbimazole (CBZ), followed by radioiodine (RAI; 19%) and surgery (2%). In case of surgery, one-third of respondents would opt for a subtotal rather than a total thyroidectomy. In case of mild Graves orbitopathy (GO), ATDs (67%) remains the preferred treatment, but a larger proportion of clinicians prefer surgery (20%). For a patient with intention to conceive, the preferred treatment pattern remained unchanged, although propylthiouracil (PTU) became the preferred ATD-agent during the first trimester. In comparison to European and American practices, marked differences were noted in the relatively infrequent usage of nuclear medicine scans and the overall higher use of a ATDs and β-blockers and adjunctive ATD-treatment during RAI in the APAC-group.
CONCLUSION: Although regional differences regarding the diagnosis and management of GD are apparent in this first pan-Asia-Pacific survey, this study reveals the overall approach to the management of this disease in Asia-Pacific generally tends to fall between the trends appreciated in the American and European cohorts.
CLINICAL QUESTION: What is the role of drugs in the treatment of patients with covid-19?
CONTEXT: The evidence base for therapeutics for covid-19 is evolving with numerous randomised controlled trials (RCTs) recently completed and underway. Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and subvariants are changing the role of therapeutics.
WHAT IS NEW?: The guideline development group (GDG) defined 1.5% as a new threshold for an important reduction in risk of hospitalisation in patients with non-severe covid-19. Combined with updated baseline risk estimates, this resulted in stratification into patients at low, moderate, and high risk for hospitalisation. New recommendations were added for moderate risk of hospitalisation for nirmatrelvir/ritonavir, and for moderate and low risk of hospitalisation for molnupiravir and remdesivir. New pharmacokinetic evidence was included for nirmatrelvir/ritonavir and molnupiravir, supporting existing recommendations for patients at high risk of hospitalisation. The recommendation for ivermectin in patients with non-severe illness was updated in light of additional trial evidence which reduced the high degree of uncertainty informing previous guidance. A new recommendation was made against the antiviral agent VV116 for patients with non-severe and with severe or critical illness outside of randomised clinical trials based on one RCT comparing the drug with nirmatrelvir/ritonavir. The structure of the guideline publication has also been changed; recommendations are now ordered by severity of covid-19.
ABOUT THIS GUIDELINE: This living guideline from the World Health Organization (WHO) incorporates new evidence to dynamically update recommendations for covid-19 therapeutics. The GDG typically evaluates a therapy when the WHO judges sufficient evidence is available to make a recommendation. While the GDG takes an individual patient perspective in making recommendations, it also considers resource implications, acceptability, feasibility, equity, and human rights. This guideline was developed according to standards and methods for trustworthy guidelines, making use of an innovative process to achieve efficiency in dynamic updating of recommendations. The methods are aligned with the WHO Handbook for Guideline Development and according to a pre-approved protocol (planning proposal) by the Guideline Review Committee (GRC). A box at the end of the article outlines key methodological aspects of the guideline process. MAGIC Evidence Ecosystem Foundation provides methodological support, including the coordination of living systematic reviews with network meta-analyses to inform the recommendations. The full version of the guideline is available online in MAGICapp and in PDF on the WHO website, with a summary version here in The BMJ. These formats should facilitate adaptation, which is strongly encouraged by WHO to contextualise recommendations in a healthcare system to maximise impact.
FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommendations on anticoagulation are planned for the next update to this guideline. Updated data regarding systemic corticosteroids, azithromycin, favipiravir and umefenovir for non-severe illness, and convalescent plasma and statin therapy for severe or critical illness, are planned for review in upcoming guideline iterations.
METHODS: Seven licensed practicing community pharmacists (from the Klang Valley, Malaysia) were interviewed between 23rd September to 14th November 2021. These were CPs participating in the questionnaire study who agreed to be interviewed. NVIVO 11 software was used for data analysis. Codes and themes were generated and agreed on by the researchers.
RESULTS: The major themes identified related to the process mentioned of providing information to patients, the issues addressed by CPs during the counselling (including steroid phobia, overuse of TCS, patients asking for a specific preparation by name), less counselling support material, language barriers, lesser knowledge about certain conditions, information sources used by CPs (material provided by Ministry of Health and Malaysian Pharmacists Association, MIMS) and suggestions to strengthen the quality of counselling (specialization in skin diseases, webinars, shared care models). For patients requesting a particular preparation by name, the pharmacist will decide whether the preparation requested is suitable or suggest an alternative. Steroid phobia was seen more commonly among parents of young children and young patients. MIMS was available as a smartphone application making it easier to use. Advanced training for CPs in the management of skin conditions like that provided for diabetes mellitus can be considered.
CONCLUSIONS: Counselling was conducted while dispensing TCS in the open area of the pharmacy. Challenges to counselling were lack of time, limited counselling materials, and language barriers. Steroid phobia requires attention. Initiatives to strengthen counselling were mentioned by respondents and appear feasible. Further research covering the entire country is required.