MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a descriptive, comparative, and qualitative study. It was done in two phases. The first phase included literature review of the standards of the selected countries followed by comparison of the standards of the board of trustees, medical staff, CEOs, and nursing management standards to develop the primary framework for Iranian hospitals. In phase two, the primary framework was validated true three rounds of Delphi technique.
RESULTS: Surveying the accreditation system standards in selected countries included the USA, Egypt, Malaysia, and Iran. It was found that the management and leadership standards were classify as governing body, medical staff, CEOs, and nursing management standards. The result of this study provides a framework for improvement of the Iranian national accreditation program.
CONCLUSION: In regarded to the importance of the leadership and management standards in reform and change and promotion of the health services quality, efficiency, and effectiveness, the results of this study showed that the present standards of the Iranian accreditation assessment system and guidelines lack the necessary infrastructures for implementing a successful national accreditation program.
METHODS: Inpatient utilisation of 101 private, non-specialised hospitals in Malaysia in 2014 and 2018 from the Health Informatics Centre, Ministry of Health Malaysia database was studied using paired samples t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the Pabón-Lasso model.
RESULTS: Better quantitative performance was found among larger hospitals, those with hospital accreditation, and those participating in medical tourism activities. There is a scale effect of efficiency between smaller and larger hospitals. However, when compared within respective size categories, Category 1 (small hospitals with less than 100 beds) has the highest percentage of efficient hospitals (39.3 per cent in 2014 and 35.7 per cent in 2018 in Sector 3 of the Pabón Lasso graphs).
CONCLUSION: This study has found that a higher bed occupancy rate (BOR) and longer average length of stay (ALoS) are associated with larger private hospitals, hospital accreditation, and participation in medical tourism activities in Malaysia. There is a need to expedite strategic hospitals partnership for resource optimisation and capacity pooling towards producing better performance.
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 12 private hospitals in Malaysia. A total of 652 (response rate = 61.8%) nurses participated in the study. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire on nurses' characteristic, adverse events and events reporting, and perceived patient safety.
RESULTS: Patient and family complaints events were the most common adverse events in Malaysian private hospitals as result of increased cost of care (3.24 ± 0.95) and verbal miscommunication (3.52 ± 0.87).
CONCLUSION: Hospital size, accreditation status, teaching status, and nurse ethnicity had a mixed effect on patient safety, perceived adverse events, and events reporting. Policy makers can benefit that errors are related to several human and system related factors. Several system reforms and multidisciplinary efforts were recommended for optimizing health, healthcare and preventing patient harm.
Methods: We conducted a three-day course in February 2011 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It was developed to provide attendees with the essential knowledge and skills to become a medication safety officer. Teaching methodologies included didactic teaching, group discussions, case presentations, and an independent study of medication safety materials. The content of the course focused on the various roles of a medication safety officer, the importance of medication safety in a health care setting, the incidence of adverse drug events in a hospital setting, strategies to identify and prevent adverse events, the use of root cause analysis and failure mode and effect analysis, the role of an officer in hospital accreditation, and ways for promoting safety culture. Assessment of the course outcome was accomplished by comparing scores of knowledge level before and after the course. The knowledge level was assessed by a 20-item exam which was developed and validated by course instructors.
Results: Twenty-one participants attended the course and completed both the baseline and after-course assessment questionnaires. The majority was male (N = 14, % = 66.7) with a job experience of 1-5 five years (N = 10, % = 47.6). The knowledge score increased from 14.3 ± 1.90 (mean ± standard deviation) at baseline to 18.5 ± 1.43 after successfully completing the course (P