Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 52 in total

  1. Quah ESH, Grismer LL, Wood PLJ, Thura MK, Oaks JR, Lin A
    Zootaxa, 2019 Aug 14;4656(3):zootaxa.4656.3.11.
    PMID: 31716818 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4656.3.11
    A new species of Ansonia is described from the Shan Plateau of Myanmar based on an integrative taxonomic analysis that differentiates it from all other congeners. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial genes 12S and 16S rRNA and tRNA-val recover A. kyaiktiyoensis sp. nov. as the sister species to A. inthanon from Thailand but differs from it and other congeners by at least a 5.0% sequence divergence. It is further differentiated by the following combination of morphological characters: (1) maximum SVL 24 mm in males and females; (2) first finger shorter than second; (3) absence of interorbital and tarsal ridges; (4) presence of light-coloured interscapular spot; (5) presence of yellow rictal tubercle; (6) absence of wide, light-coloured patch below eye; (7) presence of large, discrete, bright-yellow submandibular spots along the underside of lower jaw; (8) iris yellow-gold; (9) presence of markings on the snout consisting of streaks below the eye to the lip, and on the canthus rostralis to the nostril; (10) dorsum grey-brown with orange-beige spots, a dark-brown X-shaped marking on the back surrounding the interscapular spot, and dark-coloured markings on rump; (11) fore- and hind limbs with orange-beige cross-bars; and (12) venter light-gray with yellow spotting, especially near flanks and underside of hind limbs. Ansonia kyaiktiyoensis sp. nov. is the westernmost known record for the genus and the only species west of the Salween Basin. Its discovery echoes the increasing number of herpetological discoveries being made in upland regions fringing the Ayeyarwady and Salween Basins.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura*
  2. Chan KO, Grismer LL, Brown RM
    Zootaxa, 2014;3900(4):569-80.
    PMID: 25543757 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3900.4.7
    A new species of Narrow-mouthed frog of the genus Kaloula is described from northern Peninsular Malaysia. Kaloula latidisca sp. nov. is genetically and morphologically most similar to K. baleata and K. indochinensis but differs from those and other congeners by the unique combination of the following characters: (1) adult males SVL 49.2-56.2 mm (x̅=53.5 ± 3.0; N=4); (2) finger tips expanded into large, transversely expanded discs (disc width 2.8-3.1 mm, x̅=3.0 ± 0.1); (3) inner metatarsal tubercle large, oval, distinctly raised, slightly shorter than first toe; (4) three subarticular tubercles on fourth toe; (5) toe webbing formula: I 1-2 II 1-3 III 2-3.5 IV 4-2 V; and (6) yellow to orange irregularly shaped patch on the axillary, inguinal and posterior region of thigh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura/anatomy & histology; Anura/classification*; Anura/growth & development
  3. Dehling JM, Dehling M
    Zootaxa, 2013;3686:277-88.
    PMID: 26473218
    A new species of Philautus is described from western Sarawak. The new species was collected in lower montane forest in two national parks in Sarawak and recorded from another park. It differs from its congeners by a unique combination of morphological characters, including a long, acuminate snout, long legs, and comparatively extensive toe webbing. The advertisement call of the new species differs from all calls of other species that have been analyzed so far. Comparison of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequence corroborates its distinct specific status.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura/anatomy & histology; Anura/classification*; Anura/physiology
  4. Shahrudin S, Jaafar I
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2012 Dec;23(2):49-57.
    PMID: 24575233 MyJurnal
    The study on the amphibian fauna of Bukit Jana, Taiping, Perak was carried out from January 2009 until December 2010 with a total of 12 nights of observation. Twenty four species of frogs from 14 genera and 6 families were recorded to inhabit the Bukit Jana areas. Seven commensal species were found around human habitations near the foothill whereas the others are typical forest frogs found mostly near the rivers, streams and forest floor. This is the first amphibian checklist of Bukit Jana, Perak and it contributed 22% out of 107 species of frogs that are recorded to inhabit Peninsular Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
  5. Oberhummer E, Barten C, Schweizer M, Das I, Haas A, Hertwig ST
    Zootaxa, 2014;3835(1):59-79.
    PMID: 25081435 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3835.1.3
    The megophryid frogs Leptobrachella brevicrus, Leptolalax dringi and Megophrys dringi are species exclusively known  from highly localised areas in isolated mountain ranges on Borneo. The tadpoles and adults in this study were collected at the shared type locality for the three species in Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia (Borneo). The species identities of larvae were determined via comparison to syntopic adults using DNA barcoding techniques based on partial 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene sequences. The genetic data supported the status of the three taxa as valid species. Descriptions of colouration in life and after preservation, external morphological features, morphometric measurements and ecological notes in comparison to congeneric species are supplied. The tadpoles of L. brevicrus and L. dringi show similar adaptations to a fossorial lifestyle. These include an elongated, vermiform body, a relatively long tail and small eyes. Both were found in the gravel beds of a small mountain stream. In contrast, the larvae of M. dringi are adapted to occupying and feeding at the surface of pools within the stream. 
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura/anatomy & histology; Anura/classification; Anura/genetics; Anura/growth & development*
  6. Chan KO, Hutter CR, Wood PL, Grismer LL, Das I, Brown RM
    Mol Ecol, 2020 10;29(20):3970-3987.
    PMID: 32808335 DOI: 10.1111/mec.15603
    Most new cryptic species are described using conventional tree- and distance-based species delimitation methods (SDMs), which rely on phylogenetic arrangements and measures of genetic divergence. However, although numerous factors such as population structure and gene flow are known to confound phylogenetic inference and species delimitation, the influence of these processes is not frequently evaluated. Using large numbers of exons, introns, and ultraconserved elements obtained using the FrogCap sequence-capture protocol, we compared conventional SDMs with more robust genomic analyses that assess population structure and gene flow to characterize species boundaries in a Southeast Asian frog complex (Pulchrana picturata). Our results showed that gene flow and introgression can produce phylogenetic patterns and levels of divergence that resemble distinct species (up to 10% divergence in mitochondrial DNA). Hybrid populations were inferred as independent (singleton) clades that were highly divergent from adjacent populations (7%-10%) and unusually similar (<3%) to allopatric populations. Such anomalous patterns are not uncommon in Southeast Asian amphibians, which brings into question whether the high levels of cryptic diversity observed in other amphibian groups reflect distinct cryptic species-or, instead, highly admixed and structured metapopulation lineages. Our results also provide an alternative explanation to the conundrum of divergent (sometimes nonsister) sympatric lineages-a pattern that has been celebrated as indicative of true cryptic speciation. Based on these findings, we recommend that species delimitation of continuously distributed "cryptic" groups should not rely solely on conventional SDMs, but should necessarily examine population structure and gene flow to avoid taxonomic inflation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura/genetics
  7. Mohammad KN, Badrul MM, Mohamad N, Zainal-Abidin AH
    Trop Biomed, 2013 Dec;30(4):615-20.
    PMID: 24522131 MyJurnal
    The parasitic protozoan fauna in sixty-six anurans comprising of Duttaphrynus melanostictus, Phrynoidis juxtaspera, Hylarana erythraea and Polypedates leucomystax collected from Zoo Negara Malaysia was investigated. The distribution and prevalence rate of parasitic species in the digestive tract and blood were examined. Seven species of intestinal protozoa (Opalina ranarum, Cepedea dimidiata, Nycthetorus cordiformis, Entamoeba ranarum, Iodamoeba butschlii, Endamoeba blattae, and Tritrichomonas sp.) and two species of blood protozoa (Lankesterella sp. and Trypanosoma sp.) were recorded. Opalina ranarum was the most common protozoan found in the rectum and intestine (prevalence rate: 34.8%) infecting all host species, with P. juxtaspera heavily infected with the parasite, whereas Tritrichomonas sp. was the least prevalent intestinal species infecting only D. melanostictus. Both Lankesterella sp. and Trypanosoma sp. were found in the blood of H. erythraea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura/parasitology*
  8. Chan KO, Grismer LL, Brown RM
    Mol Phylogenet Evol, 2018 10;127:1010-1019.
    PMID: 30030179 DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2018.07.005
    The family Rhacophoridae is one of the most diverse amphibian families in Asia, for which taxonomic understanding is rapidly-expanding, with new species being described steadily, and at increasingly finer genetic resolution. Distance-based methods frequently have been used to justify or at least to bolster the recognition of new species, particularly in complexes of "cryptic" species where obvious morphological differentiation does not accompany speciation. However, there is no universally-accepted threshold to distinguish intra- from interspecific genetic divergence. Moreover, indiscriminant use of divergence thresholds to delimit species can result in over- or underestimation of species diversity. To explore the range of variation in application of divergence scales, and to provide a family-wide assessment of species-level diversity in Old-World treefrogs (family Rhacophoridae), we assembled the most comprehensive multi-locus phylogeny to date, including all 18 genera and approximately 247 described species (∼60% coverage). We then used the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) method to obtain different species-delimitation schemes over a range of prior intraspecific divergence limits to assess the consistency of divergence thresholds used to demarcate current species boundaries. The species-rich phylogeny was able to identify a number of taxonomic errors, namely the incorrect generic placement of Chiromantis inexpectatus, which we now move to the genus Feihyla, and the specific identity of Rhacophorus bipunctatus from Peninsular Malaysia, which we tentatively reassign to R. rhodopus. The ABGD analysis demonstrated overlap between intra- and interspecific divergence limits: genetic thresholds used in some studies to synonymize taxa have frequently been used in other studies to justify the recognition of new species. This analysis also highlighted numerous groups that could potentially be split or lumped, which we earmark for future examination. Our large-scale and en bloc approach to species-level phylogenetic systematics contributes to the resolution of taxonomic uncertainties, reveals possible new species, and identifies numerous groups that require critical examination. Overall, we demonstrate that the taxonomy and evolutionary history of Old-World tree frogs are far from resolved, stable or adequately characterized at the level of genus, species, and/or population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura/classification*
  9. Kropachev II, Orlov NL, Ostroshabov AA, Nguyen TT
    Zootaxa, 2019 Aug 15;4657(1):zootaxa.4657.1.13.
    PMID: 31716807 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4657.1.13
    To date, 26 species of Theloderma have been described and all are distributed throughout Southeast Asia from Assam in northeastern India to Myanmar, Indochina, the Malay Peninsula, and the islands of the Greater Sundas: Sumatra and Borneo (Frost 2019). The tadpoles of only 12 species have been described and published: T. asperum (Boulenger); T. auratum Poyarkov, Kropachev, Gogoleva Orlov; T. bicolor (Bourret); T. corticale (Boulenger); T. gordoni Taylor; T. horridum (Boulenger); T. leave (Smith); T. moloch (Annandale); T. nebulosum Rowley, Le, Hoang, Dau Cao; T. palliatum Rowley, Le, Hoang, Dau Cao; T. stellatum Taylor; T. vietnamense Poyarkov, Orlov, Moiseeva, Pawangkhanant, Ruangsuwan, Vassilieva, Galoyan, Nguyen Gogoleva (Boulenger 1903; Annandale 1912; Wassersug et al. 1981; Inger et al. 1999; Leong Lim 2003; Inthara et al. 2005; Rowley et al. 2011; Gawor et al. 2012; Orlov et al. 2012; Poyarkov et al. 2015; Kropachev et al. 2018).
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura*
  10. Othman MS, Khonsue W, Kitana J, Thirakhupt K, Robson MG, Kitana N
    Asian Herpetol Res, 2011;2(1):41-45.
    PMID: 26389013
    Amphibians show a variety of reproductive modes and strategies. The cyclicity and continuity of reproduction can often be predicted from the annual gonadosomatic index trends in a species specific manner. This research aims to document the female and male gonadosomatic index profiles and to ascertain the reproductive cyclicity or continuity of Fejervarya limnocharis (Anura: Ranidae) caught in Mae Sot, Tak Province, Thailand. Frogs were collected monthly between November 2007 and October 2009 in rice fields and their surrounding areas in the study site. For each frog, total weight and ovarian/testicular weight were measured to obtain the female and male gonadosomatic index. The number of female individuals with mature eggs (postvitellogenic eggs) was also counted. The results showed that female frogs had two main surges of increased GSI in March and September of 2008. Alternatively, male frogs showed a more gradual increase and decrease in gonadosomatic index, thus the index remaining high throughout the year. This study concluded that while F. limnocharis in this area is essentially a continuous breeder, it is more optimized for a cyclic reproduction mode with two breeding cycles during the rainy season.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
  11. Onn CK, Grismer LL, Matsui M, Nishikawa K, Wood PL, Grismer JL, et al.
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2010 Aug;21(1):71-82.
    PMID: 24575191 MyJurnal
    A survey was carried out at Gunung Panti Forest Reserve, Johor from 3-7 August 2006, 2-5 June 2008, and 28-31 July 2008 to inventory the herpetofauna therein. An updated checklist for the area which incorporates findings from previous studies is provided. In total, 37 species of frogs, 1 turtle, 27 lizards, and 11 snakes have been recorded from Gunung Panti Forest Reserve, Johor.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
  12. Matsui M, Hamidy A, Murphy RW, Khonsue W, Yambun P, Shimada T, et al.
    Mol Phylogenet Evol, 2010 Jul;56(1):259-72.
    PMID: 20302957 DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2010.03.014
    By investigating genealogical relationships, we estimated the phylogenetic history and biogeography in the megophryid genus Leptobrachium (sensu lato, including Vibrissaphora) from southern China, Indochina, Thailand and the Sundaland. The genealogical relationships among the 30 named and unnamed taxa were estimated using 2009 bp of sequences from the mitochondrial DNA genes 12S rRNA, tRNA(val), and 16S rRNA using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods. The genus Leptobrachium was a well-supported monophyletic group that contained two major clades. One clade had three subclades primarily from disjunct regions including Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia and Java, and Thailand. The Bornean subclade included one species each from the Philippines and Sumatra. The other major clade consisted of two subclades, one from Indochina and the other from southern China (Vibrissaphora). Divergence times estimated an old evolutionary history of each subclade, one that could not be explained by the geohistory of Southeast Asian major landmasses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura/classification*; Anura/genetics
  13. Zheng Y, Fu J, Li S
    Mol Phylogenet Evol, 2009 Jul;52(1):70-83.
    PMID: 19348953 DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2009.03.026
    Several anuran groups of Laurasian origin are each co-distributed in four isolated regions of the Northern Hemisphere: central/southern Europe and adjacent areas, Korean Peninsula and adjacent areas, Indo-Malaya, and southern North America. Similar distribution patterns have been observed in diverse animal and plant groups. Savage [Savage, J.M., 1973. The geographic distribution of frogs: patterns and predictions. In: Vial, J.L. (Ed.), Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans. University of Missouri Press, Columbia, pp. 351-445] hypothesized that the Miocene global cooling and increasing aridities in interiors of Eurasia and North America caused a southward displacement and range contraction of Laurasian frogs (and other groups). We use the frog genus Bombina to test Savage's biogeographical hypothesis. A phylogeny of Bombina is reconstructed based on three mitochondrial and two nuclear gene fragments. The genus is divided into three major clades: an Indo-Malaya clade includes B. fortinuptialis, B. lichuanensis, B. maxima, and B. microdeladigitora; a European clade includes B. bombina, B. pachypus, and B. variegata; and a Korean clade contains B. orientalis. The European and Korean clades form sister-group relationship. Molecular dating of the phylogenetic tree using the penalized likelihood and Bayesian analyses suggests that the divergence between the Indo-Malaya clade and other Bombina species occurred 5.9-28.6 million years ago. The split time between the European clade and the Korean clade is estimated at 5.1-20.9 million years ago. The divergence times of these clades are not significantly later than the timing of Miocene cooling and drying, and therefore can not reject Savage's hypothesis. Some other aspects of biogeography of Bombina also are discussed. The Korean Peninsula and the Shandong Peninsula might have supplied distinct southern refugia for B. orientalis during the Pleistocene glacial maxima. In the Indo-Malaya clade, the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau might have promoted the split between B. maxima and the other species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura/classification; Anura/genetics*
  14. Matsui M, Belabut DM, Ahmad N
    Zootaxa, 2014;3881(1):75-93.
    PMID: 25543621 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3881.1.6
    Taxonomic status of fanged frogs from the Peninsular Malaysia, previously assigned to Limnonectes kuhlii, is assessed using genetic and morphological approaches. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from sequences of the mitochondrial and nuclear genes revealed that the fanged frogs from the Peninsula form a monophyletic group and are clearly divergent from other species previously, or even now, assigned to L. kuhlii from Mainland Southeast Asia. In both mtDNA and nuDNA phylogeny, the Malay Peninsula clade diverges into two lineages, one from north (Larut Hill, Perak, and Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu) and another from south (Genting Highlands, Pahang, and Gombak, Selangor). These lineages are separated by large genetic distances, comparable with those observed between some other species of L. kuhlii-like frogs. Although the two lineages are very similar morphologically, they are distinguishable in several morphological traits and are considered heterospecific. We therefore describe them as L. utara sp. nov. and L. selatan sp. nov. These new species differ from all other species of kuhlii-like frogs from Mainland Southeast Asia by the surface of tibia, which is densely covered by large warts. 
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
  15. Jaafar I, Chai TC, Sah SA, Akil MA
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2009 Dec;20(2):49-57.
    PMID: 24575178 MyJurnal
    A survey was conducted to catalogue the diversity of anurans in District IV of the Muda Agriculture Development Authority Scheme (MADA) in Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia, from July 1996 to January 1997. Eight species of anurans from three families were present in the study area. Of these, the Common Grass Frog (Fejevarya limnocharis) was the most abundant, followed by Mangrove Frog (Fejevarya cancrivora), Long-legged Frog (Hylarana macrodactyla), and Common Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus). Puddle Frog (Occidozyga lima), Taiwanese Giant Frog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus), and Banded Bullfrog (Kaluola pulchra) were rare during the sampling period, and only one Paddy Frog (Hylarana erythraea) was captured. A simple identification key for the anurans of this area is included for use by scientists and laymen alike.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
  16. Maitland HB, Llewellyn-Jones D
    Med J Malaya, 1965 Jun;19(4):273-6.
    PMID: 4220852
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
  17. Kavana, N.J., Lim, L.H.S., Ambu, S.
    Background: The present study describes the morphology of sparganum (larva) of the Malaysian Spirometra spp. collected from naturally infected frogs (Rana cancrivora) from rice fields in Tanjung Karang, Malaysia.

    Materials and Methods: Spargana of Spirometra spp. collected from naturally infected frogs (Rana cancrivora) were used for the morphological studies. Stretched on a metal ruler, measurements of the worm were recorded. Specimens were stained in Alum-carmine.

    Results: The length of the body ranged from 11-50 mm and the width ranged from 0.5-1.5 mm. Specimens stained with Alum-carmine showed ridges (formation of segments) on the surface of the body, and no sexual organs in the body.

    Conclusion: The Malaysian Spirometra spp. are similar in measurement and morphology to Spirometra erinacei but further studies are required for confirmation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
  18. Onn CK, Abraham RK, Grismer JL, Grismer LL
    Zootaxa, 2018 Jun 15;4434(2):250-264.
    PMID: 30313185 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4434.2.2
    Previously, only one species of torrent frog (Amolops larutensis) was thought to occur throughout Peninsular Malaysia. However, genomic work has demonstrated that populations from eastern Peninsular Malaysia form two separate lineages that are genetically distinct from A. larutensis that is now restricted to the western half of Peninsular Malaysia. This study demonstrates that all three lineages can be morphologically distinguished from each other, thereby providing additional support for the recognition of the eastern lineages as two distinct species. These lineages are described herein as Amolops gerutu sp. nov. from the eastern states of Kelantan, Terengganu, and Pahang, and A. australis sp. nov. from the southern-most state of Johor. In general, these two new species form a clade that is sister to A. larutensis and can be readily distinguished from it by having: (1) considerably denser and more pronounced dorsal tubercles, and (2) the posterodorsal surface of thighs having dense, dark stippling as opposed to broad vermiculations. Although differences in other morphometric characters were detected, their utility as diagnostic characters should be applied with caution due to the large intraspecific variation that overlaps among different species in many of the characters we measured. As such, we advocate for the use of tuberculation and pattern of the posterodorsal portion of the thighs as primary diagnostic characters. These characters can readily distinguish A. larutensis from the two new species. To differentiate A. australis sp. nov. from A. gerutu sp. nov. and A. larutensis, body size can be a good diagnostic character as A. australis sp. nov. is significantly smaller in both males (mean = 31.04 ± 1.59 mm) and females (mean = 46.48 ± 3.2 mm). Additionally, we show a strong positive correlation between body size and elevation, with populations from montane forests (>900 m asl) being considerably larger than populations at lower elevations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
  19. Yodthong S, Stuart BL, Aowphol A
    Zookeys, 2019;883:119-153.
    PMID: 31719776 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.883.37544
    The taxonomy and geographic distributions of species of crab-eating frogs (Fejervarya cancrivora complex) in mainland Southeast Asia have been highly uncertain. Three taxonomic names are used in recent literature (F. cancrivora, F. raja, and F. moodiei) but the applications of these names to localities has been inconsistent, especially owing to the lack of available molecular data for F. raja. Morphometric and mitochondrial DNA variation was examined in these frogs, including name-bearing types and topotypes of all three species. Findings corroborate evidence for the existence of two species in coastal mainland Southeast Asia, with F. moodiei having a wide geographic distribution and F. cancrivora sensu stricto occurring only in extreme southern Thailand and peninsular Malaysia. Fejervarya raja is shown to be only a large-bodied population of F. cancrivora sensu stricto and is synonymized with that species. Revised descriptions of F. moodiei and F. cancrivora sensu stricto are provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
  20. Ramlah Zainudin, Elvy Quatrin Deka, Lela Su’ut, Hasnizam Abdul Wahid
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1289-1299.
    Studies have shown that some characters, such as morphological, biochemical and behavioural characteristics were shared among con-specifics of closely related frog species. It is hypothesized that closely related frogs would have similar vocal apparatus structure to produce similar call characteristics, in order to be recognized by con-specifics. The vocal apparatus structures of the frogs from Ranidae were, thus, investigated and calls were recorded from various locations in Sarawak, Borneo. The vocal apparatus was sliced and stained using haematoxylin and eosin staining method. The prepared slides were scanned using Dotslide System Olympus BX51. Captured images were further measured using Microscope Olympus BX51. The results showed that the vocal apparatus structure of ranids in Sarawak differed in length between pulvinar vocale and posterior margin (pvpm) or known as vocal cord stricter. This character was deemed to be the most significant character to discriminate the Sarawak ranids. It is suggested that histological analysis is also a good method for study of phenotypic variation of frog species, as shown by the vocal apparatus structure of the anurans. This study provides an alternative method to differentiate taxonomic identity among frog species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura
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