Displaying publications 401 - 420 of 1097 in total

  1. Lim LS, Tan SY, Tuzan AD, Kawamura G, Mustafa S, Rahmah S, et al.
    Fish Physiol Biochem, 2020 Aug;46(4):1621-1629.
    PMID: 32430644 DOI: 10.1007/s10695-020-00817-5
    Oxyeleotris marmorata is an ambush predator. It is known for slow growth rate and high market demand. Farming of O. marmorata still remains a challenge. In order to establish a proper feeding practice to stimulate growth, knowledge of its metabolic processes and cost should be examined. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the diel osmorespiration rhythms of O. marmorata in response to feeding challenge by using an osmorespirometry assay. The results have shown that oxygen consumption rate of the fed fish was approximately 3 times higher than that of the unfed fish in early evening to support specific dynamic action. Digestion and ingestion processes were likely to be completed within 18-20 h in parallel with the ammonia excretion noticeable in early morning. Under resting metabolism, metabolic oxygen consumption was influenced by diel phase, but no effect was noted in ammonia excretion. As a nocturnal species, O. marmorata exhibited standard aerobic metabolic mode under dark phase followed by light phase, with high oxygen consumption rate found in either fed or unfed fish. It can be confirmed that both the diel phase and feeding have a significant interactive impact on oxygen consumption rate, whereas ammonia metabolism is impacted by feeding state. High metabolic rate of O. marmorata supports the nocturnal foraging activity in this fish. This finding suggested that feeding of O. marmorata should be performed during nighttime and water renewal should be conducted during daytime.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  2. Kidder GW, Montgomery CW
    Am J Physiol, 1975 Dec;229(6):1510-3.
    PMID: 2018
    We have recently shown that 5% CO2/95% O2 in the serosal bathing solution, with 100% O2 in the mucosal solution, results in CO2-diffusion limitation of acid secretion in bullfrog gastric mucosa. Changing to 10% CO2/90% 02 on both surfaces doubles the acid secretory rate. We calculate that, were the rate of oxygen consumption to increase significantly as a result of secretory stimulation, the tissue would now be oxygen limited. This prediction is tested by raising the P02 by increasing the total pressure in a hyperbaric chamber. Since no change in acid secretory rate or potential difference was observed upon changing from PO2 = 0.9 to PO2 = 1.9 atm, we conclude that the tissue is not O2 limited at normal pressure. Decreasing PO2 below 0.9 atm, by contrast, decreases the acid secretory rate and raises both PD and resistance. We infer that the rate of oxygen consumption did not rise significantly when acid secretion was increased by supplying sufficient CO2.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption*
  3. Loganathan R, Tarmizi AHA, Vethakkan SR, Teng KT
    J Oleo Sci, 2020 Oct 07;69(10):1163-1179.
    PMID: 32908089 DOI: 10.5650/jos.ess20036
    Sixty-four bottles of red palm olein and palm olein (constituted as control) samples were stored at permutations of common home setting variables which are: temperature (room temperature (24°C) or 8°C), light (kept in dark or exposure under light) and oxygen (opened or sealed caps). The effects of temperature, oxygen and light on the stability of red palm olein and palm olein were studied over 4 months of storage at simulated domestic conditions. The degree of auto- and photo-oxidations was evaluated by monitoring the following quality parameters: acidity, peroxide and p-anisidine values, fatty acids composition, carotenes and vitamin E. It is noted from the study that opened bottles of red palm olein was found to be stable for 4 months in comparison to its counterpart (palm olein) evidenced from their primary oxidative constituents (peroxides) and hydrolytic behavior (free fatty acids). Opened bottles are better off when stored at 8°C and protected from light for a longer shelf-life. Sealed bottles of palm olein showed better storage stability in the dark at 8°C; whereas sealed bottles of red palm olein was found to be stable at both temperatures studied without the influence of light. After 4 months of varying storage conditions, the fatty acid composition, vitamin E and carotenes of both oils remained unchanged. The phytonutrients in red palm olein rendered better storage stability when compared to palm olein.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen/adverse effects
  4. Malik AA, Williams CA, Weston KL, Barker AR
    J Sports Sci Med, 2019 03;18(1):1-12.
    PMID: 30787646
    High-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) may not elicit prominent unpleasant feelings even with elevated perceived exertion and physiological stress in adolescents. However, the influence of different HIIE work intensities on the affective experience and cardiorespiratory responses is unknown. This study examined the acute affective, enjoyment, perceived exertion and cardiorespiratory responses to HIIE with different work intensities in adolescents. Participants (n = 16; 8 boys; age 12.0 ± 0.3 years) performed, on separate days, HIIE conditions consisting of 8 x 1-minute work-intervals at 70%, 85%, or 100% peak power separated by 75 seconds recovery at 20 W. Affect, enjoyment and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded before, during, and after HIIE. Heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake were collected during HIIE. Affect declined in all conditions (p < 0.01) but 100%HIIE elicited significantly lower affect than 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE at work-interval 8 (all p < 0.02, ES > 1.74; 70%HIIE = 2.5 ± 0.8; 85%HIIE = 1.1 ± 1.5; 100%HIIE = -1.5 ± 1.4 on feeling scale). Similar enjoyment was evident during and after all conditions (all p > 0.44). RPE was significantly higher during 100%HIIE than 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE across all work-intervals (all p < 0.01, ES > 1.56). The majority of the participants attained ≥90%HRmax during 85%HIIE (87%) and 100%HIIE (100%), but not during 70%HIIE (6%). Affect responses during HIIE are dependent on the intensity of the work-interval and are not entirely negative (unpleasant feelings). Despite similar enjoyment, positive affect experienced during 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE could serve as a strategy to encourage exercise adoption and adherence in adolescents, but only 85%HIIE elicits sufficient HR stimulus to facilitate potential health benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  5. Syed Nasser N, Ibrahim B, Sharifat H, Abdul Rashid A, Suppiah S
    J Clin Neurosci, 2019 Jul;65:87-99.
    PMID: 30955950 DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2019.03.054
    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive imaging modality that enables the assessment of neural connectivity and oxygen utility of the brain using blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) imaging sequence. Electroencephalography (EEG), on the other hands, looks at cortical electrical impulses of the brain thus detecting brainwave patterns during rest and thought processing. The combination of these two modalities is called fMRI with simultaneous EEG (fMRI-EEG), which has emerged as a new tool for experimental neuroscience assessments and has been applied clinically in many settings, most commonly in epilepsy cases. Recent advances in imaging has led to fMRI-EEG being utilized in behavioural studies which can help in giving an objective assessment of ambiguous cases and help in the assessment of response to treatment by providing a non-invasive biomarker of the disease processes. We aim to review the role and interpretation of fMRI-EEG in studies pertaining to psychiatric disorders and behavioral abnormalities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen/blood
  6. Zainudin MAM, Jongberg S, Lund MN
    Food Chem, 2021 Jan 01;334:127611.
    PMID: 32712493 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127611
    Plant polyphenols applied as natural antioxidant ingredients, are known to bind to cysteine residues on meat proteins. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of light exposure on the formation of cysteine-phenol adduct in meat added 4-methylcatechol (4MC), a model polyphenol, during storage through quantitative LC-MS/MS-based analysis. Cysteine-4-methylcatechol adduct (Cys-4MC) formation in meat added 1500 ppm 4-MC increased significantly (by 50%) when stored under light in oxygen at 4 °C for 7 days as compared to storage in the dark. This was reflected by a significant decrease in thiol concentrations in the same sample. Gel electrophoresis showed loss in myosin heavy chain (MHC), and a resulting increase in cross-linked MHC (CL-MHC) and larger protein polymers in samples added 4MC. Protein blots stained with nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) showed intensive protein-polyphenol binding in the meat samples added 4MC, but no major differences between storage conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen/chemistry*
  7. Ang TN, Young BR, Taylor M, Burrell R, Aroua MK, Chen WH, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2020 Dec;260:127496.
    PMID: 32659541 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127496
    Activated carbons have been reported to be useful for adsorptive removal of the volatile anaesthetic sevoflurane from a vapour stream. The surface functionalities on activated carbons could be modified through aqueous oxidation using oxidising solutions to enhance the sevoflurane adsorption. In this study, an attempt to oxidise the surface of a commercial activated carbon to improve its adsorption capacity for sevoflurane was conducted using 6 mol/L nitric acid, 2 mol/L ammonium persulfate, and 30 wt per cent (wt%) of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The adsorption tests at fixed conditions (bed depth: 10 cm, inlet concentration: 528 mg/L, and flow rate: 3 L/min) revealed that H2O2 oxidation gave desirable sevoflurane adsorption (0.510 ± 0.005 mg/m2). A parametric study was conducted with H2O2 to investigate the effect of oxidation conditions to the changes in surface oxygen functionalities by varying the concentration, oxidation duration, and temperature, and the Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS) was applied to predict the interactions between oxygen functionalities and sevoflurane. The H2O2 oxidation incorporated varying degrees of both surface oxygen functionalities with hydrogen bond (HB) acceptor and HB donor characters under the studied conditions. Oxidised samples with enriched oxygen functionalities with HB acceptor character and fewer HB donor character exhibited better adsorption capacity for sevoflurane. The presence of a high amount of oxygen functional groups with HB donor character adversely affected the sevoflurane adsorption despite the enrichment of oxygen functional groups with HB acceptor character that have a higher tendency to adsorb sevoflurane.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen/chemistry*
  8. How SW, Nittami T, Ngoh GC, Curtis TP, Chua ASM
    Chemosphere, 2020 Nov;259:127444.
    PMID: 32640378 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127444
    In this study, we assessed and optimized a low-dissolved-oxygen oxic-anoxic (low-DO OA) process to achieve a low-cost and sustainable solution for wastewater treatment systems in the developing tropical countries treating low chemical oxygen demand-to-nitrogen ratio (COD/N) wastewater. The low-DO OA process attained complete ammonia removal and the effluent nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) was below 0.3 mg/L. The recommended hydraulic retention time and sludge retention time (SRT) were 16 h and 20 days, respectively. The 16S rRNA sequencing data revealed that long SRT (20 days) encouraged the growth of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) affiliated with "Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii". Comammox made up 10-20% of the Nitrospira community. NOB and comammox related to Nitrospira were enriched at long SRT (20 days) to achieve good low-DO nitrification performance. The low-DO OA process was efficient and has simpler design than conventional processes, which are keys for sustainable wastewater treatment systems in the developing countries treating low COD/N wastewater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen; Biological Oxygen Demand Analysis
  9. Hafizi Abu Bakar M, Kian Kai C, Wan Hassan WN, Sarmidi MR, Yaakob H, Zaman Huri H
    Diabetes Metab Res Rev, 2015 Jul;31(5):453-75.
    PMID: 25139820 DOI: 10.1002/dmrr.2601
    Insulin resistance is characterized by hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and oxidative stress prior to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. To date, a number of mechanisms have been proposed to link these syndromes together, but it remains unclear what the unifying condition that triggered these events in the progression of this metabolic disease. There have been a steady accumulation of data in numerous experimental studies showing the strong correlations between mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and insulin resistance. In addition, a growing number of studies suggest that the raised plasma free fatty acid level induced insulin resistance with the significant alteration of oxidative metabolism in various target tissues such as skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissue. In this review, we herein propose the idea of long chain fatty acid-induced mitochondrial dysfunctions as one of the key events in the pathophysiological development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The accumulation of reactive oxygen species, lipotoxicity, inflammation-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and alterations of mitochondrial gene subset expressions are the most detrimental that lead to the developments of aberrant intracellular insulin signalling activity in a number of peripheral tissues, thereby leading to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism
  10. Onn LC, Ching CS, Lian TY, Foon LV, Chew Hee N, Moi CS
    Environ Toxicol, 2014 Jun;29(6):655-64.
    PMID: 22778066 DOI: 10.1002/tox.21792
    4-Chloro-1,2-phenylenediamine (4-Cl-o-PD) is a halogenated aromatic diamine that was used as a precursor for manufacturing permanent hair dyes. Despite its well-documented mutagenic and carcinogenic effects in a number of in vitro and in vivo models, its cytotoxicity and mode of action have not received similar attention. Here, we investigated the effect of 4-Cl-o-PD on Mardin-Darby canine kidney cells. It induced apoptosis and the evidence suggests its initiation by reactive oxygen species (ROS). The results of various assays used show a dose-dependent (i) decrease in cell viability, (ii) increase in cells at sub-G1 phase and the G0/G1 phase arrested in cell cycle, (iii) increase in intracellular ROS accompanied by depletion of glutathione, and (iv) that apoptotic cell death probably involves activation of both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways.
    Matched MeSH terms: Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism
  11. Karim S, Bae S, Greenwood D, Hanna K, Singhal N
    Water Res, 2017 11 15;125:32-41.
    PMID: 28826034 DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.08.029
    The catalytic properties of nanoparticles (e.g., nano zero valent iron, nZVI) have been used to effectively treat a wide range of environmental contaminants. Emerging contaminants such as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are susceptible to degradation by nanoparticles. Despite extensive investigations, questions remain on the transformation mechanism on the nZVI surface under different environmental conditions (redox and pH). Furthermore, in terms of the large-scale requirement for nanomaterials in field applications, the effect of polymer-stabilization used by commercial vendors on the above processes is unclear. To address these factors, we investigated the degradation of a model EDC, the steroidal estrogen 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), by commercially sourced nZVI at pH 3, 5 and 7 under different oxygen conditions. Following the use of radical scavengers, an assessment of the EE2 transformation products shows that under nitrogen purging direct reduction of EE2 by nZVI occurred at all pHs. The radicals transforming EE2 in the absence of purging and upon air purging were similar for a given pH, but the dominant radical varied with pH. Upon air purging, EE2 was transformed by the same radical species as the non-purged system at the same respective pH, but the degradation rate was lower with more oxygen - most likely due to faster nZVI oxidation upon aeration, coupled with radical scavenging. The dominant radicals were OH at pH 3 and O2- at pH 5, and while neither radical was involved at pH 7, no conclusive inferences could be made on the actual radical involved at pH 7. Similar transformation products were observed without purging and upon air purging.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen/chemistry
  12. Martin TE, Ton R, Niklison A
    Ecol Lett, 2013 Jun;16(6):738-45.
    PMID: 23473270 DOI: 10.1111/ele.12103
    Intrinsic processes are assumed to underlie life history expression and trade-offs, but extrinsic inputs are theorised to shift trait expression and mask trade-offs within species. Here, we explore application of this theory across species. We do this based on parentally induced embryo temperature as an extrinsic input, and mass-specific embryo metabolism as an intrinsic process, underlying embryonic development rate. We found that embryonic metabolism followed intrinsic allometry rules among 49 songbird species from temperate and tropical sites. Extrinsic inputs via parentally induced temperatures explained the majority of variation in development rates and masked a relationship with metabolism; metabolism explained a minor proportion of the variation in development rates among species, and only after accounting for temperature effects. We discuss evidence that temperature further obscures the expected interspecific trade-off between development rate and offspring quality. These results demonstrate the importance of considering extrinsic inputs to trait expression and trade-offs across species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen/metabolism
  13. Mohebali N, Pandurangan AK, Mustafa MR, Anandasadagopan SK, Alagumuthu T
    J Biochem Mol Toxicol, 2020 Dec;34(12):e22587.
    PMID: 32726518 DOI: 10.1002/jbt.22587
    Colorectal cancer is one of the most leading death-causing cancers in the world. Vernodalin, a cytotoxic sesquiterpene, has been reported to possess anticancer properties against human breast cancer cells. We aimed to examine the anticancer mechanism of vernodalin on human colon cancer cells. Vernodalin was used on human colon cancer cells, HT-29 and HCT116. The cytotoxicity of vernodalin on human colon cancer cells was determined through in vitro 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide assay. Small interfering RNA was used to analyze the cascade activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) in HT-29, and HCT116 cells against vernodalin treatment. The protein expressions of caspase 3, Bcl-2, and Bax were examined through Western blot analysis. Immunoblot analysis on the JNK, ERK, and p38 MAPK pathways showed increased activation due to vernodalin treatment. It was proven from the JNK and p38 inhibition test that both pathways are significantly activated by vernodalin to induce apoptosis. Our results, collectively, showed the apoptosis-induced anticancer mechanism of vernodalin on human colon cancer cells that was mediated through the activation of JNK pathway and apoptotic regulator proteins. These results suggest that vernodalin could be developed as a potent chemotherapeutic agent for human colorectal cancer treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism*
  14. Ong TC
    J Sports Sci, 1993 Feb;11(1):71-6.
    PMID: 8450589 DOI: 10.1080/02640419308729966
    The maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) of 421 healthy adult males from three ethnic groups (Chinese, Malay and Indian), aged 25-54 years, was assessed from direct analyses of their expired respiratory gases during all-out runs on a treadmill as a measure of aerobic fitness. The subjects were divided into three age groups: group 1, 25-34 years; group 2, 35-44 years; group 3, 45-54 years. Each group was further subdivided into non-exercisers (NE), non-regular exercisers (NRE) and regular exercisers (RE). Consistently within each age group, regular exercisers produced significantly higher VO2 max values compared to non-regular exercisers and non-exercisers. They also met the VO2 max requirements for heavy physical work and compared favourably with the standards of the National Physical Fitness Award of Singapore and Cooper's aerobic fitness classification standards based on North American males. Non-regular exercisers and non-exercisers only met the VO2 max requirements for moderate physical work and compared poorly in both of the aerobic fitness standards.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption*
  15. El-Far AH, Badria FA, Shaheen HM
    Curr Drug Discov Technol, 2016;13(3):123-143.
    PMID: 27515456
    Costus speciosus is native to South East Asia, especially found in India, Srilanka, Indonesia and Malaysia. C. speciosus have numerous therapeutic potentials against a wide variety of complains. The therapeutic properties of C. speciosus are attributed to the presence of various ingredients such as alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, phenols, saponins, sterols and sesquiterpenes. This review presented the past, present, and the future status of C. speciosus active ingredients to propose a future use as a potential anticancer agent. All possible up-regulation of cellular apoptotic molecules as p53, p21, p27, caspases, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and others attribute to the anticancer activity of C. speciosus along the down-regulation of anti-apoptotic agents such as Akt, Bcl2, NFKB, STAT3, JAK, MMPs, actin, surviving and vimentin. Eventually, we recommend further investigation of different C. speciosus extracts, using some active ingredients and evaluate the anticancer effect of these chemicals against different cancers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism
  16. Kiew LV, Cheah HY, Voon SH, Gallon E, Movellan J, Ng KH, et al.
    Nanomedicine, 2017 05;13(4):1447-1458.
    PMID: 28214608 DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2017.02.002
    In photodynamic therapy (PDT), the low absorptivity of photosensitizers in an aqueous environment reduces singlet oxygen generation efficiency and thereby decreases photosensitizing efficacy in biological conditions. To circumvent this problem, we designed a phthalocyanine-poly-L-glutamic acid conjugate (1-PG) made from a new phthalocyanine (Pc 1) monofunctionalized to allow adequate conjugation to PGA. The resulting 1-PG conjugate retained high absorptivity in the near-infrared (NIR) region at its λmax675nm in an aqueous environment. The 1-PG conjugate demonstrated good singlet oxygen generation efficiency, increased uptake by 4 T1 breast cancer cells via clathrin-mediated endocytosis, and enhanced photocytotoxic efficacy. The conjugate also displayed a high light-dark toxicity ratio, approximately 1.5-fold greater than zinc phthalocyanine at higher concentration (10 μM), an important feature for the reduction of dark toxicity and unwanted side effects. These results suggest that the 1-PG conjugate could be a useful alternative for deep tissue treatment with enhanced anti-cancer (PDT) efficacy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Singlet Oxygen/chemistry
  17. Chew DT, Yin AL
    Med J Malaya, 1971 Dec;26(2):122-8.
    PMID: 4260858
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Inhalation Therapy/adverse effects*
  18. Mohammad N
    BMJ Case Rep, 2018 Apr 19;2018.
    PMID: 29674395 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2017-221550
    Acupuncture is an ancient complementary medicine which is currently used worldwide. Many serious adverse events have been reported which include a spectrum of mild-to-fatal complications. However, the level of awareness with regard to complications is still low both to physicians and patients. We report a 63-year-old who presented with acute shortness of breath 2 hours after having had acupuncture. On examination, there was absent breath sound heard on the left lung and slightly reduced breath sound on the right lung. She had type 1 respiratory failure. Urgent chest radiograph confirmed bilateral pneumothorax which was more severe on the left with tension pneumothorax and mediastinal shift. Chest tubes were inserted bilaterally after failed needle aspiration attempts. Subsequently, the pneumothoraces resolved, and she was discharged well. The bilateral pneumothoraces caused by acupuncture were curable but could have been potentially fatal if diagnosis was delayed. This case report adds to the limited current literature on the complications of acupuncture leading to bilateral pneumothoraces.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Inhalation Therapy/methods*
  19. Rahman MT, Hossain A, Pin CH, Yahya NA
    Biol Trace Elem Res, 2019 Jan;187(1):51-58.
    PMID: 29744817 DOI: 10.1007/s12011-018-1369-z
    Chronic oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in oral cavity as well as acidic pH on dental enamel surface due to the metabolic activities of bacterial plaque are the major contributors in the development and progression of dental caries. Along with other factors, deposition or dissolution Ca and Mg mostly determines the re- or demineralization of dental enamel. Zn plays an important role for both Ca and Mg bioavailability in oral cavity. Metallothionein (MT), a group of small molecular weight, cysteine-rich proteins (~ 7 kDa), is commonly induced by ROS, bacterial infection, and Zn. In the current review, we evaluated MT at the junction between the progression of dental caries and its etiologies that are common in MT biosynthesis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism
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