METHOD: All participants were recruited from the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia using a cross-sectional study design with purposive) sampling method. A total of 331 participants were recruited for the present study. Before participation in the study, they were informed that participation in the study was totally voluntary. Those who agreed to participate voluntarily were required to complete the self-administered questionnaire set, which included the processes of change, decisional balance, exercise self-efficacy, physical activity and leisure motivation, and international physical activity questionnaires. Data analysis of structural equation modeling was performed using Mplus 8.
RESULTS: From the 331 participants, most of whom were male (52%) and Malay (89.4%), with a mean age of 62.6 years (standard deviation = 10.29). The final structural equation model fit the data well based on several fit indices [Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.059, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.953, Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) = 0.925, Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) = 0.031]. A total of 16 significant path relationships linked between the TTM, motives for PA, and amount of PA.
CONCLUSION: The pros of decisional balance, others' expectations, and psychological condition were constructs that directly affected PA, whereas the other constructs had a significant indirect relationship with the amount of PA. A positive mindset is crucial in deciding a behavioral change toward an active lifestyle in people with T2DM.
AIMS: To test whether functional and dysfunctional impulsivity act as mediators between Dark Triad traits and cyberbullying perpetration.
METHODS: A cross-sectional online study was conducted, in which a sample of 141 university students (63% male) from Malaysia were recruited by online and local poster advertising inviting them to complete a questionnaire containing a series of psychometric scales, including measures of 'Dark Triad' personality traits, impulsivity and cyberbullying perpetration.
RESULTS: A relationship between cyberbullying perpetration and higher psychopathy scale scores was mediated by dysfunctional, but not functional, impulsivity. The relationship between cyberbullying and narcissism scores was not mediated by impulsivity. Higher Machiavellianism scores were similarly associated with cyberbullying, but there was no correlation at all between Machiavellianism and impulsivity scores.
CONCLUSION: Our findings add to the literature by showing that not only Dark Triad scale scores are associated with cyberbullying, but that difficulty in refraining from or controlling impulsive behaviours (dysfunctional impulsivity) may be a key component in this relationship. Given that our sample was of generally well-functioning people, our findings may not extend to those with serious cyberbullying problems. Yet, they provide avenues for identifying people at risk of such behaviours before problems become well-established and call for more nuanced approaches towards understanding and intervening with problematic cyberbullying.
OBJECTIVE: The study examined the impact of job stressors (time pressure, role ambiguity, role conflict) on employee well-being and turnover intentions. The study also investigated the mediating role of employee well-being between job stressors and turnover intention based on the conservation of resources (COR) theory.
METHODS: Data from 396 IT executives in Malaysian IT firms were analyzed using the Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique.
RESULTS: Results confirmed a significant negative correlation between time pressure (-0.296), role ambiguity (-0.423), role conflict (-0.104), and employee well-being. Similarly, employee well-being showed a significant negative relationship with turnover intentions (-0.410). The mediation analysis revealed that employee well-being mediates the relationship between time pressure (0.121), role ambiguity (0.173), role conflict (0.043), and turnover intentions.
CONCLUSION: This paper aims to manifest the importance of designing employee well-being policies by firms to retain employees. Findings reflect the role of the managerial approach towards ensuring employee well-being for employee retention, thereby reducing recruitment and re-training costs.
OBJECTIVES: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to examine the experiences of transgender athletes in sports, focusing on mental health issues and factors contributing to inequality among transgender and other sexual minorities.
METHODS: The study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and searched 10 electronic databases, including PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science, to identify eligible studies published between 2005 and 2022. The search yielded 1430 articles, of which only 12 studies met the inclusion criteria for this review.
RESULTS: The meta-analysis of the 12 studies included in this review revealed that transgender athletes faced social discrimination and inequality in sports participation, resulting in mental health problems and higher rates of suicide. From a cohort of 21,565 participants in the studies, 7152 (33%) were subjected to discrimination in sports participation and healthcare, with a rate of 0.61 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.35, 0.81). However, transgender athletes who felt welcomed and embraced by their respective teams accounted for 0.39 (95% CI: 0.19, 0.65). These results indicated significant differences between how transgender athletes are treated in healthcare settings and when participating in sports.
CONCLUSION: The study findings underscore the need for policies, cultural research, and interventions to address discrimination and inequality faced by transgender athletes in sports participation. Promoting equality and safeguarding the rights of transgender athletes can mitigate the risk of mental health problems and increase physical activity among sexual minorities.
METHODS: This study employed a quasi-experimental design, a pre-test-post-test interventional study, involving a sample of 68 adolescent patients between the ages of 13 and 18 diagnosed with ESKD. The quality of life level was assessed in both groups using an Arabic version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ version 3.0 ESKD Module survey. The study was conducted at the dialysis units in four hospitals associated with Augusta Victoria Hospital, An-Najah University Hospital, Palestine Medical Complex/Ramallah, and Beit Jala (Al Housain) Hospital. The study involved providing tailored face-to-face educational sessions with video assistance to the experimental group, while the control group received regular face-to-face education.
FINDINGS: The Generalized Estimating Equation analysis revealed no significant differences in quality of life between the experimental and control groups over time, across pre-test, post-test, and follow-up periods (p ≥ 0.05). However, within the experimental group, there was a significant improvement in total quality of life scores between the pre-test, post-test, and post-test follow-up (p ≤ 0.001), although the difference between the pre-test and follow-up approached significance but was not statistically significant (p = 0.056). In contrast, the control group showed significant differences in quality of life across the pre-test, post-test, and follow-up time points (p ≤ 0.05).
DISCUSSION: Implementing suitable interventions can potentially enhance the quality of life for individuals undergoing hemodialysis. Consequently, we suggest using video-based education as a cost-effective, uncomplicated, and engaging approach for educating hemodialysis patients.
METHOD: Upon adhering to five-step scoping review, this study combed through articles that looked into sadness regulation retrieved from eight databases.
RESULTS: As a result of reviewing 40 selected articles, 110 strategies were identified to regulate emotions, particularly sadness. Some of the most commonly reported strategies include expressive suppression, cognitive reappraisal, distraction, seeking social or emotional support, and rumination. The four types of measures emerged from the review are self-reported, informant report (parents or peers), open-ended questions, and emotion regulation instructions. Notably, most studies had tested psychometric properties using Cronbach's alpha alone, while only a handful had assessed validity (construct and factorial validity) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha or test-retest) based on responses captured from questionnaire survey.
CONCLUSION: Several sadness regulation strategies appeared to vary based on gender, age, and use of strategy. Despite the general measurement of emotion regulation, only one measure was developed to measure sadness regulation exclusively for children. Future studies may develop a comprehensive battery of measures to assess sadness regulation using multi-component method.
BACKGROUND: On a global scale, with the increase of aging, the number of people in need of palliative care has increased significantly, which has a huge impact on the professional pressure of palliative nurses. Existing literature focuses on examining palliative care from the perspective of patients, but palliative nurses also face the threats to physical and mental health caused by job burnout.
EVALUATION: A systematic literature search has been carried out in the following databases as of October 2021:PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Scopus. The Cochrane Library and Joanna Briggs Institute Library were also searched to confirm if there are any available systematic reviews on the subject. Manually searched the reference list of included papers.
KEY ISSUES: Seventeen studies were included in this review. Five key issues in the palliative care nurse's experience: (1) psychological harm, (2) physical symptoms, (3) negative emotions, (4) Burnout caused by communication barriers, and (5) Lack of experience. Two key issues in the needs of palliative care nurses: (1) social support, and (2) training and education.
CONCLUSION: The pressure of facing death for a long time and controlling the symptoms of patients has a very important impact on the mental and physical health of palliative nurses. Nursing staff have needed to be satisfied, and it is essential to provide support and help relieve the pressure on palliative nurses.
METHODS: This study involves a comprehensive search of different databases like Web of Science, PubMed, Embase, EBSCOhost, Cochrane, and Scopus. Specific criteria are established for the selection process to make sure the relevant literature included. The quality assessment of the included researches is conducted based on the guidelines outlined in the Cochrane 5.1 handbook. Review Manager 5.3 software is employed to synthesis the effect sizes. Additionally, bias is assessed using funnel plots, and to identify potential sources of heterogeneity, subgroup analyses are performed.
RESULTS: A total of 1907 academic papers, out of which 2 articles were identified via other data sources. The present study examined the impact of a pedagogical intervention involving physical education games on the enjoyment experienced by children and adolescents. The results indicated a significant positive effect (MD = 0.53, 95%CI:[0.27,0.79], P