Displaying publications 441 - 460 of 837 in total

  1. Maniam T
    Med J Malaysia, 1994 Dec;49(4):369-74.
    PMID: 7674973
    Five hundred and sixty-two consecutive attenders at an urban general practice were studied using the Consumption Index which has been successfully used in a general hospital sample. Seventy per cent of Chinese, 11% of Malays and 42% of Indians have used or are currently using alcohol-a vast majority of them were social drinkers. Among those who ever drank, 6% of Chinese and 22% of Malays drank more than 14 units per week. The hypotheses that more Indians used alcohol and used it more heavily were not supported in this urban sample. Possible explanations for these findings and the limitations of this study are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  2. Chia SF
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Jun;47(2):134-8.
    PMID: 1494334
    This is a study of infant feeding practices of 126 mothers. Seventy-seven mothers or 61.1% practised breast feeding. The typical breast feeding mother was more likely to be a Malay, with lower family income and residing in the rural area. The educational status of the mother was not an important factor in influencing her to breast feed. Health education on breast feeding should be intensified in schools to reinforce the implementation of the Malaysian Code of Ethics for Infant Formula Products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  3. Maniam T, Ting GS
    Med J Malaysia, 1990 Sep;45(3):225-30.
    PMID: 2152083
    The prescriptions of all patients who attended an urban general practice from September 1987 to December 1987 were studied. Of the 111 patients (60 females and 51 males) who received a psychotropic prescription the commonest presenting complaint was insomnia (56 patients or 50.5%). This was followed by tension, headache and unexplained aches and pains (19 patients or 17.1%), and anxiety (nine patients or 8.1%). Consistent with these presentations a vast majority (92.8%) received a benzodiazepine. The commonest drugs prescribed were Lorazepam and Bromazepam whereas the longer acting benzodiazepines were rarely used. Polypharmacy was rare.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  4. Chan Onn Fong, Kim KW, Ness GD
    PMID: 12338570
    Results are presented of research undertaken in the Republic of Korea and Malaysia to determine how far integration affects the performance of family planning and allied programs and to identify organizational determinants of clinic level interactive linkages. The report discusses the background of the research, provides overviews of the country programs, outlines research methodologies and procedures, and presents findings. 41 clinics with high, medium, and low performance ratings in Korea and 17 main health centers, 31 sub-health centers, and 49 midwife stations in Malaysia, (some of them intensive input demonstration areas) were assessed on performance, interaction measures, and organizational determinants. The overall finding was that integration affects program performance, but the direction of the impact depends on how the integrated programs are organized. In Malaysia, where the program is specifically organized to integrate family planning with maternal and child health, the integration appears to have increased service delivery and resulted in larger numbers of family planning acceptors. No spill-over was found from the inputs of the 2 components to each other. The overall positive impact and lack of service reduction due to integration appears to result from specific planning for a limited degree of integration. In Korea, a mild negative relationship was found between clinic level performance in the family planning and community development, or Saemaul Undong (SU) components. In the field SU was observed to be more favored and powerful, and was not fully integrated with family planning. The major conclusion of the study was that integration works best when family planning is linked to similar services, and does not work as well with services that are different in character or in degree of government support.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  5. Chen ST
    J Singapore Paediatr Soc, 1990;32(3-4):102-7.
    PMID: 2133745
    Over the past hundred years in industrialised countries and recently in some developing countries, children have been getting larger and growing to maturity more rapidly. This paper compares the growth of Malaysian children with similar socioeconomic backgrounds but born about twelve years apart. Data were obtained from records of 227 children born between 1968 and 1973 and 238 children born between 1980 and 1985. The children were followed-up regularly at the University Hospital Child Health Clinic in Kuala Lumpur for a variable period from birth to five years of age. Measurements for their weight, length and head circumference were taken at each visit. There is a directional indication that boys and girls of the 1980-1985 cohort are taller, heavier and have bigger head circumferences from birth to five years of age and the difference widens as the child grows older. This study clearly shows that a positive secular trend has taken place in the last decade, reflecting an improvement of living conditions with time. The factors involved in the positive secular trend are manifold and the most important is probably nutrition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  6. Manderson L
    Soc Sci Med, 1984;18(1):47-57.
    PMID: 6695200 DOI: 10.1016/0277-9536(84)90343-5
    Traditionally, Malaysian women (Malay, Indian and Chinese) breastfed their infants as a matter of course and for an extended period of time; only elite Chinese women might have resorted to a wet-nurse. But the introduction of condensed and dehydrated milk in colonial Malaya from the late nineteenth century, and the later marketing also of commercially manufactured baby foods, led to some variation in traditional practice. Structural changes, industrialiZation and urbanisation affected social as well as economic life, and again these broad changes had an impact on infant feeding. Today, few women remain unfamiliar with the wide range of infant food products sold in the most isolated provision shops. This paper focuses on key sociological factors that might predict the frequency and duration of breastfeeding and weaning patterns. The data analysed below, collected during semi-structured interviews with 278 women presenting at Maternal and Child Health Clinics in Peninsular Malaysia, are in part confusing. They suggest that the women most likely to bottle feed only or to breast feed for a short period, and to use commercial baby foods, are young, with one child only, who reside in urban or peri-urban areas and have a reasonable household income. Higher educated women, and women whose husbands are in non-traditional occupations, are also less likely to breast feed or to do so for an extended period. But the profile of infant feeding practices is by no means clear. One of the shortcomings of the study relates to the method of collection of data, and highlights the need for detailed ethnographic studies to better explore the variability and complexity of the patterns of infant feeding.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  7. Lim KG
    Med J Malaysia, 1987 Mar;42(1):16-21.
    PMID: 3431499
    Eleven maternal deaths were recorded in Hulu Terengganu between 1981-1985. This represents a high average maternal mortality rate of 1.4 per thousand deliveries annually over the five years. Nine of the 11 women were high priority pregnancies, but only three had hospital deliveries. The most common cause of death was post-partum haemorrhage (PPH), and PPH with a retained placenta. Hospital deliveries constitute only a low proportion of total deliveries in the district. In a survey of women with high priority pregnancies attending antenatal clinics in Hulu Terengganu, it was found that 79 (69%) out of 115 respondents were resistant to advice for hospital delivery. Grandmultiparae were a significant proportion of this group.
    Study site: Maternal Child Health Centre (Klinik Kesihatan), Hulu Terengganu, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  8. Krahl W, Quek SL, Raman N
    Med J Malaysia, 1981 Sep;36(3):171-3.
    PMID: 7329374
    Study site: Child and Adolescent Guidance Clinic, Hospital Bahagia, Perak, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  9. Teng CL, Syed Aljunid SM, Cheah M, Leong KC, Kwa SK
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Aug;58(3):365-74.
    PMID: 14750376
    BACKGROUND: The majority of primary care consultations in Malaysia occur in the general practice clinics. To date, there is no comprehensive documentation of the morbidity and practice activities in this setting.
    OBJECTIVES: We reported the reasons for encounter, diagnoses and process of care in urban general practice and the influence of payment system on the morbidity and practice activities.
    METHODS: 115 clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang participated in this study. General practitioners in these clinics completed a 2-page questionnaire for each of the 30 consecutive patients. The questionnaire requested for the following information: demographic data, reasons for encounter, important physical findings, diagnoses, investigations ordered, outpatient procedures performed, medical certificate given, medication prescribed and referral made. The morbidity (reasons for encounter and diagnoses) was coded using ICPC-2 and the medication data was coded using MIMS Classification Index.
    RESULTS: During 3481 encounters, 5300 RFEs (152 RFEs per 100 encounters) and 3342 diagnoses (96 diagnoses per 100 encounters) were recorded. The majority of the RFEs and diagnoses are in the following ICPC Chapters: Respiratory, General and unspecified, Digestive, Neurological, Musculoskeletal and Skin. The frequencies of selected aspects of the process of care (rate per 100 encounters) were: laboratory investigations 14.7, outpatient procedures 2.4, sick certification 26.9, referral 2.4, and medication prescription 244. Consultation for chronic diseases and acute infections were influenced more by demographic variables (age, employment) rather than payment system. Cash-paying patients were more likely to receive laboratory investigations and injections.
    CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the breadth of clinical care in the general practice. Relatively fewer patients consulted specifically for preventive care and treatment of chronic diseases. The frequencies of outpatient procedures and referrals appeared to be low. Payment system results in important differences in patient mix and influences some types of practice activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  10. Teng TS, Ishak NL, Subha ST, Bakar SA
    EXCLI J, 2019;18:223-228.
    PMID: 31217785 DOI: 10.17179/excli2018-1971
    CSF leak in penetrating skull base injury is relatively rare compared to close head injury involving skull base fracture. We report a 5-year-old boy presented with epistaxis and impacted pencil into the left nostril. The child was hemodynamically stable without any neurological deficit. Intraoperatively, there was a nasal septal defect posteriorly with anterior skull base fracture associated with CSF leak. The pencil was removed from the left nostril and the CSF leak was repaired using harvested abdominal fat under the same setting. Computed Tomography (CT) of the brain showed right cribriform plate fracture with small pneumocranium. Postoperatively, a prophylactic antibiotic was given for seven days and he was discharged well. Subsequent clinic visits up to one-year postoperative period showed no recurrence of the CSF leak. History taking, physical examination and CT imaging give valuable diagnostic values in managing the penetrating skull base injury. Early intervention for removal of the foreign body and repair of the CSF leak is advocated to prevent catastrophic complication.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care
  11. Sharifuddin N, Abdul Aziz AF, Sheikh Hamzah M, Abdul Rashid R, Zainuddin Z, Wan Puteh SE, et al.
    Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common amongst hypertensive men. Hypertensive patients often attribute it to antihypertensive drugs, although conflicting evidence linking ED with antihypertensive medication exists. The objectives were to determine the prevalence and severity of ED, the type of treatment sought, and the risk factors for ED among hypertensive men.
    Method: A cross-sectional survey conducted over six months from June to November 2008 at University Kebangsaan, Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Inclusion criteria included hypertensive men above 30 years old, with essential hypertension for at least three months. We excluded diabetics, a history of pelvic surgery and known psychiatric illnesses. The International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) assessment was used with a standardised checklist. We analysed data using SPSS, to assess the prevalence and association of ED with selected variables.
    Results: Of the 200 participants screened, 35.5% perceived that they had ED. However, prevalence increased to 69% after screening using an IIEF-5 questionnaire. Forty-eight per cent were reported to have moderate-to severe ED. ED was significantly associated with age (p-value = 0.0001). No significant associations were found between ED and the duration of the hypertension (p-value = 0.505), hypertension control (p-value > 0.05), smoking status (p-value = 0.858) or number of antihypertensive medication taken (p-value > 0.05). Among perceived and proven ED patients, traditional medicines were mainly used for treatment (18.3% and 17.2% respectively).
    Conclusion: ED is a problem among hypertensive patients. It was associated with age but not with hypertension duration, control, number of antihypertensive drugs or smoking. Physicians should enquire about ED symptoms in hypertensive patients, as most of them resorted to self-treatment with traditional medicines. © SAAFP.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  12. Arshad A, Rashid R, Das Gupta E
    Int J Rheum Dis, 2008;11(3):246-250.
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-185X.2008.00367.x
    Objective: Primary care management of knee osteoarthritis (OA) has received little attention in the scientific literature and the main reason for this survey is to study and explore the variations and patterns of primary care management and assess both conventional and complementary therapy usage in knee OA in the primary care setting.
    Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 200 randomly selected general practitioners (GPs) in the peninsular states of Malaysia was undertaken using a questionnaire. The GPs involved were asked about basic knowledge of OA in terms of diagnosis, investigation, and treatment. They were also asked about their usage of conventional and complementary medication.
    Results: One hundred and eighty (90%) GPs responded to the questionnaires sent: 77% were in solo practice and 33% in group practice. Most of the GPs surveyed (60%) had been in practice for more than 10 years, 30% for 5-10 years and 10% were in practice for less than 5 years. Of GPs surveyed, 55% saw an average of more than 20 patients per week, 35% about 10-20 patients and 10% less than 10 patients per week. Of GPs surveyed, 65% would arrange an X-ray, 55% would arrange a blood test, mostly serum uric acid, rheumatoid factor and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Pharmacological management consists of first-line treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (61%), analgesics (35%) or a combination of the two (4%). Non-pharmacological management consisted of advice on exercise (27%), weight reduction (33%) and referral to physiotherapy (10%). Of GPs surveyed, 85% prescribed some form of complementary medications, 60% prescribed glucosamine sulphate, 21% chondroitin sulphate, 11% cod liver oil and 9% evening primrose oil. Only 10% of GPs surveyed perform intra-articular injections.
    Conclusion: The data suggest that in the primary care setting, the majority of GPs over-investigate the diagnosis of OA. Pharmacological interventions largely concentrate on analgesics and NSAIDs. The use of physiotheraphy and non-drug approaches were significantly under-utilized. There is a need to further educate GPs in the management of OA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  13. Hazlina Y, Marlindawati MA, Shamsuddin K
    BMC Infect Dis, 2016 Dec 08;16(1):740.
    PMID: 27931192
    BACKGROUND: Malaysia still faces challenges optimizing resources to effectively eliminate measles through high immunization and herd immunity, with sporadic outbreaks of measles as evidence. The objective of this study is to determine the age-specific positive measles antibodies seroprevalence used for assessing the establishment of herd immunity against measles in different age groups. This is useful for identifying vulnerable age groups requiring supplementary immunization.

    METHODS: A seroprevalence study was conducted among respondents aged 6-9 years, 15-24 years and 45-54 years attending government health clinics in Seremban between September 2014 and January 2015. A total of 1541 measles IgG antibody status were determined using ELISA technique (NovaTec Immundiagnostica GMBH) and assessment of establishment of herd immunity was based on indicators developed by Plans. Data on socio-demographic background as well as medical and medication history were also gathered.

    RESULTS: Seropositive rate for all respondents were 87% (95% CI 85-89), while the rest had either indeterminate [6% (95% CI 5-7)] or negative titre [7% (95% CI 6-8)]. None of the factors analyzed except for age were significant predictors of positive measles antibodies. Seropositive rate differed by age with the highest rate seen in adults (94%; CI 92-96), followed by children (90%; 95% CI 87-94) and adolescents, and young adults (74%; 95% CI 70-78). Based on Plans' indicators, herd immunity was established in adults and children, but not in adolescents and young adults.

    CONCLUSIONS: To tackle the most susceptible group in the present study, it is advisable to give booster vaccination to secondary school students and freshmen who enter colleges and universities in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  14. Murai T, Inazumi Y, Nishiwaki M, Noda Y, Hino H
    Kansenshogaku Zasshi, 1991 Aug;65(8):960-9.
    PMID: 1919131
    A total of 44 patients suspected of streptococcal infections were studied in outpatient clinics in Tokyo during the one year from December 1988 to December 1989. Employing bacteriological culturing and serodiagnosis, the following results were obtained. 1) There were 9 cases of impetigo and 15 cases of erysipelas with typical clinical manifestations and age distributions. 2) It seemed that some of the skin infections were caused by group A streptococci whose M-types were different from those of upper respiratory infections typically occurring in Japan. 3) The type distribution of group A streptococci found were quite similar to those isolated in Thailand or Malaysia. 4) There were found group A streptococci exhibiting unique combinations of T- and M-types, such as T11 and M9, T11 and M62 or T13-49 and MOD8 (Provisional type). 5) As for serodiagnostic method, ADNB (anti-deoxyribonuclease B) titer reflected infection by group A streptococcus only, while ASK (anti-streptokinase) and ASO (anti-streptolysin O) reflected not only group A streptococcal infections but group G infections as well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  15. Hussain NHN, Hamid HA, Kadir AA, Musa KI, Ismail SB
    Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a condition that includes the presence of a cluster of risk factors specific for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The criteria used to aid the diagnosis of MetS includes abdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, low high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, hypertension or use of antihypertensive medication, elevated fasting blood glucose and other risk factors. Objective: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) among postmenopausal women and its associated factors in a tertiary center in Malaysia Methods: This is a cross-sectional study done among 411 postmenopausal women attending Gynaecology clinic and Family Medicine clinic in a tertiary center in Malaysia. Socio demographic data, reproductive profile, menopausal profile and medical history were obtained. Then waist circumference (WC), weight, height and blood pressure (BP) were also recorded. A fasting blood sample was obtained for serum glucose and lipid profile determinations. Metabolic syndrome was defined according to the criteria of International Diabetes Federation. Results: The mean age of participants was 57.2 + 6.9 years. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 36.7%. The risk of MetS increased with the presence of obstetrics history of hypertension (HPT) (odds ratio (OR) 2.64, 95% (CI) 1.25-5.62), previous usage of contraception (odds ratio (OR) 1.56, 95% (CI) 1.02-2.42), family history of HPT (odds ratio (OR) 1.71, 95% (CI) 1.13-2.59) and obesity (odds ratio (OR) 2.59, 95% (CI) 1.08-6.23). Conclusion: There was a high prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women seeking gynaecologic and primary health care in the tertiary center Malaysia. The associated factors of MetS include previous obstetrics history of HPT, family history of HPT and obesity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  16. Ng YL, Teoh SH, Mohd Radzniwan AR, Syahnaz MH
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2019 Feb;14(1):88-94.
    PMID: 31435395 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2018.12.002
    Objectives: Undiagnosed glycaemic disorders remain a major health concern as in such cases the opportunity for early interventions that can potentially prevent complications is missed. Erectile dysfunction (ED) has been suggested as a predictor for glycaemic disorders in men. However, data on men with ED having undiagnosed glycaemic disorders is limited, especially in the Malaysian context. This study aimed to identify prevalence and associated factors of undiagnosed glycaemic disorders in men with ED.
    Methods: We applied a cross-sectional purposive sampling technique on a group of 114 men with ED without underlying glycaemic disorders. They underwent a 2-h oral glucose tolerance test and the cases were then classified into two groups: normal and undiagnosed glycaemic disorders groups. The glycaemic disorders group consisted of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and impaired fasting glucose (IFG). The patients were interviewed, and their medical records were reviewed for their sociodemographic and clinical profiles.
    Results: Prevalence of undiagnosed glycaemic disorders in men with ED was 41.2%. Higher age (adjusted OR = 1.10, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.17, p = 0.002) and BMI (adjusted OR = 1.16, 95% CI: 1.05, 1.29, p = 0.003) were found to be significantly associated with undiagnosed glycaemic disorders.
    Conclusion: This study found that men with ED had a high prevalence of undiagnosed glycaemic disorders. ED was associated with advancing age and higher BMI. Further research to validate the findings of this study is needed to increase the prevalence of DM screening among men with ED.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  17. Rafan SN, Zakaria R, Ismail SB, Muhamad R
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Oct;13(5):459-464.
    PMID: 31435362 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2018.06.005
    Objectives: Prehypertension refers to a systolic blood pressure of 120-139 mmHg systolic or a diastolic blood pressure of 80-89 mmHg. Estimation of the prevalence of prehypertension in the population and identification of cardiovascular associated factors are important to reduce progression to hypertension. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of prehypertension and its associated factors among Malaysian adults.

    Methods: In 2015, a cross-sectional study was conducted among adults visiting an outpatient clinic in Northeast Malaysia. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using Malay and English versions of the Malaysia Non-Communicable Disease surveillance questionnaire. This instrument captured information about sociodemographic, lifestyle status, and anthropometric data. Blood pressure was measured three times with a sphygmomanometer, the first measurement value was discarded, and an average of blood pressure from the second two readings was recorded for further data analysis. Logistic regression was performed to analyse factors associated with prehypertension.

    Result: A total 151 adults participated in the study, and the prevalence of prehypertension was 37.1% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 29.29, 44.69). Factors associated with prehypertension in this study were age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.06 95% CI: 1.02, 1.11; p = 0.007), male sex (aOR = 4.44 95% CI: 1.58, 12.44; p = 0.005), and abnormal waist circumference (aOR = 31.65 95% CI: 11.25, 89.02; p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  18. Ahmad Zamree MR, Shaiful Bahari I, Faridah MZ, Norhayati MN
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Apr;13(2):173-179.
    PMID: 31435320 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2017.10.001
    Objectives: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of premature ejaculation and its associated factors among men attending a primary healthcare clinic in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 18- to 60-year-old sexually active men during at least the past 6 months. Patients with unstable psychiatric illnesses, mental retardation, and illiteracy were excluded. A questionnaire on sociodemographic factors, Malay version Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool, and Malay version International Index Erectile Function-5 were distributed. Premature ejaculation was defined as a Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool score of 9 and above. Descriptive analysis and simple and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed using SPSS version 22.

    Results: A total of 294 of 313 eligible men responded, with a response rate of 93.9%. The prevalence of premature ejaculation was 21.4% (n = 63). The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that mild [adj. OR (95% CI): 5.6 (1.89, 16.91); P = 0.002], mild-moderate [adj. OR (95% CI): 8.2 (2.72, 24.46); P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  19. Kang PS, Mohazmi M, Ng YM, Liew SM
    Malays Fam Physician, 2019;14(1):18-25.
    PMID: 31289627
    Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) affects 10-15% of women worldwide, and screening is recommended by clinical guidelines. In Malaysia, nurses in maternal and child health (MCH) clinics provide postpartum care.

    Aim: To determine nurses' level of knowledge, beliefs and practices regarding PPD and factors associated with screening practices.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study using universal sampling was conducted on nurses from seven government MCH clinics in Malaysia. Data was collected from March until April 2016 through a self-reported questionnaire. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify factors associated with having ever performed PPD screening.

    Results: Of the 108 nurses, 55.6% scored above the median total knowledge score (17 out of 24 points). Despite a high proportion of nurses believing that they were responsible for PPD screening (72.2%), counselling depressed mothers (72.2%) and referring mothers for further treatment (87.0%), only 64.8% and 51.9% were confident in recognizing PPD and counselling depressed mothers, respectively. Only 25.9% had ever practiced PPD screening, which was associated with beliefs concerning screening taking too much time (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=0.13, 95% confidence interval [CI]= 0.02-0.74, P=0.022) and that screening is their responsibility (AOR=14.12, 95%CI=1.65-120.75, P=0.016).

    Conclusion: More than half of the nurses scored above the median total knowledge score and had positive beliefs towards PPD screening. However, PPD screening practices were poor, and this outcome was associated with their beliefs regarding time and responsibility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  20. Chai CS, Mos SB, Ng DL, Goh GM, Su AT, Ibrahim MAB, et al.
    BMC Pulm Med, 2020 Sep 29;20(1):254.
    PMID: 32993591 DOI: 10.1186/s12890-020-01295-4
    BACKGROUND: The Spanish chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) guideline phenotypes patients according to the exacerbation frequency and COPD subtypes. In this study, we compared the patients' health-related quality of life (HRQoL) according to their COPD phenotypes.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of COPD patients who attended the outpatient clinic of the Serian Divisional Hospital and Bau District Hospital from 23th January 2018 to 22th January 2019. The HRQoL was assessed using modified Medical Research Council (mMRC), COPD Assessment Test (CAT), and St George's Respiratory Questionnaire for COPD (SGRQ-c).

    RESULTS: Of 185 patients, 108 (58.4%) were non-exacerbators (NON-AE), 51 (27.6%) were frequent exacerbators (AE), and the remaining 26 (14.1%) had asthma-COPD overlap (ACO). Of AE patients, 42 (82.4%) had chronic bronchitis and only 9 (17.6%) had emphysema. Of the 185 COPD patients, 65.9% had exposure to biomass fuel and 69.1% were ex- or current smokers. The scores of mMRC, CAT, and SGRQ-c were significantly different between COPD phenotypes (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
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