Displaying publications 461 - 480 of 6762 in total

  1. Nasir, Len, Amalia, Madihie, Salmah, Mohamad Yusoff
    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the validity and reliability of Cognitive Therapy Group Intervention (CTGI) which focuses on the elements of resilience among adolescents with behavioural problems. It is developed based on Cognitive Theory (comment: it’d be more sufficient if you can mention whose theory) and Sidek Module Development Model and consists of eight interventions. Cognitive Therapy Intervention (CTI) manuscripts and a five-item questionnaires were distributed to five content experts to determine the intervention’s validity. The findings reported the validity index of 0.87. The target group were thirty-two adolescents chosen to measure the reliability of each intervention by evaluating the objectives in each intervention session. As a result, a reliability index of 0.85 was obtained. From these two indexes, it is proven that the Cognitive Therapy Group Intervention (CTGI) possesses high validity and good reliability and is ready to be put to use. This implies that, counselling interventions in schools are required in working with adolescents with at risk behaviours.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  2. Sheriff SO, Medapati RH, Ankisetti SA, Gurrala VR, Haritha K, Pulijala S, et al.
    J Forensic Odontostomatol, 2020 Sep 30;2(38):22-39.
    PMID: 33174535
    The goal of long term research on age assessment is to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of existing reliable methods of age estimation. In cases of age estimation when all teeth are present, maximum accuracy can be obtained using a 7 tooth model. Demirjian's system and Willems models require all seven mandibular teeth in the lower left quadrant for age assessment. Unfortunately, these methods cannot be applied in children with hypodontia. In 2019, Bedek et al., from Croatia, developed new models of age estimation based on a combination of one to seven mandibular teeth. In the present study, we tested the accuracy of the newly developed models for age estimation in South Indian children. Tested in parallel with Willems models, the accuracy of the new models was tested in terms of mean difference, mean absolute error (MAE) and percentage of correct estimations within intervals of +0.5 and +1 years. In terms of mean difference between chronological age (CA) and estimated dental age (DA), all models along with Willems models have underestimated the CA except Bedek et al's 6 tooth model where overestimation of CA was seen in boys. For MAE and percentage of correct estimations, the new models performed better than Willems models. With regards to our results, it can be concluded that the new models for dental age calculation are accurate and suitable. Therefore, we may encourage their use for age estimation in South Indian children, particularly in individuals with hypodontia or when multiple teeth are missing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  3. Tan OL, Safii SH, Razali M
    Pharmaceutics, 2020 Nov 12;12(11).
    PMID: 33198248 DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12111086
    This review aimed to rank the clinical efficacy of commercially available single-application local drug delivery and adjunctive agents (LDAs) compared with subgingival mechanical debridement (SMD) in nonsurgical periodontal therapy (NSPT). Randomized controlled clinical trials that compared LDAs against SMD alone or with placebo in adults (aged at least 18 years) diagnosed with periodontitis with a minimum of 6 months follow-up were included. A frequentist approach to random-effects network meta-analysis was implemented. The efficacies of the LDAs measured by probing pocket depth (PPD) reduction and clinical attachment level (CAL) gain were reported as mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The treatments were ranked according to their P-score. Four network meta-analyses suggested that sulfonic/sulfuric acid gel (PPD MD -1.13 mm, 95% CI -1.74 to -0.53, P-score 0.91; CAL MD -1.09 mm, 95% CI -1.58 to -0.61, P-score 0.95) and doxycycline hyclate gel (PPD MD -0.90 mm, 95% CI -1.50 to -0.30, P-score 0.93; CAL MD -0.84 mm, 95% CI -1.40 to -0.28, P-score 0.92) were the most effective in reducing PPD and gaining CAL in split-mouth and parallel studies, respectively (moderate certainty of evidence). LDAs have differing efficacies, but they present with possible clinical significance over SMD alone in NSPT.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  4. Azizah MR, Ainol SS, Kong NCT, Normaznah Y, Rahim MN
    Objective: SLE is an autoimmune disease which affects multiple organ system. Clinical and immunological expression of the disease have been widely studied and variations occur in different ethnic groups. Here in this study, we have analyzed the clinical manifestations and immunological features of Malaysian patients with Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and compared them with SLE population from some of the Asian countries. Study design: A total of 134 Malaysian patients attending the SLE Clinic of The National University Hospital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur and who satisfy the revised ACR (American College of Rheumatology) criteria for the classification of SLE were enrolled into the study. Data on the demography, clinical and immunological features were obtained from medical records. Materials and Methods: The female to male ratio in the study cohort was 10:1 and consisted of the Malay, Chinese and Indian races. Past clinical and immunological features were entered into a prepared questionnaire. At study entry patients were seen by a rheumatologist for assessment of present clinical condition and blood obtained for immunological tests (Antinuclear, antids DNA, antiSm, antiU1RNP, antiSSA(Ro), antiSSB(La), anticardiolipin (IgG and IgM) antibodies and complements C3 and C4). Chi-square, Fisher's exact test and Mann Whitney U Test were used to analyze data. Results: Clinical features expressed at disease presentation in order of frequency was mucocutaneous (72%), followed by musculoskeletal (58%) and renal involvement (45%) which was also similar during the course of the disease (90%, 72% and 64% respectively). A high prevalence of antiSSB (La) antibodies was found (48%). Conclusion: This study provides the literature on the clinical and immunological features of Malaysian SLE patients and further shows the different spectrum of disease profile when compared to other ethnic groups. The roles of racial and genetic factors are suggested.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  5. Sultana S, Hossain Z
    Dental Press J Orthod, 2019 Aug 01;24(3):44.e1-44.e9.
    PMID: 31390447 DOI: 10.1590/2177-6709.24.3.44.e1-9.onl
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to assess the prevalence of normative and perceived orthodontic treatment need in schoolchildren and adolescents, related risk factors, and children/parent's aesthetic perception, compared to orthodontist's opinion, in Dhaka city, Bangladesh.

    METHODS: A random sample of 800 schoolchildren aging 11-15 years was selected from different schools in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Dental Health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic Component (AC) of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) were assessed as normative treatment need. The Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth (DMFT) index was used to record caries experience. Children were interviewed on the perception of orthodontic treatment need. Parents also completed a questionnaire on the perception of their child's orthodontic treatment need, assessed by AC/ IOTN.

    RESULTS: According to the DHC/IOTN, only 24.7% were in the category of definite need (grade 4-5) for orthodontic treatment. A significant difference was found between the clinician/children and clinician/parents perceived AC score of IOTN (p= 0.0001). Multiple logistic regression showed children with a higher DMFT were significantly more likely to need orthodontic treatment, according to the DHC of IOTN.

    CONCLUSION: A low proportion of schoolchildren needs normative orthodontic treatment in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Children with a higher DMFT score were significantly more likely to need orthodontic treatment, according to the DHC of IOTN.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  6. Seed Hon Fei, Thong Kai Shin
    Dextromethorphan, an over the counter cough suppressant is gaining
    popularity among teenagers and young adults because of its easy availability,
    relatively low price and most importantly the feeling good effects that it
    brought when used in megadoses. We are reporting three cases of
    dextromethorphan abuse and its clinical presentations. We discussed about
    the factors that contribute to the current situation of uncontrolled usage of
    dextromethorphan in our population especially in Sarawak. We also looked
    into some of the steps that we can take in order to prevent the situation from
    becoming worse.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  7. Leung AKC, Lam JM, Leong KF
    World J Pediatr, 2019 Dec;15(6):536-545.
    PMID: 31456157 DOI: 10.1007/s12519-019-00304-9
    BACKGROUND: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a group of diseases characterized by the proliferation and accumulation of Langerhans cells. Clinical presentations of LCH vary widely.

    DATA SOURCES: A PubMed search was conducted using Clinical Queries with the key term "Langerhans cell histiocytosis". The search strategy included meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, observational studies, and reviews. This paper is based on, but not limited to, the search results.

    RESULTS: Generally, patients with LCH can be divided into two groups based on the extent of involvement at diagnosis, namely, single-system LCH and multisystem LCH. The involvement may be unifocal or multifocal. Patients with isolated bone lesions typically present between 5 and 15 years of age, whereas those with multisystem LCH tend to present before 5 years of age. The clinical spectrum is broad, ranging from an asymptomatic isolated skin or bone lesion to a life-threatening multisystem condition. Clinical manifestations include, among others, "punched out" lytic bone lesion, seborrheic dermatitis-like eruption, erythematous/reddish-brown crusted/scaly papules/maculopapules/plaques/patches, and eczematous lesions, diabetes insipidus, hepatosplenomegaly, cytopenias, lymphadenopathy, and an acute fulminant disseminated multisystem condition presenting with fever, skin rash, anemia, thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly. The diagnosis is clinicopathologic, based on typical clinical findings and histologic/immunohistochemical examination of a biopsy of lesional tissue. Positive CD1a, S100, and/or CD207 (Langerin) immunohistochemical staining of lesional cells is required for a definitive diagnosis. Watchful waiting is recommended for patients with skin-only LCH. Patients with symptomatic or refractory skin-only LCH may be treated with topical tacrolimus/corticosteroids, topical nitrogen mustard, oral methotrexate, or oral hydroxyurea. The current recommended first-line therapy for patients with multisystem LCH is 12 months therapy with prednisone and vinblastine. Mercaptopurine is added for patients with risk organ involvements.

    CONCLUSIONS: Because of the broad spectrum of clinical manifestations and the extreme diversity of disease, LCH remains a diagnostic dilemma. Morphological identification of LCH cells and positive immunochemical staining with CD1a, S100, and/or CD207 (Langerin) of lesional cells are necessary for a definitive diagnosis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  8. Norjali Wazir MRW, Van Hiel M, Mostaert M, Deconinck FJA, Pion J, Lenoir M
    PLoS One, 2019;14(5):e0217358.
    PMID: 31150424 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217358
    Along with the increasing popularity of taekwondo, there is a need of evidence-based talent identification (TID) and development programs based upon profiles of future elite athletes. This study first aims to investigate the differences between elite and non-elite taekwondo athletes in anthropometry, physical performance and motor coordination. The second aim is to demonstrate the applicability of z-scores in TID research. A total of 98 Taekwondo athletes between 12 and 17 years old were tested using a generic test battery consisting of four anthropometrical (Height, Weight, Fat Percentage, BMI), six physical performance (Sit & Reach, Sprint 5m, Sprint 30m, Counter Movement Jump, Squat Jump, Endurance Shuttle Run) and three motor coordination tests (Moving Sideways, Jumping Sideways, Walking Backwards). Based on the individual success at international competition level, 18 were categorised as elite athletes and 80 were considered as non-elite. T-tests (step 1) on raw test scores and MANOVAs on z-scores (step 2) were conducted to examine differences between the elite and non-elite taekwondo athletes for anthropometry, physical performance and motor coordination tests. Finally, z-scores were reconverted to raw scores to demonstrate practical significance for coaches. Overall, elite taekwondo athletes score better compared to the non-elite group. The MANOVA analysis better scores for elites on fat percentage (-0.55 versus 0.12;p = 0.006), BMI (-0.37 versus 0,08;p = 0.067) sprint speed 30m (-0.48 versus 0.11;p = 0.029), counter movement jump (0.79 versus -0.18;p = 0.000), squat jump (0.42 versus -0.11;p = 0.041), moving sideways (0.79 versus -0.18;p = 0.000) and walking backwards (0.54 versus -0.12;p = 0.006). This study confirms our knowledge on physical profiles of elite taekwondo athletes and expands our knowledge to the domain of motor coordination. This study showed how the z-score method can be used to distinguish between elite and non-elite athletes, the former being low in number by definition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  9. Toh TS, Foo SY, Loh W, Chong KW, En Goh A, Hee HI, et al.
    Anaesth Intensive Care, 2021 Jan;49(1):44-51.
    PMID: 33472385 DOI: 10.1177/0310057X20964470
    Making a diagnosis of perioperative anaphylaxis and identifying culprit drugs are diagnostic challenges. The aim of this study is to describe the perioperative presentation of anaphylaxis and results of patients who underwent allergy evaluation. This is a retrospective review of perioperative anaphylaxis of severity Grade 2 and above based on the Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group criteria from 2015 to 2019 in a tertiary paediatric hospital. Data collected were demographics, clinical features, investigations and management. Of the 35,361 cases of paediatric anaesthesia, there were 15 cases of perioperative anaphylaxis, giving an incidence of four in 10,000. The median age was seven years (interquartile range four-15 years) with a male predominance of 86.7% (13/15). The severity of anaphylaxis was Grade 2 in 33.3% (5/15) and Grade 3 in 66.7% (10/15). The commonest presenting feature was hypotension (13/15, 86.7%) while the earliest symptom was respiratory change (9/15, 60.0%). Dynamic tryptase was raised in 75% (6/8) of the patients with adequate tryptase samples. Eight patients (53.3%) completed allergy testing, of whom five patients (62.5%) had IgE-mediated anaphylaxis with skin test positive to cefazolin (n = 3), atracurium (n = 1) and rocuronium (n = 1). Three patients (25.0%) had non-IgE-mediated reactions with negative skin tests. Although only half the patients completed allergy evaluation, a culprit drug could be identified in 62.5%, with antibiotics being the commonest. This emphasises the need for appropriate evaluation in cases of suspected perioperative anaphylaxis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  10. Safa’a Ahmad Al Masri, Siti Musliha Mat Rasid
    In the current study, a total of 86 soccer’s players with mean age of 14 years drawn from Terengganu soccer academy were tested in performing 10 parameters aiming at determining the performance of those players based on assessing the contribution of each activity and its corresponding significant level. The 10 performance related parameters involved anthropometry (BMI), fitness test (agility, coordination, muscular endurance (push and sit up), power, YoYo level), and football skill test (dribbling with ball, dribbling without ball and juggling). All the parameters testing is carried out based on international standard and performed by well-trained staff. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to achieve the objective in this study. Result shows a positive correlation between the two types of muscular parameters; the power is influenced by BMI and coordination; the specific football tests are highly impacted by the power and agility. The coefficient of determination R^2 and the significance level p-values show that the parameters that can be significantly considered are the anthropometric BMI (0.020), agility (0.025), muscular endurance (0.039 and 0.043), power (0.039), special football test without the ball (0.041), and juggling (0.046). The coordination, YoYo, football special test with the ball were not found to be significantly accounted for preparing the young players to achieve the required performance. Based on the results of the coefficient of determination and the significance p-values of the parameters, a model was proposed to determine the highest and lowest parameters that play important roles in the selection of young players.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  11. Yap CC, Mohamad Som RB, Sum XY, Tan SA, Yee KW
    Psychol Rep, 2021 Mar 31.
    PMID: 33789536 DOI: 10.1177/00332941211005124
    Adolescence is the developmental process of becoming an adult. This journey of physical and psychological maturation is filled with challenges and hormonal chaos, and teenagers experience unhappiness at times. From a psychological perspective, this study aimed to examine the association between motivation, self-esteem and happiness; and to explore the mediating role of motivation in the association between self-esteem and happiness among adolescents in Malaysia. 480 secondary school students were recruited using a multistage cluster sampling method and answered the Malay versions of the Subjective Happiness, Brief Motivation and Rosenberg Self-esteem scales. Both self-esteem and motivation were found positively correlated to happiness. The hypothetical mediating role of motivation on the association between self-esteem and happiness was also supported, indicating that individuals with higher self-esteem have higher motivation which may result in greater happiness. Since the direct association between self-esteem and happiness remained significant, a partial mediation of adolescents' motivation between self-esteem and happiness is indicated. The results showed that perceived self-esteem plays a role in predicting happiness and the presence of motivation enhances happiness, providing an insight to nurture happier adolescents for parents and educators in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  12. Ismaliza Ismail, Wan Salwina Wan Ismai, Norazirah Md. Nor, Lee Voon Yee, Ani Amelia Zainuddin
    Trichotillomania (TTM) or hair pulling disorder is characterized by repetitive pulling of hair on
    the body whereas Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a metabolic-endocrine disorder,
    manifested by irregular menstrual cycle and clinical hyperandrogenism. Both disorders
    commonly occur in young females. TTM and PCOS may be related and share the same
    pathophysiology. We reported a case of a teenager with TTM and PCOS, which were triggered
    by stress. Neurobiological mechanism may explain the co-occurrences between TTM and
    PCOS. Further research in the neurobiology of TTM and PCOS may better explain the cooccurrences between the two disorders.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  13. Yi Wen L, Singh S, Mohamad NFB, Toh YF, Khalil AAK
    Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg, 2020 5 20;37(1):e23-e25.
    PMID: 32427737 DOI: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000001713
    Simple bone cyst is a benign osteolytic lesion, found primarily in the mandible, occasionally in the maxilla, and rarely in the zygoma. A 17-year-old male patient with 6-month history of left facial mass presented with worsening proptosis and displacement of left eyeball associated with reduced OS vision. The lesion was painless to start with, but with time, he reported OS pain. There was no history of any trauma. CT scan and MRI of orbit performed revealed cystic bony lesion involving greater wing of sphenoid. He subsequently had excision of the left facial mass with exenteration of OS due to poor visual prognosis, followed by reconstruction with osteomyocutaneous flap from left scapular region. The histopathologic features were consistent with a diagnosis of simple bone cyst of zygomatic arch.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  14. Maruzairi Husain, Ng, Vi Vien
    Introduction: School refusal is a common cause of chronically poor school attendance. The basis of school refusal behaviour can be grouped into the symptomatic and functional models, the operant conditioning model and the cognitive model. Objective: This paper is aimed to discuss the various systems and models which explain the school refusal behaviour. Method: An initial search of published literature in English Language was performed on the online databases including Google Scholar, Science Direct, EBSCOhost, and Proquest with the main keywords were School Refusal and Self–efficacy. Further sources were identified after consulting the original author for recommendations, and references within the literature retrieved in the initial search. Results: Out of 57 articles found, 41 were used in this review. Development and maintenance of school refusal involve heterogeneous risk factors and processes. The existing theoretical basis of school refusal behaviour can be grouped into symptomatic models, the operant conditioning model and the cognitive model. Conclusion: School refusal depicts a symptom, heralding the need for early intervention before development of a more pervasive mental health disorder. Where the problem had persisted for months to years, the child or adolescent would commonly present with coexisting anxiety or depressive disorders.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  15. Abdul Rahim KA, Jewaratnam J, Che Hassan CR, Hamid MD
    PMID: 33142732 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17218032
    Occupational noise-induced hearing loss (ONIHL) is the most reported occupational disease in Malaysia. ONIHL is aggravated by the presence of early hearing loss amongst the youth prior to entering a real working environment. At technical and vocational education training (TVET) institutions, students may develop early ONIHL because training workshops are designed imitating the industrial working environment to produce skilled workers. The exceeding noise level at workshops and recent risk of non-occupational noise can cause early ONIHL among these students. Therefore, ONIHL must be addressed at the early stage of producing skilled workers. Octa hearing conservation index (OHCI) system is developed as a management and monitoring tool for hearing conservation program (HCP) in TVET institutions. Six existing and two new HCP components were used to build the index system. A pilot test on the effectiveness of the OHCI system was conducted in a selected TVET institution for six months. The post-HCP shows a 52.6% improvement compared to the pre-HCP. The implementation of HCP has shown improved awareness on the hazards of loud noise exposure and active use of hearing protection devices among participants. The OHCI system has a great potential as a tool to improve HCP implementation in TVET institutions, and eventually, industry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  16. Pathmanathan K. Suppiah, Jeffrey Low Fook Lee, Abdul Muiz Nor Azmi, Hasnol Noordin, Rabiu Muazu Musa
    Athletes born at the beginning of the year may present advantages in terms of physical characteristics, motor ability or cognitive knowledge that could increase their chances for selection against their peers. This circumstance could lead to the over-representation of older athletes in an age-defined competition, a phenomenon commonly referred to as relative age effect (RAE). Although, a number of studies have demonstrated that RAE is apparent in youth soccer, such studies rarely investigate the performance advantage that likely exists across the birth month of the athletes. The current study aims to determine the presence of RAE in the under 16 Asian Football Confederation Championship (AFC); investigate the effect of RAE on the team qualification success; as well as ascertain the existence of RAE in choice of playing position amongst the soccer players. Data for the 2018 AFC under 16 qualifications matches were obtained from the AFC. A total of 719 players from 32 countries participated in the qualification competitions. Chi-square for goodness fit is used to determine the existence of the RAE across the players’ month of birth while logistic regression is applied to analyze the differences of the quartiles’ distribution with respect to the quartile, qualification status (qualifier or non-qualifier) as well as the playing position of the players. The results demonstrate the presence of RAE in the AFC under 16 soccer tournaments [χ2(4) = 21.53; p < 0.001] with the largest number of older players dominating the qualified team. Likewise, a substantial difference is observed with regards to the quartile and various playing positions of the players at p < 0.05.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  17. Woo YL
    Journal of virus eradication, 2019 Mar 04;5(Suppl 1):10-11.
    PMID: 30997147
    Malaysia's approach to reducing the burden of HPV-related disease has centred on adolescent vaccination and cervical screening with Pap smears. While the vaccination programme has been broadly successful, Pap smear screening has been less successful. In an effort to improve screening uptake, the ROSE 1.0 pilot aimed to create more efficient screening, with improved quality and lower total cost.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  18. Che Ghazali K, Mazian HA, Keat KC, Kai MWP, Md Hashim MN, Zakaria AD, et al.
    J Surg Case Rep, 2019 Feb;2019(2):rjy345.
    PMID: 30788087 DOI: 10.1093/jscr/rjy345
    Natural history of abdominal wall soft tissue sarcoma is still poorly understood due to its rarity. In unpublished data of our institution, only seven cases of abdominal wall soft sarcoma with ICD-10 coding of 49.4 were found for past 10 years. We illustrate a case of juvenile fibrosarcoma of anterior abdominal wall. This is a case of young girl with anterior abdominal wall tumour, underwent wide local excision with immediate reconstruction. There are few options of surgical treatment for this case, but which is the best. It is always a challenge in managing young patient with giant abdominal wall defect in view of long term effect namely weakened abdominal wall, pregnancy related issue and risk of herniation and surgical site recurrence as well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  19. Cameron JAP
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
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