AIM: The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes and practices of endodontists and paediatric dentists regarding RET.
DESIGN: A survey was conducted among endodontists and paediatric dentists from 13 countries. A number of factors were evaluated, including frequency of RET application, followed guidelines, disinfection techniques, intracanal medication type, scaffold type, preferred coronal seal material, and follow-up period.
RESULTS: Among the 1394 respondents, 853 (61.2%) and 541 (38.8%) were endodontists and paediatric dentists, respectively. Almost half (43%) of participants have not performed RET yet. The American Association of Endodontics guideline (47.3%) was selected as the primary source for the clinical protocol. The most frequently selected irrigant solution was 1.5%-3% NaOCl at the first (26.1%) and second (13.6%) sessions. A blood clot (68.7%) and MTA (61.9%) were the most frequently selected scaffold type and coronal barrier. Most participants preferred a 6-month follow-up period.
CONCLUSION: According to this survey, deviations exist from current RET guidelines regarding all aspects evaluated. Standardizing clinical protocols and adhering to available guidelines would help to ensure more predictable outcomes.
METHODS: While the selected platforms had experience in health policy and systems research and evidence syntheses, platforms were less confident conducting rapid evidence syntheses. A technical assistance centre (TAC) was created from the outset to develop and lead a capacity-strengthening program for rapid syntheses, tailored to the platforms based on their original proposals and needs as assessed in a baseline questionnaire. The program included training in rapid synthesis methods, as well as generating synthesis demand, engaging knowledge users and ensuring knowledge uptake. Modalities included live training webinars, in-country workshops and support through phone, email and an online platform. LMICs provided regular updates on policy-makers' requests and the rapid products provided, as well as barriers, facilitators and impacts. Post-initiative, platforms were surveyed.
RESULTS: Platforms provided rapid syntheses across a range of AHPSR themes, and successfully engaged national- and state-level policy-makers. Examples of substantial policy impact were observed, including for COVID-19. Although the post-initiative survey response rate was low, three quarters of those responding felt confident in their ability to conduct a rapid evidence synthesis. Lessons learned coalesced around three themes - the importance of context-specific expertise in conducting reviews, facilitating cross-platform learning, and planning for platform sustainability.
CONCLUSIONS: The ERA initiative successfully established rapid response platforms in four LMICs. The short timeframe limited the number of rapid products produced, but there were examples of substantial impact and growing demand. We emphasize that LMICs can and should be involved not only in identifying and articulating needs but as co-designers in their own capacity-strengthening programs. More time is required to assess whether these platforms will be sustained for the long-term.
METHODS: We recruited adults in 30 countries covering all World Health Organization (WHO) regions from July 2020 to August 2021. 5 Likert-point scales were used to measure their perceived change in 32 aspects due to COVID-19 (-2 = substantially reduced to 2 = substantially increased) and perceived importance of 13 preparations (1 = not important to 5 = extremely important). Samples were stratified by age and gender in the corresponding countries. Multidimensional preference analysis displays disparities between 30 countries, WHO regions, economic development levels, and COVID-19 severity levels.
RESULTS: 16 512 adults participated, with 10 351 females. Among 32 aspects of impact, the most affected were having a meal at home (mean (m) = 0.84, standard error (SE) = 0.01), cooking at home (m = 0.78, SE = 0.01), social activities (m = -0.68, SE = 0.01), duration of screen time (m = 0.67, SE = 0.01), and duration of sitting (m = 0.59, SE = 0.01). Alcohol (m = -0.36, SE = 0.01) and tobacco (m = -0.38, SE = 0.01) consumption declined moderately. Among 13 preparations, respondents rated medicine delivery (m = 3.50, SE = 0.01), getting prescribed medicine in a hospital visit / follow-up in a community pharmacy (m = 3.37, SE = 0.01), and online shopping (m = 3.33, SE = 0.02) as the most important. The multidimensional preference analysis showed the European Region, Region of the Americas, Western Pacific Region and countries with a high-income level or medium to high COVID-19 severity were more adversely impacted on sitting and screen time duration and social activities, whereas other regions and countries experienced more cooking and eating at home. Countries with a high-income level or medium to high COVID-19 severity reported higher perceived mental burden and emotional distress. Except for low- and lower-middle-income countries, medicine delivery was always prioritised.
CONCLUSIONS: Global increasing sitting and screen time and limiting social activities deserve as much attention as mental health. Besides, the pandemic has ushered in a notable enhancement in lifestyle of home cooking and eating, while simultaneously reducing the consumption of tobacco and alcohol. A health care system and technological infrastructure that facilitate medicine delivery, medicine prescription, and online shopping are priorities for coping with future pandemics.
METHODS: 142 new nurses were chosen for the investigation using a convenient cluster sampling method. The questionnaire included components on socio-demographic characteristics, the Competency Inventory for Registered Nurses (CIRN), and the PsyCap Questionnaire-24 (PCQ-24). The t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and hierarchical multiple regression were used for statistical analysis.
RESULT: The number of valid questionnaires was 138, and the effective return rate was 97.2%. The overall mean score for core competencies was 171.01 (SD 25.34), and the PsyCap score was 104.76(SD 13.71). The PsyCap of new nurses was highly correlated with core competency, with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.7, p < 0.01. Self-efficacy of PsyCap is a significant independent predictor of core competency (adjust R2 = 0.49).
CONCLUSION: Self-efficacy in PsyCap is an important predictor of new nurses' core competency. Nursing managers should pay sufficient attention to the cultivation and development of new nurses' PsyCap, with particular emphasis on enhancing self-efficacy to improve their core competency.
DESIGN: Using a complex sampling design, a two-stage stratified cluster sampling was performed to recruit MOH nurses between August and November 2019.
SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A total of 2428 nurses from 32 hospitals and 28 district health offices answered the questionnaires based on Maslach Burnout Inventory for Human Services and Brief COPE. Complex sampling analysis was applied.
OUTCOME MEASURES: The outcome of interest was the prevalence of burnout and its three domains of emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalisation (DP) and low personal accomplishment. ORs using 95% CIs were calculated. Significant factors at the univariate level were entered into the multivariate logistic regression to identify independent predictors of burnout.
RESULTS: One in four (24.4%) nurses experienced burnout. Younger, single, and childless nurses had a higher prevalence of burnout. Shift working nurses were 1.6 times more likely to develop burnout. Those who performed >6 night shifts per month were 1.5 times more predisposed to burnout (95% CI 1.01 to 2.36; p<0.05). While encountering traumatic events at work led to 4.2 times (95% CI 2.31, 7.63; p<0.05) higher risk of burnout, those who received post-traumatic psychological support were better protected. The use of dysfunctional coping strategies was detrimental as it was positively correlated with EE and DP.
CONCLUSION: Addressing modifiable stressors of burnout at individual and institutional levels identified in this study can be potentially beneficial in reducing burnout and its undesirable effects among nurses. Interventions that promote positive coping strategies should be implemented. Organisational-driven efforts must target the improvement of work schedules for nurses and the establishment of a structured debriefing service for post-trauma counselling.
METHODS: Thus, in this study, we used the Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT-192) and a short survey to address driving fatigue behavior and identify the influences of driving fatigue on driving performance in real life (on the road) with actual oil and gas tanker drivers. The total participants in the experimental study were 58 drivers.
RESULTS: For the analysis, a Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, Z value and Spearman's rho were used to measure the significant difference between the pre and post-tests of PVT and the correlation between the fatigue variables and driving performance.
DISCUSSION: During the experiment's first and second days, this study's results indicated that driving fatigue gradually escalated. Likewise, there was a negative correlation based on the test of the relationship between the PVT data and the driving performance survey data. Additionally, the drivers suffer from accumulative fatigue, which requires more effort from the transportation company management to promote the drivers awareness of fatigue consequences.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The research instruments used included The McMaster Family Assessment Device Adaptation, IEXPAC, and S.N.Q. 22, F.Q., P.S.Q., Social Support Questionnaire shortened version, The Family Focused Mental Health Practice Questionnaire and extraversion personality questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to caregivers with a population of 175 individuals. The sample size of this study was 133 individuals selected through proportional random sampling. The data were analysed using Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) with Amos software v.26.0.
RESULTS: The phase one research showed that intention and satisfaction are the leading indicators of family acceptance that can influence family roles. At the same time, family acceptance is influenced by personal character (p≤0.001), care experience (p≤0.001), social support (p≤0.001), social norms (p=0.004), symptom severity (p≤0.001), and stigma (p≤0.001). Additionally, family acceptance significantly impacted the family's caregiving role (CR=6.573, p≤0.001).
CONCLUSION: It was found that the family acceptance model to improve the family's role in the care of patients with severe mental disorders focuses on the acceptance that the family has to be able to carry out its role well in patients. To improve family acceptance, families still lack the personal character expected in caring for patients with severe mental disorders at home. It is necessary to increase commitment to care and positive values in life.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 400 women from registered non-government organisations (NGOs) in Malaysia who voluntarily answered questionnaires distributed through Google form via emails. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA test.
RESULTS: Four hundred respondents participated in this study. The mean age was 40.42 years old (SD=12.566). The mean score for the studied population was 4.96 (SEM 0.124). Only 58 (14.5%) respondents obtained a score of eight or more, and 235 (58.8%) respondents scored between 4 and 7. The rest of 107 (26.7%) respondents scored 3 and less. There were statistically significant differences in the mean score for level of awareness between marital statuses, menopausal status, number of children and occupation. There were only 273 (68%) respondents who will seek treatment if they experience symptoms of POP. The most frequent reasons for not seeking treatment were unawareness of the availability of medical treatment for POP (69 %).
CONCLUSION: Majority of the respondents have an inadequate level of awareness on POP. Although more than half of the respondents will seek treatment if they experience symptoms of POP, concerns raised by those who chose not to seek treatment should be addressed by a more effective public awareness programme. This includes the unawareness of the availability of medical treatment and the embarrassment to see medical practitioners.
OBJECTIVE: To reach international consensus among psoriasis experts on a uniform dosing regimen for treatment with methotrexate in adult and pediatric patients with psoriasis and identify potential future research topics.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Between September 2020 and March 2021, a survey study with a modified eDelphi procedure that was developed and distributed by the Amsterdam University Medical Center and completed by 180 participants worldwide (55 [30.6%] resided in non-Western countries) was conducted in 3 rounds. The proposals on which no consensus was reached were discussed in a conference meeting (June 2021). Participants voted on 21 proposals with a 9-point scale (1-3 disagree, 4-6 neither agree nor disagree, 7-9 agree) and were recruited through the Skin Inflammation and Psoriasis International Network and European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology in June 2020. Apart from being a dermatologist/dermatology resident, there were no specific criteria for participation in the survey. The participants worked mainly at a university hospital (97 [53.9%]) and were experienced in treating patients with psoriasis with methotrexate (163 [91.6%] had more than 10 years of experience).
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: In a survey with eDelphi procedure, we tried to reach consensus on 21 proposals. Consensus was defined as less than 15% voting disagree (1-3). For the consensus meeting, consensus was defined as less than 30% voting disagree.
RESULTS: Of 251 participants, 180 (71.7%) completed all 3 survey rounds, and 58 participants (23.1%) joined the conference meeting. Consensus was achieved on 11 proposals in round 1, 3 proposals in round 2, and 2 proposals in round 3. In the consensus meeting, consensus was achieved on 4 proposals. More research is needed, especially for the proposals on folic acid and the dosing of methotrexate for treating subpopulations such as children and vulnerable patients.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this eDelphi consensus study, consensus was reached on 20 of 21 proposals involving methotrexate dosing in patients with psoriasis. This consensus may potentially be used to harmonize the treatment with methotrexate in patients with psoriasis.
AIMS AND METHODS: Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS)s from Georgia, Iraq, Italy, Latvia, Montenegro, Paraguay, Peru, Qatar, Romania, and San Marino were analyzed. Changes in prevalence of "awareness of e-cigarettes," "ever use" (even tried a few puffs) and "current use" (during last 30 days) of e-cigarettes and cigarette smoking, and "dual use" (both e-cigarette and cigarette smoking) between baseline (2013 and 2014) and most recent (2017-2019) surveys were estimated.
RESULTS: "Awareness of e-cigarettes" and "ever e-cigarette use" significantly increased (p 50% in most countries. During the most recent surveys, "current e-cigarette" use was > 10% in five countries Italy (18.3%) and Latvia (18.5%) being the highest. Cigarette smoking significantly declined in Italy, Latvia, Peru, and San Marino (p
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of telerehabilitation (TR) on PA levels and quality of life (QoL) in young adult teleworkers.
METHODS: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on 82 teleworkers (54 females and 28 males). Levels of PA and QoL were assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF) and the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL-14) questionnaire. TR was provided to all participants for four weeks, three times a week, for 40 minutes per session. Levels of PA and QoL were evaluated at baseline and after four weeks of the intervention. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
RESULTS: After four weeks of TR, there has been a significant improvement in the scores of IPAQ and HRQOL-14 (p