Displaying publications 501 - 520 of 4601 in total

  1. Rinne P, Hassan M, Fernandes C, Han E, Hennessy E, Waldman A, et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2018 01 16;115(3):E536-E545.
    PMID: 29284747 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1715617115
    Attention control (or executive control) is a higher cognitive function involved in response selection and inhibition, through close interactions with the motor system. Here, we tested whether influences of attention control are also seen on lower level motor functions of dexterity and strength-by examining relationships between attention control and motor performance in healthy-aged and hemiparetic-stroke subjects (n = 93 and 167, respectively). Subjects undertook simple-tracking, precision-hold, and maximum force-generation tasks, with each hand. Performance across all tasks correlated strongly with attention control (measured as distractor resistance), independently of factors such as baseline performance, hand use, lesion size, mood, fatigue, or whether distraction was tested during motor or nonmotor cognitive tasks. Critically, asymmetric dissociations occurred in all tasks, in that severe motor impairment coexisted with normal (or impaired) attention control whereas normal motor performance was never associated with impaired attention control (below a task-dependent threshold). This implies that dexterity and force generation require intact attention control. Subsequently, we examined how motor and attention-control performance mapped to lesion location and cerebral functional connectivity. One component of motor performance (common to both arms), as well as attention control, correlated with the anatomical and functional integrity of a cingulo-opercular "salience" network. Independently of this, motor performance difference between arms correlated negatively with the integrity of the primary sensorimotor network and corticospinal tract. These results suggest that the salience network, and its attention-control function, are necessary for virtually all volitional motor acts while its damage contributes significantly to the cardinal motor deficits of stroke.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attention/physiology*; Memory/physiology; Motor Activity/physiology*; Psychomotor Performance/physiology*
  2. Osada N, Takeda H, Furukawa A, Awang M
    Tree Physiol, 2002 Jun;22(9):625-32.
    PMID: 12069918
    Allometry of shoot extension units (hereafter termed "current shoots") was analyzed in a Malaysian canopy species, Elateriospermum tapos Bl. (Euphorbiaceae). Changes in current shoot allometry with increasing tree height were related to growth and maintenance of tree crowns. Total biomass, biomass allocation ratio of non-photosynthetic to photosynthetic organs, and wood density of current shoots were unrelated to tree height. However, shoot structure changed with tree height. Compared with short trees, tall trees produced current shoots of the same mass but with thicker and shorter stems. Current shoots with thin and long stems enhanced height growth in short trees, whereas in tall trees, thick and short current shoots may reduce mechanical and hydraulic stresses. Furthermore, compared with short trees, tall trees produced current shoots with more leaves of lower dry mass, smaller area, and smaller specific leaf area (SLA). Short trees adapted to low light flux density by reducing mutual shading with large leaves having a large SLA. In contrast, tall trees reduced mutual shading within a shoot by producing more small leaves in distal than in proximal parts of the shoot stem. The production of a large number of small leaves promoted light penetration into the dense crowns of tall trees. All of these characteristics suggest that the change in current shoot structure with increasing tree height is adaptive in E. tapos, enabling short trees to maximize height growth and tall trees to maximize light capture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees/physiology*; Plant Leaves/physiology; Plant Shoots/physiology*; Euphorbiaceae/physiology*
  3. Townsend AJ, Retkute R, Chinnathambi K, Randall JWP, Foulkes J, Carmo-Silva E, et al.
    Plant Physiol, 2018 Feb;176(2):1233-1246.
    PMID: 29217593 DOI: 10.1104/pp.17.01213
    Photosynthetic acclimation (photoacclimation) is the process whereby leaves alter their morphology and/or biochemistry to optimize photosynthetic efficiency and productivity according to long-term changes in the light environment. The three-dimensional architecture of plant canopies imposes complex light dynamics, but the drivers for photoacclimation in such fluctuating environments are poorly understood. A technique for high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction was combined with ray tracing to simulate a daily time course of radiation profiles for architecturally contrasting field-grown wheat (Triticum aestivum) canopies. An empirical model of photoacclimation was adapted to predict the optimal distribution of photosynthesis according to the fluctuating light patterns throughout the canopies. While the photoacclimation model output showed good correlation with field-measured gas-exchange data at the top of the canopy, it predicted a lower optimal light-saturated rate of photosynthesis at the base. Leaf Rubisco and protein contents were consistent with the measured optimal light-saturated rate of photosynthesis. We conclude that, although the photosynthetic capacity of leaves is high enough to exploit brief periods of high light within the canopy (particularly toward the base), the frequency and duration of such sunflecks are too small to make acclimation a viable strategy in terms of carbon gain. This suboptimal acclimation renders a large portion of residual photosynthetic capacity unused and reduces photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency at the canopy level, with further implications for photosynthetic productivity. It is argued that (1) this represents an untapped source of photosynthetic potential and (2) canopy nitrogen could be lowered with no detriment to carbon gain or grain protein content.
    Matched MeSH terms: Acclimatization/physiology*; Photosynthesis/physiology*; Triticum/physiology*; Plant Leaves/physiology
  4. Hill JK, Gray MA, Khen CV, Benedick S, Tawatao N, Hamer KC
    Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 2011 Nov 27;366(1582):3265-76.
    PMID: 22006967 DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0050
    Large areas of tropical forest now exist as remnants scattered across agricultural landscapes, and so understanding the impacts of forest fragmentation is important for biodiversity conservation. We examined species richness and nestedness among tropical forest remnants in birds (meta-analysis of published studies) and insects (field data for fruit-feeding Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and ants). Species-area relationships were evident in all four taxa, and avian and insect assemblages in remnants typically were nested subsets of those in larger areas. Avian carnivores and nectarivores and predatory ants were more nested than other guilds, implying that the sequential loss of species was more predictable in these groups, and that fragmentation alters the trophic organization of communities. For butterflies, the ordering of fragments to achieve maximum nestedness was by fragment area, suggesting that differences among fragments were driven mainly by extinction. In contrast for moths, maximum nestedness was achieved by ordering species by wing length; species with longer wings (implying better dispersal) were more likely to occur at all sites, including low diversity sites, suggesting that differences among fragments were driven more strongly by colonization. Although all four taxa exhibited high levels of nestedness, patterns of species turnover were also idiosyncratic, and thus even species-poor sites contributed to landscape-scale biodiversity, particularly for insects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Birds/physiology*; Feeding Behavior/physiology; Insects/physiology*; Trees/physiology*
  5. Keng-Hong T, Nishida R
    J Chem Ecol, 2005 Mar;31(3):497-507.
    PMID: 15898497
    Bulbophyllum apertum flower (Orchidaceae) releases raspberry ketone (RK) in its fragrance, which attracts males of several fruit fly species belonging to the genus Bactrocera. Besides RK as a major component, the flower contains smaller amounts of 4-(4-hydroxylphenyl)-2-butanol, plus two minor volatile components, veratryl alcohol and vanillyl alcohol. Within the flower, the lip (labellum) had the highest concentration of RK with much smaller quantities present in petals; other flower parts had no detectable RK. Male fruit flies attracted to the flower belong to RK-sensitive species--such as Bactrocera albistragata, B. caudatus, B. cucurbitae (melon fly), and B. tau. Removal and attachment of the pollinarium to a fly's thoracic dorsum occurred when a male of B. albistragata was toppled into the floral column cavity, due to an imbalance caused by it shifting its body weight while feeding on the see-saw lip, and then freeing itself after being momentarily trapped between the lip and column. During this process, the stiff hamulus (the pollinia stalk protruding prominently towards the lip) acted as a crowbar when it was brushed downwards by the toppled fly and lifted the pollinia out of the anther. If the fly was big or long for the small triangular lip, it would not be toppled into the column cavity and would just walk across the column, during which time the pollinarium could be accidentally removed by the fly's leg, resulting in a failed transport of the pollinarium. This suggests an unstable situation, where the orchid relies only on a particular pollinator species in the complex ecosystem where many RK-sensitive species inhabit. Wild males of B. caudatus (most common visitors) captured on Bulbophyllum apertum flowers were found to sequester RK in their bodies as a potential pheromonal and allomonal ingredient. Thus, RK can act either as a floral synomone (pollinarium transported) or kairomone (accidental removal of pollinarium leading to total pollen wastage), depending on the body size of the male fruit flies visiting the flowers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pheromones/physiology; Orchidaceae/physiology*; Tephritidae/physiology*; Flowers/physiology
  6. Fraundorf SH, Watson DG, Benjamin AS
    Psychol Aging, 2012 Mar;27(1):88-98.
    PMID: 21639646 DOI: 10.1037/a0024138
    In two experiments, we investigated age-related changes in how prosodic pitch accents affect memory. Participants listened to recorded discourses that contained two contrasts between pairs of items (e.g., one story contrasted British scientists with French scientists and Malaysia with Indonesia). The end of each discourse referred to one item from each pair; these references received a pitch accent that either denoted contrast (L + H* in the ToBI system) or did not (H*). A contrastive accent on a particular pair improved later recognition memory equally for young and older adults. However, older adults showed decreased memory if the other pair received a contrastive accent (Experiment 1). Young adults with low working memory performance also showed this penalty (Experiment 2). These results suggest that pitch accents guide processing resources to important information for both older and younger adults but diminish memory for less important information in groups with reduced resources, including older adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aging/physiology*; Memory/physiology*; Pitch Perception/physiology; Speech Perception/physiology*
  7. Omar A, Husain MN, Jamil AT, Nor NSM, Ambak R, Fazliana M, et al.
    BMC Womens Health, 2018 07 19;18(Suppl 1):103.
    PMID: 30066645 DOI: 10.1186/s12905-018-0598-9
    BACKGROUND: Regular physical activity has always been strongly recommended for good cardiovascular health. This study aimed to determine the effect of physical activity on fasting blood glucose and lipid profile among low income housewives in Klang Valley.

    METHODS: Data of 328 eligible housewives who participated in the MyBFF@Home study was used. Intervention group of 169 subjects were provided with an intervention package which includes physical activity (brisk walking, dumbbell exercise, physical activity diary, group exercise) and 159 subjects in control group received various health seminars. Physical activity level was assessed using short-International Physical Activity Questionnaire. The physical activity level was then re-categorized into 4 categories (active intervention, inactive intervention, active control and inactive control). Physical activity, blood glucose and lipid profile were measured at baseline, 3rd month and 6th month of the study. General Linear Model was used to determine the effect of physical activity on glucose and lipid profile.

    RESULTS: At the 6th month, there were 99 subjects in the intervention and 79 control group who had complete data for physical activity. There was no difference on the effect of physical activity on the glucose level and lipid profile except for the Triglycerides level. Both intervention and control groups showed reduction of physical activity level over time.

    CONCLUSION: The effect of physical activity on blood glucose and lipid profile could not be demonstrated possibly due to physical activity in both intervention and control groups showed decreasing trend over time.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fasting/physiology*; Motor Activity/physiology*; Exercise/physiology*; Walking/physiology*
  8. Shabbir M, Zon AMY, Thuppil V
    Evol Psychol, 2018;16(1):1474704918754782.
    PMID: 29455569 DOI: 10.1177/1474704918754782
    Animals attend to what is relevant in order to behave in an effective manner and succeed in their environments. In several nonhuman species, there is an evolved bias for attending to patterns indicative of threats in the natural environment such as dangerous animals. Because skins of many dangerous animals are typically repetitive, we propose that repetition is the key feature enabling recognition of evolutionarily important threats. The current study consists of two experiments where we measured participants' reactions to pictures of male and female models wearing clothing of various repeating (leopard skin, snakeskin, and floral print) and nonrepeating (camouflage, shiny, and plain) patterns. In Experiment 1, when models wearing patterns were presented side by side with total fixation duration as the measure, the repeating floral pattern was the most provocative, with total fixation duration significantly longer than all other patterns. Leopard and snakeskin patterns had total fixation durations that were significantly longer than the plain pattern. In Experiment 2, we employed a visual-search task where participants were required to find models wearing the various patterns in a setting of a crowded airport terminal. Participants detected leopard skin pattern and repetitive floral pattern significantly faster than two of the nonpatterned clothing styles. Our experimental findings support the hypothesis that repetition of specific visual features might facilitate target detection, especially those characterizing evolutionary important threats. Our findings that intricate, but nonthreatening repeating patterns can have similar attention-grabbing properties to animal skin patterns have important implications for the fashion industry and wildlife trade.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attention/physiology; Pattern Recognition, Visual/physiology*; Reaction Time/physiology*; Attentional Bias/physiology*
  9. Kamimura Y, Mitsumoto H, Lee CY
    PLoS One, 2014;9(2):e89265.
    PMID: 24586643 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089265
    During mating, male bed bugs (Cimicidae) pierce the female abdomen to inject sperm using their needle-like genitalia. Females evolved specialized paragenital organs (the spermalege and associated structures) to receive traumatically injected ejaculates. In Leptocimex duplicatus, the spermalege is duplicated, but the evolutionary significance of this is unclear. In Cimex hemipterus and C. lectularius, in which females normally develop a single spermalege on the right side of the abdomen, similar duplication sometimes occurs. Using these aberrant morphs (D-females) of C. hemipterus, we tested the hypothesis that both of the duplicated spermaleges are functionally competent. Scars on female abdominal exoskeletons indicated frequent misdirected piercing by male genitalia. However, the piercing sites showed a highly biased distribution towards the right side of the female body. A mating experiment showed that when the normal insemination site (the right-side spermalege) was artificially covered, females remained unfertilized. This was true even when females also had a spermalege on the left side (D-females). This result was attributed to handedness in male mating behavior. Irrespective of the observed disuse of the left-side spermalege by males for insemination, histological examination failed to detect any differences between the right-side and left-side spermaleges. Moreover, an artificial insemination experiment confirmed that spermatozoa injected into the left-side spermalege show apparently normal migration behavior to the female reproductive organs, indicating an evolutionary potential for functionally-competent duplicated spermaleges. We discuss possible mechanisms for the evolutionary maintenance of D-females and propose a plausible route to the functionally-competent duplicated spermaleges observed in L. duplicatus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adaptation, Biological/physiology*; Bedbugs/physiology*; Copulation/physiology*; Genitalia, Female/physiology
  10. Zahari SN, Latif MJA, Rahim NRA, Kadir MRA, Kamarul T
    J Healthc Eng, 2017;2017:9618940.
    PMID: 29065672 DOI: 10.1155/2017/9618940
    The present study was conducted to examine the effects of body weight on intradiscal pressure (IDP) and annulus stress of intervertebral discs at lumbar spine. Three-dimensional finite element model of osseoligamentous lumbar spine was developed subjected to follower load of 500 N, 800 N, and 1200 N which represent the loads for individuals who are normal and overweight with the pure moments at 7.5 Nm in flexion and extension motions. It was observed that the maximum IDP was 1.26 MPa at L1-L2 vertebral segment. However, the highest increment of IDP was found at L4-L5 segment where the IDP was increased to 30% in flexion and it was more severe at extension motion reaching to 80%. Furthermore, the maximum annulus stress also occurred at the L1-L2 segment with 3.9 MPa in extension motion. However, the highest increment was also found at L4-L5 where the annulus stress increased to 17% in extension motion. Based on these results, the increase of physiological loading could be an important factor to the increment of intradiscal pressure and annulus fibrosis stress at all intervertebral discs at the lumbar spine which may lead to early intervertebral disc damage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology; Intervertebral Disc/physiology*; Lumbar Vertebrae/physiology*; Weight-Bearing/physiology*
  11. Ong S, Woo J, Parikh P, Chan R, Sun J, Mun CY, et al.
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2019;28(2):204-213.
    PMID: 31192548 DOI: 10.6133/apjcn.201906_28(2).0001
    The number of older persons in Asia is expected to triple by 2050. Ageing is associated with non-communicable chronic diseases, malnutrition, and geriatric syndromes, which influences the burden on the cost related to healthcare, health outcomes, and the quality of life. Experts in the field of older adult nutrition from Asia, Australia, and Europe were invited to participate in a two-day workshop to review the available data, current policies and programs for the ageing population in different countries of Asia to identify the gaps in knowledge and to develop recommendations for action. In Asia, most of the data pertaining to health status, nutritional status, and nutrient intake of the older persons were mainly obtained by conducting studies in nursing homes or hospitals and small cohort studies. There were limited country-specific data on this population. Moreover, the available data pertaining to different countries were difficult to compare due to differences in the reporting format and reference values used. Although nutrition initiatives and policies were realized and public education was conducted to support the older persons, most of these efforts targeted the general population rather than the older persons population segment. In healthcare management, a higher amount of education is required pertaining to the knowledge of nutritional requirements and appropriate feeding of the older persons to reduce underfeeding and its consequences. The expert group recommended the use of a systematic approach for reviewing data pertaining to different countries, initiatives, and programs to further evaluate the available data to underpin future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aging/physiology*; Energy Intake/physiology; Nutritional Requirements/physiology*; Nutritional Status/physiology*
  12. Justine M, Manaf H, Sulaiman A, Razi S, Alias HA
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:640321.
    PMID: 24977154 DOI: 10.1155/2014/640321
    This study compares energy expenditure (EE), gait parameters (GP), and level of fatigue (LOF) between 5-minute walking with sharp turning (ST) and corner turning (CT). Data were obtained from 29 community-dwelling elderly (mean age, 62.7 ± 3.54 years). For 5 minutes, in ST task, participants walked on a 3-meter pathway with 2 cones placed at each end (180° turning), while in CT task, participants walked on a 6-meter pathway with 4 cones placed at 4 corners (90° turning). The physiological cost index, pedometer, and 10-point Modified Borg Dyspnoea Scale were used to measure EE (beats/min), GP (no of steps), and LOF, respectively. Data were analyzed by using independent t-tests. EE during ST (0.62 ± 0.21 beats/min) was significantly higher than CT (0.48 ± 0.17 beats/min) (P < 0.05). GP (434 ± 92.93 steps) and LOF (1.40 ± 1.11) in ST were found to be lower compared to GP (463 ± 92.18 steps) and LOF (1.54 ± 1.34) in CT (All, P > 0.05). Higher EE in ST could be due to the difficulty in changing to a 180° direction, which may involve agility and different turning strategies (step-turn or pivot-turn) to adjust the posture carefully. In CT, participants could choose a step-turn strategy to change to a 90° direction, which was less challenging to postural control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Energy Metabolism/physiology*; Physical Exertion/physiology*; Gait/physiology*; Walking/physiology*
  13. Manaf H, Justine M, Goh HT
    Motor Control, 2017 Jan;21(1):42-57.
    PMID: 26595318 DOI: 10.1123/mc.2015-0040
    Attentional loadings deteriorate straight walking performance for individuals poststroke, but its effects on turning while walking remain to be determined. Here we compared turning kinematics under three attentional loading conditions (single, dual-motor, and dual-cognitive task) between stroke survivors and healthy controls. Nine chronic stroke survivors and 10 healthy controls performed the Timed Upand- Go test while their full-body kinematics were recorded. Onset times of yaw rotation of the head, thorax and pelvis segments and head anticipation distance were used to quantify turning coordination. Results showed that stroke survivors reoriented their body segments much earlier than the controls, but they preserved the similar segmental reorientation sequence under the single-task condition. For the healthy controls, attentional loading led to an earlier axial segment reorientation, but the reorientation sequence was preserved. In contrast, the dual-cognitive task condition led to a disrupted reorientation sequence in stroke. The results indicate that turning coordination was altered in individuals poststroke, especially under the dual-task interference.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology*; Motor Activity/physiology*
  14. Usman MG, Rafii MY, Ismail MR, Malek MA, Abdul Latif M
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:308042.
    PMID: 25478590 DOI: 10.1155/2014/308042
    High temperature tolerance is an important component of adaptation to arid and semiarid cropping environment in chili pepper. Two experiments were carried out to study the genetic variability among chili pepper for heat tolerance and morphophysiological traits and to estimate heritability and genetic advance expected from selection. There was a highly significant variation among the genotypes in response to high temperature (CMT), photosynthesis rate, plant height, disease incidence, fruit length, fruit weight, number of fruits, and yield per plant. At 5% selection intensity, high genetic advance as percent of the mean (>20%) was observed for CMT, photosynthesis rate, fruit length, fruit weight, number of fruits, and yield per plant. Similarly, high heritability (>60%) was also observed indicating the substantial effect of additive gene more than the environmental effect. Yield per plant showed strong to moderately positive correlations (r = 0.23-0.56) at phenotypic level while at genotypic level correlation coefficient ranged from 0.16 to 0.72 for CMT, plant height, fruit length, and number of fruits. Cluster analysis revealed eight groups and Group VIII recorded the highest CMT and yield. Group IV recorded 13 genotypes while Groups II, VII, and VIII recorded one each. The results showed that the availability of genetic variance could be useful for exploitation through selection for further breeding purposes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Capsicum/physiology; Fruit/physiology
  15. Gholizadeh H, Abu Osman NA, Eshraghi A, Arifin N, Chung TY
    Prosthet Orthot Int, 2016 Aug;40(4):509-16.
    PMID: 25583929 DOI: 10.1177/0309364614564022
    BACKGROUND: This article describes a total surface bearing prosthetic socket for a patient (25-year-old female) with a bulbous stump.

    CASE DESCRIPTION AND METHODS: The subject had unstable excessive soft tissue at the distal end of the residuum. After 2 years of prosthetic use, she experienced several problems, including pain in the residual limb and knee joint. Pressure distribution was evaluated during ambulation. We also designed a total surface bearing socket with Velcro as suspension system to distribute the load evenly on the residual limb, and to facilitate donning procedure.

    FINDINGS AND OUTCOMES: The main site of weight bearing in the old prosthesis (patellar tendon bearing) was anterior proximal region of the residual limb, especially the patellar tendon. The pressure was almost 10 times higher than the distal region during level walking. Pressures were distributed more evenly with the total surface bearing socket design, and the donning was much easier.

    CONCLUSION: Pressure distribution within the socket could be affected by socket design and suspension system. Using the total surface bearing socket and Velcro as suspension system might facilitate donning of prosthesis and reduce traction at the end of residual limb during the swing phase of gait.

    CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Proper socket design and suspension system based on the amputees' need can facilitate rehabilitation process and lead to the amputee's satisfaction. The pressure is distributed more uniformly over the residual limb by the total surface bearing socket compared to the patellar tendon bearing socket for lower limb amputees with unusual stump shape.

    Matched MeSH terms: Walking/physiology*; Weight-Bearing/physiology*
  16. Mohajer S, Taha RM, Lay MM, Esmaeili AK, Khalili M
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:854093.
    PMID: 25147870 DOI: 10.1155/2014/854093
    Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. Syn. Onobrychis sativa L.) is a bloat-safe forage crop with high levels of tannins, which is renowned for its medicinal qualities in grazing animals. Mutagenesis technique was applied to investigate the influence of gamma irradiation at 30, 60, 90, and 120 Gy on mitotic behavior, in vitro growth factors, phytochemical and nutritional constituents of sainfoin. Although a percentage of plant necrosis and non-growing seed were enhanced by irradiation increment, the germination speed was significantly decreased. It was observed that gamma irradiated seeds had higher value of crude protein and dry matter digestibility compared to control seeds. Toxicity of copper was reduced in sainfoin irradiated seeds at different doses of gamma rays. Anthocyanin content also decreased in inverse proportion to irradiation intensity. Accumulation of phenolic and flavonoid compounds was enhanced by gamma irradiation exposure in leaf cells. HPLC profiles differed in peak areas of the two important alkaloids, Berberine and Sanguinarine, in 120 Gy irradiated seeds compared to control seeds. There were positive correlations between irradiation dose and some abnormality divisions such as laggard chromosome, micronucleus, binucleated cells, chromosome bridge, and cytomixis. In reality, radiocytological evaluation was proven to be essential in deducing the effectiveness of gamma irradiation to induce somaclonal variation in sainfoin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fabaceae/physiology*; Seeds/physiology
  17. Zourmand A, Mirhassani SM, Ting HN, Bux SI, Ng KH, Bilgen M, et al.
    Biomed Eng Online, 2014;13:103.
    PMID: 25060583 DOI: 10.1186/1475-925X-13-103
    The phonetic properties of six Malay vowels are investigated using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to visualize the vocal tract in order to obtain dynamic articulatory parameters during speech production. To resolve image blurring due to the tongue movement during the scanning process, a method based on active contour extraction is used to track tongue contours. The proposed method efficiently tracks tongue contours despite the partial blurring of MRI images. Consequently, the articulatory parameters that are effectively measured as tongue movement is observed, and the specific shape of the tongue and its position for all six uttered Malay vowels are determined.Speech rehabilitation procedure demands some kind of visual perceivable prototype of speech articulation. To investigate the validity of the measured articulatory parameters based on acoustic theory of speech production, an acoustic analysis based on the uttered vowels by subjects has been performed. As the acoustic speech and articulatory parameters of uttered speech were examined, a correlation between formant frequencies and articulatory parameters was observed. The experiments reported a positive correlation between the constriction location of the tongue body and the first formant frequency, as well as a negative correlation between the constriction location of the tongue tip and the second formant frequency. The results demonstrate that the proposed method is an effective tool for the dynamic study of speech production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Speech/physiology*; Tongue/physiology
  18. Doufesh H, Ibrahim F, Ismail NA, Wan Ahmad WA
    J Altern Complement Med, 2014 Jul;20(7):558-62.
    PMID: 24827587 DOI: 10.1089/acm.2013.0426
    OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the effect of Muslim prayer (salat) on the α relative power (RPα) of electroencephalography (EEG) and autonomic nervous activity and the relationship between them by using spectral analysis of EEG and heart rate variability (HRV).

    METHODS: Thirty healthy Muslim men participated in the study. Their electrocardiograms and EEGs were continuously recorded before, during, and after salat practice with a computer-based data acquisition system (MP150, BIOPAC Systems Inc., Camino Goleta, California). Power spectral analysis was conducted to extract the RPα and HRV components.

    RESULTS: During salat, a significant increase (p

    Matched MeSH terms: Alpha Rhythm/physiology*; Heart Rate/physiology*
  19. Yunos NY, Tan WS, Mohamad NI, Tan PW, Adrian TG, Yin WF, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2014;14(5):8305-12.
    PMID: 24815680 DOI: 10.3390/s140508305
    In many species of bacteria, the quorum sensing mechanism is used as a unique communication system which allows them to regulate gene expression and behavior in accordance with their population density. N-Acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) are known as diffusible autoinducer molecules involved in this communication network. This finding aimed to characterize the production of AHL of a bacterial strain ND04 isolated from a Malaysian waterfall. Strain ND04 was identified as Kluyvera sp. as confirmed by molecular analysis of its 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence. Kluyvera sp. is closely related to the Enterobacteriaceae family. Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 was used as a biosensor to detect the production of AHL by strain ND04. High resolution triple quadrupole liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of strain ND04 showed our isolate produced two AHLs which are N-(3-oxohexanoyl)homoserine lactone (3-oxo-C6 HSL) and N-3-oxo-octanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (3-oxo-C8 HSL).
    Matched MeSH terms: Kluyvera/physiology*; Quorum Sensing/physiology*
  20. Arifin N, Abu Osman NA, Ali S, Wan Abas WA
    Biomed Eng Online, 2014;13(1):23.
    PMID: 24597518 DOI: 10.1186/1475-925X-13-23
    Achieving independent upright posture has known to be one of the main goals in rehabilitation following lower limb amputation. The purpose of this study was to compare postural steadiness of below knee amputees with visual alterations while wearing three different prosthetic feet.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ankle/physiology; Foot/physiology*
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