METHODS: Data of 328 eligible housewives who participated in the MyBFF@Home study was used. Intervention group of 169 subjects were provided with an intervention package which includes physical activity (brisk walking, dumbbell exercise, physical activity diary, group exercise) and 159 subjects in control group received various health seminars. Physical activity level was assessed using short-International Physical Activity Questionnaire. The physical activity level was then re-categorized into 4 categories (active intervention, inactive intervention, active control and inactive control). Physical activity, blood glucose and lipid profile were measured at baseline, 3rd month and 6th month of the study. General Linear Model was used to determine the effect of physical activity on glucose and lipid profile.
RESULTS: At the 6th month, there were 99 subjects in the intervention and 79 control group who had complete data for physical activity. There was no difference on the effect of physical activity on the glucose level and lipid profile except for the Triglycerides level. Both intervention and control groups showed reduction of physical activity level over time.
CONCLUSION: The effect of physical activity on blood glucose and lipid profile could not be demonstrated possibly due to physical activity in both intervention and control groups showed decreasing trend over time.
CASE DESCRIPTION AND METHODS: The subject had unstable excessive soft tissue at the distal end of the residuum. After 2 years of prosthetic use, she experienced several problems, including pain in the residual limb and knee joint. Pressure distribution was evaluated during ambulation. We also designed a total surface bearing socket with Velcro as suspension system to distribute the load evenly on the residual limb, and to facilitate donning procedure.
FINDINGS AND OUTCOMES: The main site of weight bearing in the old prosthesis (patellar tendon bearing) was anterior proximal region of the residual limb, especially the patellar tendon. The pressure was almost 10 times higher than the distal region during level walking. Pressures were distributed more evenly with the total surface bearing socket design, and the donning was much easier.
CONCLUSION: Pressure distribution within the socket could be affected by socket design and suspension system. Using the total surface bearing socket and Velcro as suspension system might facilitate donning of prosthesis and reduce traction at the end of residual limb during the swing phase of gait.
CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Proper socket design and suspension system based on the amputees' need can facilitate rehabilitation process and lead to the amputee's satisfaction. The pressure is distributed more uniformly over the residual limb by the total surface bearing socket compared to the patellar tendon bearing socket for lower limb amputees with unusual stump shape.
METHODS: Thirty healthy Muslim men participated in the study. Their electrocardiograms and EEGs were continuously recorded before, during, and after salat practice with a computer-based data acquisition system (MP150, BIOPAC Systems Inc., Camino Goleta, California). Power spectral analysis was conducted to extract the RPα and HRV components.
RESULTS: During salat, a significant increase (p