OBSERVATIONS: A total of four cases were reported. Three patients received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, while the other received the Oxford AstraZeneca type. Ocular symptoms occurred after the first vaccine dose in two patients and after the second vaccine dose in the other two. Three out of four patients required active treatment for their vision complications postvaccination. The first patient had acute-onset retinal pigment epitheliitis within 3 h of vaccination and was treated conservatively. The second patient developed unilateral choroidal neovascularization 3 days after vaccination and required intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factor injection. The third patient presented with bilateral acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy a week after vaccination and responded to intravenous methylprednisolone. The fourth patient presented with herpes zoster infection and unilateral anterior nongranulomatous uveitis 2 weeks after vaccination and was treated with oral acyclovir and topical corticosteroids. All patients reported some amount of visual recovery.
CONCLUSIONS AND IMPORTANCE: Visual symptoms and various ocular adverse events can occur following COVID-19 vaccination, which warrants further investigation and urgent intervention if necessary. We would suggest patients receiving the COVID-19 vaccination be aware of possible ocular complications and report any symptoms, regardless of severity.
RESULTS: A total of 36 studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. Numerous stakeholders were identified as involved in the intersectoral actions to defeat malaria amongst MMPs. Almost all studies discussed the involvement of Ministry of Health/Public Health (MOH/MOPH). The most frequently assessed intervention among the studies that were included was the coverage and utilization of insecticide-treated nets as personal protective measures (40.5%), followed by the intervention of early diagnoses and treatment of malaria (33.3%), the surveillance and response activities (13.9%) and the behaviour change communication (8.3%). There is a dearth of information on how these stakeholders shared roles and responsibilities for implementation, and about the channels of communication between-and-within the partners and with the MOH/MOPH. Despite limited details in the studies, the intermediate outcomes showed some evidence that the intersectoral collaborations contributed to improvement in knowledge about malaria, initiation and promotion of bed nets utilization, increased access to diagnosis and treatment in a surveillance context and contributed towards a reduction in malaria transmission. Overall, a high proportion of the targeted MMPs was equipped with correct knowledge about malaria transmission (70%, 95% CI 57-83%). Interventions targeting the use of bed nets utilization were two times more likely to reduce malaria incidence amongst the targeted MMPs (summary OR 2.01, 95% CI 1.43-2.6) than the non-users. The various intersectoral actions were often more vertically organized and not fully integrated in a systemic way within a given country or sub-national administrative setting.
CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that interventions supported by the multiple stakeholders had a significant impact on the reduction of malaria transmission amongst the targeted MMPs. Well-designed studies from different countries are recommended to robustly assess the role of intersectoral interventions targeted to MMPs and their impact on the reduction of transmission.
OBJECTIVE: This scoping review aimed to explore the literature on molecular genetics of obesity in Malaysia. Specifically, we sought to characterize existing studies, identify the genetic determinants of obesity, and assess their association with obesity predisposition in the population.
METHODS: This scoping review followed the methodology of the Joanna Briggs Institute and used the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist as its guiding framework. Searches were conducted using electronic databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Scopus, filtering for human studies published until March 2024. Eligible studies included peer-reviewed articles on the Malaysian population irrespective of age or sex. This review excluded review articles, book chapters, non-peer-reviewed conference proceedings, gray literature, and preclinical studies, and the reference lists of the retrieved studies were manually examined to ensure thorough inclusion. The articles were subjected to a 2-stage screening process (title/abstract and full text) conducted by 2 reviewers to assess eligibility. Eligible articles were then extracted following a data extraction framework and organized into a charting table. Only studies investigating the genetics of obesity in Malaysian populations were included.
RESULTS: As of March 2024, our extensive search strategy has yielded 572 records. After removing 153 duplicates, 419 records were screened by title and abstract, resulting in 47 selected for full-text review. Of these, 34 were chosen for data extraction and detailed analysis. These studies predominantly involved participants from major ethnic groups (Malay, Chinese, and Indian) recruited from local health centers and university communities. The articles primarily explored the relationship between specific gene variants and obesity or obesity-related health parameters. This ongoing research is expected to be completed with a comprehensive scoping review by April 2025.
CONCLUSIONS: This review provides valuable insights into the genetic determinants of obesity in Malaysia, despite limitations such as no quality appraisal being conducted for the included studies and the search strategy being restricted to selected databases, potentially omitting relevant studies. However, this review ensured reliability and reproducibility by adhering to the Joanna Briggs Institute and PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Ultimately, this study advances the understanding of local research and sets the foundation for future molecular genetic studies to improve obesity risk prediction and management in Malaysia's multiethnic population.
OBJECTIVE: In this study, the researchers conducted a scoping literature review of the web-based dietary changes and physical activity-related intervention programs designed for the patients with hypertension and identified the methodologies, effectiveness, protocols, and theories, which could affect and improve existing clinical activities.
METHODS: This review followed the scoping review methodology to identify and process the peer-reviewed studies published between 2010 and 2020. The literature searches were conducted on the following electronic databases: PubMed, Web of Science, MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online), ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Google Scholar. By using relevant search terms, studies were included if they offered information related to the web-based intervention tools, specifically dietary and physical activity intervention for patients with hypertension. Studies written or translated in English language and published within the date range (January 2010 to March 2020) were included.
RESULTS: Overall, 1441 articles were initially identified. The reviewers included 35 articles after removing duplicates and screening titles. Only 21 articles were assessed for full review, and 15 were kept for analysis. The researchers selected 15 web-based intervention articles published on the topic of hypertension from 7 countries. A few of these 15 web-based tools (4, 27%) included more than 3 functions and provided a lot of important information (such as appointments, health records, or viewable care). Several tools were standalone tools (11, 73%), while most of the tools supported communication intervention-related lifestyle or behavioral changes (13, 87%) and medication adherence (6, 40%). It was found that physicians (9, 60%), allied health professionals (5, 33%), and nurses (5, 33%) were the health care providers who generally used these tools for communicating with their patients. More than half of the above tools (10, 67%) were assessed by different researchers in randomized controlled trials, while 5 tools (33%) were investigated in nonrandomized studies.
CONCLUSIONS: We identified many web-based intervention programs for patients with hypertension from the literature databases. The findings indicate that numerous benefits can be derived after using a web-based dietary and physical activity intervention program for hypertension focusing on lifestyle changes. However, developers need to consider the preferences of the patients with regard to the information or the design features while developing or modifying web-based educational websites. These tools could be used for designing a patient-tailored website intervention program that is based on diet and physical activities for patients with hypertension.
METHODS: This systematic review was accorded to the guideline of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Three electronic databases, namely PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane library, were used to conduct a systematic search for eligible studies from their inception until July 18, 2023. PROSPERO registration number was No. CRD42023445968.
RESULTS: We initially identified 4,774 articles. After eliminating duplicates and irrelevant articles, 11 studies met the inclusion criteria. The studies revealed important aspects of the relationship between S. mutans and Veillonella spp. in dental caries. One significant finding is that Veillonella spp. can affect the acid production capacity of S. mutans. Some studies indicate that Veillonella spp. can inhibit the acid production by S. mutans, potentially reducing the cariogenic process. Another aspect is the competition for substrates. Veillonella spp. utilize lactic acid, which is a by product of S. mutans metabolism, as a source of carbon. This metabolic interaction may decrease the availability of lactic acid for S. mutans, potentially influencing its cariogenic potential.
CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review highlights the emerging evidence on the interaction between S. mutans and Veillonella spp. in dental caries. The findings suggest that Veillonella spp. can modulate the acid production, and substrate competition of S. mutans, potentially influencing the cariogenic process.
METHOD: scoping review, following the Joanna Briggs Institute method and described in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews. 13 databases and gray literature were included. The selection of studies was carried out after removing duplicates and individual and paired evaluation. The data was extracted based on an elaborate script and presented in tables and charts.
RESULTS: the analysis of 28 selected studies showed that the majority were from Brazil, followed by China and Malaysia. Almost half of the validated instruments were generic, and the specific ones covered the evaluation of diabetes mellitus and leprosy. The types of validation carried out were content and construct.
CONCLUSION: there is a need to construct specific instruments due to the scarcity of studies on the process of validating instruments for evaluating the quality of services provided by primary health care for chronic diseases.
HIGHLIGHTS: (1) Validated instruments for evaluating services in chronic diseases.(2) Possibility of carrying out new studies on adaptations of PCAT and PACIC.(3) No evaluation was identified for minors under 18 years of age with chronic diseases.(4) Use of a generic instrument to evaluate specific chronic diseases.