Displaying publications 5481 - 5500 of 25145 in total

  1. Noman S, Shahar HK, Abdul Rahman H, Ismail S, Abdulwahid Al-Jaberi M, Azzani M
    PMID: 33396424 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18010263
    There have been various systematic reviews on the significance of educational interventions as necessary components to encourage breast cancer screening (BCS) and reduce the burden of breast cancer (BC). However, only a few studies have attempted to examine these educational interventions comprehensively. This review paper aimed to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of various educational interventions in improving BCS uptake, knowledge, and beliefs among women in different parts of the world. Following the PRISMA guidelines, a comprehensive literature search on four electronic databases, specifically PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect, was performed in May 2019. A total of 22 interventional studies were reviewed. Theory- and language-based multiple intervention strategies, which were mainly performed in community and healthcare settings, were the commonly shared characteristics of the educational interventions. Most of these studies on the effectiveness of interventions showed favorable outcomes in terms of the BCS uptake, knowledge, and beliefs among women. Educational interventions potentially increase BCS among women. The interpretation of the reported findings should be treated with caution due to the heterogeneity of the studies in terms of the characteristics of the participants, research designs, intervention strategies, and outcome measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  2. Noman AHM, Griffiths MD, Pervin S, Ismail MN
    J Psychiatr Res, 2021 02;134:111-112.
    PMID: 33383493 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2020.12.057
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  3. Leong YH, Isa ASM, Mohamed Mahmood M, Moey CEJ, Utar Z, Soon YI, et al.
    Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 2018 Jun;95:280-288.
    PMID: 29567329 DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2018.03.011
    This study aimed to investigate the oral acute and subacute toxicity of Poly [3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate], P(3HB-co-4HB) in the form of nanoparticles in Sprague-Dawley rats. Acute oral administration of P(3HB-co-4HB) nanoparticles was performed as a single dose up to 2000 mg/kg in six female rats for 14 days. Subacute toxicity study via oral administration for 28 days at doses of 0 (control), 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg in rats (10 rats in each group, female:male = 1:1) was conducted. The estimated lethal dose (LD50) of P(3HB-co-4HB) nanoparticles was >2000 mg/kg. No mortality, unusual changes in behaviour, adverse clinical signs, abnormal changes in body weights or food consumption were observed on all animals treated with P(3HB-co-4HB) nanoparticles during 14 days of the acute toxicity study. In the subacute test, there was no mortality and toxicologically significant changes in clinical signs, body weights, food consumption, hematology, clinical biochemistry, urinalysis, macroscopic findings, organ weights as well as histopathological examination were observed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  4. Zakaria A, Ho YB
    Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 2015 Oct;73(1):191-5.
    PMID: 26190304 DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2015.07.005
    This study aimed to determine the heavy metals (lead, cadmium, and chromium) concentration in lipsticks of different price categories sold in the Malaysian market and evaluate the potential health risks due to daily ingestion of heavy metals in lipsticks. A total of 374 questionnaires were distributed to the female staff in a public university in Malaysia in order to obtain information such as brand and price of the lipsticks, body weight, and frequency and duration of wearing lipstick. This information was important for the calculation of hazard quotient (HQ) in health risk assessment. The samples were extracted using a microwave digester and analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). The concentrations of lead, cadmium, and chromium in lipsticks ranged from 0.77 to 15.44 mg kg(-1), 0.06-0.33 mg kg(-1), and 0.48-2.50 mg kg(-1), respectively. There was a significant difference of lead content in the lipsticks of different price categories. There was no significant non-carcinogenic health risk due to the exposure of these heavy metals through lipstick consumption for the prolonged exposure of 35 years (HQ < 1).
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  5. Ying Ying C, Awaluddin SM, Kuang Kuay L, Siew Man C, Baharudin A, Miaw Yn L, et al.
    PMID: 33383635 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18010168
    Internet addiction (IA) among adolescents is an issue of growing concern with adverse effects on adolescents' health and social functioning. This study aims to determine the prevalence of IA among school-going adolescents in Malaysia and its associated factors-specifically, lifestyle factors. A nationwide cross-sectional school-based health survey was conducted in 2017 among 27,497 students from 212 randomly selected secondary schools. Information regarding sociodemography, lifestyle, and internet use was obtained using a self-administered questionnaire. IA was measured using the Malay Version of Internet Addiction Test (MVIAT). The prevalence of internet addiction was 29.0%. A multivariable logistic analysis revealed that inadequate fruit and vegetable intakes, consumed carbonated soft drinks at least once a day, consumed fast food at least three days/week, sedentary behavior, current E-cigarette users, and ever/current alcohol drinkers were lifestyle factors significantly associated with IA. Adolescents from urban schools, of higher school grade, and those whose parents are married but living apart were also found to have a greater risk for internet addiction. A positive association was found between IA with unhealthy dietary and lifestyle behaviors among adolescents. The modification of lifestyle factors needs to be considered while developing strategies and interventions for awareness-raising and prevention of IA among adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  6. Jayaram G, Sthaneshwar P
    Diagn Cytopathol, 2002 Apr;26(4):222-7.
    PMID: 11933267
    Breast lesions with a significant spindle cell or mesenchymal component are not commonly encountered in fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic material and include a heterologous variety of benign and malignant conditions, with phyllodes tumors (PTs) being the foremost differential diagnostic consideration. This study comprises 28 tumors diagnosed histologically as PT in which FNAC material was available for review. Histological sections and cytological smears from these cases were retrieved and subjected to detailed morphological review. Cytological parameters assessed included ratio of stroma to epithelium, pattern characteristics and cytological characteristics of the stromal, and epithelial components and the background cells. Large and hypercellular stroma fragments, dissociated spindle and plump stromal cells, often accompanied by large, folded sheets of epithelium were cytological features that characterized PT. Smears from malignant PT showed predominantly or solely mesenchymal components. FNAC was a highly reliable procedure for the diagnosis of PT, giving an accuracy rate of 92.8%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  7. Jayaram G
    Diagn Cytopathol, 2000 Apr;22(4):227-9.
    PMID: 10787142
    Columnar cell variant of papillary carcinoma (CCV-PC) thyroid is a rare and aggressive tumor composed of tall columnar cells that form papillae, glands and solid structures. This paper describes fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic features in a case of CCV-PC occurring in the right thyroid lobe of a 27-year-old female. Smears showed tall columnar cells in monolayered, three-dimensional, acinar and occasional papillary clusters. Nuclei were oval or elongated and monomorphic. Nuclear pseudostratification, resembling that seen in respiratory epithelial cells, was present in some of the cell clusters. Occasional cells showed squamous or Hurthle cell metaplasia. Nuclear grooves and intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions were not seen. Sections of the right lobectomy specimen showed an well-encapsulated CCV-PC with capsular and vascular permeation. Tall cell variant of papillary carcinoma (TCV-PC) can be distinguished from CCV-PC by the oxyphilia of the tumor cells and the absence of nuclear pseudostratification. Colorectal and endometrial adenocarcinomas metastatic to the thyroid may be difficult to distinguish from CCV-PC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  8. Gupta P, Majithia S, Fenwick EK, Gan ATL, Tham YC, Poh S, et al.
    Transl Vis Sci Technol, 2020 04;9(5):11.
    PMID: 32821483 DOI: 10.1167/tvst.9.5.11
    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the rates of, and factors associated with, eyecare utilization and spectacle affordability among Singaporeans with vision impairment (VI).

    Methods: We included adults with VI from their second visit of the Singapore Epidemiology of Eye Disease Study. Data on eyecare utilization and spectacle affordability were collected. Low eyecare utilization was defined as no eye check ever or eye checks not even once per year in reference to at least once per year. Difficulty affording glasses was defined as glasses being rated as expensive in reference to not expensive.

    Results: There were 985 adults (14.5%; 415 Malays, 260 Indian, and 310 Chinese; mean age [SD]: 69.5 [10.2] years; 55.4% women) with VI who answered the above questions, were included. Of these, 624 (63.4%) wore glasses. The rates of low eyecare utilization and difficulty affording eyeglasses were 31% and 63%, respectively. Compared to Chinese (23.8%) and Indians (18.8%), Malays (57.4%) had the highest rates of low eyecare utilization (P < 0.001), and most difficulty affording eyeglasses (47.2% vs. 26.1% and 26.6% in Chinese and Indians, respectively; P < 0.001). Younger age, low socioeconomic status, absence of diabetes, absence of self-reported eye conditions, and poor vision were independently associated with low eyecare utilization, whereas older age and female sex was associated with difficulty affording glasses.

    Conclusions: In this multi-ethnic population with VI, almost one-third had low eyecare utilization and nearly two-thirds reported difficulty affording eyeglasses.

    Translational Relevance: This will inform strategies, such as tailored eyecare utilization awareness campaigns and awareness of available subsidy schemes for at-risk Singaporeans, such as Malays.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  9. Mustafa N, Einstein G, MacNeill M, Watt-Watson J
    Can J Pain, 2020 Sep 24;4(3):40-50.
    PMID: 33987510 DOI: 10.1080/24740527.2020.1768835
    Background: Chronic pain is a growing public health concern affecting 1.5 million people in Canada. In particular, it is a concern among the expanding immigrant population, because immigrant groups report higher pain intensity than non-immigrants. In 2011, the Indian population became the largest visible minority group and continues to be the fastest growing. Though the prevalence of chronic pain among Canadian Indians is unknown, research has found a higher prevalence among Indian women than men in India, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, with women reporting more severe pain. An understanding of how pain is experienced by this particular group is therefore important for providing culturally sensitive care.

    Aims: This study explores the lived experiences of chronic pain among immigrant Indian women in Canada.

    Methods: Thirteen immigrant Indian women participated in one-on-one interviews exploring daily experiences of chronic pain.

    Results: Using thematic analysis informed by van Manen's phenomenology of practice, four themes emerged: (1) the body in pain, (2) pain in the context of lived and felt space, (3) pain and relationships, and (4) pain and time. Women revealed that their experiences were shaped by gender roles and expectations enforced through culture. Specifically, a dual gender role was identified after immigration, in which women had to balance traditional household responsibilities of family labor and care alongside employment outside the home, exacerbating pain.

    Conclusions: This research uncovers the multifaceted nature of chronic pain and identifies factors within the sociocultural context that may place particular groups of women at greater risk of living with pain.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  10. Al-Yousif S, Jaenul A, Al-Dayyeni W, Alamoodi A, Jabori I, Md Tahir N, et al.
    PeerJ Comput Sci, 2021;7:e452.
    PMID: 33987454 DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.452
    Context: The interpretations of cardiotocography (CTG) tracings are indeed vital to monitor fetal well-being both during pregnancy and childbirth. Currently, many studies are focusing on feature extraction and CTG classification using computer vision approach in determining the most accurate diagnosis as well as monitoring the fetal well-being during pregnancy. Additionally, a fetal monitoring system would be able to perform detection and precise quantification of fetal heart rate patterns.

    Objective: This study aimed to perform a systematic review to describe the achievements made by the researchers, summarizing findings that have been found by previous researchers in feature extraction and CTG classification, to determine criteria and evaluation methods to the taxonomies of the proposed literature in the CTG field and to distinguish aspects from relevant research in the field of CTG.

    Methods: Article search was done systematically using three databases: IEEE Xplore digital library, Science Direct, and Web of Science over a period of 5 years. The literature in the medical sciences and engineering was included in the search selection to provide a broader understanding for researchers.

    Results: After screening 372 articles, and based on our protocol of exclusion and inclusion criteria, for the final set of articles, 50 articles were obtained. The research literature taxonomy was divided into four stages. The first stage discussed the proposed method which presented steps and algorithms in the pre-processing stage, feature extraction and classification as well as their use in CTG (20/50 papers). The second stage included the development of a system specifically on automatic feature extraction and CTG classification (7/50 papers). The third stage consisted of reviews and survey articles on automatic feature extraction and CTG classification (3/50 papers). The last stage discussed evaluation and comparative studies to determine the best method for extracting and classifying features with comparisons based on a set of criteria (20/50 articles).

    Discussion: This study focused more on literature compared to techniques or methods. Also, this study conducts research and identification of various types of datasets used in surveys from publicly available, private, and commercial datasets. To analyze the results, researchers evaluated independent datasets using different techniques.

    Conclusions: This systematic review contributes to understand and have insight into the relevant research in the field of CTG by surveying and classifying pertinent research efforts. This review will help to address the current research opportunities, problems and challenges, motivations, recommendations related to feature extraction and CTG classification, as well as the measurement of various performance and various data sets used by other researchers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  11. Yong HY, Mohd Shariff Z, Mohd Yusof BN, Rejali Z, Bindels J, Tee YYS, et al.
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2020 Oct 07;20(1):597.
    PMID: 33028258 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-020-03299-8
    BACKGROUND: Although physical activity (PA) in pregnancy benefits most women, not much is known about pregnancy-related changes in PA and its association with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) risk. The aim of this study was to identify the trajectory of PA during pregnancy and possible associations with the risk of GDM.

    METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study of 452 pregnant women recruited from 3 health clinics in a southern state of Peninsular Malaysia. PA levels at the first, second, and third trimester were assessed using the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire. GDM was diagnosed at 24-28 weeks of gestation following the Ministry of Health Malaysia criteria. Group-based trajectory modeling was used to identify PA trajectories. Three multivariate logistic models were used to estimate the odds of trajectory group membership and GDM.

    RESULTS: Two distinct PA trajectories were identified: low PA levels in all intensity of PA and sedentary behavior (Group 1: 61.1%, n = 276) and high PA levels in all intensity of PA as well as sedentary behavior (Group 2: 38.9%, n = 176). Moderate and high intensity PA decreased over the course of pregnancy in both groups. Women in group 2 had significantly higher risk of GDM in two of the estimated logistic models. In all models, significant associations between PA trajectories and GDM were only observed among women with excessive gestational weight gain in the second trimester.

    CONCLUSIONS: Women with high sedentary behavior were significantly at higher risk of GDM despite high PA levels by intensity and this association was significant only among women with excessive GWG in the second trimester. Participation in high sedentary behavior may outweigh the benefit of engaging in high PA to mitigate the risk of GDM.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  12. Syarifah Nurul Ain, Chua Sze Hung, Aida Nurbaini Arbain, Sarah Marilyn Amin, Teoh Eu Vin, Ferro Firdaus Ibrahim, et al.
    Introduction: Doctors are known to deal with high occupational stress, causing increased risk of depression, anxi- ety and stress.Nevertheless, the prevalence and associatedfactors of depression, anxiety and stress among registered doctorsworking in 24 public hospitals in Sabah, Malaysia are not known yet. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted using convenient sampling from September-October 2018. The data of 21-item Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) was collected via online link anonymously. Results: Among 314 doctors, majority of them were females (62.1%), mean age 29 (SD 2.72), non-Sabahan (82.8%), Malays (46.8%), not married (78.3%) and medical officers (93.6%). Prevalence of severe/extremely severe anxiety symptoms was 27.4%,depression (22.9%) and stress (18.5%). Doctors perceiving themselves to be depressed, anxious and/or stressed were more likely to develop the corresponding symptoms. Females and Chinese were twice more likely to report anxiety symptoms. Being married had protective effect against depressive symptoms, while working in same hospital for longer time had a significant but weak protective effect against anxiety and stress symptoms. Conclusions: Mental health issue among doctors is substantial and need to be addressed effectively for the benefit of their life, patients and country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  13. Tan PP, Mohamed Fauzi, H., Chang CT, Ahmad NH, Bahar B, Mangantig E, et al.
    Held at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, 8-9th March, 2019
    Introduction: Unsafe blood products cause transfusion-transmissible infections among blood receivers. The knowledge and perception of blood donors is important as it is associated with their donation behaviour and hence the safety of blood products. There was no previous study that assessed the knowledge and perception on blood safety issues among blood donors to date. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and perception of blood
    donors on blood safety issues.
    Methods: This was a pilot study conducted to pilot test the self-developed questionnaire by the researchers. The questionnaire was available in the Malay language. One-hundred-thirty donors at the National Blood Centre were recruited to complete the self-administered questionnaire. Health sciences professionals, medical students and non-Malaysians were excluded in this study.
    Results: A total of 130 donors comprising of 70 males (53.8%) and 60 females (46.2%) responded. The mean age of the respondents is 32.48±8.86 years. Most of the respondents were Malay (55.4%), single (49.2%), working in private sector (46.9%) and regular donor (68.5%). More than half of the respondents did not know that dengue, Zika and mad-cow disease can be contracted through blood transfusion. Ten percent of the respondents answered that bisexual people are eligible to donate blood. 40.7% of the donors agreed to check their HIV status through blood donation. Majority of the donors (60.7%) agreed that the donors’ blood is safe if the screening test is negative. Whereas, 33.9% of the donors disagreed that they shall be responsible if their blood causes infection.
    Conclusion: Several knowledge gaps and inappropriate perception among the respondents were identified and these might affect the safety of the blood products. Targeted measures should be taken to rectify donors’ knowledge and perception in order to minimise inappropriate blood donor behaviours and reduce unsafe blood products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  14. Woon YH, Suhaini SA
    Data Brief, 2021 Apr;35:106501.
    PMID: 33997187 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106501
    A caesarean section (CS) is a common birth delivery mode, which involves delivery of the baby through a surgical incision on the mother's abdomen and uterus. This article presents a survey dataset on the perception and response of women about the CS. This survey employed a quantitative research design. The data were collected by means of a face to face questionnaire. Majority of the respondents are in the age range of 31 - 40 years old. The findings indicate that the respondents mainly refer to the internet to obtain information about the birth delivery mode that helped the respondents to decide on their mode of preference. This is followed by obstetrician/midwife and friends. Various statements were used to determine the perception of respondents towards CS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  15. Kim YE
    BMJ Open, 2021 04 14;11(4):e045070.
    PMID: 33853801 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045070
    OBJECTIVES: Childhood vaccination coverage in Nagaland has lagged almost all states in India for more than two decades. This study aims to find drivers and barriers of childhood vaccination in Nagaland from the perspective of demand, supply and local health governance.

    DESIGN: A cross-sectional study was designed using a survey conducted by the Directorate of Health and Family in 2015.

    SETTING: Households, community-based health centres and health committees were surveyed.

    PARTICIPANTS: 285 children aged under 2 years with vaccination cards and data on households, health centres and health committees were included.

    OUTCOMES: Variables indicating whether a child received each of bacillus calmette-guérin (BCG), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3), oral polio (OPV3) and measles vaccination and all of them were outcome variables. Associated factors were identified using multilevel logistic regressions.

    RESULTS: Antenatal care at least three times was significantly associated with BCG, DTP3, OPV3 and full vaccination with adjusted ORs ranging from 2.4 (95% CI 1.1 to 5.1) to 3.3 (1.1 to 9.9). The availability of bus to health centre was slightly significant for BCG and OPV3 with the adjusted ORs of 2.0 (0.9 to 4.5) and 2.1 (0.9 to 4.8), respectively. Health committees' budget provision to health centres was significant for OPV3 and full vaccination with the respective adjusted ORs of 15.7 (1.0 to 234.1) and 15.9 (1.2 to 214.7), the wide 95% CIs of which were driven by a small sample size. Health committees' review of expenditure of health centres was significant for measles and full vaccination with the adjusted ORs of 4.0 (1.4 to 11.4) and 5.2 (1.4 to 19.4), respectively.

    CONCLUSION: This study suggests that enhancing the utilisation of antenatal care and providing reliable transportation between villages and health centres are required to improve childhood vaccination coverage. Also, the significant association of budget administration of health committees suggests that supporting local health committees for effective financial management is important.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  16. Ali H Abusafia, Zakira Mamat Mohamed, Nur Syahmina Rasudin, Mujahid Bakar, Rohani Ismail
    Introduction: Measuring the competence of nurses in spiritual care and their ability to provide spiritual care is im- portant and check the validity and reliability of the instrument is recommended in the literature. Thus, the aim of this study was to validate the translation of the spiritual care competence (SCC) scale to the Malay language version. Methods: Data were collected from staff nurses at the hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. A total of 270 nurses par- ticipated in the study (female: 92.6%, male: 7.4%), with the mean age of 35 years (SD = 8.4). Spiritual care compe- tence was assessed with the 27-item SCC-M. Standard forward–backward translation was performed to translate the English version of the SCC into the Malay version (SCC-M). All the participants completed the SCC-M. Results: The initial measurement models tested (6-factor models) did not result in a good fit to the data. Subsequent investigation of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results recommended some modifications, including adding correlations between the item residuals within the same latent variable. These modifications resulted in acceptable fit indices for the 6-factor model (RMSEA = .050, CFI = .900, TLI = .885, SRMR = .065). The final measurement models comprised all 27 SCC-M items, which had significant factor loadings of more than .40. The composite reliability was .696-.853 for 6-factors model. These results suggest that the subscales in 6-factor SCC-M model are unique, the factors do not overlap much, and each factor explains different variance than the other factors. Conclusions: The translated version of the SCC-M was valid and reliable for assessing the level of spiritual care competence among hospital nurses in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  17. Elyaskhil M, Shafai NAA, Mokhtar N
    Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2021 Mar 03;19(1):71.
    PMID: 33658030 DOI: 10.1186/s12955-021-01710-2
    BACKGROUND: The present study aims to determine the impact of malocclusion on oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) among 13-16 years old Malay school children.

    METHODS: School children aged between 13 and 16 years old were randomly selected from a secondary school in Penang. Malay version of Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) questionnaires were given to the subjects. This questionnaire has 14 questions with seven domains which are functional limitation, psychological discomfort, physical pain, physical disability, psychological and social disability, and handicap. Index of orthodontic treatment need dental health component was used to assess the orthodontic treatment need. Overjet (reversed overjet), open bite, overbite, cross bite, impeded eruption, crowding, defects of cleft lip and palate, Class II and Class III buccal occlusion, present of supernumerary and hypodontia were assessed.

    RESULTS: 255 students participated in this study. Mean score and standard deviation for OHIP-14 were 8.64 (± 7.32) for males and 11.05 (± 9.41) for females respectively. There was statistically significant difference in mean score of OHIP-14 between male and female (p = 0.023). A weak positive correlation was found between malocclusion severity and OHRQoL (r = 0.186; p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  18. Nurul Najieha Amir, Nor Fadhilah Mohamad, Mimiwati Zahari, Choo May May
    A 2-year-old girl who was under genetic follow up for developmental delay and dysmorphism was accidentally found to have bilateral optic disc swelling during screening examination. She showed response to optokinetic drum examination and the anterior segment examination was unremarkable. Optic disc swellings were seen in both eyes. Lumbar puncture shows high opening pressure of 50 cm H2O with unremarkable CSF analysis. MRI of brain was done and showed features in keeping with mild cerebral atrophy, with no evidence of hydrocephalus or space oc- cupying lesion. She was diagnosed with idiopathic intracranial hypertension and oral acetazolamide 125mg bd was commenced. However, papilloedema persist despite medical therapy. Ventriculoperitonel shunt was inserted to re- duce the csf pressure. This case report highlights the importance of considering idiopathic intracranial hypertension as a cause of optic disc swelling in pre-pubertal children because delay in diagnosis and treatment may permanently affect visual function especially in children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  19. Ikram Ismail, Siti-Ariza Aripin
    Danio rerio or commonly known as zebrafish are a very popular fish among scientists and also a well-known vertebrate model species widely used in research. Zebrafish, are also a popular species among aquarists and have been put in aquariums all around the world as ornamental fish. The acid rain phenomenon has lowered the pH level of the wild habitat of zebrafish by shifting it to a more acidic pH level. This study was carried out to observe the effect of low pH level on the reproductive performance of zebrafish. The zebrafish were quarantined for a week to make sure they were healthy to be used in the experiment. The zebrafish were reared continuously for 14 days in three different pH treatments T1 (pH 2-4), T2 (pH 4-6), T3 (pH 6-8)). T3 (pH 6-8) was used as the control treatment. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) was used to control the pH level of treatments T1 (pH 2-4), T2 (pH 4-6), T3 (pH 6-8) with three replicates of each treatment. The male chasing female frequency was significant (p: 0.0001) and the data showed the highest frequency (2568.000±140.6272) at treatment 3 (pH 6-8). For the spawning frequency of zebrafish, treatment 3 (pH 6-8) showed the highest value (4.000±0.5774) followed by treatment 2 and treatment 1 and the data was significant (p: 0.0004). The fertilisation rate of the zebrafish was significant (p: 0.0001) and the highest was shown at T2 (pH 4-6) with 89.8018±0.3782, followed by T3 and treatment T1. For the hatching rate of the zebrafish, the data collected were significant (p: 0.0002) and the highest value of 2.9350±0.4070 was shown at T3 (pH 6-8), followed by T2 (pH 4-6) and T1 (pH 2-4). The overall result showed that pH 2-4 had the worst effect on the reproductive performance of zebrafish. Therefore, low pH has a significant effect on reducing the reproductive performance of zebrafish. The local fish population can be affected by the decrease of pH level due to acid rains and chemical waste pollution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  20. Nurul Syafiqah Senafi, Nor Zalipah Mohamed
    Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus is a lethal pest which has been described as a serious pest that reduces the production of coconut tree and other major cultivated palms. RPW infestation was initially detected by Department of Agriculture (DOA) in 2007 in all eight Terengganu districts. Rhu Tapai plantation area is one of the highly infested areas in Terengganu. Until now, limited reports on population abundance of this lethal pest have been discussed particularly in Rhu Tapai. Therefore, a study on population abundance is a must in order to understand the population dynamic of RPW which will be the first step of its control strategy. A total of 12 traps were installed and synthetic pheromones (P028 Ferrolure+) were used in attracting the RPW adults. Overall, 81 individuals of RPW were successfully collected after 16 weeks of pheromone trapping (3rd September until 28th November 2018). The trend of weekly RPW captured was eventually decreasing from Week 1 to Week 16 but showed a sudden increment in Week 10. Pandan cultivar plot captured the highest number of adult RPW compared with Mawa cultivar plots. Result showed no significant difference between RPW sexes percentage of sexes which was 53% of male and 47% of female (1:1 ratio) (U= 0.143, p > 0.05). Daily rainfall and temperature significantly reduced the trapping efficiency (R²rainfall = 0.142, p = 0.145; R²temperature = 0.0858; p = 0.258). These results will be the baseline information for future study regarding control management strategy using pheromone-based mass trapping system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
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