Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with school-going children from 16 selected schools of a tribal district in Jharkhand using multistage cluster random sampling. In each selected school, 60 students, 30 boys and 30 girls, were chosen randomly, totaling 960 children (full data was for 935 children only). Growth charts were created using Lambda-Mu-Sigma (LMS) chart maker version 2.5 for height, weight and body mass index (BMI). In the charts, the LMS values with Z scores for each age and respective height and weight for boys and girls were recorded.
Results: The 468 boys and 467 girls were in the range of 6-14 years of age. Percentile values obtained for the measured heights in centimetres were evaluated and compared with Indian Academy of Pediatrics reference charts for boys and girls for the same age group, and our values were found to be on the lower side. We were able to plot a growth chart of the data set; as the tribal children's ethnicity is different, this growth chart might be used to assess nutritional status.
Conclusion: We concluded that growth curves for height, weight, and BMI may be used for evaluating children of age 6-14 years in the tribal population. The measures can be a good indicator of their nourishment status and overall growth patterns, which might be indigenous to their ethnicity. A larger sample size of similar tribal populations may give a clearer picture.
Methods: This school-based, non-randomised controlled study was conducted among secondary school students with a total of 236 respondents. The KAPS score were assessed before and 1 month after using self-administered validated KAPS questionnaire on TB. Analysis was done using repeated measures ANOVA.
Results: The mean percentage score (SD) for baseline knowledge, attitude, practice and stigma score for the respondents were 54.0 (4.48), 65.6 (1.74), 70.0 (1.43) and 66.0 (6.88), respectively. There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) in the knowledge and stigma score for intervention group compared to control group, adjusted for gender, ethnicity and smoking status 4 weeks post-TB educational programme. However, with regards to attitude and practice score, there was no significant difference (P = 0.210 and P = 0.243, respectively).
Conclusion: TB education programme was effective in improving knowledge and stigma related to TB. This health education programme can be used as one of the strategies for the prevention and control of TB in schools.
Methods: This cross-sectional study uses a pre-validated, self-administered questionnaire, which has been administered to 200 residents in Jitra, Kedah, Malaysia. Descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to analyse the data.
Results: Females formed 64.0% of the participants, with Malay being the dominant ethnic group (n = 167, 83.5%); 77.5% of the participants reported they were aware of the role of pharmacists in the healthcare system. However, 35.0% of the participants reported having never heard the term 'dispensing separation' in any mainstream media in Malaysia, whereas 73.5% of the participants reported that a pharmacist was more reliable than a physician in providing medicines once the diagnosis had been made and 77.5% of them acknowledged that pharmacists were experts in the field of medication. There was a significant association between the participant's awareness and the agreement on perceptions toward the implementation of the DS (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Awareness of the implementation of DS among residents in Jitra is still low. However, there is strong evidence of public support and the benefits of DS in Malaysia.