Displaying publications 541 - 560 of 4601 in total

  1. Tani N, Tsumura Y, Kado T, Taguchi Y, Lee SL, Muhammad N, et al.
    Ann Bot, 2009 Dec;104(7):1421-34.
    PMID: 19808773 DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcp252
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Knowledge of pollen dispersal patterns and variation of fecundity is essential to understanding plant evolutionary processes and to formulating strategies to conserve forest genetic resources. Nevertheless, the pollen dispersal pattern of dipterocarp, main canopy tree species in palaeo-tropical forest remains unclear, and flowering intensity variation in the field suggests heterogeneity of fecundity.

    METHODS: Pollen dispersal patterns and male fecundity variation of Shorea leprosula and Shorea parvifolia ssp. parvifolia on Peninsular Malaysian were investigated during two general flowering seasons (2001 and 2002), using a neighbourhood model modified by including terms accounting for variation in male fecundity among individual trees to express heterogeneity in flowering.

    KEY RESULTS: The pollen dispersal patterns of the two dipterocarp species were affected by differences in conspecific tree flowering density, and reductions in conspecific tree flowering density led to an increased selfing rate. Active pollen dispersal and a larger number of effective paternal parents were observed for both species in the season of greater magnitude of general flowering (2002).

    CONCLUSIONS: The magnitude of general flowering, male fecundity variation, and distance between pollen donors and mother trees should be taken into account when attempting to predict the effects of management practices on the self-fertilization and genetic structure of key tree species in tropical forest, and also the sustainability of possible management strategies, especially selective logging regimes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Flowers/physiology*; Dipterocarpaceae/physiology*
  2. Zhang A, Kuang LF, Maisin N, Karumuru B, Hall DR, Virdiana I, et al.
    Environ Entomol, 2008 Jun;37(3):719-24.
    PMID: 18559177
    The previously identified female sex pheromone of cocoa pod borer, Conopomorpha cramerella, was re-evaluated for its attractive activity in different field conditions. It was found that lures containing 100-mug of synthetic sex pheromone blend, (E,Z,Z)- and (E,E,Z)-4,6,10-hexadecatrienyl acetates, and the corresponding alcohols in a ratio of 40:60:4:6 in a polyethylene vial attracted male C. cramerella moths in Sabah and peninsular Malaysia and in Sumatra and Sulawesi, Indonesia, suggesting that the same pheromone strain existed in a wide stretch of the Indo-Malayan archipelago. Of the three kinds of trap designs tested, the Delta traps were more effective than Pherocon V scale traps. Male captures were not significantly different among traps baited with 100-, 300-, or 1,000-mug doses of sex pheromone. A release rate study of pheromone formulation conducted in the laboratory showed that volatile active ingredients were desorbed from polyethylene vials following first-order kinetics, which indicates a satisfactory "half-life time" of a 100-mug loading is approximately 6 wk under laboratory conditions. A satisfactory attractiveness of the lure with a 100-mug loading was approximately 1-2 mo in the fields.
    Matched MeSH terms: Moths/physiology*; Sex Attractants/physiology*
  3. Kurokawa H, Nakashizuka T
    Ecology, 2008 Sep;89(9):2645-56.
    PMID: 18831185
    There is accumulating evidence that similar suites of plant traits may affect leaf palatability and leaf litter decomposability. However, the possible association between leaf herbivory and litter decomposition rates across species in species-diverse natural ecosystems such as tropical rain forests remains unexplored, despite its importance in estimating the herbivory effects on carbon and nutrient cycling of ecosystems. We found no strong association between leaf herbivory and litter decomposition rates across 40 tree species in a Malaysian tropical rain forest, even though the leaf and litter traits were tightly correlated. This is because the leaf and litter traits related to herbivory and decomposition rates in the field were inconsistent. Leaf toughness accounted for only a small part of the variation in the herbivory rate, whereas a number of litter traits (the leaf mass per area, lignin to nitrogen ratio, and condensed tannin concentration) accurately predicted the decomposition rate across species. These results suggest that herbivory rate across species may not be strongly related to single leaf traits, probably because plant-herbivore interactions in tropical rain forests are highly diverse; on the other hand, plant-decomposer interactions are less specific and can be governed by litter chemicals. We also investigated two factors, phylogeny and tree functional types, that could affect the relationship between herbivory and decomposition across species. Phylogenetic relatedness among the species did not affect the relationship between herbivory and decomposition. In contrast, when the plants were segregated according to their leaf emergence pattern, we found a significant positive relationship between herbivory and decomposition rates for continuous-leafing species. In these species, the condensed tannin to N ratios in leaves and litter were related to herbivory and decomposition rates, respectively. However, we did not observe a similar trend for synchronous-leafing species. These results suggest that the relationship between herbivory and decomposition may be more greatly affected by functional types than by phylogenetic relatedness among species. In conclusion, our results suggest that well-defended leaves are not necessarily less decomposable litter in a tropical rain forest community, implying that herbivory may not generate positive feedback for carbon and nutrient cycling in this type of ecosystem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior/physiology*; Trees/physiology*
  4. Kuze N, Sipangkui S, Malim TP, Bernard H, Ambu LN, Kohshima S
    Primates, 2008 Apr;49(2):126-34.
    PMID: 18297473 DOI: 10.1007/s10329-008-0080-7
    We analysed the reproductive parameters of free-ranging female orangutans at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (SORC) on Borneo Island, Sabah, Malaysia. Fourteen adult females produced 28 offspring in total between 1967 and 2004. The average censored interbirth interval (IBI) (i.e. offspring was still alive when mother produced a next offspring) was 6 years. This was shorter than censored IBIs reported in the wild but similar to IBIs reported for those in captivity. The nonparametric survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier method) revealed a significantly shorter IBI at SORC compared with wild orangutans in Tanjung Putting. The infant (0-3 years) mortality rate at SORC of 57% was much higher than rates reported both in the wild and captivity. The birth sex-ratio was significantly biassed toward females: 24 of the 27 sex-identified infants were females. The average age at first reproduction was 11.6 years, which is younger than the age in the wild and in captivity. The high infant mortality rate might be caused by human rearing and increased transmission of disease due to frequent proximal encounters with conspecifics around the feeding platforms (FPs). This young age of first reproduction could be because of the uncertainty regarding estimated ages of the female orangutans at SORC. It may also be affected by association with other conspecifics around FPs, which increased the number of encounters of the females with males compared with the number of encounters that would take place in the wild. Provision of FPs, which improves the nutritional condition of the females, caused the shorter IBI. The female-biassed birth sex-ratio can be explained by the Trivers and Willard hypothesis. The female-biassed sex ratio could be caused by the mothers being in poor health, parasite prevalence and/or high social stress (but not food scarcity) due to the frequent encounters with conspecifics around FPs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pongo pygmaeus/physiology*; Reproduction/physiology*
  5. Kusuda S, Ikoma M, Morikaku K, Koizumi J, Kawaguchi Y, Kobayashi K, et al.
    J. Reprod. Dev., 2007 Dec;53(6):1283-9.
    PMID: 17965541
    The progesterone (P(4)) profiles and macroscopic vulvar changes of female Malayan tapirs were investigated in order to understand their fundamental reproductive physiology and to search for visual indicators of estrus. Blood was collected once or twice a week from seven female Malayan tapirs kept at four zoos. Serum or plasma P(4) concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay. The P(4) concentrations changed cyclically throughout the years, and a total of 56 cycles was confirmed in the seven females. The length of the estrous cycle based on the P(4) profiles was 43.6+/-2.0 days; however, this mean includes great variation in length, from 21 to 84 days. Mucous discharge from the vulva and vulvar swelling were seen when the P(4) concentrations were low before the beginning of a rise in most cases. In conclusion, captive female Malayan tapirs have variations of approximately 1 to 3 months in estrous cycle length, and visual changes in the vulva are helpful in estimating estrus in female Malayan tapirs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vulva/physiology*; Estrous Cycle/physiology*
  6. Fukue Y, Kado T, Lee SL, Ng KK, Muhammad N, Tsumura Y
    J Plant Res, 2007 May;120(3):413-20.
    PMID: 17387430
    Pristine tropical rainforests in Southeast Asia have rich species diversity and are important habitats for many plant species. However, the extent of these forests has declined in recent decades and they have become fragmented due to human activities. These developments may reduce the genetic diversity of species within them and, consequently, the species' ability to adapt to environmental changes. Our objective in the study presented here was to clarify the effect of tree density on the genetic diversity and gene flow patterns of Shorea leprosula Miq. populations in Peninsular Malaysia. For this purpose, we related genetic diversity and pollen flow parameters of seedling populations in study plots to the density of mature trees in their vicinity. The results show that gene diversity and allelic richness were not significantly correlated to the mature tree density. However, the number of rare alleles among the seedlings and the selfing rates of the mother trees were negatively correlated with the density of the adult trees. Furthermore, in a population with high mature tree density pollination distances were frequently <200 m, but in populations with low adult tree density the distances were longer. These findings suggest that the density of flowering trees affects selfing rates, gene flow and, thus, the genetic diversity of S. leprosula populations. We also found an individual S. leprosula tree with a unique reproductive system, probably apomictic, mating system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pollen/physiology; Theales/physiology*
  7. Goossens B, Setchell JM, James SS, Funk SM, Chikhi L, Abulani A, et al.
    Mol Ecol, 2006 Aug;15(9):2577-88.
    PMID: 16842428
    Behavioural observations suggest that orang-utans are semi-solitary animals with females being philopatric and males roaming more widely in search of receptive partners, leading to the prediction that females are more closely related than males at any given site. In contrast, our study presents evidence for male and female philopatry in the orang-utan. We examined patterns of relatedness and parentage in a wild orang-utan population in Borneo using noninvasively collected DNA samples from animals observed to defecate, and microsatellite markers to assess dispersal and mating strategies. Surprisingly, resident females were equally as related to other resident females (mean r(xy) = 0.303) as resident males were to other resident males (mean r(xy) = 0.305). Moreover, resident females were more related to each other and to the resident males than they were to nonresident females, and resident males were more related to each other (and resident females) than they were to nonresident males. We assigned genetic mothers to 12 individuals in the population, while sires could be identified for eight. Both flanged males and unflanged males achieved paternity, similar to findings reported for Sumatran orang-utans.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pongo pygmaeus/physiology*; Reproduction/physiology*
  8. Schilthuizen M, van Til A, Salverda M, Liew TS, James SS, bin Elahan B, et al.
    Evolution, 2006 Sep;60(9):1851-8.
    PMID: 17089969
    Genetic divergence in geographically isolated populations is a prerequisite for allopatric speciation, one of the most common modes of speciation. In ecologically equivalent populations existing within a small, environmentally homogeneous area, an important role for environmentally neutral divergence is often found or inferred. We studied a species complex of conspicuously shaped Opisthostoma land snails on scattered limestone outcrops within a small area of lowland rainforest in Borneo. We used shell morphometrics, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, and marks of predation to study the factors involved in allopatric divergence. We found that a striking geographic divergence exists in shell morphology, which is partly associated with neutral genetic divergence. We also found geographic differentiation in the behavior of the snails' invertebrate predator and evidence of an evolutionary interaction between aspects of shell shape and predator behavior. Our study shows that adaptation to biotic aspects of the environment may play a more important role in allopatric speciation than previously suspected, even on a geographically very small scale.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior/physiology*; Gastropoda/physiology*
  9. Nayak S
    Adv Physiol Educ, 2006 Jun;30(2):95-6.
    PMID: 16709742
    Matched MeSH terms: Genitalia, Female/physiology*; Peritoneum/physiology*
  10. Nor Aini J, Poh BK, Chee WS
    Pediatr Int, 2013 Apr;55(2):223-8.
    PMID: 23253297 DOI: 10.1111/ped.12035
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the ability of a children's physical activity questionnaire (cPAQ) to assess physical activity levels and bone health status of school children.
    METHODS: Subjects consisted of 90 pre-pubertal and early pubertal children aged 9-10 years. Components of physical activity were assessed using metabolic intensity (METPA) scores and mechanical bone strain (MECHPA) scores. An Actical accelerometer was used to validate METPA scores among a sub-sample of 57 children. Reliability was assessed by test-retesting all children after a 7 day interval. Whole body bone mineral content (BMC) was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.
    RESULTS: The reliability of cPAQ for assessment of various categories of physical activity was moderate to high (r ranged from 0.55 to 0.68, P < 0.001). Agreement was fair for repeated use of the cPAQ (Cohen's kappa = 0.32, P < 0.001). Bland-Altman plots show cPAQ had fair agreement only for moderate activity (mean difference 35.4 min/week; 95% limits of agreement -434.0 to +504.9 min/week). Approximately 69.6% of children were correctly classified (into the same or adjacent quartiles) according to the quartiles of BMC for METPA score, and 58.7% were correctly classified according to MECHPA score. Only 10.9% and 12.0% of children were grossly misclassified as compared to METPA and MECHPA scores, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The cPAQ has reasonable validity in assessing moderate physical activity, and it demonstrates good ability to accurately classify children according to BMC. It fails, however, to assess other activity levels, suggesting that objective measurement is still a better method of assessment of physical activity among primary school children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bone Development/physiology*; Motor Activity/physiology*
  11. Zainal Zahari Z, Rosnina Y, Wahid H, Yap KC, Jainudeen MR
    Anim. Reprod. Sci., 2005 Feb;85(3-4):327-35.
    PMID: 15581515
    The Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is on the verge of extinction in Malaysia. At the Sumatran rhinoceros Conservation Centre in Sungai Dusun, the reproductive behaviour of two female and two male rhinoceroses were studied for 8-10 months during attempts to breed them in captivity. Due to the paucity of scientific information on the reproductive biology of the Sumatran rhinoceros, this study was conducted to obtain information on the reproductive behaviour of this species. The male rhino was introduced to a female rhino in the morning for 1-2 h daily in order to observe for behavioural oestrus. Observations were made on the signs of oestrus and mating behaviour. Oestrus was determined by receptivity towards the male and lasted about 24 h. Common signs of oestrus were an increase in frequency of urine spraying, tail raising or swinging, anogenital and other contacts. Although the males exhibited mounting, the inability of the male to achieve intromission was poor. The study demonstrated that the pattern of courtship and copulation of the captive Sumatran rhinos were comparable with those of other rhino species, reported previously by other scientists and flehmen reflex was also exhibited by the male Sumatran rhinos. In a captive breeding programme, it is recommended that only an oestral female is introduced into a male enclosure due to the male solitary behaviour and to avoid serious injuries inflicted onto the females.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perissodactyla/physiology*; Reproduction/physiology*
  12. Nurita AT, Hassan AA
    Bull. Entomol. Res., 2013 Jun;103(3):296-302.
    PMID: 23302698 DOI: 10.1017/S0007485312000703
    Two types of municipal solid waste (MSW), newly arrived and 2 weeks old, were sampled from a sanitary landfill in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia at a fortnightly interval and kept under field conditions for 2 weeks. A total of 480 kg of each type of MSW was sampled to study species composition and impact of delays in cover soil applications on filth fly emergence. Out of 960 kg of MSW sampled, 9.2 ± 0.5 flies emerged per kilogram. Weekly adult fly emergence rates of newly arrived and 2-week-old waste did not differ significantly and MSW remained suitable for fly breeding for up to 1 month. Eight species of flies emerged from the MSW: namely, Musca domestica, Musca sorbens, Synthesiomyia nudiseta, Hydrotaea chalcogaster, Chrysomya megacephala, Lucilia cuprina, Hemipyrellia ligurriens and Sarcophaga sp. Newly arrived waste was determined to be the main source for M. domestica, C. megacephala and L. cuprina in the landfill owing to significantly higher mean emergence compared with 2-week-old waste. Musca sorbens was found in newly arrived waste but not in 2-week-old waste, suggesting that the species was able to survive transportation to landfill but unable to survive landfill conditions. Hemipyrellia ligurriens, H. chalcogaster and S. nudiseta were not imported into the landfill with MSW and pre-existing flies in and around the landfill itself may be their source. The results show that landfills can be a major source of fly breeding if cover soil or temporary cover is not applied daily or on a regular schedule.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diptera/physiology*; Metamorphosis, Biological/physiology*
  13. You KY, Mun HK, You LL, Salleh J, Abbas Z
    Sensors (Basel), 2013;13(3):3652-63.
    PMID: 23493127 DOI: 10.3390/s130303652
    A moisture detection of single rice grains using a slim and small open-ended coaxial probe is presented. The coaxial probe is suitable for the nondestructive measurement of moisture values in the rice grains ranging from from 9.5% to 26%. Empirical polynomial models are developed to predict the gravimetric moisture content of rice based on measured reflection coefficients using a vector network analyzer. The relationship between the reflection coefficient and relative permittivity were also created using a regression method and expressed in a polynomial model, whose model coefficients were obtained by fitting the data from Finite Element-based simulation. Besides, the designed single rice grain sample holder and experimental set-up were shown. The measurement of single rice grains in this study is more precise compared to the measurement in conventional bulk rice grains, as the random air gap present in the bulk rice grains is excluded.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edible Grain/physiology; Oryza/physiology
  14. Mashimo Y, Yoshizawa K, Engel MS, Ghani IA, Dallai R, Beutel RG, et al.
    Zootaxa, 2013;3717:498-514.
    PMID: 26176120
    Three new species of the uncommonly encountered insect order Zoraptera are described and figured from Peninsular Malaysia--Zorotypus magnicaudelli sp. n., Zorotypus cervicornis sp. n., and Zorotypus impolitus sp. n. Another species from the region, identified as Zorotypus caudelli Karny, 1927, was also collected and is reevaluated herein based on new material. A brief discussion of characters used in zorapteran systematics is provided, and a key to the species of Peninsular Malaysia provided. This is the first report for the order Zoraptera from Peninsular Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insects/physiology; Animal Distribution/physiology*
  15. Schilthuizen M, Scott BJ, Cabanban AS, Craze PG
    Heredity (Edinb), 2005 Sep;95(3):216-20.
    PMID: 16077741
    Tree snails of the subgenus Amphidromus s. str. are unusual because of the chiral dimorphism that exists in many species, with clockwise (dextrally) and counter-clockwise (sinistrally) coiled individuals co-occurring in the same population. Given that mating in snails is normally impeded when the two partners have opposite coil, positive frequency-dependent selection should prevent such dimorphism from persisting. We test the hypothesis that a strong population structure with little movement between tree-based demes may result in the fixation of coiling morphs at a very small spatial scale, but apparent dimorphism at all larger scales. To do so, we describe the spatial structure in a Malaysian population of A. inversus (Müller, 1774) with 36% dextrals. We marked almost 700 juvenile and adult snails in a piece of forest consisting of 92 separate trees, and recorded dispersal and the proportions of dextrals and sinistrals in all trees over a 7-day period. We observed frequent movement between trees (155 events), and found that no trees had snail populations with proportions of dextrals and sinistrals that were significantly different from random. Upon recapture 1 year later, almost two-thirds of the snails had moved away from their original tree. We conclude that population structure alone cannot stabilise the coil dimorphism in Amphidromus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Reproduction/physiology; Snails/physiology
  16. Foo KY, Chee HY
    Biomed Res Int, 2015;2015:427814.
    PMID: 26347881 DOI: 10.1155/2015/427814
    Flaviviruses are potentially human pathogens that cause major epidemics worldwide. Flavivirus interacts with host cell factors to form a favourable virus replication site. Cell cytoskeletons have been observed to have close contact with flaviviruses, which expands the understanding of cytoskeleton functions during virus replication, although many detailed mechanisms are still unclear. The interactions between the virus and host cytoskeletons such as actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments have provided insight into molecular alterations during the virus infection, such as viral entry, in-cell transport, scaffold assembly, and egress. This review article focuses on the utilization of cytoskeleton by Flavivirus and the respective functions during virus replication.
    Matched MeSH terms: Flavivirus/physiology*; Virus Replication/physiology*
  17. Prakash A, Dhaliwal GK, Kumar P, Majeed AB
    Int J Neurosci, 2017 Feb;127(2):99-108.
    PMID: 27044501
    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the basis of disease onset and progression. A complicated array of molecular events has been implicated in the pathogenesis of AD. It is attributed to a variety of pathological conditions that share similar critical processes, such as oxidative stress, proteinaceous aggregations, mitochondrial dysfunctions and energy failure. There is increasing evidence suggesting that metal homeostasis is dysregulated in the pathology of AD. Biometals play an important role in the normal body functioning but AD may be mediated or triggered by disproportion of metal ions leading to changes in critical biological systems and initiating a cascade of events finally leading to neurodegeneration and cell death. The link is multifactorial, and although the source of the shift in oxidative homeostasis is still unclear, current evidence points to changes in the balance of redox transition metals, especially iron, copper (Cu) and other trace metals. Their levels in the brain are found to be elevated in AD. In other neurodegenerative disorders, Cu, zinc, aluminum and manganese are involved. This paper is a review of recent advances of the role of metals in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of AD and related neurodegenerative diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Homeostasis/physiology; Oxidative Stress/physiology
  18. Ahmad RF, Malik AS, Kamel N, Reza F, Abdullah JM
    Australas Phys Eng Sci Med, 2016 Jun;39(2):363-78.
    PMID: 27043850 DOI: 10.1007/s13246-016-0438-x
    Memory plays an important role in human life. Memory can be divided into two categories, i.e., long term memory and short term memory (STM). STM or working memory (WM) stores information for a short span of time and it is used for information manipulations and fast response activities. WM is generally involved in the higher cognitive functions of the brain. Different studies have been carried out by researchers to understand the WM process. Most of these studies were based on neuroimaging modalities like fMRI, EEG, MEG etc., which use standalone processes. Each neuroimaging modality has some pros and cons. For example, EEG gives high temporal resolution but poor spatial resolution. On the other hand, the fMRI results have a high spatial resolution but poor temporal resolution. For a more in depth understanding and insight of what is happening inside the human brain during the WM process or during cognitive tasks, high spatial as well as high temporal resolution is desirable. Over the past decade, researchers have been working to combine different modalities to achieve a high spatial and temporal resolution at the same time. Developments of MRI compatible EEG equipment in recent times have enabled researchers to combine EEG-fMRI successfully. The research publications in simultaneous EEG-fMRI have been increasing tremendously. This review is focused on the WM research involving simultaneous EEG-fMRI data acquisition and analysis. We have covered the simultaneous EEG-fMRI application in WM and data processing. Also, it adds to potential fusion methods which can be used for simultaneous EEG-fMRI for WM and cognitive tasks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brain/physiology*; Memory, Short-Term/physiology*
  19. Ibitoye MO, Hamzaid NA, Hasnan N, Abdul Wahab AK, Davis GM
    PLoS One, 2016;11(2):e0149024.
    PMID: 26859296 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149024
    BACKGROUND: Rapid muscle fatigue during functional electrical stimulation (FES)-evoked muscle contractions in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) is a significant limitation to attaining health benefits of FES-exercise. Delaying the onset of muscle fatigue is often cited as an important goal linked to FES clinical efficacy. Although the basic concept of fatigue-resistance has a long history, recent advances in biomedical engineering, physiotherapy and clinical exercise science have achieved improved clinical benefits, especially for reducing muscle fatigue during FES-exercise. This review evaluated the methodological quality of strategies underlying muscle fatigue-resistance that have been used to optimize FES therapeutic approaches. The review also sought to synthesize the effectiveness of these strategies for persons with SCI in order to establish their functional impacts and clinical relevance.

    METHODS: Published scientific literature pertaining to the reduction of FES-induced muscle fatigue was identified through searches of the following databases: Science Direct, Medline, IEEE Xplore, SpringerLink, PubMed and Nature, from the earliest returned record until June 2015. Titles and abstracts were screened to obtain 35 studies that met the inclusion criteria for this systematic review.

    RESULTS: Following the evaluation of methodological quality (mean (SD), 50 (6) %) of the reviewed studies using the Downs and Black scale, the largest treatment effects reported to reduce muscle fatigue mainly investigated isometric contractions of limited functional and clinical relevance (n = 28). Some investigations (n = 13) lacked randomisation, while others were characterised by small sample sizes with low statistical power. Nevertheless, the clinical significance of emerging trends to improve fatigue-resistance during FES included (i) optimizing electrode positioning, (ii) fine-tuning of stimulation patterns and other FES parameters, (iii) adjustments to the mode and frequency of exercise training, and (iv) biofeedback-assisted FES-exercise to promote selective recruitment of fatigue-resistant motor units.

    CONCLUSION: Although the need for further in-depth clinical trials (especially RCTs) was clearly warranted to establish external validity of outcomes, current evidence was sufficient to support the validity of certain techniques for rapid fatigue-reduction in order to promote FES therapy as an integral part of SCI rehabilitation. It is anticipated that this information will be valuable to clinicians and other allied health professionals administering FES as a treatment option in rehabilitation and aid the development of effective rehabilitation interventions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Exercise/physiology; Muscle Fatigue/physiology*
  20. Arifin N, Abu Osman NA, Ali S, Gholizadeh H, Wan Abas WA
    Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 2015 Jul;229(7):491-8.
    PMID: 26019139 DOI: 10.1177/0954411915587595
    In recent years, computerized posturography has become an essential tool in quantitative assessment of postural steadiness in the clinical settings. The purpose of this study was to explore the ability of the Biodex(®) Stability System (BSS) to quantify postural steadiness in below-knee amputees. A convenience sample of 10 below-knee amputees participated in the study. The overall (OSI), anterior-posterior (APSI) and medial-lateral (MLSI) stability indexes as well as the percentage of time spent in left and right quadrants and four concentric zones were measured under altered sensory conditions while standing with solid ankle cushion heel (SACH), single-axis (SA) and energy storage and release (ESAR) feet. Significant difference was found between sensory conditions in SACH and ESAR feet for OSI (SACH, p = 0.002; ESAR, p = 0.005), APSI (SACH, p = 0.036; ESAR, p = 0.003) and MLSI (SACH, p = 0.008; ESAR, p = 0.05) stability indexes. The percentage of time spent in Zone A (0°-5°) was significantly greater than the other three concentric zones (p < 0.01). The loading time percentage on their intact limb (80%-94%) was significantly longer than the amputated limb (20%-6%) in all conditions for all three prosthetic feet. Below-knee amputees showed compromised postural steadiness when visual, proprioceptive or vestibular sensory input was altered. The findings highlight that the characteristics of postural stability in amputees can be clinically assessed by utilizing the outcomes produced by the BSS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology*; Foot/physiology*
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