In 1990 the Institute for Medical Research carried out a serosurvey in the state of Kelantan to study the age stratified immune prevalence rates for measles and poliomyelitis. Our findings indicate that 981 out of 1,097 (89%) of the population screened had measles antibodies and more than 90% (366 out of 400) had antibodies to all three serotypes of poliovirus. The susceptible group for measles was infants below one year of age, of whom 53.3% (8/15) did not have measles antibody. Of 400 subjects, 125 (31.3%) who were either incompletely vaccinated or had not been vaccinated against poliomyelitis, had polio neutralizing antibodies to all three poliovirus serotypes, suggesting herd immunity in the population. No high risk age group could be identified for poliomyelitis.
An Aedes survey using various larval survey methods was conducted in 12 urban housing areas and 29 vacant lands in Sibu town proper. Aedes albopictus larvae were found in all areas surveyed while Aedes aegypti larvae were present in 10 localities and 4 vacant lands. There were no significant difference in the house index, breteau and larval density index of these two Aedes (Stegomyia) species from the survey areas. The proportion of containers positive with Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in area outside the house compound and near the house fencing were 3.2 times higher than outdoor compound. The indoor/outdoor breeding ratio for Ae. aegypti alone is 1.6:1. The most preferred breeding habitats outdoor were plastic cups and used tires while indoor habitats were ant traps and flower vases. In the vacant lands, the average number of larvae per containers was significantly higher than in houses and over 51% of the containers inspected were positive. Shared breeding between Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus larvae accounted for 9% in house surveys and 4.5% in vacant land survey. The use of various methods in Aedes larval survey may provide essential information in the study of vector epidemiology in dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever transmission.
Five pyrethroids namely, lambda-cyhalothrin, permethrin, deltamethrin, cyfluthrin and alpha-cypermethrin were evaluated using adult male and female cockroaches, Periplaneta americana (L). The American cockroaches were exposed for 10 minutes to glass jars treated with different concentrations of the five pyrethroids. The cockroaches were susceptible to all five pyrethroids and the susceptibility based on LC50 and LC50 were observed to be in the following order: lambda-cyhalothrin > permethrin > deltamethrin > cyfluthrin > alpha-cypermethrin The results showed that lambda-cyhalothrin was the most effective and alpha-cypermethrin was the least effective against Periplaneta americana (L).
The infection rate and relationship of enterobiasis with socio-economic status were determined in children aged 1-8 years, living in a rural area in Malaysia. Of the 178 subjects 40.4% were infected with Enterobius vermicularis. The distribution of enterobiasis among these children were analyzed in relation to age groups and sex. The rate of infection was significantly higher in older children (5-7 years). The association of enterobiasis with other factors studied such as number of persons per house, household income per months and mother's employment status were not significant. The sensitivity of three successive days anal swabs compared to a single swab was found to be statistically significant.
Blastocystis hominis has long been described as a non pathogenic protozoan parasite until recently when claims have been made that it can result in pathogenic conditions. Of the 729 stool samples (614 from survey and 115 from pediatric wards) examined, 18.1% of them were found to be positive for one or more intestinal protozoan cyst. The commonest was Giardia intestinalis (8.4%) Followed by Entamoeba coli (7.1%) and Entamoeba histolytica (5.1%) in the normal children without symptoms of diarrhea. When diarrheic stools were examined, the commonest parasite encountered was Giardia (20.4%), followed by E. coli (15.9%) and E. histolytica (9.7%). Blastocystis was observed in 4.4% of the children who had diarrhea and 1.1% among the children taken from the normal population in the rural areas.
A comparative study was done to determine the profile of vitamin B12 and folate status in Malaysians during two different periods. For the period of 1987/88, we analysed a total of 9,162 cases (inpatients) referred for vitamin B12 estimation and 10,290 cases for folate estimation. We found that 2.6% were vitamin B12 deficient and 31.2% were folate deficient. For the period of 1992/93, of the 9,962 cases assayed, 8.2% were found to be vitamin B12 deficient whereas 7.6% of the 10,355 cases referred were folate deficient. Vitamin B12 and folate were assayed either using microbiological or radioassays. These findings indicate that there appears to be a change in the status of both vitamin B12 and folate over the five year interval.
Approximately 57% of clinical and 33% of poultry isolates examined produced a cytotoxin. Cytotoxic activity was detected in 25 (50%) isolates of Campylobacter of which 12 were isolated from bloody diarrhea and 9 from watery stools. The cytotoxin titers were low, ranging from 2 to 16. The crude filtrates from 50 Campylobacter isolates showed no cytotoxic effect in Vero cells, no fluid accumulation in suckling mice and no hemolytic activity.
Mosquito collections were carried out for a period of one year from January to December 1992 in a pig farm in Sungai Pelek, Selangor, Malaysia. A total of 41,022 mosquitos belonging to 52 species and 20 genera were collected. Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Cx. gelidus, the important vectors, comprised 63% of all mosquitos collected. Both these species were collected in large numbers during the wet months of May and December. The other predominant species in that area were Cx. fuscocephala, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. sitiens, Aedes butleri, and Armigeres subalbatus.
Two field trials in the control of subperiodic brugian filariasis vectors, mainly Mansonia bonneae and Mansonia dives were carried out in Sarawak, East Malaysia. In the first trial, malathion ultra-low volume (ULV) spray was used to control the Mansonia mosquitos in two filariasis endemic villages. Six spray rounds were applied at biweekly intervals at Kampung Rasau and two spray rounds were applied at monthly intervals in Kampung Triboh. ULV malathion spray reduced biting Ma. bonneae population for 3 days after spraying. The biting density decreased to 50% of the pre-treatment level by the 12th - 13th day and reached the pre-treatment level by the 24th - 25th day. Contact bioassay tests on caged Mansonia mosquitos revealed considerable penetration of the malathion aerosol indoors and relatively adequate coverage outdoors. The estimated number of bites per case per day was 1.09 to 4 times less in the sprayed kampung than in an unsprayed control kampung. The parous and daily survival rates of Mansonia mosquitos were not significantly affected by the spraying. In a second trial, chemotherapy with diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC) was combined with vector control through indoor residual spraying in Kampung Ampungan. The results were compared with the use of only DEC mass treatment in Kampung Sebangkoi and Kampung Sebamban. The combined control measures in Kampung Ampungan reduced the MfD-50 to 44% of the pre-treatment level over a period of 4 years. In the other two kampungs where only mass DEC therapy was applied, the microfilarial rate and MfD-50 declined significantly in the second blood survey but increased gradually in two subsequent follow-up blood surveys. The total insecticidal impact for Ma. bonneae was 3.9 to 1 indoors and 2.7 to 1 outdoors. These results indicated that quarterly pirimiphos-methyl indoor spraying used in integrated control could reduce indoor transmission by 3.9 times. The infective rate from the Ma. bonneae dissected in all three kampungs after the interventions, irrespective of DEC treatment alone or in combination with pirimiphos-methyl residual spraying were reduced by two fold. However the infection rate of brugian filarial larvae in Kampung Ampungan was significantly reduced after the use of DEC and insecticide. Annual Transmission Potential (ATP) showed a high significant reduction in Kampung Ampungan (p > 0.001) compared with Kampungs Sebangkoi and Schambam. In Ampungan, the ATP was reduced by 8.5 times indoors after the MDA and insecticidal application and 3 times outdoors. The reduction rate for Sebangkoi and Sebamban both indoors and outdoors were less than 2 fold.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
The lymphatic filarial parasites which affect about 90 million people worldwide have similar host-parasite relationships in man. They are all able to survive, reproduce and cause chronic infections if they can successfully evade the protective responses of the host. Studies to investigate the wide spectrum of clinical manifestations of the infection even among those living in similar endemic areas and with presumed equal exposure to infective larvae, have been hampered by the lack of animal models showing similar host-parasite responses. The recent use of the nude mouse infected with Brugia spp, and the leaf-monkey (Presbytis spp) infected with B. malayi or Wuchereria spp for the study of immune responses and the associated pathology of these infections, has elucidated some of the host protective immune responses as well as the associated immunopathological reactions. The successfully entrenched parasite elicits minimal reactions and pathology, but with the onset of effective host responses, whether assisted by chemotherapy, development of protective immunity or both, severe inflammatory responses may occur. The role of such immune mediated response in determining subsequent pathology will probably be dependent on the frequency and duration of these episodes, but these have yet to be defined. Prenatal and perinatal sensitization by filarial antigens are postulated to result in tolerance and/or modification of immune responses to subsequent infections. A role for genetic predisposition to certain clinical outcomes, for example, the development of elephantiasis, has been postulated but needs further study. Advances have also been achieved in defining those parasite antigens/products involved in eliciting or suppressing protective and other immune responses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Two distinct strains of Schistosoma malayensis exist in Malaysia (designated the Baling and Koyan strains). Both these strains show intraspecific variations in pathology (Greer et al, 1988). To evaluate the differences in the pulmonary pathology resulting from infections of the two different strains of Malaysian schistosome, a total of 20 experimental rabbits were infected, 10 each with cercariae of the Koyan strains. Pathological changes were studied over a period of 28 weeks. Granulomas in the lung occurring as a result of infection with the Baling strain were compared with those caused by infection with the Koyan strain. Although both strains produced parenchymatous and alveolar lesions, granulomas caused by the Baling strain of Malaysian schistosome were more numerous and larger (when comparing mean diameter as well as area of granuloma, p < 0.05). In addition, pulmonary vascular hypertensive changes were present in Baling strain infected rabbits. These comprised of pulmonary arteriolar endothelial swelling and damage, intimal elastosis and medial hypertrophy. Angiitis and pulmonary periphlebitis were also noted occasionally. In contrast, Koyan strain infection resulted in fewer and smaller granulomas. Pulmonary vascular changes were minimal.
Intestinal protozoa are found in all communities in Malaysia and among all ethnic groups. Prevalence of intestinal protozoa is not affected by ethnicity but by living conditions. Communities with both basic amenities of safe water supply and proper toilets have lower prevalence than those with one or none of the amenity. Cryptosporidium is an important intestinal protozoon in Malaysia and should be included in future field and laboratory studies and also in laboratory diagnosis for pathogens. Much interest will be centered on Blastocystis hominis in future studies in view that it may be a cause of diarrhea.
In spite of more than 30 years of control activities, malaria continues to be the most important parasitic infection in Malaysia, accounting for 39,189 confirmed cases in 1991, giving an annual parasite incidence rate of 2.2 per 1,000 population. Some factors contributing to the continued transmission of malaria are the development of drug resistant Plasmodium falciparum, changes in vector behavior, and ecological changes due to socio-economic reasons. Malaria parasite rates are higher among the Aborigines, land scheme settlers and those in intimate contact with the jungle, like loggers. There has been no substantial change in the proportion of the three common malaria species responsible for infections, P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae and mixed infections accounting for about 70%, 28%, 1% and 1%, respectively of all infections. Drug resistant P. falciparum is unevenly distributed in Malaysia, but based on clinical experience and in vitro drug sensitivity studies, chloroquine resistance is frequently encountered. There has been clinical and laboratory evidence of resistance to sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine combination as well as quinine, but all these have so far been successfully treated with a combination of quinine and tetracycline. The eradication of the disease is impossible in the near future but there is confidence that with better surveillance techniques and the use of alternative control measures like permethrin impregnated bed-nets to complement existing ones, the target of bringing down the annual parasite incidence to 2 per 1,000 population during the Sixth Malaysian Plan period (1991-1995) can be achieved.
Collections of adult anopheline mosquitos were made from a cow-baited trap in nine coastal villages located along nearly 160km of northwest peninsular Malaysia. Two collections, separated by 1.5 to 6 months, were made at each site. Nearly 6,000 anophelines of 19 species were collected. The dominant species were Anopheles peditaeniatus. An. sinensis, An. subpictus and An. lesteri paraliae. Small numbers of the malaria vectors An. maculatus (at one site) and An. campestris (at four sites) were collected, but no An. sundaicus were recorded.
Rapid enzyme microassays for the detection of resistance due to organophosphate and carbamate in individual field-collected strains of Culex quinquefasciatus adults were conducted. These tests allowed accurate differentiation by eye, on the basis of color changes of susceptible and resistant individuals. Two separate tests were conducted for the biochemical assays. In the insensitive acetylcholinesterase (AChE) test, acetylthiocholine iodide (ACTH) and 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) were used as substrate and coupling agent respectively. The resulting yellow chromophore indicated AChE activity. Test results showed that the color intensity decreased as increasing concentrations of propoxur were added, thereby confirming the susceptibility of the enzyme to inhibitor. Assay of non-specific esterase however, indicated elevated levels which were correlated with degree of malathion resistance. Electrophoretic data revealed the presence of 2 esterase bands in all strains. It was concluded that such a pattern was not contributory to malathion resistance in adults.