Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 140 in total

  1. Williams HF, Vaiyapuri R, Gajjeraman P, Hutchinson G, Gibbins JM, Bicknell AB, et al.
    Toxicon, 2017 Feb 24;130:44-46.
    PMID: 28238804 DOI: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2017.02.025
    Snakebites cause death, disability and economic devastation to their victims, people who live almost exclusively in rural areas. Annually an estimated two million venomous bites cause as many as 100,000 deaths worldwide as well as hundreds of thousands of deformities and amputations. Recent studies suggest that India has the highest incidence of snakebite and associated deaths worldwide. In this study, we interviewed 25 hospital-based clinicians who regularly treat snakebites in Tamil Nadu, India, in order to gauge their opinions and views on the diagnostic tools and treatment methods available at that time, the difficulties encountered in treating snakebites and improvements to snakebite management protocols they deem necessary. Clinicians identified the improvement of community education, training of medical personnel, development of standard treatment protocols and improved medication as priorities for the immediate future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation
  2. Al-Fakih EA, Abu Osman NA, Mahmad Adikan FR
    Sensors (Basel), 2016 Jul 20;16(7).
    PMID: 27447646 DOI: 10.3390/s16071119
    The distribution of interface stresses between the residual limb and prosthetic socket of a transtibial amputee has been considered as a direct indicator of the socket quality fit and comfort. Therefore, researchers have been very interested in quantifying these interface stresses in order to evaluate the extent of any potential damage caused by the socket to the residual limb tissues. During the past 50 years a variety of measurement techniques have been employed in an effort to identify sites of excessive stresses which may lead to skin breakdown, compare stress distributions in various socket designs, and evaluate interface cushioning and suspension systems, among others. The outcomes of such measurement techniques have contributed to improving the design and fitting of transtibial sockets. This article aims to review the operating principles, advantages, and disadvantages of conventional and emerging techniques used for interface stress measurements inside transtibial sockets. It also reviews and discusses the evolution of different socket concepts and interface stress investigations conducted in the past five decades, providing valuable insights into the latest trends in socket designs and the crucial considerations for effective stress measurement tools that lead to a functional prosthetic socket.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation Stumps
  3. Devkota, Pramod, Shiraz Ahmad
    Malays Orthop J, 2013;7(1):49-51.
    Hands are essential organs and their agility and dexterity are vital to our daily lives. In the present study, we analysed 107 patients who presented at the local hospital with hand injuries sustained in the oil fields, oil industries and related employment sectors from the surrounding regions. All the patients were male and the mean age was 37.89 years (range, 21-61y). Forty-seven (43.93%) patients had simple cut injuries, 14 patients (13.08%) had tendon injuries, 13 patients (12.14%) had amputation of the digit (30.84%) had bone fractures (including 20 (66.66%) open fractures). Only 19 (17.75%) patients were admitted in hospital for further
    treatment. Ninety-one (85.04%) patients injured within one year of employment and 57(53.27%) patients were not satisfied with instructions and orientation before starting their job. Hand injury is one of the most common injuries in the oil industry and overtime work further increases incidence of this injury.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation
  4. Shalimar, A., Jamari, S., Abdul Halim, A.R., Roohi, S.A., Naicker, A.S., Sharaf, I.
    Malays Orthop J, 2007;1(1):34-38.
    Domestic paediatric hand injuries make up the bulk of overall paediatric hand injuries. This is a retrospective study of domestic paediatric hand injuries admitted into an urban hospital that required surgical intervention. The most common injuries sustained were tendon injuries (24%), total amputations (20%) and lacerations wounds (16%). Accordingly the most common surgical interventions were tendon repairs (28%), toilet suturing (24%) and refashioning (20%). Parents and care providers need to be more vigilant and careful when supervising children including ensuring the safe storage of dangerous items. Sharp items may require additional safety features and warning labels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation
  5. Heng SP, Letchumanan V, Deng CY, Ab Mutalib NS, Khan TM, Chuah LH, et al.
    Front Microbiol, 2017;8:997.
    PMID: 28620366 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00997
    Vibrio vulnificus is a Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium that belongs to the family Vibrionaceae. It is a deadly, opportunistic human pathogen which is responsible for the majority of seafood-associated deaths worldwide. V. vulnificus infection can be fatal as it may cause severe wound infections potentially requiring amputation or lead to sepsis in susceptible individuals. Treatment is increasingly challenging as V. vulnificus has begun to develop resistance against certain antibiotics due to their indiscriminate use. This article aims to provide insight into the antibiotic resistance of V. vulnificus in different parts of the world as well as an overall review of its clinical manifestations, treatment, and prevention. Understanding the organism's antibiotic resistance profile is vital in order to select appropriate treatment and initiate appropriate prevention measures to treat and control V. vulnificus infections, which should eventually help lower the mortality rate associated with this pathogen worldwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation
  6. Smith GH
    Lancet, 1841;37:291-292.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(02)81752-4
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation
  7. Saadon I, Amit B, Zolquarnian A, Muhamad F
    Malays Orthop J, 2017 Jul;11(2):64-67.
    PMID: 29021882 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1707.010
    Musculoskeletal tumours of the lower limbs especially malignant tumours are not common. The fibula is the site of primary bone tumours as reported in 2.4% of lower limb tumours with the proximal third being more frequently involved than the distal segment. Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant bone tumour of nonhaematopoietic origin, with distal fibular involvement in 0.47% of patients. The advances in imaging techniques and neo-adjuvant chemotherapy have now made it possible to accurately define the extent of tumour and plan limb salvage with tumour resection. The purpose of this case report is to highlight the successful outcome of limb salvage procedure with a five year follow up in an 11-year old boy with distal fibular osteosarcoma. Limb salvage surgery with distal fibulectomy and retention of the foot are a good alternative to radical amputation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation
  8. Arifin N, Hasbollah HR, Hanafi MH, Ibrahim AH, Rahman WAWA, Aziz RC
    Malays J Med Sci, 2017 Oct;24(5):106-111.
    PMID: 29386978 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2017.24.5.12
    The incidence of lower limb amputation is high across the globe and continues to be a major threat to morbidity and mortality. Consequently, the provision of high quality and effective prosthetics services have been known as an essential component for a successful rehabilitation outcome. In Malaysia, amputation prevalence has been increasing in which several main components of service delivering aspects (such as service intervention, prosthetic personnel) should be anticipated to accommodate for the increasing demand. This article highlights the hurdles experienced in providing prosthetic services in Malaysia from multiple aspects such as financial burden to acquire the prosthesis and lack of expertise to produce quality prosthesis. This paramount issues consequently justify for the urgency to carry out national level survey on the current statistics of lower limb amputation and to ascertain the available workforce to provide a quality prosthetics services. Only with accurate and current information from the national survey, strategies and policies aimed at enhancing the outcome from prosthetics services can be achieved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation
  9. Bhuiyan MS, Choudhury IA, Dahari M
    Biol Cybern, 2015 Apr;109(2):141-62.
    PMID: 25491411 DOI: 10.1007/s00422-014-0635-1
    Development of an advanced control system for prostheses (artificial limbs) is necessary to provide functionality, effectiveness, and preferably the feeling of a sound living limb. The development of the control system has introduced varieties of control strategies depending on the application. This paper reviews some control systems used for prosthetics, orthotics, and exoskeletons. The advantages and limitations of different control systems for particular applications have been discussed and presented in a comparative manner to help in deciding the appropriate method for pertinent application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation/rehabilitation
  10. Faisham W, Azman W, Muzaffar T, Muslim D, Azhar A, Yahya M
    Malays Orthop J, 2012 Nov;6(3):37-9.
    PMID: 25279054 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1207.002
    Traumatic hemipelvectomy is an uncommon and life threatening injury. We report a case of a 16-year-old boy involved in a traffic accident who presented with an almost circumferential pelvic wound with wide diastasis of the right sacroiliac joint and symphysis pubis. The injury was associated with complete avulsion of external and internal iliac vessels as well as the femoral and sciatic nerves. He also had ipsilateral open comminuted fractures of the femur and tibia. Emergency debridement and completion of amputation with preservation of the posterior gluteal flap and primary anastomosis of the inferior gluteal vessels to the internal iliac artery stump were performed. A free fillet flap was used to close the massive exposed area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation; Amputation Stumps
  11. Ali S, Osman NA, Mortaza N, Eshraghi A, Gholizadeh H, Wan Abas WA
    Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 2012 Nov;27(9):943-8.
    PMID: 22795863 DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2012.06.004
    The interface pressure between the residual limb and prosthetic socket has a significant effect on an amputee's satisfaction and comfort. Liners provide a comfortable interface by adding a soft cushion between the residual limb and the socket. The Dermo and the Seal-In X5 liner are two new interface systems and, due to their relative infancy, very little are known about their effect on patient satisfaction. The aim of this study was to compare the interface pressure with these two liners and their effect on patient satisfaction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation Stumps/physiopathology*
  12. Eshraghi A, Osman NA, Gholizadeh H, Karimi M, Ali S
    Prosthet Orthot Int, 2012 Mar;36(1):15-24.
    PMID: 22269941 DOI: 10.1177/0309364611431625
    One of the main indicators of the suspension system efficiency in lower limb prostheses is vertical displacement or pistoning within the socket. Decreasing pistoning and introducing an effective system for evaluating pistoning could contribute to the amputees' rehabilitation process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation/rehabilitation*
  13. Wan Hazmy CH, Chia WY, Fong TS, Ganendra P
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Feb;61 Suppl A:3-9.
    PMID: 17042220
    The post-operatve course of amputees is poorly documented. This cross-sectional survey was unertaken to determine functional outcomes of 213 patients who had undergone either a below-knee or above-knee amputation from 2000 to 2002 in a state-hospital setting. The study comprises a self-constructed questionnaire and interview conducted by phone. Of the 213 amputees, 41 out of 61 documented telephone numbers of the patients were useful for contact. Only 30 amputees were available for the study as the remaining 11 had passed away. Included in the questionnaire was the modified Barthel Index, a measurement to assess the amputees' ability to carry out activities of daily living (ADL). It contains ten questions pertaining to ADL with a total score of 20 points. Two-thirds of the respondents (67%) use their prosthesis for less than six hours per day. The Barthel Index of 30 patients ranged from 9-20 (mean 17.7). However, the mean Barthel Index in those with and without prosthesis was 18.4 and 15.2 respectively, but this difference was not significant. Half of the respondents were unable to maintain their pre-amputation jobs, while the remaining 50% were still able to work. Forty seven percent of amputees took less than a year to return to their activities, while 33% took between one to two years. Regarding the adequacy of preamputation information provided by the doctors, 73% amputees responded in the affirmative, while 27% felt otherwise. Amputees were still facing substantial disabilities following major amputation of the lower limb. Although 80% of respondents surveyed own prosthesis, the full use of prosthesis is suboptimal due to prosthetic-related problems. Most amputees had a good functional outcome based on the modified Barthel Index. Some amputees were unhappy as they felt that they were insufficiently informed regarding post-amputation expectation prior to the amputation. Despite good support from family, the community support for amputees is still lacking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation*
  14. Faisham WI, Zulmi W, Nor Azman MZ, Rhendra Hardy MZ
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Feb;61 Suppl A:57-61.
    PMID: 17042232
    Forequarter amputation entails surgical removal of entire upper extremity, scapula and clavicle. Several techniques of forequarter amputation have been described. The anterior approach has been the preferred technique of exploration of axillary vessels and brachial plexus. The posterior approach has been condemned to be unreliable and dangerous for most large tumor of the scapula and suprascapular area. We describe a surgical technique using posterior approach of exploration of major vessels for forequarter amputation of upper extremity in eight patients who presented with humeral-scapular tumor. There were six patients with osteosarcoma: three with tumor recurrent and three chemotherapy recalcitrant tumors with vessels involvement. One patient had massive fungating squamous cell carcinoma and another had recurrent rhabdomyosarcoma. Four patients had fungating ulcer and six patients had multiple pulmonary metastases at the time of surgery. The mean estimated blood transfusion was 900 ml (range 0-1600 ml) and two patients did not require transfusion. The duration of surgery ranged 2.5-6.0 hours (mean 3.8 hours). Two patients with known pulmonary metastases required post-operative intensive care monitoring. The mean duration of survival was 5.8 months. The posterior approach of exploring major vessels for forequarter amputation of upper extremity with musculoskeletal tumor is safe and reliable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation/methods*
  15. Kwan MK, Saw A, Sara Ahmad T
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Mar;60(1):112-4.
    PMID: 16250295 MyJurnal
    We are reporting four cases of serious washing machine related injury that presented within a period of 5 months. All patients were young children with the mean age of 9 year-old and three had their dominant hand injured. The washing machines involved were the automatic top loader type and all injuries occurred during the spinning phase. Serious automatic washing machine injury is not uncommon in Malaysia. We feel that there is a need to improve the safety features especially during the spinning phase. The operating instructions and safety precautions on the washing machine should be displayed in different languages that can be understood well. Parents should also aware of the potential risks of this seemingly benign household appliance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation, Traumatic/etiology*
  16. Merican AM, Kwan MK, Cheok CY, Wong ELW, Sara TA
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Jun;60(2):218-21.
    PMID: 16114164
    Near total amputation of the upper limb if unsalvageable would cause severe disability. However, delayed revascularisation can be life threatening. We report two cases of revascularisation of the upper limb following near total amputation that was successful and functional after a warm ischaemic time of ten hours. The first was a traction avulsion injury of the arm leaving major nerves contused but in continuity. The second was a sharp injury through the mid-forearm attached by only a bridge of skin. Attempting revascularisation of a proximal injury beyond 6 hours, in selected cases is worthwhile.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation, Traumatic/surgery*
  17. Razana A, Hyzan MY, Pathmanathan V, Gill RS
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Sep;53 Suppl A:121-30.
    PMID: 10968194
    A retrospective study was conducted in 130 patients who underwent replantation or revascularization of 195 amputations in Hand and Microsurgery Unit Hospital Kuala Lumpur from 1990 to 1995. There were 130 patients with 195 amputations in the duration of 6 years study, which were mainly males (111 patients, 85.4%). The commonest age group involved was 19-25 years old (49 cases, 63.7%). There were 146 complete amputations replanted and 49 cases of incomplete amputations were revascularized. The commonest part involved was thumb and index finger (23% of cases each) and majority was caused by industrial accident (60.8%). However in pediatric age group home accident was the leading cause of the amputation (93.8%). The overall survival rate for the amputation was 65.6%. Revascularization had a better survival rate (77.6%) than replantation (61.6%). A clean cut wound and ischaemic time less than 12 hours gave better survival rate. However, there was no significant different chance of survival on distribution of injured parts and ischaemic time (< 12 hours).
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation, Traumatic/surgery
  18. Harwant S, Doshi HK, Moissinac K, Abdullah BT
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Jun;55(2):236-41.
    PMID: 19839152
    Sixty inpatients with diabetic foot were studied prospectively at the Orthopaedic wards of Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Data was evaluated to document the patient profile and the factors that were associated with a major amputation (either above knee or below knee) of the lower limb. Factors that were associated with increased risk of amputation were a low education level, manual occupation, poor foot care, peripheral vascular insufficiency of the lower limb, insulin dependence, anaemia and leucocytosis. However only anaemia, leucocytosis and hyperglycaemia were statistically significant in predicting a more adverse surgical procedure. This study recommends that foot care awareness and practice is important. This can be effectively dealt with at specially organised, multi disciplinary Diabetic Foot Clinics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation/utilization
  19. Sivarajah RS, Keh SA, Ong G, Teo WS, Delilkan AE
    Med J Malaysia, 1984 Jun;39(2):112-5.
    PMID: 6513849
    Continuous brachial plexus block in six patients undergoing reimplantation of severed fingers or hand is described. The technique involved placement of a catheter within the neurovascular sheath enclosing the brachial plexus. This enabled us to give the local anaesthetic as required to last the whole duration of surgery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation, Traumatic/surgery*
  20. Abdul Kadir AH, Myint Han
    Med J Malaysia, 1988 Sep;43(3):218-23.
    PMID: 3241579
    Matched MeSH terms: Amputation*
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