Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 142 in total

  1. Shaik Alaudeen, Nor Muslim, Kamarul Faridah, Hamid Arshat
    Milk lipids play an important role in the early nutrition of an infant's life. A study was undertaken to investigate the total lipid content of milk obtained from urban, exclusively breastfeeding Malaysian mothers offill term infants. Results from approximately 600 samples analysed using a commercial kit [MerckotestO] , showed that the total lipid concentration was lowest in colostrum [1.9 + 0.1 g/dl J, however this value increased gradually with days of lactation and attained a maximum concentration of 3.1 ± 0.1 g/dl during the mature milk stage. This agrees with results from other studies that the total lipid content is indeed influenced by the stage of lactation. The effect of socioeconomic factors such as income and parity on the milk lipids was also investi-gated and the results revealed that the above factors had no significant influence on the total lipid content of Malaysian mother 's milk obtained during all three stages of lactation studied [colostrum, transitional and mature milk] . However; ethnicity showed significant influence during the mature but not in the early [colostrum and transitional] stage of lactation. This however, is not filly explained by this study. As a whole, this study suggests that the human breast, through a mechanism that is ill understood, maintains cm optimal level of total lipid in milk despite their differing cultural and genetic background. It is hoped that such scientific evidence will instil more confidence among breastfeeding mothers in this fast developing cosmopolitan nation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  2. Mohd Faizal, A., Vijayan, V., Sandhya, M.M., Noor Shahieddah, F., Vinod, S., Tan, L.K., et al.
    The EXIT (Ex utero intrapartum treatment) procedures have been, with a high degree of success, employed to treat a myriad types of fetal airway obstruction most commonly neck masses such as cystic hygroma and lymphangioma with ample plan including prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound scan or MRI. Before the advent of EXIT, formal documentations had been published with descriptions of intubation during intrapartum period and fetal airway protection either during normal or operative delivery. We report a 28-year-old gravida 2 para 1 who was referred to our Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) unit at 26 weeks and 3 days gestation with a foetal neck mass. We present a case of an successful EXIT procedure performed in the Lloyd Davies position with the hips abducted and flexed at 15 degrees as is employed during gynecologic laparoscopy surgery minus the Trendelenburg tilt. Both mother and baby are well. The benefits of this position are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  3. Sinnathuray TA, Wong WP
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1972 May;12(2):122-5.
    PMID: 4509097
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  4. Yusof K
    Med J Malaysia, 1973 Jun;27(4):275-9.
    PMID: 4270785
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  5. Dietz HP, Stankiewicz M, Atan IK, Ferreira CW, Socha M
    Int Urogynecol J, 2018 May;29(5):723-728.
    PMID: 28762179 DOI: 10.1007/s00192-017-3426-0
    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Vaginal laxity is a poorly understood symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to investigate associations between the symptom of vaginal laxity and its bother on the one hand, and demographic data, other symptoms, and findings on examination on the other hand.

    METHODS: This was a retrospective observational study at a tertiary urogynecological unit. A total of 337 patients were seen for a standardized interview, clinical examination (ICS POP-Q) and 4D translabial ultrasonography. Stored imaging data were analyzed offline to evaluate functional pelvic floor anatomy and investigate associations with symptoms and other findings.

    RESULTS: Of the 337 women seen during the study period, 13 were excluded due to missing data, leaving 324. Vaginal laxity was reported by 24% with a mean bother of 5.7. In a univariate analysis, this symptom was associated with younger age, vaginal parity, POP symptoms and bother, clinically and sonographically determined POP and hiatal area on Valsalva maneuver.

    CONCLUSIONS: Vaginal laxity or 'looseness' is common in our urogynecology service at a prevalence of 24%. The associated bother is almost as high as the bother associated with conventional prolapse symptoms. It is associated with younger age, vaginal parity, symptoms of prolapse, prolapse bother and objective prolapse on POP-Q examination and imaging, suggesting that vaginal laxity may be considered a symptom of prolapse. The strongest associations were found with gh + pb and hiatal area on Valsalva maneuver, suggesting that vaginal laxity is a manifestation of levator ani hyperdistensibility.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  6. Noor Azmi MA, Aniza A
    JUMMEC, 2005;8:39-44.
    To see the trend in managing singleton breech pregnancy after the term breech trial. Secondly to compare the safety of different modes of delivery for term, singleton breeches by looking at the immediate neonatal outcome, based on our own experience. Breech infants were identified by examining computer-stored maternal discharge records of hospitalization for the years 1990 and 2000 respectively. Parameters studied included planned mode of delivery, actual mode of delivery, parity, previous vaginal delivery, Apgar score at five minute, birth weight, referral to special care nursery and neonatal morbidity. Of 6,496 deliveries in 1990 and 5,081 in 2000, there were 220 (3.4%) and 148 (2.9%) term breech infants respectively, of which 115 (for 1990) and 102 (for 2000) case records were available. In 1990, 62.6% of the women had trial of vaginal breech delivery but only 24.5% of the women in 2000 were allowed to do so (p < 0.05). Caesarean section rate for singleton breeches increased from 51.3% in 1990 to 84.3% in 2000 (p < 0.05). Mean Apgar score at five minutes was significantly lower after vaginal breech delivery (9.40 ± 1.36) compared to after Caesarean section (9.72 ± 0.712) but there was no clinical significance. There was a noticeable trend towards Caesarean section and less trial of vaginal delivery. Neonatal outcomes of babies born abdominally were statistically better than those born vaginally but there was little clinical impact. Perhaps in properly selected cases, a planned vaginal breech delivery still has a role to play. KEYWORDS: Breech deliveries, Caesarean section, Apgar score
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  7. Shah NS, Wang MC, Freaney PM, Perak AM, Carnethon MR, Kandula NR, et al.
    JAMA, 2021 08 17;326(7):660-669.
    PMID: 34402831 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2021.7217
    Importance: Gestational diabetes is associated with adverse maternal and offspring outcomes.

    Objective: To determine whether rates of gestational diabetes among individuals at first live birth changed from 2011 to 2019 and how these rates differ by race and ethnicity in the US.

    Design, Setting, and Participants: Serial cross-sectional analysis using National Center for Health Statistics data for 12 610 235 individuals aged 15 to 44 years with singleton first live births from 2011 to 2019 in the US.

    Exposures: Gestational diabetes data stratified by the following race and ethnicity groups: Hispanic/Latina (including Central and South American, Cuban, Mexican, and Puerto Rican); non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander (including Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipina, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese); non-Hispanic Black; and non-Hispanic White.

    Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcomes were age-standardized rates of gestational diabetes (per 1000 live births) and respective mean annual percent change and rate ratios (RRs) of gestational diabetes in non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander (overall and in subgroups), non-Hispanic Black, and Hispanic/Latina (overall and in subgroups) individuals relative to non-Hispanic White individuals (referent group).

    Results: Among the 12 610 235 included individuals (mean [SD] age, 26.3 [5.8] years), the overall age-standardized gestational diabetes rate significantly increased from 47.6 (95% CI, 47.1-48.0) to 63.5 (95% CI, 63.1-64.0) per 1000 live births from 2011 to 2019, a mean annual percent change of 3.7% (95% CI, 2.8%-4.6%) per year. Of the 12 610 235 participants, 21% were Hispanic/Latina (2019 gestational diabetes rate, 66.6 [95% CI, 65.6-67.7]; RR, 1.15 [95% CI, 1.13-1.18]), 8% were non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander (2019 gestational diabetes rate, 102.7 [95% CI, 100.7-104.7]; RR, 1.78 [95% CI, 1.74-1.82]), 14% were non-Hispanic Black (2019 gestational diabetes rate, 55.7 [95% CI, 54.5-57.0]; RR, 0.97 [95% CI, 0.94-0.99]), and 56% were non-Hispanic White (2019 gestational diabetes rate, 57.7 [95% CI, 57.2-58.3]; referent group). Gestational diabetes rates were highest in Asian Indian participants (2019 gestational diabetes rate, 129.1 [95% CI, 100.7-104.7]; RR, 2.24 [95% CI, 2.15-2.33]). Among Hispanic/Latina participants, gestational diabetes rates were highest among Puerto Rican individuals (2019 gestational diabetes rate, 75.8 [95% CI, 71.8-79.9]; RR, 1.31 [95% CI, 1.24-1.39]). Gestational diabetes rates increased among all race and ethnicity subgroups and across all age groups.

    Conclusions and Relevance: Among individuals with a singleton first live birth in the US from 2011 to 2019, rates of gestational diabetes increased across all racial and ethnic subgroups. Differences in absolute gestational diabetes rates were observed across race and ethnicity subgroups.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  8. Dietz HP, Chatel C, Atan IK
    Int Urogynecol J, 2018 May;29(5):703-707.
    PMID: 28733790 DOI: 10.1007/s00192-017-3410-8
    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) commonly presents with a "vaginal lump or bulge" and/or a "dragging sensation." The first symptom correlates strongly with clinical and imaging data. However, a "dragging sensation" may be less specific. Hence, we investigated the predictive value of both symptoms for POP.

    METHODS: This was a retrospective study involving archived data sets of women seen between November 2013 and May 2014. All underwent a clinical interview, POPQ examination, and 4D translabial ultrasound (TLUS). The main outcome measure was organ descent on clinical examination and TLUS. Offline analysis for organ descent was undertaken blinded against all other data.

    RESULTS: A total of 224 women were assessed. Mean age was 57 (23-84) years. Median parity was 3 (0-7). Ninety-three percent (n=208) were vaginally parous. Fifty-eight percent (n=129) complained of symptoms of prolapse: 49% (n=110) of a vaginal lump, 27% (n=61) of a dragging sensation. Clinically, mean point B anterior (Ba) was -0.86 (-3 to +7.5) cm, mean cervical station (C) was -4.1 (-9 to +8) cm, mean point B posterior (Bp) was -1.1 (-3 to +5) cm. On imaging, mean bladder, uterine, and rectal descent were -8.3 (-68.0 to 34) mm, +18.6 (-56.4 to 46.3) mm, and -5.3 (-39.8 to 36) mm respectively. On univariate analysis, both symptoms were strongly associated with objective prolapse clinically and on TLUS, with "vaginal lump" consistently the stronger predictor.

    CONCLUSIONS: The symptom of a "vaginal lump or bulge" was consistently a stronger predictor of objective POP than "dragging sensation." This finding was insensitive to adjustments for potential confounders. However, a "dragging sensation" is clearly a symptom of prolapse.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  9. Nur Farihan M, Ng BK, Phon SE, Nor Azlin MI, Nur Azurah AG, Lim PS
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Jul 07;19(14).
    PMID: 35886170 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19148314
    Pelvic floor disorders are common and of concern, as the majority of maternity healthcare providers seldom discuss this issue with patients compared to other antenatal issues. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and to assess the knowledge and awareness of pelvic floor disorder (PFD) among pregnant women in a tertiary centre in Malaysia. We also aim to assess the association between women’s risk factors regarding their knowledge and awareness of pelvic floor disorder so that primary prevention strategies can be planned, initiated and implemented in the future. This is a cross-sectional study with a total of four hundred twenty-four pregnant women that were recruited over a 6-month duration from May to November 2017 in a tertiary centre in Malaysia. The Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory (PFDI-20) was used to evaluate pelvic floor distress symptoms during pregnancy, namely urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and faecal incontinence. A validated Prolapse and Incontinence Knowledge Questionnaire (PIKQ), which consists of 24 items, was used to assess respondents’ knowledge about urinary incontinence (UI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). A total of 450 participants were approached, but 424 participants agreed to participate, showing a response rate of 94.3%. The median age was 31.5 years old, and 33.3% were primiparity. Overall, 46.1% of pregnant women had at least one symptom of pelvic floor disorder during pregnancy. Of these, 62.3% experienced urinary incontinence, 41.1% experienced symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, and 37.8% experienced symptoms of faecal incontinence. The overall median score of PIKQ was 12.0 (8.0, 17.0). The median score for PIKQ—UI was 7.0 (5.0, 9.0) and the median score for PIKQ—POP was 6.0 (4.0, 8.0). There were 341 (80.4%) pregnant women that had a low level of knowledge in UI, and 191 (45.0%) had a low level of knowledge in POP. Having a tertiary level of education and receiving antenatal specialist care were both associated with better proficiency in both the PIKQ—UI (p < 0.001) and PIKQ—POP (p < 0.001) subscales. Pelvic floor disorder during pregnancy was common. A knowledge of pelvic floor disorder was lacking among pregnant women in this study. Having a tertiary education and receiving antenatal specialist care were both associated with better knowledge proficiency. This study hopefully serves as a basic platform for future educational programs to bridge the knowledge gaps in PFD among pregnant women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  10. Yusof NNM, Rutherford KMD, Jarvis S, Valente L, Dwyer CM
    Animal, 2023 Nov;17(11):101006.
    PMID: 37897868 DOI: 10.1016/j.animal.2023.101006
    It is common in many countries for sheep to be housed during winter from mid-gestation until lambing to protect ewes and lambs from adverse conditions and improve late gestation nutritional management. Keeping ewes indoors, however, has its own challenges as the animals may be mixed with unfamiliar conspecifics, have limited floor and feeding space, experience changes to their diet and increased handling by humans. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of variation in housing management (space allowance and social stability) on the behaviour and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis responses of pregnant ewes from mid-to-late gestation (weeks 11-18 of pregnancy). Seventy-seven ewes (41 primiparous, 36 multiparous) were divided into two groups: 'Control' and 'Restricted space and mixed' (RS-Mix), where RS-Mix ewes were allocated half the amount of space (1.27 vs 2.5 m2 for RS-Mix and Control, respectively) and feedface (concentrate feeder space) allowance (36 vs 71 cm per ewe) given to the Control group and were also subjected to two social mixing events. Aggressive behaviour at the feedface and time spent standing, lying, walking, feeding and ruminating were recorded and faecal samples were collected for assessment of faecal glucocorticoid metabolite (FGM) concentrations. Higher aggression was observed in RS-Mix ewes during the first week of observation (P = 0.044), which gradually declined to the same level as Control ewes by the end of the study (P = 0.045). RS-Mix ewes were significantly less likely to be able to freely join the feedface compared to Controls (P = 0.022). No other significant treatment effects on aggressive behaviour or FGM during gestation were found. RS-Mix ewes displayed significantly higher ruminating behaviour at week 18 of gestation compared to Control ewes (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  11. Rosuzeita F, Che Rabiaah M, Rohani I, Mohd Shukri O
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Feb;25(1):53-66.
    PMID: 29599635 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.1.7
    Background: In Malaysia, the rates of mothers practising breastfeeding exclusively among babies at six months of age still do not achieve the Global Nutritional Targets 2025 which is 50%.

    Objective: To determine the effectiveness of breastfeeding intervention in improving breastfeeding outcomes.

    Method: A quasi-experimental design was used involving a purposive sample of 96 primigravidas (intervention group (IG) = 48, control group (CG) = 48) recruited at Hospital USM. Data were collected using the Breastfeeding Assessment Questionnaire. Mothers in IG received the current usual care and two hours of an additional education programme on breastfeeding, breastfeeding booklet, notes from the module, and postnatal breastfeeding support in the first week of postpartum. Mothers in CG received the current usual care only. The mothers were assessed on the first and sixth week and then the fourth and sixth month of postpartum.

    Results: The results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference between the groups on the fourth month postpartum (X2= 5.671,P= 0.017) in practicing full breastfeeding. The breastfeeding duration rates of the IG were longer than those of the CG. However, the results showed only two follow-up weeks that were significant (week 6,X2= 5.414,P= 0.020, month 4,X2= 7.515,P= 0.006). There was a statistically significant difference between IG and CG as determined by one-way ANCOVA on the breastfeeding duration after controlling age and occupation, F (3, 82) = 6.7,P= 0.011. The test revealed that the breastfeeding duration among IG was significantly higher (20.80 ± 6.31) compared to CG (16.98 ± 8.97).

    Conclusions: Breastfeeding intervention can effectively increase breastfeeding duration and exclusivity outcomes among primiparous mothers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  12. Leung SF
    J Popul Econ, 1988 Oct;1(2):95-114.
    PMID: 12282511
    "This paper presents a critical evaluation of three widely used tests for sex preferences: sex ratio, parity progression ratio and ordinary least squares [OLS] regression of birth interval. We show that under some appropriate conditions, the sex ratio is a valid test for sex preferences. The methods of parity progression ratio and OLS regression of birth interval fail to deal with right censoring and time varying covariates, which reduce the power of the tests. We suggest the use of hazard estimation to test for sex preferences. We demonstrate the differences among the tests by analyzing the retrospective fertility histories of the Chinese and the Malays in Malaysia. We find that unlike the two conventional methods, the hazard estimation gives clear and strong evidence of sex preferences among the Chinese in Malaysia."
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  13. Banaei M, Alidost F, Ghasemi E, Dashti S
    J Obstet Gynaecol, 2020 Apr;40(3):411-418.
    PMID: 31537138 DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2019.1640191
    Childbirth is one of the most important influencing factors for sexual function. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of comparing sexual function in primiparous and multiparous women. This cross-sectional analytical study was performed using systematic random sampling on 420 women in the postpartum period who referred to Bandar Abbas health Centres in 2018. The data were collected using an interview method which consisted of a Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire and a demographic questionnaire. The data analysis was performed using the SPSS Version 23 software. The results showed that sexual dysfunction was lower in multiparous women compared to primiparous women (p = .006). Low sexual activity in primiparous women can be due to less privacy and more time and energy loss. Several factors including housing situation, monthly income, episiotomy incision, and the education level of the couple were influential in the sexual function of the primiparous women (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  14. Foo LC, Somsiah P
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 1991;5(4):302-6.
    PMID: 1844219
    The effect of parity on the hematological response to supplemental hematinics and the relationship between birth weight and Hb concentration were examined in 67 pregnant rural Kelantanese Malay women recruited at 20-24 weeks of gestation. Among initially anemic women (Hb concentration at recruitment < 110 g/l), a significant supplementation effect was observed in the lower parae (3 or less children) but not in the higher parae. Among initially nonanemic women, a progressive decline in mean Hb concentration was observed in the higher parae; in the lower parae, however, an initial fall in mean Hb concentration was followed by a rise to almost the initial level. Birth weight was inversely related to initial Hb concentration. There was no association between birth weight and final measured Hb level, parity or any of the measured maternal characteristics. These observations suggest: a) women with initially lower Hb concentration might have experienced a greater acceleration of plasma volume expansion than those with initially higher Hb level; and b) hemopoiesis might be impaired in the higher multiparae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  15. Kamisan Atan I, Gerges B, Shek KL, Dietz HP
    BJOG, 2015 May;122(6):867-872.
    PMID: 24942229 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.12920
    OBJECTIVE: Vaginal childbirth has a substantial effect on pelvic organ supports, which may be mediated by levator ani (LA) avulsion or hiatal overdistension. Although the impact of a first vaginal delivery on the hiatus has been investigated, little is known about the effect of subsequent births. This study was designed to evaluate the association between vaginal parity and hiatal dimension.

    DESIGN: Retrospective observational study.

    SETTING: A tertiary urogynaecological unit in Australia.

    POPULATION: A total of 780 archived data sets of women seen for symptoms of lower urinary tract and pelvic floor dysfunction.

    METHODS: Standardised in-house interview and assessment using the International Continence Society (ICS) pelvic organ prolapse quantification (POP-Q), and four-dimensional translabial ultrasound. Offline analysis for hiatal dimensions was undertaken blinded to history and clinical examination.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Hiatal area on maximum Valsalva.

    RESULTS: Of 780 women, 64 were excluded because of missing ultrasound volumes, leaving 716 for analysis: 96% (n = 686) were parous, with a median parity of three (interquartile range, IQR 2-3), and 91.2% (n = 653) were vaginally parous. Levator avulsion was found in 21% (n = 148). The mean hiatal area on Valsalva was 29 cm(2) (SD 9.4 cm(2) ). On one-way anova, vaginal parity was significantly associated with hiatal area (P < 0.001). Most of the effect seems to occur with the first delivery. Subsequent deliveries do not seem to have any significant effect on hiatal dimensions. This remained true after controlling for potential confounding factors using multivariate regression analysis (P = 0.0123).

    CONCLUSIONS: Vaginal parity was strongly associated with hiatal area on Valsalva. Most of this effect seems to be associated with the first vaginal delivery.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  16. Trutnovsky G, Kamisan Atan I, Martin A, Dietz HP
    BJOG, 2016 Aug;123(9):1551-6.
    PMID: 26435045 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.13692
    OBJECTIVE: To analyse the associations between delivery mode and symptoms and signs of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in a cohort of symptomatic women.

    DESIGN: Retrospective observational study.

    POPULATION: A total of 1258 consecutive women attending a tertiary urogynaecological unit for the investigation of lower urinary tract or pelvic floor disorders between January 2012 and December 2014.

    METHODS: Obstetric history and clinical examination data were obtained from the unit database. Prolapse quantification on imaging was performed using stored four-dimensional translabial ultrasound volume data sets. Women were grouped into four groups according to the most traumatic delivery reported. The presence of symptoms and signs of POP were compared between delivery groups while controlling for potential confounders.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prolapse symptoms, visual analogue score for prolapse bother, International Continence Society Prolapse Quantification System findings and ultrasound findings of anterior, central and posterior compartment descent.

    RESULTS: Nulliparae showed the lowest prevalence of most measures of POP, followed by women exclusively delivered by caesarean section. Highest prevalences were consistently found in women delivered at least once by forceps, although the differences between this group and women delivered by normal vaginal delivery and/or vacuum extraction were significant in three out of eight measures only. Compared with women in the caesarean section group, the adjusted odds ratios for reporting symptoms of prolapse were 2.4 (95% CI 1.30-4.59) and 3.2 (95% CI 1.65-6.12) in the normal vaginal delivery/vacuum extraction group and forceps group, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: There is a clear link between vaginal delivery and symptoms and signs of pelvic organ prolapse in urogynaecological patients.

    TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Compared with caesarean section a history of vaginal delivery more than doubles the risk for POP.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  17. Feeney G
    Asian Pac Popul Forum, 1991;5(2-3):51-5, 76-87.
    PMID: 12343438
    "The past 20 years have seen extensive elaboration, refinement, and application of the original Brass method for estimating infant and child mortality from child survivorship data. This experience has confirmed the overall usefulness of the methods beyond question, but it has also shown that...estimates must be analyzed in relation to other relevant information before useful conclusions about the level and trend of mortality can be drawn.... This article aims to illustrate the importance of data analysis through a series of examples, including data for the Eastern Malaysian state of Sarawak, Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia. Specific maneuvers include plotting completed parity distributions and 'time-plotting' mean numbers of children ever born from successive censuses. A substantive conclusion of general interest is that data for older women are not so widely defective as generally supposed."
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  18. Alaudeen S, Muslim N, Faridah K, Azman A, Arshat H
    Malays J Reprod Health, 1988 Dec;6(2):102-7.
    PMID: 12342169
    PIP: The influence of socioeconomic status (ethnicity, income and parity) on electrolyte composition (sodium and potassium) in human milk is little known. We have thus quantitatively analyzed approximately 700 samples of milk (1-90 days postpartum) obtained from healthy Malaysian mothers' (Malay, Chinese and Indians) of full term infants. Results show that the mean concentration (mmol/l) of sodium is highest (48.2+or-1.7, Mean+or-SEM) in the Malaysian mothers' colostrum and this value decreased by 30% in their transitional milk and remained constant throughout subsequent days of lactation (mature milk). Ethnically, it is found that the level of sodium in colostrum of Malay and Chinese mothers were similar while the Indian mothers' colostrum showed apparently higher value (52.7+or-3.4 mmol/l) that is statistically insignificant. The transitional milk of all 3 ethnic groups studied exhibited similar levels of sodium. On subsequent days of lactation (mature milk) the Malay mothers exhibited lowest concentration (25.9+or-2.6 mmol/l) of sodium that is significantly (P0.05) different from that of Chinese and Indian mothers. Income and parity do not significantly affect the sodium level in Malaysian mothers' milk during all stages of lactation studied. The level of potassium, however did not change significantly with days of lactation. Like sodium, potassium too was not influenced by income and parity. (Author's).
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
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