METHOD: This study investigates three-dimensional (3D) soft-tissue craniofacial variation, with relation to ethnicity, sex and age variables in British and Irish white Europeans. This utilizes a geometric morphometric approach on a subsampled dataset comprising 292 scans, taken from a Liverpool-York Head Model database. Shape variation and analysis of each variable are tested using 20 anchor anatomical landmarks and 480 sliding semi-landmarks.
RESULTS: Significant ethnicity, sex, and age differences are observed for measurement covering major aspects of the craniofacial shape. The ethnicity shows subtle significant differences compared to sex and age; even though it presents the lowest classification accuracy. The magnitude of dimorphism in sex is revealed in the facial, nasal and crania measurement. Significant shape differences are also seen at each age group, with some distinct dimorphic features present in the age groups.
CONCLUSIONS: The patterns of shape variation show that white British individuals have a more rounded head shape, whereas white Irish individuals have a narrower head shape. White British persons also demonstrate higher classification accuracy. Regarding sex patterns, males are relatively larger than females, especially in the mouth and nasal regions. Females presented with higher classification accuracy than males. The differences in the chin, mouth, nose, crania, and forehead emerge from different growth rates between the groups. Classification accuracy is best for children and senior adult age groups.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 160 Malaysian elderly participants aged 60 years and older who live in Kuala Lumpur. Twelve neighbourhood associations were randomly selected using multi-stage cluster sampling. Data was collected using standardized and validated questionnaire by face-to-face interview technique with which was conducted by trained interviewers.
RESULTS: Mean age of the participants was 65.33 (5.87) year old with majority were still married. Female (55.7%) reported more sexual problems as evidenced by the higher proportion of those with lacked interest in having sex (72.5%), find sex is unpleasant (34.8%) and unable to come to orgasm (55.1%). Gender was found to have significant impact on every model obtained in the analysis for both sexual problems and perceptions. Female elderly were 10.6 times more likely to have sexual problem compared to male elderly (OR = 10.64, P
METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined for sex differences in 1-year outcomes after COMBO stenting from the COMBO collaboration, a pooled patient-level dataset from the MASCOT and REMEDEE multicenter registries. The primary endpoint was 1-year target lesion failure (TLF), composite of cardiac death, target vessel-myocardial infarction (TV-MI), or clinically driven target lesion revascularization (CD-TLR). Secondary outcomes included stent thrombosis (ST). Adjusted outcomes were assessed using Cox regression methods. The study included 861 (23.8%) women and 2,753 (76.2%) men. Women were older with higher prevalence of several comorbidities including diabetes mellitus. Risk of 1-year TLF was similar in both sexes (3.8% vs. 3.9%, HR 0.92, 95% CI 0.59-1.42, p = .70), without sex differences in the incidence of cardiac death (1.6% vs. 1.5%, p = .78), TV-MI (1.5% vs. 1.1%, p = .32), or CD-TLR (2.0% vs. 2.2%, p = .67). Definite or probable ST occurred in 0.4% women and 1.0% men (HR 0.26, 95% CI 0.06-1.11, p = .069).
CONCLUSIONS: Despite greater clinical risks at baseline, women treated with COMBO stents had similarly low 1-year TLF and other ischemic outcomes compared to men.