METHODS: This study was conducted among 160 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) using a self-administered instrument measuring outcome expectation. We used a methodological study design to assess the validity and reliability of the translated Persian version of the instrument.
RESULTS: The findings of the present study support the uni-dimensionality of the Persian version of the instrument. The 10 items of the scale account for 73.54% of the total variance and the un-rotated factor loadings ranged from 0.66 to 0.93. Moreover, this study offers support for convergent validity and internal consistency of the scale.
CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated good convergent validity, factor structure and internal consistency in a sample of 160 Iranian adults with T2DM. Therefore, the Persian version of the scale is a valid and reliable instrument and can be used in research and clinical settings.
METHODS: We analysed data from the previously published, cross-sectional, WONDERS study and used linear regression models to adjust for potential confounding variables. Based on equivalence clinical trial methods, measurement equivalence was assessed by comparing 90% confidence interval (CI) of differences in scores across language versions with a predefined equivalence margin of 0.3 SD. Equivalence was achieved if the 90% CI fell within 0.3 SD. Data from 1203 participants, aged above 21 years, were analysed.
RESULTS: Participants who completed the different language versions of WHOQOL-BREF expectedly differed in age, ethnicity, highest education level, marital status, smoking status and Body Mass Index (BMI). The English and Malay language versions were definitely equivalent for all domains. The English and Chinese language versions were definitely equivalent for physical and environmental domains but inconclusive for psychological and social domains. Likewise, for Chinese and Malay versions.
CONCLUSION: The English, Chinese and Malay language versions of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire may be considered equivalent, with evidence being more robust for some domains than the others. Given the large number of people who speak/ read Chinese and Malay, this study has widespread relevance.
METHOD: A prospective test-retest design was employed on Malaysian women with early breast cancer (N = 105). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 24.
RESULTS: The results showed overall Cronbach alpha values were .92 and .93 for test-retest, respectively. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values ranged between .62 and .75. This study accepted three factors and two factors for test-retest, respectively. Individual factors showed Cronbach alpha average ranged from .71 to .91.
CONCLUSION: The Malay version RS-14 tool was found to be statistically valid, reliable, and reproducible. It was able to measure resilience level in those women under study.
METHODS: The panel consists of sixteen experts from the Occupational and Environmental Health Unit of Ministry of Health, Vector-borne Disease Control Unit of Ministry of Health and Occupational and Safety Health Unit of both public and private universities. A set of questionnaires related to noise and chemical exposure were compiled based on the literature search. There was a total of six constructs with 60 items in which three constructs for knowledge, attitude, and practice of noise exposure and three constructs for knowledge, attitude, and practice of chemical exposure. The validation process replicated recent Fuzzy Delphi method that using a concept of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers and Defuzzification process.
RESULTS: A 100% response rate was obtained from all the sixteen experts with an average Likert scoring of four to five. Post FDM analysis, the first prerequisite was fulfilled with a threshold value (d) ≤ 0.2, hence all the six constructs were accepted. For the second prerequisite, three items (21%) from noise-attitude construct and four items (40%) from chemical-practice construct had expert consensus lesser than 75%, which giving rise to about 12% from the total items in the questionnaire. The third prerequisite was used to rank the items within the constructs by calculating the average fuzzy numbers. The seven items which did not fulfill the second prerequisite similarly had lower ranks during the analysis, therefore those items were discarded from the final draft.
CONCLUSION: Post FDM analysis, the experts' consensus on the suitability of the pre-selected items on the questionnaire set were obtained, hence it is now ready for further construct validation process.
SETTING: Tertiary level teaching institution in Malaysia.
PARTICIPANTS: The validation process involved 211 adult patients (English language n=101, Malay language n=110) with chronic liver disease. Characteristics of the study subjects were as follows: mean (SD) age was 56 (12.8) years, 58.3% were male and 41.7% female. The inclusion criteria were patients 18 years or older with chronic hepatitis and/or liver cirrhosis of any aetiology. The exclusion criteria were as follows: presence of hepatic encephalopathy, ongoing treatment with interferon and presence of other chronic conditions that have an impact on health-related quality of life (HRQOL).
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Cultural adaptation of the English version of the CLDQ was performed, and a Malay version was developed following standard forward-backward translation by independent native speakers. Psychometric properties of both versions were determined by assessing their internal consistency, test-retest reliability and discriminant and convergent validity.
RESULTS: Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency across the various domains of the CLDQ was 0.95 for the English version and 0.92 for the Malay version. Test-retest analysis showed excellent reliability with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.89 for the English version and 0.93 for the Malay version. The average scores of both the English and Malay versions of the CLDQ demonstrated adequate discriminant validity by differentiating between non-cirrhosis (English 6.3, Malay 6.1), compensated cirrhosis (English 5.6, Malay 6.0) and decompensated cirrhosis (English 5.1, Malay 4.9) (p<0.001). Convergent validity showed that correlation was fair between the English (ρ=0.59) and Malay (p=0.47) CLDQ versions with the EQ-5D, a generic HRQOL instrument.
CONCLUSION: The English and Malay versions of the CLDQ are reliable and valid disease-specific instruments for assessing HRQOL in Malaysian patients with chronic liver disease.
DESIGN AND METHODS: According to Brislin's Model, the Intensive Care Unit Environment Stress Scale (ICUESS) was translated both forward and backward and adapted cross-culturally. A total of 210 PICU patients were selected from four hospitals in XXX to analyze the final translated version of the questionnaire, the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Environmental Stress Scale (PICUESS). Content validity, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to assess the validity, while reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha and split-half reliability analysis.
RESULTS: For PICUESS, seven of 42 items were modified. Content validity was high (overall = 0.96, item validity = 0.8 to 1.0). Exploratory factor analysis revealed eight common factors (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin = 0.857, significant Bartlett's test). The results of the CFA indicate that the scale model fits well across the 8 factors. The entire scale demonstrated excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.934). The overall split-half reliability was 0.935.
CONCLUSIONS: The Chinese version of PICUESS demonstrates good reliability and validity, making it suitable for assessing pediatric patients' perceptions of the PICU environment.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The PICUESS can assist healthcare professionals in providing personalized environment care for PICU patients. It has the potential to serve as a tool for further testing and international comparisons of pediatric patients' perceptions of the PICU environment.
METHODS: A total of 604 adolescent basketball players, comprising 301 (49.8%) males and 303 (50.2%) females aged between 12 and 19 (M = 15.53, SD = 1.42), were recruited from secondary schools across 17 cities in Shandong Province, China, to answer the questionnaire, which measured their views on 29 items through a six-point Likert scale. The SSS was translated into Chinese language (SSS-C) using forward-backward translation techniques. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed using Mplus 8.0 software to assess the structural validity of SSS-C. The reliability and convergent validity were also evaluated.
RESULTS: CFA results demonstrated an excellent fit to the hypothesized six-factor model based on the fit indices (CFI = 0.997, TLI = 0.997, RMSEA = 0.016 [90% CI: 0.005, 0.022], SRMR = 0.018). All items displayed significant factor loadings above 0.40, supporting the robustness of the model. The SSS-C exhibited high internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's α ranged from 0.95 to 0.96; Composite Reliability ranged from 0.95 to 0.96) and strong convergent validity (Average Variance Extracted values > 0.50).
CONCLUSION: The SSS-C with 29 items was a valid and reliable instrument for comprehensively assessing sport success among Chinese adolescent athletes. The multidimensional approach of the SSS-C provides a new perspective for understanding the psychological factors contributing to athletes' success, which can inform the development of targeted interventions.
PURPOSE: In this study, a framework comprising equivalence and cognition models was used to assess and finalize the Heart Quality-of-Life (HeartQoL)-Bahasa Malaysia (BM) questionnaire, which was derived from both forward-backward (FB) and dual-panel (DP) translation methods.
METHODS: Investigation and finalization of two initial versions of the questionnaire were conducted based on findings from an expert assessment (n = 3 sociolinguists blinded to translation methods) and cognitive interviews with purposively sampled patients (FB: n = 11; DP: n = 11). The equivalence model of Herdman et al. and the question-and-answer model of Collins were adapted to form a "cognition-and-equivalence" model to guide data collection and analysis through modified cognitive interviews. The final HeartQoL-BM was completed by 373 patients with ischemic heart disease from two medical centers, and the data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis to assess the evidence of equivalence.
RESULTS: Findings from the expert assessment and cognitive interview showed the existence of semantic and item equivalence on almost all of the FB and DP items, identified some subtle potential equivalence gaps, and guided the process of item finalization. Confirmatory factor analysis, including tests of factorial invariance on the final two-factor model of HeartQoL-BM, confirmed conceptual, item, measurement, and operational equivalence, which supports functional equivalence.
CONCLUSIONS: The potential use of the cognition-and-equivalence model for modified cognitive interviewing and the application of the six equivalence types of Herdman et al. were supported by the HeartQoL-BM showing functional equivalence with its source. HeartQoL-BM is a potentially valid measure of health-related quality of life for patients with ischemic heart disease independent of conditions such as angina, myocardial infarction, and heart failure.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the psychometric properties of the Malay version of SF-36 (Malay SF-36) summated rating scales and validate the scale among post-coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (CABG) patients at the National Heart Institute (IJN), Kuala Lumpur.
METHODS: Five hundred and nine post-CABG patients at the IJN, Malaysia completed the questionnaires between 1 July and 31 December 2017. Psychometric tests endorsed by the "International Quality of Life Assessment Project" were utilised.
RESULTS: The data quality was excellent with a high questionnaire completion rate (100%). As hypothesized, the ordering of item means within scales was clustered. In unison, scaling assumptions were satisfied. Good discriminant validity was shown between subsets of patients with various levels of health status. Notwithstanding, there were probably translation issues of the Physical Functioning scale which showed small ceiling effects. We clearly observed high ceiling and floor effects in both Role Physical and Role Emotional scale most probably attributed to the dichotomous style of their choice of responses. Cronbach alpha values of the eight scales ranged from 0.73 to 0.90, showing good internal consistency reliability. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the 8-factor solution and Composite Reliability revealed internal consistency reliability except for Vitality and Social Functioning. Based on the Average Variance Extracted (AVE), convergent validity was adequate except for two domains. Discriminant Validity is good for the eight constructs as the √AVE are generally higher than the correlation coefficients between the latent constructs.
CONCLUSION: The scoring for the Malay SF-36 based on the summated ratings method was proven to be valid to be applied in our local clinical population. The CFA, fitness estimates, reliability and validity assessments suggest that the Malay version of SF36 is a valid and reliable instrument. However, further work is warranted to further refine the convergent validity and reliability of some scales.
METHODS: A new outcome score based on a 15-item questionnaire was developed after a literature review, examination of current assessment tools, discussion with experts and a pilot study. The score was used to evaluate 100 children in Malaysia (56 Japanese encephalitis patients, 2 patients with encephalitis of unknown etiology and 42 controls) and 95 in India (36 Japanese encephalitis patients, 41 patients with encephalitis of unknown etiology and 18 controls). Inter- and intra-observer variability in the outcome score was determined and the score was compared with full clinical assessment.
FINDINGS: There was good inter-observer agreement on using the new score to identify likely dependency (Kappa = 0.942 for Malaysian children; Kappa = 0.786 for Indian children) and good intra-observer agreement (Kappa = 1.000 and 0.902, respectively). In addition, agreement between the new score and clinical assessment was also good (Kappa = 0.906 and 0.762, respectively). The sensitivity and specificity of the new score for identifying children likely to be dependent were 100% and 98.4% in Malaysia and 100% and 93.8% in India. Positive and negative predictive values were 84.2% and 100% in Malaysia and 65.6% and 100% in India.
CONCLUSION: The new tool for assessing disability in children after Japanese encephalitis was simple to use and scores correlated well with clinical assessment.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A survey of the tutors who had used the instrument was conducted to determine whether the assessment instrument or form was user-friendly. The 4 competencies assessed, using a 5-point rating scale, were (1) participation and communication skills, (2) cooperation or team-building skills, (3) comprehension or reasoning skills and (4) knowledge or information-gathering skills. Tutors were given a set of criteria guidelines for scoring the students' performance in these 4 competencies. Tutors were not attached to a particular PBL group, but took turns to facilitate different groups on different case or problem discussions. Assessment scores for one cohort of undergraduate medical students in their respective PBL groups in Year I (2003/2004) and Year II (2004/2005) were analysed. The consistency of scores was analysed using intraclass correlation.
RESULTS: The majority of the tutors surveyed expressed no difficulty in using the instrument and agreed that it helped them assess the students fairly. Analysis of the scores obtained for the above cohort indicated that the different raters were relatively consistent in their assessment of student performance, despite a small number consistently showing either "strict" or "indiscriminate" rating practice.
CONCLUSION: The instrument designed for the assessment of student performance in the PBL tutorial classroom setting is user-friendly and is reliable when used judiciously with the criteria guidelines provided.
METHODS: The translation, validation, and reliability assessment process followed guidelines from the World Health Organization, with adaptations from Sousa and Rojjanasrirat's recommendations. The process encompassed five steps: forward translation, harmonisation of the forward translation, backward translation, pretesting and cognitive interviews, and psychometric testing to assess the validity and reliability.
RESULTS: The Malay version of the MOQ (MOQ-M) demonstrated excellent item-level face validity index (I-FVI) and average scale-level face validity index (S-FVI/Ave), both scoring a perfect 1.00. Additionally, it exhibited excellent item-level content validity index (I-CVI) and average scale-level content validity (S-CVI/Ave), with scores ranging from 0.90 to 1.00 and 0.99 to 1.00, respectively. Internal consistency, measured using Cronbach's alpha, surpassed the minimum threshold for good reliability, with all three average scales in MOQ-M scoring between 0.84 and 0.99. Weighted average Cohen's Kappa coefficient revealed substantial agreement in the test-retest reliability across the three scales.
CONCLUSION: The MOQ-M is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing meaningful time use among Malay-speaking older persons in Malaysia.
CONSUMER AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: There was no consumer and community involvement in this study.
PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY: This study aimed to translate the Modified Occupational Questionnaire (MOQ) into Bahasa Melayu (MOQ-M). The MOQ is a tool used by occupational therapists to understand how unemployed people spend their time and the reasons they are doing it. The translation was necessary because the original version of the MOQ was developed in an English-speaking country and might not be suitable for the Malay-speaking population in Malaysia due to cultural differences. A careful process was followed to make sure the translation was accurate and reliable. The translated version, MOQ-M, was then tested with older persons, most of whom were unemployed, to learn about their daily activities and the reasons for doing them. Understanding their daily routines is important for predicting their health and well-being. The results showed that the MOQ-M worked well, providing useful and consistent information. This means that the tool is reliable and can be trusted to measure how older persons spend their time and what activities are important to them. With this information, programmes can be created to better support older persons, helping them live healthier and happier lives as they age. However, it is important to note that most of the study participants were Malay, so this may not fully represent the different cultural groups in Malaysia.