METHODS: A prospective randomized study involving 55 patients in the epidural group and 68 in the control pethidine--inhalational entonox group.
RESULTS: There were significantly more obstetric interventions (instrumental deliveries) in the epidural group (p < 0.01). The total duration of labour and the duration of the second stage was prolonged in the epidural group (p < 0.01). There were more malpositions at the second stage of labour in the epidural group (p < 0.02). There were no differences in fetal outcome (Apgar scores and Special Care Nursery admissions). Patients in the epidural group were consistently happier with their method of pain relief (p < 0.01). Two patients required blood patches while another 2 patients had persistent backache post epidural analgesia.
CONCLUSION: Epidural analgesia in primigravidae in spontaneous labour at term led to an increased instrumental delivery rate, prolonged duration of labour, greater rate of malpositions in the second stage, increased oxytocin requirements but with no difference in fetal outcomes but with happier mothers as compared to the control group.
METHODS: Subjects were 200 consecutive patients admitted to Kuala Tereng-ganu General Hospital, Malaysia with severe hypertension in pregnancy between August 1989 and June 1990. Admission criteria were an ongoing viable pregnancy more than 28 weeks and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) more than 120 mmHg. The patients were randomly divided into 2 groups. In group I, sublingual nifedipine 5 mg was administered and repeated after 15 minutes if DBP > 120 mmHg; and in group II hydrallazine 5 mg was intravenously injected and repeated after 15 minutes if DBP > 120 mmHg. Both groups were put on hydrallazine infusion if DBP > 120 mmHg after 30 minutes. The Chi-square test was used for analysis with significance at p < 0.05.
RESULTS: There was no statistical difference in the efficacy of therapy for decreasing blood pressure between the 2 groups. The groups were comparable by age, parity, gestational age at presentation, birth weight of infants, incidence of postpartum haemorrhage and fetal distress. Caesarian section rates were similar. In the observational studies on nurses administering the drugs, no significant difficulties were observed.
CONCLUSION: Sublingual nifedipine was comparable to IV hydrallazine in the treatment of acute hypertension of pregnancy. Nurses were able to administer lingual nifedipine without difficulty.