Displaying publications 641 - 660 of 1133 in total

  1. Abubakr A, Alimon AR, Yaakub H, Abdullah N, Ivan M
    PLoS One, 2015;10(3):e0119756.
    PMID: 25789610 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119756
    The present study aims to evaluate the effects of feeding palm oil by-products based diets on different muscle fatty acid profiles in goats. Thirty-two Cacang × Boer goats were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments: (1) control diet (CD), (2) 80% decanter cake diet (DCD), (3) 80% palm kernel cake diet (PKCD) and (4) CD plus 5% palm oil (PO) supplemented diet (CPOD). After 100 days of feeding, four goats from each group were slaughtered and longissimus dorsi (LD), infraspinatus (IS) and biceps femoris (BF) were sampled for analysis of fatty acids. Goats fed the PKCD had higher (P<0.05) concentration of lauric acid (C12:0) than those fed the other diets in all the muscles tested. Compared to the other diets, the concentrations of palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0) were lower (P<0.05) and that of linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6) was higher (P<0.05) in the muscles from goats fed the CD. It was concluded that palm kernel cake and decanter cake can be included in the diet of goats up to 80% with more beneficial than detrimental effects on the fatty acid profile of their meat.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/administration & dosage*
  2. Low KS, Lee CK, Lee TS
    Environ Technol, 2003 Feb;24(2):197-204.
    PMID: 12675017
    Spent bleaching earth, an industrial waste produced after the bleaching of crude palm oil, was investigated for its potential in removing Cr(VI) from aqueous solution. The earth was treated with different amounts of sulfuric acid and under different activation temperatures. Results show that the optimum treatment process involved 10% sulfuric acid at 350 degrees C. The effects of contact time, pH, initial concentration, sorbent dosage, temperature, sorption isotherms and the presence of other anions on its sorption capacity were studied. Isotherm data could be fitted into a modified Langmuir isotherm model implying monolayer coverage of Cr(VI) on acid activated spent bleaching earth. The maximum sorption capacity derived from the Langmuir isotherm was 21.2 mg g(-1). This value was compared with those of some other low cost sorbents. Studies of anion effect on the uptake of Cr(VI) on acid activated spent bleaching earth provided the following order of suppression: EDTA >PO4(3-)>SO4(2-)>NO3(-)>Cl(-).
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils*
  3. Jinap S, Ali AA, Man YB, Suria AM
    Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2000 Nov;51(6):489-99.
    PMID: 11271851
    Dark chocolates filled with palm mid-fraction (PMF) were stored at different temperatures to evaluate the physical and chemical changes. Storage at low temperature (18 degrees C) reduces the PMF migration to negligible extent. Higher storage temperatures (30 and 35 degrees C) increased the PMF migration from the filling centre into the chocolate coating. As a consequence of fat migration, fatty acid composition, triglyceride composition, hardness, solid fat content, melting point and polymorphic structure changed, leading to bloom formation, which started by fat migration and was influenced by recrystallization tendency within the chocolate coating.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/chemistry*
  4. Nesaretnam K, Radhakrishnan A, Selvaduray KR, Reimann K, Pailoor J, Razak G, et al.
    Lipids, 2002 Jun;37(6):557-60.
    PMID: 12120953
    Biological therapies are new additions to breast cancer treatment. Among biological compounds, beta-carotene has been reported to have immune modulatory effects, in particular, enhancement of natural killer cell activity and tumor necrosis factor-alpha production by macrophages. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of palm carotene supplementation on the tumorigenicity of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells injected into athymic nude mice and to explore the mechanism by which palm carotenes suppress tumorigenesis. Forty-eight 4-wk-old mice were injected with 1 x 10(6) MCF-7 cells into their mammary fat pad. The experimental group was supplemented with palm carotene whereas the control group was not. Significant differences were observed in tumor incidence (P< 0.001) and tumor surface area and metastasis to lung (P< 0.005) between the two groups. Natural killer (NK) cells and B-lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of carotene-supplemented mice were significantly increased (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively) compared with controls. These results suggest that palm oil carotene is able to modulate the immune system by increasing peripheral blood NK cells and B-lymphocytes and suppress the growth of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/chemistry*
  5. Babji AS, Alina AR, Seri Chempaka MY, Sharmini T, Basker R, Yap SL
    Int J Food Sci Nutr, 1998 Sep;49(5):327-32.
    PMID: 10367001
    Four formulations of burgers, prepared with 65% lean meat and 15% fat consisting of RBD palm stearin (PS), Socfat 4000P and Socfat 4100P and beef fat (BF) as control were evaluated for solid fat content (SFC), slip melting point (SMP), cooking loss, proximate analysis (moisture, fat and protein), colour, i.e. lightness ('L'), redness ('a') and yellowness ('b'), free fatty acid (FFA), iodine value (IV), thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and texture profile analysis (TPA). Sensory evaluation was carried out for texture, juiciness, aroma, oiliness and overall acceptance. SFC and SMP for raw and cooked SF4000P beef burgers were closest to BF control burgers, falling into the range of 35-40 degrees C. Cooking loss was highest for PS burgers, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) amongst BF, SF4000P and SF4100P burgers. Proximate analysis on raw burgers showed SF4000P to contain high fat and lowest moisture contents. Objective textural measurements using texture profile analysis (TPA) for all cooked burgers showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) for springiness and cohesiveness. Variation of values among the formulations for hardness, gumminess and chewiness are explained by the differences of SFC for beef burgers with various types of fats. Raw and cooked PS burgers have the lightest 'L' values compared with other fat-substituted burgers while BF, SF4000P and SF4100P indicated no significant differences (P > 0.05) for 'L', 'a' and 'b' values. Beef fat showed the highest amount of free fatty acids (FFA) compared to palm oil samples. For the iodine value (IV), SF4000P showed the highest value which means that it contained the highest level of unsaturated fatty acids followed by PS, BF and SF4100P successively. SF4000P had the highest TBA values followed successively by BF, PS and SF4100P. For sensory evaluation, PS burgers had the least oily taste. This may be due to its high cooking loss. Taste panelists could not differentiate burgers with substituted vegetable fats against the control burgers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/chemistry*
  6. Onyia CO, Uyu AM, Akunna JC, Norulaini NA, Omar AK
    Water Sci Technol, 2001;44(10):157-62.
    PMID: 11794647
    Malaysia is essentially an agricultural country and her major polluting effluents have been from agro-based industries of which palm oil and rubber industries together contribute about 80% of the industrial pollution. Palm oil sludge, commonly referred to, as palm oil mill effluent (POME) is brown slurry composed of 4-5% solids, mainly organic, 0.5-1% residual oil, and about 95% water. The effluent also contains high concentrations of organic nitrogen. The technique for the treatment of POME is basically biological, consisting of pond systems, where the organic nitrogen is converted to ammonia, which is subsequently transformed to nitrate, in a process called nitrification. A 15-month monitoring program of a pond system (combined anaerobic, facultative, and aerobic ponds in series) confirmed studies by other authors and POME operators that nitrification in a pond system demands relatively long hydraulic retention time (HRT), which is not easily achieved, due to high production capacity of most factories. Bioaugmentation of POME with mixed culture of nitrifiers (ammonia and nitrite oxidizers) has been identified as an effective tool not only for enhancing nitrification of POME but also for improving quality of POME as source of liquid nitrogen fertilizer for use in the agricultural sector, especially in oil palm plantations. Nitrate is readily absorbable by most plants, although some plants are able to absorb nitrogen in the form of ammoniun. In this study, up to 60% reduction in HRT (or up to 20% reduction in potential land requirement) was achieved when bioaugmentation of POME was carried out with the aim of achieving full nitrification.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils*
  7. Ong KK, Fakhru'l-Razi A, Baharin BS, Hassan MA
    PMID: 10595436
    The application of membrane separation in palm oil refining process has potential for energy and cost savings. The conventional refining of crude palm oil results in loss of oil and a contaminated effluent. Degumming of crude palm oil by membrane technology is conducted in this study. The objective of this research is to study the feasibility of membrane filtration for the removal of phospholipids in the degumming of crude palm oil, including analyses of phosphorus content, carotene content free fatty acids (as palmitic acid), colour and volatile matter. A PCI membrane module was used which was equipped with polyethersulfone membranes having a molecular weight cut off of 9,000 (type ES209). In this study, phosphorus content was the most important parameter monitored. The membrane effectively removed phospholipids resulting in a permeate with a phosphorus content of less than 0.3 ppm The percentage removal of phosphorus was 96.4% and was considered as a good removal. Lovibond colour was reduced from 27R 50Y to 20R 30Y. The percentage removal of carotene was 15.8%. The removal of colour was considered good but the removal of carotene was considered insignificant by the membrane. Free fatty acids and volatile matter were not removed. Typical of membrane operations, the permeate flux decreased with time and must be improved in order to be adopted on an industrial scale. Membrane technology was found to have good potential in crude palm oil degumming. However, an appropriate method has to be developed to clean the membranes for reuse.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/isolation & purification*
  8. Min CS, Bhatia S, Kamaruddin AH
    Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol, 1999 Sep-Nov;27(5-6):417-21.
    PMID: 10595442
    Continuous hydrolysis of palm oil triglyceride in organic solvent using immobilized Candida rugosa on the Amberlite MB-1 as a source of immobilized lipase was studied in packed bed reactor. The enzymatic kinetics of hydrolysis reaction was studied by changing the substrate concentration, reaction temperature and residence time(tau) in the reactor. At 55 degrees C, the optimum water concentration was found to be 15 % weight per volume of solution (%w/v). The Michaelis-Menten kinetic model was used to obtain the reaction parameters, Km(app) and V max(app). The activation energies were found to be quite low indicating that the lipase-catalyzed process is controlled by diffusion of substrates. The Michaelis-Menten kinetic model was found to be suitable at low water concentration 10-15 %w/v of solution. At higher water concentration, substrate inhibition model was used for data analysis. Reactor operation was found to play an important role in the palm oil hydrolysis kinetic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/metabolism*
  9. Bhatia S, Naidu AD, Kamaruddin AH
    Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol, 1999 Sep-Nov;27(5-6):435-40.
    PMID: 10595445
    Hydrolysis of palm oil has become an important process in Oleochemical industries. Therefore, an investigation was carried out for hydrolysis of palm oil to fatty acid and glycerol using immobilized lipase in packed bed reactor. The conversion vs. residence time data were used in Michaelis-Menten rate equation to evaluate the kinetic parameters. A mathematical model for the rate of palm oil hydrolysis was proposed incorporating role of external mass transfer and pore diffusion. The model was simulated for steady-state isothermal operation of immobilized lipase packed bed reactor. The experimental data were compared with the simulated results. External mass transfer was found to affect the rate of palm oil hydrolysis at higher residence time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/metabolism*
  10. Majid MI, Akmal DH, Few LL, Agustien A, Toh MS, Samian MR, et al.
    Int J Biol Macromol, 1999 Jun-Jul;25(1-3):95-104.
    PMID: 10416655
    A locally isolated soil microorganism identified as Erwinia sp. USMI-20 has been found to produce poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), P(3HB), from either palm oil or glucose and its copolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), P(3HB-co-3HV), from a combination of palm oil and a second carbon source of either one of the following compounds: propionic acid, n-propanol, valeric acid and n-pentanol. It was found that Erwinia sp. USMI-20 could produce P(3HB) up to 69 wt.% polymer content with a dry cell weight of 4.4 g/l from an initial amount of 14.5 g/l of glucose followed by a feeding rate of glucose at 0.48 g/h glucose. On the other hand, the bacteria can achieve 46 wt.% of P(3HB) and a dry cell weight of 3.6 g/l from a batch fermentation in a 10-l fermentor from an initial concentration of 4.6 g/l of palm oil. Further characterisation of the polymer production was also carried out by using different types of palm oil. Among the different palm oils that were used, crude palm oil was the best lipid source for P(3HB) production as compared to palm olein and palm kernel oil. In the production of the copolymer, P(3HB-co-3HV), the highest mole fraction of 3-HV units could be as high as 47 mol% from a single feeding of valeric acid upon initial growth on palm oil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/metabolism
  11. Moh FM, Tang TS
    J AOAC Int, 1999 8 13;82(4):893-6.
    PMID: 10444829
    A rapid and direct liquid chromatographic (LC) technique is described for the determination of a eutectic mixture of diphenyl oxide and biphenyl such as Dowtherm A thermal heating fluid (THF) in oleochemicals and palm olein. Analysis is performed with an RP-18 column with fluorescence detection (excitation at 247 nm and emission at 310 nm). The isocratic mobile phase (1.0 mL/min) consists of methanol and water (90 + 10, v/v). A linear calibration model (correlation coefficient = 0.9999) was developed directly from used Dowtherm A THF with the biphenyl peak (4.70 min) as a marker. Average recoveries from spiked glycerin, fatty alcohol mixture, methyl ester mixture, fatty acids, and palm olein were 90.9-108.7%, with a detection limit of 0.1 microgram/mL. The technique requires no prior sample cleanup nor extraction steps and is good for quality assurance purposes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/analysis
  12. Md Ali AR
    Int J Food Sci Nutr, 1996 Jan;47(1):15-22.
    PMID: 8616668
    Two types of palm oil and sal fat based cocoa butter equivalents, namely fCBE (produced by using co-fractionation method) and mCBE (produced by using conventional method) were prepared. Results showed that the fCBE had triglyceride composition and solidification characteristics closer to the Malaysian cocoa butter than the mCBE produced at the same yield percentage. Increasing acetone washing time had little effect on the fCBE if compared to the effect of increasing palm olein to sal fat blend ratio. Co-fractionation technique increase the compatibility between CBE component triglycerides. Thus, more palm oil can be incorporated in the preparation and the process can be carried out at not low temperature as compared to the conventional method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/analysis*
  13. Loke KH
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Jun;47(2):90-2.
    PMID: 1494338
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils*
  14. Nesaretnam K, Guthrie N, Chambers AF, Carroll KK
    Lipids, 1995 Dec;30(12):1139-43.
    PMID: 8614304
    The tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) of palm oil consists of tocotrienols and some alpha-tocopherol (alpha-T). Tocotrienols are a form of vitamin E having an unsaturated side-chain, rather than the saturated side-chain of the more common tocopherols. Because palm oil has been shown not to promote chemically-induced mammary carcinogenesis, we tested effects of TRF and alpha-T on the proliferation, growth, and plating efficiency (PE) of the MDA-MB-435 estrogen-receptor-negative human breast cancer cells. TRF inhibited the proliferation of these cells with a concentration required to inhibit cell proliferation by 50% of 180 microgram/mL whereas alpha-T had no effect at concentrations up to 1000 microgram/mL as measured by incorporation of [3H]thymidine. The effects of TRF and alpha-T also were tested in longer-term growth experiments, using concentrations of 180 and 500 microgram/mL. We found that TRF inhibited the growth of these cells by 50%, whereas alpha-T did not. Their effect on the ability of these cells to form colonies also was studied, and it was found that TRF inhibited PE, whereas alpha T had no effect. These results suggest that the inhibition is due to the presence of tocotrienols in TRF rather than alpha T.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/chemistry
  15. Sinniah R, Sinniah D, Chia LS, Baskaran G
    J Pathol, 1989 Nov;159(3):255-64.
    PMID: 2593049
    The aetiology and pathogenesis of Reye's syndrome (RS) are incompletely understood. A number of environmental toxins and biological agents, including viruses, have been postulated to cause RS, either acting alone or synergistically. Most investigations have suggested that the primary insult is in the liver mitochondria, leading to a complex biochemical catastrophe, with death from encephalopathy. Margosa oil (MO), a long-chain fatty acid compound, has been shown to cause a Reye-like syndrome with death from hepatoencephalopathy, in children in Malaysia and India. The present time-course study performed in MO-administered mice showed the development of hepatic lesions with many features of RS. MO acts rapidly, within 30 min, on the nuclei of hepatocytes inducing mitoses and binucleated cells. This is followed by mitochondrial injury, with swelling, rarefaction of matrix, loss of dense bodies, pleomorphism, and loss of ribosomes starting at 60 min. There is loss of liver glycogen, and proliferation and hypertrophy of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), followed by the presence of lipid droplets in the hyaloplasm, and globules within dilated cisterns of the ER. Additional fatty acids from lipolysis of body adipocytes, and fat globules from intestinal MO ingestion further aggravate the liver fatty change. There is evidence of fat globule ingestion by endocytosis into hepatocytes at the level of the sinusoids. The development of microvesicular liver steatosis and glycogen depletion due to involvement of liver cell organelles occur rapidly as in RS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/toxicity*
  16. Awang R, Basri M, Ahmad S, Salleh AB
    Biotechnol Lett, 2004 Jan;26(1):11-4.
    PMID: 15005144
    The esterification of palm-based 9,10-dihydroxystearic acid (DHSA) and 1-octanol in hexane as catalyzed by lipase from Rhizomucor meihei (Lipozyme IM) followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The esterification reaction follows a Ping-Pong, Bi-Bi mechanism. The maximum rate was estimated to be 1 micromol min(-1) mg(-1) catalyst in hexane at 50 degrees C, and the Michaelis-Menten constants for DHSA and 1-octanol were 1.3 M and 0.7 M, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/chemistry*
  17. Ng WK, Campbell PJ, Dick JR, Bell JG
    Lipids, 2003 Oct;38(10):1031-8.
    PMID: 14669967
    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the interactive effects of dietary crude palm oil (CPO) concentration and water temperature on lipid and FA digestibility in rainbow trout. Four isolipidic diets with 0, 5, 10, or 20% (w/w) CPO, at the expense of fish oil, were formulated and fed to groups of trout maintained at water temperatures of 7, 10, or 15 degrees C. The apparent digestibility (AD) of the FA, measured using yttrium oxide as an inert marker, decreased with increasing chain length and increased with increasing unsaturation within each temperature regimen irrespective of CPO level fed to the fish. PUFA of the n-3 series were preferentially absorbed compared to n-6 PUFA in all diet and temperature treatments. Except for a few minor FA, a significant (P < 0.05) interaction between diet and temperature effects on FA digestibility was found. Increasing dietary levels of CPO lead to significant reductions in the AD of saturates and, to a lesser extent, also of the other FA. Lowering water temperature reduced total saturated FA digestibility in trout regardless of CPO level. Based on the lipid class composition of trout feces, this reduction in AD of saturates was due in part to the increasing resistance of dietary TAG to digestion. Increasing CPO level and decreasing water temperature significantly increased TAG content in trout fecal lipids, with saturates constituting more than 60% of the FA composition. Total monoene and PUFA digestibilities were not significantly affected by water temperature in fish fed up to 10% CPO in their diet. The potential impact of reduced lipid and FA digestibility in cold-water fish fed diets supplemented with high levels of CPO on fish growth performance requires further research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/pharmacology*
  18. Abd Razak DL, Abdullah N, Khir Johari NM, Sabaratnam V
    Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2013 Apr;97(7):3207-13.
    PMID: 22576946 DOI: 10.1007/s00253-012-4135-8
    The potential for using agricultural and industrial by-products as substrate for the production of the edible mushroom, Auricularia polytricha, was evaluated using several formulations of selected palm oil wastes mixed with sawdust and further supplemented with selected nitrogen sources. The best substrate formulations were sawdust (SD) mixed with oil palm frond (OPF; 90:10) added with 15% spent grain (SG) and sawdust mixed with empty fruit bunch (EFB; 50:50) added with 10% spent grain (SG) with mycelia growth rate of 8 mm/day and 7 mm/day respectively. These two substrate formulations were then subjected to different moisture content levels (65%, 75% and 85%). Highest total fresh sporophore yield at 0.43% was obtained on SD+OPF (90:10)+15% SG at 85% moisture content, followed closely by SD+EFB (50:50)+10% SG with 0.40% total yield, also at 85% moisture content. Each of the substrate formulations at 85% moisture content gave the highest biological efficiency (BE) at 288.9% and 260.7%, respectively. Both yield and biological efficiency of A. polytricha on these two formulations were almost three times higher when compared to sawdust substrate alone, thus proving the potential of these formulations to improve yield of this mushroom.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/metabolism*
  19. Tan IK, Ho CC
    Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 1991 Nov;36(2):163-6.
    PMID: 1368105
    The utilisation of palm oil and its fractions by Penicillium chrysogenum for growth and penicillin production is strain-dependent. Strain H1107 could utilise crude palm oil, its liquid (palm olein) and solid (palm stearin) fractions and its component fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic and myristic) as the main carbon source; strain M223 could not. Cell-bound lipase activity was higher in H1107 than in M223.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/metabolism*
  20. Leong XF, Aishah A, Nor Aini U, Das S, Jaarin K
    Arch Med Res, 2008 Aug;39(6):567-72.
    PMID: 18662587 DOI: 10.1016/j.arcmed.2008.04.009
    Palm oil used worldwide contains considerable amounts of antioxidants, namely, vitamin E and carotenes. The purpose of the study was to observe the effect of heated palm oil on blood pressure and observe the cardiac histological changes in rats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils/toxicity*
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