METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study on 140 hypertensive patients attending outpatient follow-up in two primary care clinics in Sungai Buloh, Malaysia, using a convenient sampling method. SUA levels were measured and divided into four quartiles. Two radiologist specialists performed B mode ultrasonography to assess the thickness of the right and left carotid intima media in all participants.
RESULTS: Participants' mean SUA level was 355.75 ± 0.13. Their mean age was 53.44 (± 9.90), with a blood pressure control of 137.09 ± 13.22/81.89 ± 8.95. Elevated CIMT taken at ≥75th percentile was 0.666 for the left and 0.633 for the right common carotid arteries. By using a hierarchical method of multiple logistic regression, compared with the first quartile of the SUA level as reference group, the odd of elevated CIMT in quartile 4 in the common carotid artery was (OR = 2.00; 95% CI = 0.64-6.27, P = .576) for the right and (OR = 0.62; 95% CI = 0.20-2.00, P = .594) for the left. Waist circumference (P = .001), body mass index (P = .013), triglycerides (P
Methods: A total of 116 post-menopausal female patients of orthopedic menopause clinic were recruited using a purposive sampling approach. Data on osteoporosis awareness and knowledge were collected using validated structured questionnaires Osteoporosis Prevention and Awareness Tool and Osteoporosis Attitude Knowledge Test. The chi-square test was used to determine the association between post-menopausal women's socio-demographic characteristics and their knowledge and attitude towards maintaining bone health.
Results: Participants' age ranged between 49 and 82 years (61.84, SD=7.87). The knowledge of osteoporosis varied significantly by age (p=0.014) and education (p=0.001) among the studied population. No significant diffrences were found for participants' attitude towards bone health.
Conclusion: This study showed that the age and education levels have significantly different knowledge of bone health.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional, single center study. A total of 110 subjects between 18 to 65 years of age and diagnosed with OSA following sleep study examinations were recruited. Exclusion criteria included seropositive Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C, and significant alcohol intake.
RESULT: The prevalence of NAFLD was 81.8%. The mean CIMT (0.08±0.03 vs 0.06±0.01 cm, p = 0.001), ICAM-1 (334.53±72.86 vs 265.46±102.92 ng/mL, p = 0.001) and Lp(a) (85.41±52.56 vs 23.55±23.66 nmol/L, p<0.001) were significantly higher in the NAFLD group compared to the non-NAFLD group. Comparisons between the different groups showed significantly increasing levels of CIMT, ICAM-1 and Lp(a), lowest within the non-NAFLD, followed by the NAFLD 1 and NAFLD 2+3 groups. There was a significant positive correlation between degree of steatosis and the severity of OSA (r = 0.453, p<0.001). Logistic regression analysis revealed that patients with apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) of >30 were 52.77 (CI 6.34, 439.14) times more likely to have NAFLD compared to those with mild AHI (p<0.001).
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of NAFLD is alarmingly high in this group of OSA patients. The degree of steatosis in patients with NAFLD was significantly correlated with severity of OSA, CIMT measurements, ICAM-1 and Lp(a). Our findings underscore screening for NAFLD in patients with OSA to ensure prompt risk stratification and management.
METHODS: The analysis was done using BLASTP to detect peptides catalytic domains. Many peptides that are related to several phage proteins were revealed.
RESULTS: UPMK_1 and UPMK_2 custom sequence database were used for peptide identification. The biofilm-degrading proteins in the bacteriophage UPMK_2 revealed the same lytic activity towards polysaccharide intercellular adhesin-dependent and independent of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) biofilm producers in comparison to UPMK_1, which had lytic activity restricted solely to its host.
CONCLUSION: Both bacteriophage enzymes were involved in MRSA biofilm degradation during phage infection and they have promising enzybiotics properties against MRSA biofilm formation.