Displaying publications 701 - 720 of 1013 in total

  1. Topazian HM, Dizon AM, Di Bona VL, Levitz L, Ramos S, Morgan K, et al.
    Hum Vaccin Immunother, 2019;15(7-8):1672-1677.
    PMID: 30625017 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2018.1558688
    Purpose: To examine provider knowledge of HPV vaccination age guidelines in five countries. Methods: A total of 151 providers of adolescent vaccinations in Argentina, Malaysia, South Africa, South Korea, and Spain were interviewed between October 2013 and April 2014. Univariate analyses compared providers' understanding of recommended age groups for HPV vaccination to that of each country's national guidelines. Results: In three of five countries surveyed, most providers (97% South Africa, 95% Argentina, 87% Malaysia) included all nationally recommended ages in their target age group. However, a relatively large proportion of vaccinators in some countries (83% Malaysia, 55% Argentina) believed that HPV vaccination was recommended for women above age 26, far exceeding national guidelines, and beyond the maximum recommended age in the United States. National median minimum and maximum age recommendations cited by the respondents for HPV vaccination were 11 and 29 years in Argentina (national guideline: 11-14), 13 and 48 years in Malaysia (guideline 13-14), 8 and 14 years in South Africa (guideline 9-14), 10 and 20 years in South Korea (guideline 11-14), and 11 and 12 years in Spain (guideline 11-14). In all countries, a higher percentage of vaccinators included all nationally recommended ages for vaccination, as compared to providers who did not administer HPV vaccination. Conclusions: Overall, a substantial proportion of providers incorrectly reported their country's age guidelines for HPV vaccination, particularly the upper age limit. As provider recommendation is among the strongest predictors of successful vaccination uptake among adolescents, improved education and clarification of national guidelines for providers administering HPV vaccination is essential to optimize prevention of infection and associated disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/education*
  2. Ismail AH, Munro KJ, Armitage CJ, Dawes PD
    Int J Audiol, 2019 02;58(2):63-76.
    PMID: 30646766 DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2018.1531154
    OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review of the evidence in relation to what hearing healthcare professionals do during hearing aid consultations and identifying which behaviours promote hearing aid use and benefit among adult patients.

    DESIGN: Searches were performed in electronic databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycInfo, Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar. The Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool and Melnyk Levels of Evidence were used to assess quality and level of evidence of eligible studies. Behaviours of hearing healthcare professionals were summarised descriptively.

    STUDY SAMPLE: 17 studies met the inclusion criteria.

    RESULTS: Twelve studies described behaviours of audiologists and five studies were intervention studies. Audiologists were typically task- or technically-oriented and/or dominated the interaction during hearing aid consultations. Two intervention studies suggested that use of motivational interviewing techniques by audiologists may increase hearing aid use in patients.

    CONCLUSIONS: Most studies of clinicians' behaviours were descriptive, with very little research linking clinician behaviour to patient outcomes. The present review sets the research agenda for better-controlled intervention studies to identify which clinician behaviours better promote patient hearing aid outcomes and develop an evidence base for best clinical practice.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  3. Sim CY, Wan Zaidi WA, Shah SA, Wan Yahya WNN, Tan HJ
    J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2021 Jan;30(1):105421.
    PMID: 33160125 DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.105421
    BACKGROUND: Around 15.0% of all strokes occurred in hospitalised patients and studies showed significant delay in the stroke recognition and lack of awareness on thrombolytic therapy for acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) which lead to higher mortality for in-hospital stroke. We aimed to develop and validate a new instrument known as acute stroke management questionnaire (ASMaQ) to evaluate the awareness of healthcare professionals in managing acute ischaemic stroke cases.

    METHODS: This study consisted of 3 steps; the formulation of ASMaQ draft, content validation and construct validity. A total of 110 questions were drafted with 5-point Likert scale answers. From the list, 31 were selected and subsequently tested on 158 participants. The results were analysed and validated using exploratory factor analysis on SPSS. Components were extracted and questions with low factor loading were removed. The internal consistency was then measured with Cronbach's alpha.

    RESULTS: Following analysis, 3 components were extracted and named as general stroke knowledge, hyperacute stroke care and advanced stroke management. Two items were deleted leaving 29 out of 31 questions for the final validated ASMaQ. Internal consistency showed high reliability with Cronbach's alpha of 0.82. Our respondents scored a total cumulative mean of 113.62 marks or 66.6%. A sub analysis by occupation showed that medical assistants scored the lowest in the group with a score of 57% whilst specialists including neurologists scored the highest at 79.4%.

    CONCLUSION: The ASMaQ is a newly developed and validated questionnaire consisting of 29 questions testing the respondents' acute stroke management knowledge.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/psychology*
  4. Chaudhary FA, Ahmad B, Ahmad P, Khalid MD, Butt DQ, Khan SQ
    J Occup Health, 2020 Jan;62(1):e12168.
    PMID: 32951286 DOI: 10.1002/1348-9585.12168
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the oral healthcare workers' concerns, perceived impact, and preparedness in COVID-19 pandemic.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was carried out at 10 different dental hospitals in Pakistan from March to June 2020. A 35 items valid and reliable questionnaire was used to assess the concerns, perceived impact, and preparedness of oral healthcare workers (OHCW) in COVID-19 pandemic. Chi-squared test and logistic regression were used for analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 583 OHCW participated in this study. The odds of having the awareness about the risk of exposure and fear of getting infected, were greater in the clinical than non-clinical OHCW (OR: 52.6; OR: 15.9). For social network concerns, the clinical OHCW were more likely to be concerned about their colleagues (OR: 6.0). The clinical OHCW have greater odds of worrying about telling the family/friends about the risk exposed to (OR: 2.55), being avoided because of the job (OR: 3.20) and more likely to be feeling stressed (OR: 4.31). Less than 50% of the participants felt that their institutions are well prepared and only 12.6% had attended an infection control training session. Most participants practiced self-preparation such as buying masks and disinfection (94.3%, 98.3%).

    CONCLUSION: The majority of OHCW felt concerned about their risk of exposure to infection and falling ill from exposure and infecting friends/family. There is a need for training of infection control and PPE and minimizing fear and psychological impact on OHCW should be the priority in any preparedness and planning for combating COVID-19.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/psychology*
  5. Foo DHP, King TL, Lee HC, Santhramogan P, Ganasan V, Fong AYY, et al.
    Hosp Pract (1995), 2021 Apr;49(2):110-118.
    PMID: 33249880 DOI: 10.1080/21548331.2020.1857999
    Sarawak General Hospital, which is the only public access tertiary referral center in Sarawak State for all clinical specialties, was designated a hybrid hospital to treat both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients. During the initial surge of patients admitted with COVID-19, there was also a corresponding increase in health-care workers (HCWs) detected with COVID-19 infection. The latter being isolated, and the large number of staff members that had come into contact with COVID-19 being quarantined from work, placed further strain on the health-care services. The staff mass screening strategy was a policy decision made by the hospital in response to infection among HCWs, and it aimed to reduce in-hospital transmission (particularly among asymptomatic staff), mitigate workforce depletion due to quarantining, and protect the health-care workforce. In this study, we assessed the detection rate of COVID-19 infection from staff mass testing over a five-week period, and described our experience of adopting this surveillance screening strategy alongside ongoing contact tracing and symptomatic screening strategies. Although it was thought that such periodic staff surveillance might be helpful in protecting the health-care workforce within a short period, the long-term implications, especially in settings with limited resources, is significant and therefore explored in this paper. Our findings might provide an evidence-based reference for the future planning of an optimal strategy with the least compromise in care for a larger proportion of non-COVID-19 patients amid efforts against COVID-19 in a large non-COVID-designated hospital with hybrid status.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel*
  6. Bera R, Kalia P, Hiremath S, Jaiswal D
    Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig, 2021;72(1):95-101.
    PMID: 33883104 DOI: 10.32394/rpzh.2021.0150
    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic with more than 53,973 people affected in West Bengal state of India.

    Objectives: The aim of present study was to assess the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) of dental practitioners in Kolkata city, West Bengal, India regarding COVID-2019 pandemic.

    Materials and method: Online questionnaire was distributed among dentists across West Bengal city, using a combination of convenience and snowball sampling. The questionnaire had 17 questions: (1) Section A was 'General section' which comprised of socio-demographic and professional details of the subjects; and (2) Section B comprised of 14 questions depicting knowledge, awareness attitude and practice regarding COVID-19. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis with level of significance at p=0.05. The descriptive statistical analysis was done to compute frequency and percentages. Intergroup comparison was determined by Chi-square statistical analysis to determine the level of significance for responses of each question.

    Results: Around 70.4% undergraduates participated in the study. Only 4.3% showed accurate knowledge with respect to the incubation period of coronavirus. Coughing and sneezing was considered to be the most common mode of transmission. 98.9% of dentists considered fever to be the characteristic symptom of the disease. Hand washing and alcohol rubs was advocated by 99.5% of the dentist. Emergency procedures were considered necessary by 90.8% dentists. 75.1% of dentists agree that their practice has been affected by the pandemic.

    Conclusion: A constant update regarding COVID-19 should be made available to dental health care professionals through webinars, seminars, discussions and articles. Dentists should keep themselves updated and help to fight against this pandemic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  7. Parthiban N, Boland F, Fadil Azim DH, Pawlikowska T, O'Shea MT, Jaafar MH, et al.
    Med Educ Online, 2021 Dec;26(1):1927466.
    PMID: 33999787 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2021.1927466
    Background: Professionalism is the basis of trust in patient-physician relationships; however, there is very limited evidence focusing on attitudes towards professionalism among medical students. Hence, the main aim of our study was to investigate Malaysian medical students' attitudes towards professionalism with specific emphasis on the comparison between pre-clinical and clinical students. Our secondary aim was to compare the differences in perception of medical students in Malaysia (pre-clinical and clinical) with Asian medical students studying in Dublin, IrelandMethods: This study utilized the Professionalism Mini-Evaluation Exercise (P-MEX) instrument which consists of 25 items that represent four skill categories: Doctor-Patient Relationship skills, Reflective skills, Time Management and Inter-Professional Relationship skills. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the demographic information of students and given the ordinal nature of the data, Mann-Whitney U-tests were used.Results: Overall, students have positive attitudes to all the professionalism items with more than 80% of the students agreeing that each of the professionalism attributes is important or very important. There was evidence of a significant difference between Malaysian pre-clinical and clinical students in relation to 'avoiding derogatory language' only (p = 0.015). When comparing between Malaysian and Dublin Asian students, there was a statistically significant difference in relation to 'show interest in patient as a person' (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  8. Samsiah A, Othman N, Jamshed S, Hassali MA
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2020 Aug;42(4):1118-1127.
    PMID: 32494990 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-020-01041-0
    Background Medication errors are the most common types of medical errors that occur in health care organisations; however, these errors are largely underreported. Objective This study assessed knowledge on medication error reporting, perceived barriers to reporting medication errors, motivations for reporting medication errors and medication error reporting practices among various health care practitioners working at primary care clinics. Setting This study was conducted in 27 primary care clinics in Malaysia. Methods A self-administered survey was distributed to family medicine specialists, doctors, pharmacists, pharmacist assistants, nurses and assistant medical officers. Main outcome measures Health care practitioners' knowledge, perceived barriers and motivations for reporting medication errors. Results Of all respondents (N = 376), nurses represented 31.9% (n = 120), followed by doctors (n = 87, 23.1%), pharmacists (n = 63, 16.8%), assistant medical officers (n = 53, 14.1%), pharmacist assistants (n = 46, 12.2%) and family medicine specialists (n = 7, 1.9%). Of the survey respondents who had experience reporting medication errors, 56% (n = 62) had submitted medication error reports in the preceding 12 months. Results showed that 41.2% (n = 155) of respondents were classified as having good knowledge on medication error and medication error reporting. The mean score of knowledge was significantly higher among prescribers and pharmacists than nurses, pharmacist assistants and assistant medical officers (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data*
  9. Selvaraj A, Redzuan AM, Hatah E
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2020 Apr;42(2):777-785.
    PMID: 32006142 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-020-00973-x
    Background Community pharmacists are increasingly recognized to have an important role in providing a convenient and accessible alternative support for patients with minor ailments. In view of the abilities of community pharmacists in managing minor ailments, some countries have started the pharmacy-based minor ailment schemes that offers public access to treatment and advice of minor ailments from their local pharmacist. Nevertheless, there is limited study in Malaysia that explore the current practice of community pharmacists in managing minor ailment. Objective This study aims to evaluate community pharmacists' perceptions, attitudes and barriers of pharmacist-led minor ailment services. Setting Community pharmacists in Malaysia. Methods A cross-sectional survey among community pharmacists practicing in Malaysia was conducted between December 2017 until March 2018. The self-administered survey was distributed online via email, Facebook and WhatsApp's group. Main outcome measure Community pharmacists' perceptions, attitude and barriers towards minor-ailment service in community pharmacy settings. Results A total of 305 community pharmacists had completed the survey. The majority of community pharmacists in Malaysia had positive perceptions and attitudes towards pharmacist-led minor ailment services. The most common perceived barriers were lack of patient's medical information, absence of dispensing separation and lack of support from other healthcare professionals. Ethnicity, position and years of working experience were found to have significant associations with community pharmacists' score of attitudes and barriers related to minor ailment treatment in community pharmacy settings. Conclusion Community pharmacists in Malaysia have positive perceptions and attitudes over benefits of minor ailment services to public, however the barriers towards the service must be overcome to ensure service is sustainable for public's benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  10. Tunnecliff J, Weiner J, Gaida JE, Keating JL, Morgan P, Ilic D, et al.
    J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2017 03 01;24(2):403-408.
    PMID: 27357833 DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocw085
    Objective: Our objective was to compare the change in research informed knowledge of health professionals and their intended practice following exposure to research information delivered by either Twitter or Facebook.

    Methods: This open label comparative design study randomized health professional clinicians to receive "practice points" on tendinopathy management via Twitter or Facebook. Evaluated outcomes included knowledge change and self-reported changes to clinical practice.

    Results: Four hundred and ninety-four participants were randomized to 1 of 2 groups and 317 responders analyzed. Both groups demonstrated improvements in knowledge and reported changes to clinical practice. There was no statistical difference between groups for the outcomes of knowledge change (P = .728), changes to clinical practice (P = .11) or the increased use of research information (P = .89). Practice points were shared more by the Twitter group (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/education*
  11. Rajiah K, Maharajan MK, Binti Samsudin SZ, Tan CL, Tan Yen Pei A, Wong San Ying A
    Am J Infect Control, 2016 12 01;44(12):1720-1722.
    PMID: 27499193 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2016.05.019
    We studied the emergency preparedness and perceived response for Ebola virus disease among various health care providers in Malaysia using a self-report questionnaire. Most of the health care providers felt that they were able to respond to Ebola virus disease and were aware of the level of preparedness needed during emergency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel*
  12. Arunasalam N
    Nurse Res, 2018 Jun 07;26(1):23-27.
    PMID: 29799178 DOI: 10.7748/nr.2018.e1557
    BACKGROUND: The interpretive paradigm and hermeneutic phenomenological design are the most popular methods used in international cross-cultural research in healthcare, nurse education and nursing practice. Their inherent appeal is that they help researchers to explore experiences. The ethnographic principle of cultural interpretation can also be used to provide meaning, clarity and insight.

    AIM: To examine the use of hermeneutic phenomenology and the ethnographic principle of cultural interpretation in a research study conducted with Malaysian nurses on part-time, transnational, post-registration, top-up nursing degree programmes provided by one Australian and two UK universities.

    DISCUSSION: To enable the researcher to undertake international cross-cultural research and illuminate Malaysian nurses' views for the reader, cultural aspects need to be considered, as they will influence the information participants provide. Useful strategies that western researchers can adopt to co-create research texts with interviewees are outlined. The paradigm and research designs used in the study revealed the views and experiences of Malaysian nurses.

    CONCLUSION: Hermeneutic phenomenology enabled the exploration of participants' experiences, and the ethnographic principle of cultural interpretation enabled the researcher's reflexivity to provide emic and etic views for the reader.

    IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: This paper adds to the discussion of the paradigms and research designs used for international, cross-cultural research in Asia. It identifies the influence participants' cultural values have on their confidence and level of disclosure with western researchers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  13. Ishak AS, Haque MS, Sadhra SS
    Occup Med (Lond), 2019 Apr 13;69(2):99-105.
    PMID: 30295884 DOI: 10.1093/occmed/kqy129
    BACKGROUND: Needlestick injury (NSI) is a significant occupational health issue among healthcare workers (HCWs).

    AIMS: To determine the national self-reported incidence and risk factors for NSI among Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) HCWs.

    METHODS: Using data from the MOH national sharps injury surveillance programme, information on reported NSIs over a 1-year period (2016) for different HCW subgroups were extracted and analysed.

    RESULTS: A total of 1234 NSI cases were reported in 2016, giving an overall incidence of 6 injuries per 1000 HCWs. Medical doctors recorded the highest incidence (21.1 per 1000 HCWs) followed by dental staff (7.5), pharmacy staff (4.2), nurses (3.7), medical assistants (3.4) and allied and auxiliary staff (1.0). Doctors had significantly increased risk of NSI compared with allied and auxiliary staff (relative risk [RR] = 20.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] 15.5-27.5), medical assistants (RR = 6.1, 95% CI 4.5-8.2), nurses (RR = 5.7, 95% CI 5.0-6.6), pharmacy staff (RR = 5.0, 95% CI 3.7-6.6) and dental staff (RR = 2.8, 95% CI 2.2-3.5). Significant differences were found in age and sharps- handling experience between occupational subgroups (P < 0.001 for both variables). Male employees had higher risk than females (RR = 1.33, 95% CI 1.18-1.50), with a significant difference seen in their sharps-handling experience (P < 0.01). Important risk factors included unsafe practices such as recapping of needles and their improper disposal.

    CONCLUSIONS: The national incidence of NSI amongst Malaysian HCWs was lower compared with other countries, but unsafe practices remain an important concern. There is a need to formulate, implement and monitor safe and consistent practices for the different healthcare professionals.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data*
  14. Badgujar VB, Ahmad Fadzil FS, Balbir Singh HK, Sami F, Badgujar S, Ansari MT
    Hum Vaccin Immunother, 2019;15(1):156-162.
    PMID: 30199299 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2018.1518843
    The human papilloma virus (HPV) is known to be a major causative agent of cervical cancers and warts, limited study has been conducted on its associated factors among health care students and professionals in Malaysia. The present study was carried to explore the knowledge, understanding, attitude, perception and views about HPV infection and vaccination. A total of 576 respondents were recruited to complete a self-administered questionnaire through convenience sampling across Malaysia. 80.% and of the females respondents exhibited a positive attitude towards knowledge and understanding and 60% exhibited a positive towards attitude, perception and views. Almost 65% of the population were in agreement that HPV can be transmitted sexually, and 56.7% felt strongly that sexually active persons should essentially be vaccinated. The corresponding values were somewhat lower among the male respondents. Regression analysis suggested that knowledge and understanding were strong associated with gender, age, and occupation. Attitude, perception and views were also evidently associated with gender and age. The Ministry of Health should take steps to improve awareness among the citizens. Efforts should be made to educate people on the risk of HPV as a sexually transmitted diseases associated with HPV, and on the availability of discounted and safe HPV vaccines in government hospitals to increase the uptake rate of HPV vaccines among the Malaysian population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/psychology*
  15. Naqvi AA, Hassali MA, Aftab MT, Nadir MN
    J Pak Med Assoc, 2019 Feb;69(2):216-223.
    PMID: 30804587
    OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to perceived barriers to medication adherence in patients with chronic illnesses..

    METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Karachi in September 2017, using grounded theory and inductive approach. Interviews were conducted using a checklist in Urdu language from patients of chronic illnesses determined based on medicines dispensed from the out-patient pharmacy in hospital. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, translated in English and validated. The translated quotations were analysed using a qualitative analysis software, and thematic analysis was conducted. Codes were generated and analysed by semantic linkages and network analysis using ATLAS.ti qualitative research software.

    RESULTS: Of the 16 patients interviewed, 8(50%) were males and 8(50%) were females. Barriers to medication adherence identified were patient behaviour (intentional and un-intentional non-adherence), comorbidity and pill burden, cost-related non-adherence, and low patient knowledge. The last barrier was associated with the rest.

    CONCLUSIONS: Counselling has the potential to increase patient knowledge regarding medication use, and active pharmacist-physician collaboration can improve medication adherence..

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  16. Pocock NS, Chan Z, Loganathan T, Suphanchaimat R, Kosiyaporn H, Allotey P, et al.
    PLoS One, 2020;15(4):e0231154.
    PMID: 32251431 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231154
    BACKGROUND: Cultural competency describes interventions that aim to improve accessibility and effectiveness of health services for people from ethnic minority backgrounds. Interventions include interpreter services, migrant peer educators and health worker training to provide culturally competent care. Very few studies have focussed on cultural competency for migrant service use in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC). Migrants and refugees in Thailand and Malaysia report difficulties in accessing health systems and discrimination by service providers. In this paper we describe stakeholder perceptions of migrants' and health workers' language and cultural competency, and how this affects migrant workers' health, especially in Malaysia where an interpreter system has not yet been formalised.

    METHOD: We conducted in-depth interviews with stakeholders in Malaysia (N = 44) and Thailand (N = 50), alongside policy document review in both countries. Data were analysed thematically. Results informed development of Systems Thinking diagrams hypothesizing potential intervention points to improve cultural competency, namely via addressing language barriers.

    RESULTS: Language ability was a core tenet of cultural competency as described by participants in both countries. Malay was perceived to be an easy language that migrants could learn quickly, with perceived proficiency differing by source country and length of stay in Malaysia. Language barriers were a source of frustration for both migrants and health workers, which compounded communication of complex conditions including mental health as well as obtaining informed consent from migrant patients. Health workers in Malaysia used strategies including google translate and hand gestures to communicate, while migrant patients were encouraged to bring friends to act as informal interpreters during consultations. Current health services are not migrant friendly, which deters use. Concerns around overuse of services by non-citizens among the domestic population may partly explain the lack of policy support for cultural competency in Malaysia. Service provision for migrants in Thailand was more culturally sensitive as formal interpreters, known as Migrant Health Workers (MHW), could be hired in public facilities, as well as Migrant Health Volunteers (MHV) who provide basic health education in communities.

    CONCLUSION: Perceptions of overuse by migrants in a health system acts as a barrier against system or institutional level improvements for cultural competency, in an already stretched health system. At the micro-level, language interventions with migrant workers appear to be the most feasible leverage point but raises the question of who should bear responsibility for cost and provision-employers, the government, or migrants themselves.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/psychology
  17. Ng BH, Nuratiqah NA, Faisal AH, Soo CI, Low HJ, Najma K, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 09;75(5):485-489.
    PMID: 32918414
    BACKGROUND: COVID-19 has the potential to affect the mental health of health care workers (HCWs). It is known that HCWs who serve as front-liners during the COVID-19 pandemic experience stress and have the fear of contracting the infection. Little is known of how being a positive contact affects HCWs.

    OBJECTIVE: We examined the experience of HCWs who were quarantined following a close unprotected contact with a COVID-19 positive colleague and explore the psychological impact especially as the timing of the quarantine coincided with the Eid (annual Muslim festival) celebration in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional on-line questionnaire study, involving HCWs exposed to a COVID-19 positive colleague in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, a teaching hospital. Data on demographics, levels of depression, anxiety and stress using a validated depression, anxiety, and stress scale (DASS-21) questionnaire, aspects of quarantine, wearing of masks, hand hygiene practice and swab experience were collected.

    RESULTS: Twenty-two HCWs participated. Eighteen (81.8%) were between 30-39 years and 17 (77.3%) were women. Majority 19 (86.3%) were Malays. There were twelve (54.5%) medical officers, 5 (22.7%) specialists and 5(22.7%) allied health staff. Eighteen out of 22 (81.8%) felt they were able to do home quarantine adequately. All tested negative with a mean (Standard Deviation) hour of contact of 2.56±2.38 hours. Eighteen reported their biggest concern was infecting their families.

    CONCLUSION: HCWs undergoing contact swabbing and quarantine are vulnerable to depression, anxiety and stress. The ability of the HCW to adequately home quarantine should not be taken for granted. Psychological support should be offered to HCWs who are positive contacts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  18. Tangiisuran B, Tye SC, Leow MY, Awang R
    Aging Clin Exp Res, 2018 Feb;30(2):183-191.
    PMID: 28527134 DOI: 10.1007/s40520-017-0772-1
    AIM: Comparing nurses and general caregivers' knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) on medication administration process in long-term care (LTC) setting and an assessment of their stress, anxiety, and depression (SAD) level.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among nurses and general caregivers working in LTC using a validated questionnaire. Consisting of demographic characteristics (Section 1); 40 questions on KAP (Section 2); and assessment of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) (Section 3).
    RESULTS: 155 formally paid staffs in 26 LTC facilities were recruited. Nurses scored significantly higher in the knowledge section compared to caregivers (12.4 ± 1.7 vs. 4.5 ± 3.8; P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  19. Guad RM, Carandang RR, Solidum JN, W Taylor-Robinson A, Wu YS, Aung YN, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(12):e0261412.
    PMID: 34929011 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261412
    BACKGROUND: Dengue is the most rapidly spreading mosquito-borne viral disease of humans worldwide, including southeast Asia region. This review provides a comprehensive overview of questionnaire-related dengue studies conducted in the Philippines and evaluates their reliability and validity in these surveys.

    METHODS: A review protocol constructed by a panel of experienced academic reviewers was used to formulate the methodology, research design, search strategy and selection criteria. An extensive literature search was conducted between March-June 2020 in various major electronic biomedical databases including PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE and ScienceDirect. A systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA) were selected as the preferred item reporting method.

    RESULTS: Out of a total of 34 peer-reviewed dengue-related KAP studies that were identified, 15 published from 2000 to April 2020 met the inclusion criteria. Based on the meta-analysis, a poor mean score was obtained for each of knowledge (68.89), attitude (49.86) and preventive practice (64.69). Most respondents were equipped with a good knowledge of the major clinical signs of dengue. Worryingly, 95% of respondents showed several negative attitudes towards dengue prevention, claiming that this was not possible and that enacting preventive practices was not their responsibility. Interestingly, television or radio was claimed as the main source of gaining dengue information (range 50-95%). Lastly, only five articles (33.3%) piloted or pretested their questionnaire before surveying, of which three reported Cronbach's alpha coefficient (range 0.70 to 0.90).

    CONCLUSION: This review indicates that to combat the growing public health threat of dengue to the Philippines, we need the active participation of resident communities, full engagement of healthcare personnel, promotion of awareness campaigns, and access to safe complementary and alternative medicines. Importantly, the psychometric properties of each questionnaire should be assessed rigorously.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/psychology*
  20. Baki MS
    Malays J Reprod Health, 1983 Dec;1(2):185-90.
    PMID: 12313337
    The study reported served 2 purposes: 1) to assess the amount of sexual information posessed by a sample of staff nurses working for the National Family Planning Board and the Public Health Dept., and 2) to gather local normative data on the Information Subtest of the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI). The subjects for the this study were 2 groups of staff nurses. 10 were employees of the National Family Planning Board currently working in 1 of its clinics and 25 were public health nurses who were at a 1 week training at the clinic. The research was a questionnaire type study. Each subject was given the DSFI. On the Information Subtest of the DSFI the subjects obtained a mean score of 12.7 with a standard deviation of 4.2. This score is much lower than the normative mean (American population) and the sexually dysfunctional women mean. The nurses had inadequate and inaccurate knowledge about anatomy, physiology and psychology of sexual relations. Error analysis revealed that as a group they had poor understanding about male sexuality, the effect of aging on sexuality fertility and menopause, and difficulty in accepting oral-genital sex and sexual fantasies. This study recommends that these nurses, in order to more effective in their work, should be trained in the area of human sexuality. This training must include not only the physiology of sex but also the human aspects of sexual union.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel*
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