Displaying publications 701 - 720 of 1933 in total

  1. Chan YL, Samy AL, Tong WT, Islam MA, Low WY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2020 08 13;32(6-7):334-339.
    PMID: 32787612 DOI: 10.1177/1010539520947879
    Eating disorder is highly prevalent among university students worldwide. However, in Malaysia, studies on eating disorder is scanty and were mostly conducted among medical students. A stratified cluster sampling was used to recruit participants in a university based in Kuala Lumpur. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 1017/1132 students (response rate: 89.8%). The questionnaires administered was a combination of the Eating Attitude Test-26 and items related to perceived body weight, body mass index, trying to weight loss, tobacco use, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression. Descriptive analyses were performed to provide background information of at-risk students by gender. Multiple logistic regressions were used to identify associated factors of eating disorder. The results showed that 13.9% of the university students were at risk of eating disorder. Students who were trying to lose weight and had posttraumatic stress disorder predicted eating disorder. Hence, eating disorder among university students merits attention and requires implementations of public health policies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*; Students/statistics & numerical data
  2. Usir E, Ahmad A, Mat NSN, Ahmad N
    Curr Pharm Teach Learn, 2025 Jan;17(1):102214.
    PMID: 39426009 DOI: 10.1016/j.cptl.2024.102214
    INTRODUCTION: Emotional Intelligence (EI) involves skills to recognise, comprehend, and manage emotions that influence thinking. Using EI allows for the integration of emotion into reasoning and problem-solving. If applied effectively, EI can foster positive emotions that promote the deployment of telepharmacy, which involves delivering pharmaceutical services remotely via telecommunication. High acceptance of telepharmacy among users, particularly patients or healthcare providers is associated with their high knowledge, positive perception, and readiness, all influenced by EI. This study investigates undergraduate students' levels of EI, knowledge, degree of perception, and readiness for telepharmacy, examines EI's correlation with all other variables, and compares them across various sociodemographic groups.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional online study involving 455 undergraduate students at Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Selangor (UCS) was conducted using a 74-item survey distributed via Google Forms. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 29.

    RESULTS: Most participants exhibited high EI (53.3 %), average knowledge (53.2 %), positive perception, and high readiness for telepharmacy. EI positively correlated with both perception (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Pharmacy/psychology; Students, Pharmacy/statistics & numerical data
  3. Tullo ES, Young TJ
    Int Psychogeriatr, 2014 Jan;26(1):165-71.
    PMID: 24135153 DOI: 10.1017/S1041610213001737
    BACKGROUND: The changing demographics of societies mean that medical students worldwide must be sufficiently prepared to care competently for patients with dementia through development of appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes. No previous research had explored undergraduate medical students' attitudes toward people with dementia.

    METHODS: An adapted version of the Approaches to Dementia Questionnaire (ADQ) was completed by 501 medical undergraduates in years 1, 3, and 5 of their degree programs in the UK and Malaysia. Non-parametric statistical analysis focused on any differences between year groups and geographical locations.

    RESULTS: The mean ADQ response indicated a generally positive attitude across the sample, comparable with other healthcare professionals previously surveyed. Year 3 and year 5 students expressed significantly more positive attitudes than year 1 students. Year 1 students based in the UK expressed significantly more positive attitudes than year 1 student based in Malaysia, but there were no significant differences between year 3 students based in different locations.

    CONCLUSION: The more positive attitudes found amongst year 3 and year 5 students compared to year 1 may be a result of teaching emphasizing a person-centered approach. The differences between entry-level students from Malaysia and the UK may reflect variance in cultural norms and expectations, or the ADQ's "Western" origin. Medical schools aiming to equip students with dementia-specific skills and knowledge can draw on the generally positive attitudes found in this study.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*; Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data
  4. Liew SC, Dutta S, Sidhu JK, De-Alwis R, Chen N, Sow CF, et al.
    Med Teach, 2014 Jul;36(7):626-31.
    PMID: 24787534 DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2014.899689
    The complexity of modern medicine creates more challenges for teaching and assessment of communication skills in undergraduate medical programme. This research was conducted to study the level of communication skills among undergraduate medical students and to determine the difference between simulated patients and clinical instructors' assessment of communication skills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*; Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data
  5. Sidi H, Loh SF, Mahadevan R, Puteh SE, Musa R, Wong CY, et al.
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2013 Apr;5 Suppl 1:103-9.
    PMID: 23857845 DOI: 10.1111/appy.12053
    INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between clinical/socio-demographic factors with knowledge and attitude on sex among medical students of the National University of Malaysia (UKM).
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study assessing 452 students using a self-administered questionnaire of knowledge and attitude was performed and had a response rate of 80%.
    RESULTS: The majority of respondents were Malays (56%), females (57.5%), lived in urban areas (66.4%), had a median family income of RM3000 and perceived themselves as moderately religious (60%). The overall score on knowledge about sex was 21.7 of 35 (a higher score indicates better knowledge about sex). It was noted that 73.2% of students felt that they did not receive adequate training in medical school to deal with patients' sexuality and sexual problems, while 51.5% felt uncomfortable talking to patients about these issues. Students in the clinical year were more knowledgeable than those in pre-clinical years (22.67 versus 20.71, P 22 marks [median score]).
    DISCUSSION: The students' attitude on sex was considered conservative as the majority of them disagreed on premarital sex, masturbation, abortion, homosexuality and oral sex. Gender and religiosity have a large influence on attitudes on controversial sexual issues, whereas clinical status plays a small role. Knowledge on sex among UKM medical students is inadequate and their attitudes on sex are considered conservative. Integration of sexual medicine and health modules in the medical curriculum is crucial for students to more effectively address patients' sexual problems and promote non-judgmental attitudes towards patients.
    KEYWORDS: attitude; knowledge; medical student; sex
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*; Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data
  6. Wahab S, Rahman FN, Wan Hasan WM, Zamani IZ, Arbaiei NC, Khor SL, et al.
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2013 Apr;5 Suppl 1:82-9.
    PMID: 23857842 DOI: 10.1111/appy.12067
    Chronic stress in adolescents may cause physical, mental and emotional health issues which lead to poor outcomes if left untreated. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress, and their association with stressors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*; Students/statistics & numerical data
  7. Nik Jaafar NR, Tuti Iryani MD, Wan Salwina WI, Fairuz Nazri AR, Kamal NA, Prakash RJ, et al.
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2013 Apr;5 Suppl 1:27-34.
    PMID: 23857834 DOI: 10.1111/appy.12072
    To examine the relationship between externalizing/internalizing syndromes and school truancy among Form Four (10th grade) students attending "high-risk" schools in Kuala Lumpur.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology; Students/statistics & numerical data
  8. Yusoff MS, Abdul Rahim AF, Baba AA, Ismail SB, Mat Pa MN, Esa AR
    Psychol Health Med, 2013;18(4):420-30.
    PMID: 23140393 DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2012.740162
    Many studies have shown that the prevalence of psychological distress among medical students during medical training is higher than that in general population. A few studies have shown that the prevalence of psychological distress among medical students before the onset of medical training was similar to general population. This study aimed to investigate psychological health of medical students before and during medical training. A one-year prospective study was done on successful applicants who undergo the first year of medical training for 2010/2011 academic session. The stress, anxiety and depression were measured by the DASS-21 at five intervals; during interview (Time 0), two months (Time 1), four months (Time 2), six months (Time 3) and final examination (Time 4) of the first year medical training. The prevalence of unfavourable stress, anxiety and depression before the onset of medical training was 4.1%, 55.6% and 1.8%, respectively. The prevalence of unfavourable stress during medical training ranged between 11.8% and 19.9%. The prevalence of anxiety during medical training ranged between 41.1% and 56.7%. The prevalence of depression during medical training ranged between 12% and 30%. Mean scores of stress and depression before (Time 0) and during medical training (Time 1-4) were significantly different (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*; Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data
  9. Anwar M, Sulaiman SA, Ahmadi K, Khan TM
    BMC Public Health, 2010;10:47.
    PMID: 20113511 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-47
    BACKGROUND: Sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) rank among the most important health issues for the people especially the young adults worldwide. Young people tend to engage in sexual activity at younger ages in the past decade than in the 1970s, and 1980s. Knowledge is an essential precursor of sexual risk reduction. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, to produce the baseline information about school students' awareness and perception about sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) and their sexual activity to help establish control and education programmes.
    METHODS: Students from form 4 (aged between 15 to 16 years), form 5 (aged between 16 to 17 years) and form 6 (aged between 18 to 20 years) in their class rooms were approached and asked to complete self administered and anonymous pre-validated questionnaires. SPSS for windows version 13 was used to analyze the results statistically and results were presented in tabular form.
    RESULTS: Data was collected from 1139 students aged between 15 to 20 years, 10.6% of which claimed that they never heard about STIs. Sexual experience related significantly with gender, race, and education level. Approximately 12.6% claimed to have sexual experience of which 75.7% had their sexual debut at 15-19 years and 38.2% were having more than 3 partners. Sexual experience was found to be significantly associated with gender (p = 0.003), ethnicity (p = 0.001) and education level (p = 0.030). However, multiple partner behaviour was significantly associated only with gender (p = 0.010). Mean knowledge score was 11.60 +/- 8.781 and knowledge level was significantly associated with religion (p = 0.005) education level (p = 0.000), course stream (p = 0.000), socioeconomic class (p = 0.000) and sexual experience (p = 0.022).
    CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that school students have moderate level of knowledge about STIs although they are sexually active. Interventions such as reinforcing the link between STIs and HIV/AIDS, assessing the current status of sexuality education in schools and arranging public talks and seminars focusing on STIs prevention education are needed to improve their awareness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology; Students/statistics & numerical data
  10. Palaniappan AK
    Percept Mot Skills, 2007 Dec;105(3 Pt 2):1052-4.
    PMID: 18380099
    Malaysian high school students, 142 boys and 154 girls (M age= 13.3 yr., SD = 0.3) were compared on a talent measure, the Khatena-Morse Multitalent Perception Inventory. Boys obtained significantly higher means on the overall score of Versatility and the talent areas of Artistry, Creative Imagination, Initiative, and Leadership. Further replications involving other age groups and nationalities are recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*; Students/statistics & numerical data
  11. Swami V, Chamorro-Premuzic T, Sinniah D, Maniam T, Kannan K, Stanistreet D, et al.
    Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 2007 Feb;42(2):161-6.
    PMID: 17180631
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the associations between life satisfaction, loneliness, general health and depression among 172 medical students in Malaysia.

    METHOD: Participants completed a questionnaire battery, which included the 12-item General Health Questionnaire, Beck's Depression Inventory, the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale and the Satisfaction With Life Scale.

    RESULTS: Life satisfaction was negatively and significantly correlated with suicidal attitudes, loneliness and depression; and positively with health, which was negatively and significantly correlated with depression and loneliness. Self-concept was negatively correlated with loneliness and depression, depression was positively and significantly correlated with loneliness. Mediational analyses showed that the effects of loneliness and life dissatisfaction on depression were fully mediated by health.

    CONCLUSION: Even though less satisfied, and particularly lonelier, individuals are more likely to report higher levels of depression, this is only the case because both higher loneliness and life dissatisfaction are associated with poorer health. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders in developing nations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*; Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data*
  12. Akhtari-Zavare M, Latiff LA, Juni MH, Said SM, Ismail IZ
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2015;16(15):6231-5.
    PMID: 26434821
    BACKGROUND: In Malaysia, breast cancer is the first cancer among females regardness of race.

    AIM: The purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge and BSE practice among undergraduate female students at four public universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 820 undergraduate female students using a self-administered questionnaire covering socio-demographic data, knowledge of breast cancer and BSE practice.

    RESULTS: The mean age of the respondents was 21.7±1.2 years. The majority of them were single (96.8%), Malay (91.9%) and 16.5% of respondents had a family history of breast cancer. This study showed low level of knowledge on breast cancer and breast self-examination among participants. Only 19.6% participants were performing BSE regularly. Knowledge of breast self-examination was significantly associated with BSE practice (p=0.00). Also, there were significant associations between performing BSE with age, marital status and being trained by a doctor for doing BSE (p<0.05).

    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings showed that the rate of BSE practice and knowledge of breast cancer is inadequate among young Malaysian females. A public health education program is essential to improve breast cancer prevention among this group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology; Students/statistics & numerical data*
  13. Lee YL, Verma RK, Yadav H, Barua A
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2016 Nov;20(4):218-228.
    PMID: 26277860 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12164
    BACKGROUND: Facebook and mobile texting are prevalent in the lives of almost every student. However, little is known about the relationship between Facebook usage or mobile texting and their impacts on health amongst undergraduate dental students. In this study, excessive Facebook use and excessive mobile texting were studied as they relate to impacts on health.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at a private university in Malaysia. A total of 188 undergraduate dental students were interviewed using a pre-tested and self-rated questionnaire. Data collected from participants were analysed using SPSS version 18.0. Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and multiple logistic regression analyses were applied to study the relationship between explanatory variables and excessive Facebook use and excessive mobile texting.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of excessive Facebook use and excessive mobile texting amongst undergraduate dental students was found to be 33.2% and 33.0%, respectively. According to a multivariate analysis, texting habits, such as the presence of daytime sleepiness after texting late at night (aOR = 2.682, 95% CI = 1.142-6.301) and the presence of anxious feelings if students failed to receive a timely response (aOR = 3.819, 95% CI = 1.580-9.230), were determined to be significant predictors of excessive mobile texting. Excessive Facebook use was found to be significantly related to three variables as follows: fewer numbers of close friends (aOR = 2.275, 95% CI = 1.057-4.898), the checking of updates on the Facebook walls of their friends (aOR = 2.582, 95% CI = 1.189-5.605) and the absence of active and vigorous feelings during Facebook use (aOR = 3.401, 95% CI = 1.233-9.434).

    CONCLUSIONS: Approximately one-third of undergraduate dental students in this study experienced excessive Facebook use and/or excessive mobile texting. Health education and promotion should be instituted to create awareness, whilst students should be advised to practise self-control with respect to both mobile texting and Facebook usage.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental/psychology*; Students, Dental/statistics & numerical data*
  14. Yadav H, Jegasothy R, Ramakrishnappa S, Mohanraj J, Senan P
    BMC Med Educ, 2019 Jun 18;19(1):218.
    PMID: 31215454 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-019-1662-3
    BACKGROUND: Ethical behavior and professionalism is an ideal characteristic required of medical students and included as 'must achieve' and critical aspect of medical students' curriculum. This study proposes to determine the perceived unethical and unprofessional behavior among medical students in a private medical university from year 1 to year 5 of the medical curriculum.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among year 1 to year 5 medical students in a private medical university. A self-administered questionnaire was used with the 3 major domains of professionalism and ethics i.e. discipline plagiarism and cheating.

    RESULTS: A total of 464 respondents responded to the survey and they included medical students from year 1 and year 2 (pre-clinical) and years 3-5 (clinical years). Majority of the students, 275 (59.2%) answered that they had not seen any form of unethical behavior among other students. The females seem to have a larger number 172(63%) among the same gender compared to the males. Majority 352 (75%) of them had not heard of the 'Code of Professional Conduct by the Malaysian Medical Council'. About fifty three (53.1%) of the students answered that the training was sufficient.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the perception of unethical behavior was 58.8% in the 1st year (pre-clinical) and it increased to 65.2% in the 5th year (clinical). The 3 main discipline issues were students do not show interest in class (mean 2.9/4), they are rude to other students (mean 2.8/4) and talking during class (mean 2.6/4). Despite the existence of unethical behavior among the students majority of them (71.7%) claimed that they had adequate training in ethics and professionalism. It is proposed that not only the teaching of ethics and professionalism be reviewed but an assessment strategy be introduced to strengthen the importance of professionalism and ethics.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*; Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data
  15. Song Y, Bai W, Wang M, Liu X, Zhang L, Yu W, et al.
    J Affect Disord, 2019 12 01;259:195-200.
    PMID: 31446380 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.08.042
    BACKGROUND: Suicide is a major global mental health problem among college students. The aim of the current study was to explore the association between the psychological strains of the strain theory of suicide and suicidal behaviors among college students.

    METHODS: Participants comprised 1912 college students (16-28 years old, 47.2% female) from three universities in Jilin Province, China, who completed the self-report assessments of psychological strains (40 items Psychological Strains Scale) and suicidal behaviors (Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised). The demographic characteristics included four variables: health status, psychological status, academic status and economic status.

    RESULTS: Approximately 15.0% (286/1912) of participants were classified as having suicide risk, based on the cut-off scores of the SBQ-R. The prevalence of suicidal behaviors among males and females was 11.9% (120/1009) and 18.4% (166/903), respectively. Value strain (OR = 1.075, 95%CI: 1.057-1.094), aspiration strain (OR = 1.082, 95%CI: 1.064-1.101), deprivation strain (OR = 1.073, 95%CI: 1.052-1.093), and coping strain (OR = 1.095, 95%CI: 1.075-1.116) were risk factors for suicidality in college students. Coping strain (OR = 1.050, 95%CI: 1.023-1.077) was still positively associated with suicide risk in multivariate logistic regression. Logistic regression analysis indicated that coping strain had the highest correlation with suicidal behaviors.

    LIMITATIONS: The directionality of the relationships cannot be deduced because this study is cross-sectional.

    CONCLUSION: This study confirms a strong association between psychological strains and suicidal behaviors in college students. Some measures can be taken to reduce psychological strains to mitigate suicide risk among college students. More studies investigating coping strain among college students are warranted.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*; Students/statistics & numerical data
  16. Chhoa KH, Zakaria H, Abd Rahman FN
    Pediatr Int, 2019 Mar;61(3):284-292.
    PMID: 30636372 DOI: 10.1111/ped.13789
    BACKGROUND: Alcohol consumption in the under-aged is one of the main concerns regarding Malaysian adolescents. There is no previous study on problematic alcohol use (PAU) in adolescents in Sarawak. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of PAU, its associated variables and its relationship with depression.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 327 secondary school students completed the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test and Children's Depression Inventory, and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Binary and multivariable logistic regression were used to examine the relationship between the different variables.

    RESULTS: A total of 42.2% of adolescents had PAU. Urban adolescents had a higher prevalence compared with rural adolescents (OR, 1.612; 95% CI: 1.036-2.508 P = 0.034). Female adolescents (56.8%) and Bumiputera Sarawak adolescents (76.8%) comprised a large proportion of the respondents with PAU. Cultural norm (78.3%) and curiosity (68.1%) were the two main reasons for PAU. Only family history of alcohol use (OR, 2.273; 95% CI: 1.013-5.107; P = 0.047), ever consumed alcohol (OR, 57.585; 95% CI: 21.885-151.525; P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*; Students/statistics & numerical data
  17. Babar MG, Hasan SS, Ooi YJ, Ahmed SI, Wong PS, Ahmad SF, et al.
    Int J Med Educ, 2015;6:56-61.
    PMID: 25935506 DOI: 10.5116/ijme.5521.3b2d
    The study objectives were to identify the stress levels and to explore the impact of students' year of study and gender on the perceived sources of stress among Malaysian dental students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental/psychology*; Students, Dental/statistics & numerical data
  18. Loo JSE, Lim SW, Ng YK, Tiong JJL
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2017 Dec;25(6):429-437.
    PMID: 28211115 DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12352
    OBJECTIVES: To identify factors influencing the decisions of Malaysian first-year pharmacy undergraduate students in private higher education when choosing to pursue a degree in pharmacy as well as their choice of private university.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study employed a validated, self-administered questionnaire which was administered to 543 first-year pharmacy students from nine different private universities. Factor analysis was utilised to extract key factors from the responses. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data.

    KEY FINDINGS: Eight factors motivating students' decision to study pharmacy emerged from the responses, accounting for 63.8% of the variance observed. Students were primarily motivated by intrinsic interests, with work conditions and profession attributes also exerting significant influence. In terms of choice of private university, nine factors were identified, accounting for 73.8% of the variance observed. The image of the school and university were most influential factors in this context, followed by university safety, programme attributes and financial factors.

    CONCLUSIONS: First-year pharmacy students in the private higher education sector are motivated by intrinsic interest when choosing to study pharmacy over other courses, while their choice of private university is influenced primarily by the image of the school and university.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Pharmacy/psychology*; Students, Pharmacy/statistics & numerical data
  19. Muhammad NA, Shamsuddin K, Mohd Amin R, Omar K, Thurasamy R
    BMC Public Health, 2017 02 02;17(1):157.
    PMID: 28152993 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-3949-1
    BACKGROUND: From the Theory of Planned Behaviour perspective, sexual intention is determined by a permissive attitude, perception of social norms and perceived self-efficacy in performing sexual activity. The aim of this study was to develop and validate the Youth Sexual Intention Questionnaire (YSI-Q), which was designed to measure sexual intention among youths in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A total of 25 items were developed based on literature reviews encompassing four main constructs: sexual intention, attitude, social norms and self-efficacy. The YSI-Q then underwent a validation process that included content and face validity, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), reliability analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). This study was conducted on unmarried youths aged 18 to 22 years who were studying in colleges around Klang Valley, Malaysia.

    RESULTS: EFA supported the four factor structure, but five items were removed due to incorrect placement or low factor loading (<0.60). Internal reliability using Cronbach's alpha ranged between 0.89 and 0.94. The CFA further confirmed the construct, convergent and discriminant validity of the YSI-Q with χ 2 = 392.43, df = 164, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*; Students/statistics & numerical data*
  20. Sreeramareddy CT, Ramakrishnareddy N, Rahman M, Mir IA
    BMJ Open, 2018 05 26;8(5):e017477.
    PMID: 29804056 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017477
    INTRODUCTION: Health professionals play an important role in providing advice to their patients about tobacco prevention and cessation. Health professionals who use tobacco may be deterred from providing cessation advice and counselling to their patients. We aimed to provide prevalence estimates of tobacco use among student health professionals and describe their attitudes towards tobacco cessation training.

    METHODS: Country-wise aggregate data from the Global Health Professions Student Survey on 'current cigarette smoking' (smoking cigarettes on 1 or more days during the past 30 days), and 'current use of tobacco products other than cigarettes' (chewing tobacco, snuff, bidis, cigars or pipes, 1 or more days during the past 30 days) were analysed. For each WHO region, we estimated mean prevalence rates of tobacco use weighted by the population of the sampling frame and aggregate proportions for 'health professionals' role' and 'cessation training' indicators using 'metaprop' command on Stata V.11.

    RESULTS: A total of 107 527 student health professionals participated in 236 surveys done in four health profession disciplines spanning 70 countries with response rates ranging from 40% to 100%. Overall, prevalence of smoking was highest in European countries (20% medical and 40% dental students) and the Americas (13% pharmacy to 23% dental students). Other tobacco use was higher in eastern Mediterranean (10%-23%) and European countries (7%-13%). In most WHO regions, ≥70% of the students agreed that health professionals are role models, and have a role in advising about smoking cessation to their patients and the public. Only ≤33% of all student health professionals in most WHO regions (except 80% dental students in the Eastern Mediterranean region) had received formal training on smoking cessation approaches and ≥80% of all students agreed that they should receive formal cessation training.

    CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco control should take place together with medical educators to discourage tobacco use among student health professionals and implement an integrated smoking cessation training into health professions' curricula.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*; Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data*
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