Displaying publications 761 - 780 of 2034 in total

  1. Ong SQ, Ahmad H, Jaal Z, Rus A, Fadzlah FH
    J Med Entomol, 2017 Jan;54(1):24-29.
    PMID: 28082628 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjw140
    Determining the control threshold for a pest is common prior to initiating a pest control program; however, previous studies related to the house fly control threshold for a poultry farm are insufficient for determining such a threshold. This study aimed to predict the population changes of house fly population by comparing the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) for different house fly densities in a simulated system. This study first defined the knee points of a known population growth curve as a control threshold by comparing the rm of five densities of house flies in a simulated condition. Later, to understand the interactions between the larval and adult populations, the correlation between larval and adult capacity rate (rc) was studied. The rm values of 300- and 500-fly densities were significantly higher compared with the rm values at densities of 50 and 100 flies. This result indicated their representative indices as candidates for a control threshold. The rc of larval and adult populations were negatively correlated with densities of fewer than 300 flies; this implicated adult populations with fewer than 300 flies as declining while the larval population was growing; therefore, control approaches should focus on the immature stages. The results in the present study suggest a control threshold for house fly populations. Future works should focus on calibrating the threshold indices in field conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density; Population Growth
  2. Rampal L
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Sep;32(1):6-16.
    PMID: 609347
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  3. Keeny SM
    Stud Fam Plann, 1974 May;5(5):174-6.
    PMID: 4828075 DOI: 10.2307/1965310
    PIP: Observations are made related to the review of family planning activities in East Asia in 1973. The number of new acceptors for the region increased from 2.7 million in 1972 to 3.4 million in 1973. The leaders were Indonesia, which almost doubled its achievement of calendar year 1972, the Philippines, and Korea. In Thailand, the number of new acceptors dropped by about 10%. South Vietnam is the only country in the region without an official policy. Most couples still think that the ideal number of children is 4, with at least 2 sons. Some religious opposition does exist, particularly with reference to sterlization and abortion. More attention is being paid to women in their 20s. Sterilization and condoms are becoming more popular. Korea reports a sharp increase in vasectomies. Better methods and continuation rates should be stressed. In Taiwan a couple who start with 1 method and continue to practice some method lower their reproduction rate by 80%. More responsibility is being delegated to nurses and midwives, but too slowly. In Indonesia, the number of field workers rose from 3774 in 1972 to 6275 in 1973. The Philippines and Thailand are experimenting to see what kind of workers get best results and under what kind of salary and incentive arrangements. In-service training tends to be neglected, but preservice training is improving. Costs, in general, have risen, though in Korea the cost per acceptor has dropped from US$8.00 to US$7.80. Korea and Taiwan have reduced their annual population growth rates by more than 1/3 in 10 years, from 30 to 19-20 per 1000 each. Singapore's rate is 17 and Hong Kong's 14 (exclusive of inmigration). The number of couples currently practicing contraception in Singapore is 71%. Target systems assigning quotas to clinics are generally used except in Thailand and Malaysia, where programs emphasize maternal and child health, rather than population planning. Most programs require about 10 years to get the annual growth rate down to 2% by voluntary family planning. To get it down to 1.5% will probably take another 10 years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Control*
  4. Bin Abdul Rahman S, Tan Boon Ann, Subbiah M, Loh Sow Khin, Baker Y
    Stud Fam Plann, 1974 May;5(5):158-9.
    PMID: 4828069 DOI: 10.2307/1965315
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Control*
  5. Hartog J
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 1973;19(1):49-59.
    PMID: 4789139
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  6. Narimah, A.H.H., Adlina, S., Ambigga Devi, S.K., Mazlin, M.M., Hakimi, Z.A., Nuraliza, A.S.
    A cross sectional study to determine general health and body composition was conducted for comparison between rural samples (Teluk Intan, Perak) and urban samples (Klang Valley, Selangor). Systematic random sampling was used in Z health clinics in Klang Valky and 4 health clinics in Telult Intan, Perak The results showed that urban population was more heterogeneous (Malay 63.7%, Indian 19.8%, Chinese 14.9%) compared with the rural population (Malay 75%, Indian 22.1%, Chinese 2.9%). Mean age for urban population was 44 2 1.6 years and for rural was 50 i 14.4 years. There was significant difference in the BMI (p < 0.05) between urban and rural populations where more people in the urban areas had higher BMI. There was a significant difference in the waist hip ratio (p < 0.05) between urban and rural areas where more people in the urban areas had above normal waist hip ratio. There was no significant difference in chronic diseases suffered and family medical history of the rural and urban samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  7. Coombs LC, Fernandez D
    Demography, 1978 Feb;15(1):57-73.
    PMID: 631399
    Data from Malaysia on the reproductive goals of husbands and wives are analyzed to determine level of agreement, using new scale measures on preferences for number and sex of children as well as the conventional measure of desired number of children. The level of agreement between husband and wife varies considerably depending on the focus of analysis and the measure of agreement used. Overall aggregate agreement of men and women is high but lower for subgroups of the population, particularly among various ethnic groups. For marital partners, the agreement is much lower, especially on sex preferences. The level observed depends on whether the measure is identity of responses or an index of homogeneity which allows for couple concordance based on chance or common socialization factors. The views about the reproductive goals of one marital partner cannot with confidence be assumed to represent the views of the other.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  8. Hardee JG, Rahman SB, Ann TB
    Stud Fam Plann, 1973 May;4(5):111-3.
    PMID: 4710478 DOI: 10.2307/1964727
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Growth; Rural Population
  9. Welch QB, Luan Eng LI, Bolton JM
    Humangenetik, 1971;14(1):61-3.
    PMID: 5144903
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population; Continental Population Groups
  10. Steinberg AG, Lai LYC, Vos GH, Singh RB, Lim TW
    Am J Hum Genet, 1961 Dec;13:355-71.
    PMID: 13916666
    The ABO, MN and Rh blood types, and the Hp, Tf, and Gm [Gm (a), Gm (x), Gm(b), and Gm-like] factors were determined for 128 unrelated Indians (parents of families, 63 with two parents tested and two with one parent tested), and 90 unrelated Chinese (parents of 46 families, 44 with two parents tested and two with one parent tested), and for the offspring from these families. The frequencies of the several blood types are presented. They were done primarily to aid in paternity testing. They compare favorably with the findings of previous studies. The allele Hp1 is rare in the Indian population (.09) and relatively infrequent in the Chinese (.29). Unfortunately, the data shed no light on the problem of the inheritance of the phenotype Hp O. Only Tf C was found among the Indians. About four per cent of the Chinese were heterozygous for Tf CD,, all other were Tf CC. The Indians have a high frequency of Gm(a) and of Gm (x), and a low frequency of Gm (b). They appear to have alleles Gma, Gmax, and Gmb in the following frequencies: .535, .234(5), and .230(5), respectively. Three families appear to have a GMxb allele, providing the offspring are not extra-marital. The Chinese appear to have the alleles Gm^ab, Gm^a, and Gm^ax in the following frequencies: .741, .231, and .028, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
  11. Palmore JA, Hirsch PM, Ariffin Bin Marzuki
    Demography, 1971 Aug;8(3):411-25.
    PMID: 4950540 DOI: 10.2307/2060629
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  12. Wiesenfeld SL
    Science, 1967 Sep 08;157(3793):1134-40.
    PMID: 6038684
    The particular agricultural adaptation we have been considering is the ultimate determinant of the presence of malaria parasites in the intracellular environment of the human red blood cell. This change in the cellular environment is deleterious for normal individuals, but individuals with the sickle-cell gene are capable of changing their red-cell environment so that intense parasitism never develops. Normal individuals suffer higher mortality rates and lower fertility rates in a malarious environment than individuals with the sickle-cell trait do, so the latter contribute proportionately more people to succeeding generations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
  13. Lim TW, Leong WW
    Med J Malaya, 1967 Dec;22(2):110-4.
    PMID: 4231975
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  14. Yunus RM, Hairi NN, Choo WY, Tan MP, Hairi F, Sooryanarayana R, et al.
    J Am Geriatr Soc, 2018 07;66(6):1165-1171.
    PMID: 29601084 DOI: 10.1111/jgs.15370
    OBJECTIVES: To examine the cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between elder abuse and neglect (EAN) and chronic pain in rural older Malaysians.

    DESIGN: Two-year prospective cohort study.

    SETTING: Kuala Pilah, a district in Negeri Sembilan approximately 100 km from the capital city, Kuala Lumpur.

    PARTICIPANTS: Community-dwelling older adults aged 60 and older. Using a multistage cluster sampling strategy, 1,927 respondents were recruited and assessed at baseline, of whom 1,189 were re-assessed 2 years later.

    MEASURES: EAN was determined using the modified Conflict Tactic Scale, and chronic pain was assessed through self-report using validated questions.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of chronic pain was 20.4%. Cross-sectional results revealed 8 variables significantly associated with chronic pain-age, education, income, comorbidities, self-rated health, depression, gait speed, and EAN. Abused elderly adults were 1.52 times as likely to have chronic pain (odds ratio=1.52, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.03-2.27), although longitudinal analyses showed no relationship between EAN and risk of chronic pain (risk ratio=1.14, 95% CI=0.81-1.60). This lack of causal link was consistent when comparing analysis with complete cases with that of imputed data.

    CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate no temporal relationship between EAN and chronic pain but indicated cross-sectional associations between the two. This might indicate that, although EAN does not lead to chronic pain, individuals with greater physical limitations are more vulnerable to abuse. Our study also shows the importance of cohort design in determining causal relationships between EAN and potentially linked health outcomes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population/statistics & numerical data*
  15. Nozmi N, Samsudin S, Sukeri S, Shafei MN, Wan Mohd WMZ, Idris Z, et al.
    PMID: 29642390 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15040693
    Little is known on the knowledge, attitudes and preventive practices (KAP) of leptospirosis worldwide. This study embarked on assessing the KAP of leptospirosis among rural communities in Malaysia. A total of 444 participants (223 male; 221 female) aged between 18 and 81 years old were surveyed by using a self-administered questionnaire. A majority of participants had poor knowledge level (57.0%), unacceptable attitudes (90.3%) and unacceptable preventive practices (69.1%) on leptospirosis, and only 29.7% knew "rat-urine disease" as leptospirosis. Only 34.2% of the participants knew the bacteria could enter via wound lesions. Ethnicity and income were strongly associated with knowledge level and preventive practices, respectively (p-values < 0.05). As for attitudes, ethnicity, income and education type were significantly associated (p-values < 0.05). Only 36.5% of the participants were willing to see a doctor and did not mind if their house or surrounding area is dirty (59.7%). Surprisingly, only 32.9% had used rubber boots during floods. By logistic regression analysis, ethnicity was the only significant predictor for both knowledge level (an odds ratio (AOR) = 0.39, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.222-0.680) and preventive practices (AOR = 1.81, 95% CI = 1.204-2.734). Ethnicity (AOR = 0.40, 95% CI = 0.239-0.665), income (AOR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.041-2.385) and education type (AOR = 3.69, 95% CI = 1.237-10.986) were strong predictors for attitudes. Among the KAP variables, attitude (AOR = 4.357, 95% CI = 2.613-7.264) was the only predictor for the preventive practices by logistic regression analysis. The KAP elements on leptospirosis are still lacking and poor health seeking behavior and attitudes are of our utmost concern. Thus, effective strategies should be planned to impart knowledge, and develop proactive approaches and good preventive modules on leptospirosis to this leptospirosis-prone community.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population*
  16. Hussain-Alkhateeb L, Kroeger A, Olliaro P, Rocklöv J, Sewe MO, Tejeda G, et al.
    PLoS One, 2018;13(5):e0196811.
    PMID: 29727447 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196811
    BACKGROUND: Dengue outbreaks are increasing in frequency over space and time, affecting people's health and burdening resource-constrained health systems. The ability to detect early emerging outbreaks is key to mounting an effective response. The early warning and response system (EWARS) is a toolkit that provides countries with early-warning systems for efficient and cost-effective local responses. EWARS uses outbreak and alarm indicators to derive prediction models that can be used prospectively to predict a forthcoming dengue outbreak at district level.

    METHODS: We report on the development of the EWARS tool, based on users' recommendations into a convenient, user-friendly and reliable software aided by a user's workbook and its field testing in 30 health districts in Brazil, Malaysia and Mexico.

    FINDINGS: 34 Health officers from the 30 study districts who had used the original EWARS for 7 to 10 months responded to a questionnaire with mainly open-ended questions. Qualitative content analysis showed that participants were generally satisfied with the tool but preferred open-access vs. commercial software. EWARS users also stated that the geographical unit should be the district, while access to meteorological information should be improved. These recommendations were incorporated into the second-generation EWARS-R, using the free R software, combined with recent surveillance data and resulted in higher sensitivities and positive predictive values of alarm signals compared to the first-generation EWARS. Currently the use of satellite data for meteorological information is being tested and a dashboard is being developed to increase user-friendliness of the tool. The inclusion of other Aedes borne viral diseases is under discussion.

    CONCLUSION: EWARS is a pragmatic and useful tool for detecting imminent dengue outbreaks to trigger early response activities.

    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods*
  17. Densten IL, Borrowman L
    PLoS One, 2017;12(7):e0179058.
    PMID: 28686605 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179058
    The current study aims to identify the relationships between implicit leadership theoretical (ILT) prototypes / anti-prototype and five facial features (i.e., nasion, upper nose, lower nose, and upper lip) of a leader from a different race than respondents. A sample of 81 Asian respondents viewed a 30-second video of a Caucasian female who in a non-engaging manner talked about her career achievements. As participants watch the video, their eye movements were recorded via an eye tracking devise. While previous research has identified that ILT influences perceptional and attitudinal ratings of leaders, the current study extends these findings by confirming the impact of ILT on the gaze patterns of other race participants, who appear to adopt system one type thinking. This study advances our understanding in how cognitive categories or schemas influence the physicality of individuals (i.e., eye gaze or movements). Finally, this study confirms that individual ILT factors have a relationship with the eye movements of participants and suggests future research directions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Continental Population Groups/psychology
  18. Kusuma P, Brucato N, Cox MP, Letellier T, Manan A, Nuraini C, et al.
    Eur J Hum Genet, 2017 08;25(8):1004-1010.
    PMID: 28513608 DOI: 10.1038/ejhg.2017.88
    The Bajo, the world's largest remaining sea nomad group, are scattered across hundreds of recently settled communities in Island Southeast Asia, along the coasts of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. With a significant role in historical trading, the Bajo lived until recently as nomads, spending their entire lives on houseboats while moving long distances to fish and trade. Along the routes they traveled, the Bajo settled and intermarried with local land-based groups, leading to 'maritime creolization', a process whereby Bajo communities retained their culture, but assimilated - and frequently married into - local groups. The origins of the Bajo have remained unclear despite several hypotheses from oral tradition, culture and language, all currently without supporting genetic evidence. Here, we report genome-wide SNP analyses on 73 Bajo individuals from three communities across Indonesia - the Derawan of Northeast Borneo, the Kotabaru of Southeast Borneo and the Kendari of Southeast Sulawesi, with 87 new samples from three populations surrounding the area where these Bajo peoples live. The Bajo likely share a common connection with Southern Sulawesi, but crucially, each Bajo community also exhibits unique genetic contributions from neighboring populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population/genetics*
  19. Fornace KM, Surendra H, Abidin TR, Reyes R, Macalinao MLM, Stresman G, et al.
    Int J Health Geogr, 2018 06 18;17(1):21.
    PMID: 29914506 DOI: 10.1186/s12942-018-0141-0
    BACKGROUND: Identifying fine-scale spatial patterns of disease is essential for effective disease control and elimination programmes. In low resource areas without formal addresses, novel strategies are needed to locate residences of individuals attending health facilities in order to efficiently map disease patterns. We aimed to assess the use of Android tablet-based applications containing high resolution maps to geolocate individual residences, whilst comparing the functionality, usability and cost of three software packages designed to collect spatial information.

    RESULTS: Using Open Data Kit GeoODK, we designed and piloted an electronic questionnaire for rolling cross sectional surveys of health facility attendees as part of a malaria elimination campaign in two predominantly rural sites in the Rizal, Palawan, the Philippines and Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The majority of health workers were able to use the tablets effectively, including locating participant households on electronic maps. For all households sampled (n = 603), health facility workers were able to retrospectively find the participant household using the Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates and data collected by tablet computers. Median distance between actual house locations and points collected on the tablet was 116 m (IQR 42-368) in Rizal and 493 m (IQR 258-886) in Kulon Progo Regency. Accuracy varied between health facilities and decreased in less populated areas with fewer prominent landmarks.

    CONCLUSIONS: Results demonstrate the utility of this approach to develop real-time high-resolution maps of disease in resource-poor environments. This method provides an attractive approach for quickly obtaining spatial information on individuals presenting at health facilities in resource poor areas where formal addresses are unavailable and internet connectivity is limited. Further research is needed on how to integrate these with other health data management systems and implement in a wider operational context.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population/statistics & numerical data
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