METHODS: Focus group discussions with patients attending a family medicine center attached to a tertiary care hospital were carried out using the four gates model of Arabian medical professionalism that is appropriate to Arab culture. Discussions with patients were recorded and transcribed. Data were thematically analyzed using NVivo software.
RESULTS: Three main themes emerged from the data. (1) In dealing with patients, participants expected respect but understood delays in seeing physicians due to their busy schedules. In communication, participants expected to be informed about their health conditions and to have their questions answered. (2) In dealing with tasks, participants expected proper examination and transparency of diagnosis, but some expected the physician to know everything and did not appreciate them seeking outside opinions. They expected to see the same physician at every visit. (3) In physician characteristics preferences, participants preferred friendly smiling physicians. Some cared about the outer appearance of the physician whereas others did not.
DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the study explained only two themes of the four gates model namely dealing with patients and dealing with tasks. Cultural competence and how to benefit from patients' perceptions to be an ideal physician should be incorporated into the process of physicians' training.
METHODS: Several methods were implemented. Firstly, a modified Delphi process for the contextualisation of learning outcomes was implemented with a purposefully sampled expert group of Malaysian Family Medicine Specialists. Secondly a small group review for supporting materials was undertaken. Finally, qualitative data in relation to the family medicine specialists' experiences of the processes was collected via online questionnaire and analysed via template analysis. Descriptive statistics were used.
RESULTS: Learning outcomes were reviewed over three rounds; 95.9% (1691/1763) of the learning outcomes were accepted without modification, with the remainder requiring additions, modifications, or deletions. Supporting materials were extensively altered by the expert group. Template analysis showed that Family Medicine Specialists related positively to their involvement in the process, commenting on the amount of similarity in the medical curriculum whilst recognising differences in disease profiles and cultural approaches.
CONCLUSIONS: Learning outcomes and associated material were transferable between "home" and "host" institution. Where differences were discovered this novel approach places "host" practitioners' experiences and knowledge central to the adaptation process, thereby rendering a fit for purpose curriculum. Host satisfaction with the outcome of the processes, as well as ancillary benefits were clearly identified.
METHODS: Journals related to family medicine were identified from the subject categories: "family practice" in Scopus and "primary health care" in Web of Science. The author's instructions on the journal websites regarding the criteria for case report submissions were reviewed, and the specific requirements for case reports of each journal were recorded. Journals were excluded if family medicine was not the main aim and scope.
RESULTS: Among the 80 journals focused on family medicine, 30 (37.5%) were found to accept submissions of case reports. These reports were classified into various article types, such as case reports, patient studies, clinical case studies. The length of the main text varied between 400 and 3000 words, and some journals did not mandate an abstract. However, for those that did, abstracts typically ranged from 50 to 300 words. The number of references cited ranged from 5 to 30.
CONCLUSIONS: Less than half of the journals in the family medicine field accept case report submissions. It is advisable for authors to choose their target journal early in the preparation process, as each journal typically provides specific submission guidelines and instructions.