METHODS: This study was conducted in 4 local medical schools. LAUNDERKAP was developed via literature review and had 3 domains: attitude, knowledge, practice. An expert panel assessed the content validity and clarity of wording. LAUNDERKAP was then piloted among 32 medical students. To test construct validity and internal consistency, 362 medical students were approached. Construct validity was assessed using exploratory factor analysis. Internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach alpha for attitude and practice, while Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR-20) was used for knowledge.
RESULTS: A total of 319 of 362 students responded. Exploratory factor analysis extracted 1 factor each for attitude and knowledge respectively, and 3 factors for practice. Cronbach alpha for attitude was 0.843 while KR-20 for knowledge was 0.457. Cronbach alpha for practice ranged from 0.375 to 0.689. The final LAUNDERKAP contained 32-items (13 attitude, 9 knowledge, 10 practice).
CONCLUSIONS: LAUNDERKAP had adequate psychometric properties and can be used to assess KAP of medical students towards white coat use.
METHODS: We conducted a phenomenological study on medical students at a public university. We utilized focus group discussions (FGDs) to investigate their experiences of TA. The FGDs were transcribed verbatim, and these transcripts were analyzed using Atlas.ti software. The thematic analysis followed the recommended guidelines.
RESULTS: Seven FGD sessions were conducted with 45 students. Three major themes emerged: the students, their academic resources, and the examiner. Each theme comprised mutually exclusive subthemes. The "students" theme was divided into negative vs. positive thoughts and self-negligence vs. self-care, "academic recources" into heavy curriculum vs. facilitative curricular aids, and "examiner" into criticism vs. feedback and strict vs. kind approaches.
CONCLUSION: This study provides a solid foundation for policymakers and decision makers in medical education to improve current assessment practices and student well-being. Medical students will be able to significantly alter and reduce TA if they are provided with additional psychological support and their examiners are trained on how to deal with examinees.
METHODS: A survey was completed by 657 veterinary students and 244 clinical supervisors from 25 veterinary schools, from which rankings of the preparedness characteristics were derived. Significant rank differences were assessed using confidence intervals and permutation tests.
RESULTS: 'Honesty, integrity and dependability' was the most important characteristic according to both groups. The three characteristics with the largest rank differences were: students' awareness of their own and others' mental wellbeing and the importance of self-care; being willing to try new practical skills with support (students ranked both of these higher); and having a clinical reasoning framework for common problems (supervisors ranked higher).
LIMITATIONS: Using pooled data from many schools means that the results are not necessarily representative of the perspectives at any one institution.
CONCLUSION: There are both similarities and differences in the perspectives of students and supervisors regarding which characteristics are more important for WCT. This provides insights that can be used by educators, curriculum developers and admissions tutors to improve student preparedness for workplace learning.
Methods: . We assessed links through curriculum mapping, between assessments and expected learning outcomes of dental physiology curriculum of three batches of students (2012-14) at Melaka-Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Manipal. The questions asked under each assessment method were mapped to the respective expected learning outcomes, and students' scores in different assessments in physiology were gathered. Students' (n = 220) and teachers' (n=15) perspectives were collected through focus group discussion sessions and questionnaire surveys.
Results: . More than 75% of students were successful (≥50% scores) in majority of the assessments. There was moderate (r=0.4-0.6) to strong positive correlation (r=0.7-0.9) between majority of the assessments. However, students' scores in viva voce had a weak positive correlation with the practical examination score (r=0.230). The score in the assessments of problem-based learning had either weak (r=0.1-0.3) or no correlation with other assessment scores.
Conclusions: . Through curriculum mapping, we were able to establish links between assessments and expected learning outcomes. We observed that, in the assessment system followed at MMMC, all expected learning outcomes were not given equal weightage in the examinations. Moreover, there was no direct assessment of self-directed learning skills. Our study also showed that assessment has supported students in achieving the expected learning outcomes as evidenced by the qualitative and quantitative data.
METHODS: A total of 218 undergraduate medical students at the Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, participated in a cross-sectional study that involved an online survey. Environmental factor scales were assessed with the nine-item lighting, noise, and temperature (LNT) scale and the six-item technology scale. Analysis was performed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).
RESULTS: The English version of the LNT scale with nine items and three factors showed a good fit to the data, with no item deleted. For LNT, the composite reliability (CR) was 0.81, 0.81, and 0.84, respectively, while the average variance extracted (AVE) was 0.61, 0.59, and 0.6, respectively. The English version of the technology scale, with six items and one factor, also showed a good fit to the data, with no item deleted. The CR was 0.84, and the AVE was 0.51.
CONCLUSIONS: The results provide psychometric evidence for environmental questionnaire scales in evaluating the factors associated with online learning among Malaysian university medical students. All items were retained and confirmed to fit the sample data.
METHOD: An explanatory mixed method research design was carried out on first year medical students at a private university in Malaysia. In Phase I, a survey was conducted to explore the effectiveness of jigsaw learning. Descriptive and inferential statistics were calculated using SPSS. In Phase II, a focus group interview was conducted to explore their in-depth experiences. Qualitative data were thematically analysed.
RESULTS: Fifty-seven students participated in the survey and seven students took part in the focus group interview. Quantitative data analysis showed a statistically significant improvement in the student's individual accountability, promotive interaction, positive interdependence, interpersonal skill, communication skill, teamwork skill, critical thinking and consensus building after jigsaw learning sessions. Qualitative data explained their experiences in-depth.
CONCLUSION: Jigsaw cooperative learning improves collaboration, communication, cooperation and critical thinking among the undergraduate medical students. Educators should use jigsaw learning methods to encourage effective collaboration and team working. Future studies should explore the effectiveness of the jigsaw cooperative learning technique in promoting interprofessional collaboration in the workplace.
METHODS: A newly developed six-week VC module was implemented online through asynchronous microlearning and synchronous simulation-based experiential learning modalities. Clinical students in years 4 and 5 and fresh graduates, who had not started pre-registration house officer or residency programmes, were invited to participate. Training outcomes using checklist-based video-recorded assessments of VC encounters between medical students and simulated patients were compared. Each video was independently assessed by two facilitators trained in VC teaching and assessment, using a direct observed virtual consultation skills checklist derived from established VC competencies. The participants completed course evaluations electronically as additional outcome measures.
RESULTS: Fifty-two clinical phase medical students and alumni completed both the instructional and practical phases of this module. Altogether, 45 (95.7%) students found the module beneficial, and 46 (95.9%) reported increased self-efficacy for conducting VC. In total, 46 (95.9%) students would recommend the course to others. Post-test results showed a significant increase in the students' abilities to conduct a VC (t-test = 16.33, p
METHODS: Cross-sectional questionnaires were administered to medical students at three medical schools in Israel, Malaysia, and China, at the end of one academic year. Surveys included demographic data, students' perceived academic rank, two learning environment perceptions scales, and scales for personal growth, goal orientation, burnout and quality of life. Comparative analyses were made to determine the significance of relationships between the outcome measures and control variables, using a series of t-tests. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to test the hypothesis.
RESULTS: Sixty-four percent (400/622) of the students responded. Significant correlations were found between: intrinsic motivation (r(398) =.37, p
METHODS: This cross-sectional study evaluated the psychometric properties of Jefferson Scale of Empathy-Healthcare Provider Student (JSE-HPS) and empathic behaviour of dietetics students.
RESULTS: Undergraduate dietetics students from one private and two public universities in Malaysia participated (n = 455). Item and scale psychometric properties were examined using principal component analysis and differences in mean empathy scores for students were assessed across years of study and types of universities. A 3-factor solution emerged in the results, accounting for 26.76%, 10.75% and 6.3% of the variance. The JSE-HPS demonstrated good internal consistency (α = 0.83). Despite students enroled at public universities scoring higher mean empathy scores than students enroled at the private university, the difference was not significant. The only significant difference was between the empathy level of first and third year students (p = 0.033).
CONCLUSION: As empathy underpins patient-centred management in the nutrition care process, it should be well integrated into curriculum delivery so that appropriate levels of empathy can be developed to prepare work-ready healthcare professionals.
METHODS: An online cross-sectional survey was conducted among final year students in medical imaging programs from six institutions in Malaysia. Purposive convenience sampling has been employed. Data collection was related to students' interest in postgraduate study and possible factors that may affect students' intention to pursue postgraduate education after study degree completion. The questionnaire was a combination of a Likert Scale and open-ended question.
RESULTS: A total of 148 (female, n = 132 and male, n = 16) responses were included in the analysis. Among the participants, n = 93 (62.8 %) of students intended to pursue study. The highest choice of study was mixed mode (41.9 %) and cardiac imaging was the field of choice by the students (22.3 %). Five factors have been found to significantly correlate with the students' intention to pursue postgraduate study in medical imaging which were student attributes, being an academician, remuneration, finance, and social influences (p 0.05).
CONCLUSION: Five out of seven factors tested were found to significantly influence students' decision to pursue postgraduate education in medical imaging. Effective strategies based on the influencing factors should be strategized to encourage more students to pursue postgraduate education in medical imaging.
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Implementation of effective strategies based on the influencing factors will improve access to education among radiography students, ultimately enhancing future radiographers' capability and competency.
PURPOSE: This review aimed to synthesize reliable evidence ondetermining factors among health science students' career choices to enhance policy advocacy for better health-care delivery.
METHOD: We sourced empirical studies from Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar. From a total of 9,056 researcharticlesfrom 2010 to 2022, 27 studies with a total of 45,832 respondents met the inclusion criteria.
RESULTS: The majority of the studies were of medical students; internal medicine was the commonest choice (64.3%), with psychiatry and public health receiving lesser attention. In the four available studies of nursing students, midwifery was not chosen at all. There is a paucity of studies on this all-important concept for nursing students. The determining factors of choice of specialty were in four themes: personal, socioeconomic, professional, and educational/policy. Among the barriers to choosing particular specialties were low prestige among colleagues, stigma, long working hours, and poor public recognition.
CONCLUSION: The career choices of health science students do not reflect an adequate mix of health-care team members to meet the health-care needs of the world. Reforms of policy and educational training are needed.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of NPT in scaffolding dermatological learning among preclinical-year medical students.
METHODS: Near-peer teachers who are content experts in dermatology taught alongside conventional teaching with lecturers. We employed five quiz questions before and after the case launch lecture, where students were first exposed to dermatology. We also invited students to provide feedback using a questionnaire on NPT in dermatology at the end of the case 8 teaching week.
RESULTS: In total, 74 students participated in the pre- and post-lecture quiz questions, and 47 completed feedback. There was overwhelmingly positive feedback towards NPT, and various learning theories can help explain the success of this project.
CONCLUSIONS: Preclinical students enjoy dermatological teaching with the involvement of suitable near-peers. With the professional barrier removed, students can better relate to near-peers (and vice versa). Helping students understand the relevance of dermatology in the clinical setting at an early stage and adopting learning tools such as mnemonics, summary tables, comparison tables and mapping teaching with the learning curriculum clearly helped students learn about dermatology.