METHODS: Charts between January 1997 and December 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Charts between January 2014 and December 2014 were prospectively reviewed.
RESULTS: A total of 1249 and 148 charts were retrospectively and prospectively reviewed, respectively. The top causes of anterior uveitis (AU) were HLA-B27, idiopathic, and CMV AU. The top known causes of intermediate uveitis were tuberculosis, primary intraocular lymphoma, and sarcoidosis. The top causes of posterior uveitis were CMV retinitis, toxoplasmosis, and dengue maculopathy. The top causes of panuveitis were VKH, idiopathic panuveitis, tuberculosis, and Behçet disease. HLA-B27 and CMV AU were more frequent among Chinese (21% vs 9% (non-Chinese); p<0.001; 10% vs 5% (non-Chinese); p<0.001, respectively). Tuberculous uveitis was more frequent among Malays and Indians (12% (non-Chinese) vs 5% (Chinese), p<0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: Different uveitis patterns were encountered among patients of different races.
CONCLUSION: All mutations are private except one mutation; p.Ile1254Phe was found in three unrelated families. Identification of a recurrent p.Ile1254Phe mutation suggests the presence of a common and unique mutation in our population. Our study also expands the mutational spectrum of the CPS1 gene.
METHODS: In this population-based case series, we evaluated breast cancer risk factors in relation to 10-year all-cause mortality (ACM) and 5-year recurrence by molecular subtype among 3012 women with invasive breast cancer in Sarawak, Malaysia. A total of 579 deaths and 314 recurrence events occurred during a median follow-up period of ~ 24 months. Subtypes (luminal A-like, luminal B-like, HER2-enriched, triple-negative) were defined using immunohistochemical markers for hormone receptors and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) in conjunction with histologic grade. Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the associations between risk factors and ACM/recurrence were estimated in subtype-specific Cox regression models.
RESULTS: We observed heterogeneity in the relationships between parity/breastfeeding, age at first full-term pregnancy (FFP), family history, body mass index (BMI), and tumor subtype (p value 30 vs
DESIGN: Retrospective cross-sectional study.
STUDY SAMPLE: 1068 subjects issued with HAs at a tertiary hospital from 2001 to 2013.
RESULTS: Half of the subjects presented with more severe (>55 dB) hearing loss (HL) in their better ear. In multivariable analysis, older age, Malay ethnicity, conductive and mixed HL, and combination type of HL were associated with more severe HL at first presentation. Over 70% of subjects were older than 65 years. Worse pure tone audiometry (PTA) thresholds of the better ear, gradual onset and sensorineural HL were associated with older age presentation. For unilaterally fitted subjects, PTA thresholds were the only determinant of having the better ear aided. Better PTA thresholds, younger age and sensorineural HL were associated with choosing in ear compared to behind the ear HAs. Younger age and worse PTA of the better ear were associated with ≥4 h of daily HA usage.
CONCLUSIONS: Age, ethnicity and type of HL were important determinants for more severe HL at first HA fitting. Older patients and those with better hearing were less likely to use their HAs regularly.
RESULTS: In each group, there were 12 males (60%) and average age was not significantly different (p = 0.682-0.987). Using Chinese subjects as a reference, in Chinese, Malay, Indian and Caucasian subjects, mean trigone thickness was 13.68, 14.02, 11.60 (p
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among Malaysian Chinese. Clinical assessments were performed, and medical history was collected. Three regions of p53 and two of VEGFA were amplified by PCR followed by direct sequencing using saliva-extracted DNA.
RESULTS: Eighty-four participants were recruited (average age 22.2 years). In the majority (n = 62), both eyelids were affected. Facial pigmentary, demarcation lines, tear trough and eye bags were not observed. Mixed (pigmented-vascular) was the most common subtype. Thirteen SNPs were found, nine of which are new. Only three out of 13 SNPs showed significant association with periorbital hyperpigmentation presentation. TA genotype in rs1437756379 (p53) was significantly more prevalent among participants with mixed subtype (P = 0.011) while AC genotype in rs1377053612 (VEGFA) was significantly more prevalent among pigmented subtype (P = 0.028). AA genotype in rs1479430148 (VEGFA) was significantly associated with allergic rhinitis in mixed subtype (P = 0.012).
CONCLUSION: Mixed subtype was the most prevalent type of periorbital hyperpigmentation in the study population. Three polymorphisms in p53 and VEGFA genes were statistically linked with different clinical presentations of periorbital hyperpigmentation.
METHODS: From October 2008 to February 2015, we established a hospital-based cohort of ovarian cancer patients and the germline status of all 218 women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer was tested using targeted amplification and sequencing of the intron-exon junctions and exonic sequences of BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2 and TP53.
RESULTS: BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations were found in 8% (17 cases) and 3% (7 cases) of the ovarian cancer patients, respectively. Mutation carriers were diagnosed at a similar age to non-carriers, but were more likely to be Indian, have serous ovarian cancer, and have more relatives with breast or ovarian cancer. Nonetheless, 42% (10/24) of mutation carriers did not have any family history of breast or ovarian cancer and offering genetic counselling and genetic testing only to women with family history would mean that 35% (6/17) of BRCA1 mutation carriers and 57% (4/7) of BRCA2 mutation carriers would not be offered genetic testing.
CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that, similar to Caucasians, a significant proportion of Asian ovarian cancer was attributed to germline mutations in BRCA1 and to a lesser extent in BRCA2.
METHODS: HIV+ patients from the Australian HIV Observational Database (AHOD) and the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD) meeting specific criteria were included. In these analyses Asian and Caucasian status were defined by cohort. Factors associated with a low CD4:CD8 ratio (cutoff <0.2) prior to ART commencement, and with achieving a normal CD4:CD8 ratio (>1) at 12 and 24 months post ART commencement were assessed using logistic regression.
RESULTS: There were 591 patients from AHOD and 2,620 patients from TAHOD who met the inclusion criteria. TAHOD patients had a significantly (P<0.001) lower odds of having a baseline (prior to ART initiation) CD4:CD8 ratio greater than 0.2. After 12 months of ART, AHOD patients were more than twice as likely to achieve a normal CD4:CD8 ratio compared to TAHOD patients (15% versus 6%). However, after adjustment for confounding factors there was no significant difference between cohorts in the odds of achieving a CD4:CD8 ratio >1 (P=0.475).
CONCLUSIONS: We found a significantly lower CD4:CD8 ratio prior to commencing ART in TAHOD compared to AHOD even after adjusting for confounders. However, after adjustment, there was no significant difference between the cohorts in odds of achieving normal ratio. Baseline CD4+ and CD8+ counts seem to be the main driver for this difference between these two populations.
METHODS: A total of 195 5- and 6-year-old preschoolers were recruited from children attending Hospital Selayang, Selangor, Malaysia, to test the app. Uncooperative children and those with visual acuity of >logMAR 0.6 were excluded. Results from parents and the screening doctor using the app (Lea symbols) to test visual acuity were compared to each other and to gold standard vision testing by an optometrist using the Lea symbols chart.
RESULTS: Children 5 years of age represented 46.7% of the study population. The mean age of parents was 37.27 ± 7.68 years. Bland-Altman scatterplot agreement between assessors mainly was within the 95% confidence interval for bilateral eyes screening. Parents obtained a sensitivity of 86.6% (right vision) and 79.5% (left vision) and specificity of 78.9% (right vision) and 71.8% (left vision). Parents took a mean of 191.2 ± 70.82 seconds for bilateral screening. The intraclass correlation coefficient between optometrist and parents in bilateral eyes screening was good (P 0.7, indicating high internal reliability of the app. Most parents (178/195 [91.3%]) strongly agreed on the app's acceptability and ease of use.
CONCLUSIONS: The AAPOS Vision Screening App used by parents is a promising tool for visual acuity screening among Malaysian preschool children and a reliable app for vision screening.