AIMS: The present study intends to develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of a theory-based integrated dengue education and learning (iDEAL) module in improving the KAP, environmental cleanliness index, and dengue index among schoolchildren in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.
METHODS: This study is a single-blinded, cluster randomised controlled trial to be conducted from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2025. The study will involve 20 primary and 20 secondary schools in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. The 1600 participants will be randomly allocated to intervention and control groups based on selected clusters to avoid contamination. A cluster is a comparable school that fulfils the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The intervention group will receive the iDEAL module, while the control group will receive standard education. The iDEAL module will be developed following a systematic procedure and delivered in-person by trained researchers to the participants. The outcome will be measured using validated, self-administered questionnaires at baseline (T0), immediately (T1), one month (T2), and three months (T3) post-intervention to measure the intervention module effectiveness. The data will be analysed using IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 28 and descriptive and inferential statistics. Within-group changes over time will be compared using one-way repeated measure analysis of variance for continuous and normally distributed variables. Within-group analysis of categorical data will use Cochran's Q test. The main effect and interaction between and within the intervention and control groups at T0, T1, T2, and T3 will be tested using the generalised linear mixed model (GLMM). Hypothetically, the KAP, environmental cleanliness index, and dengue index among the intervention group will be significantly improved compared to the control group. The hypothesis will be tested using a significance level with a p-value of 0.05 and a confidence interval of 95%.
CONCLUSIONS: The study protocol outlines developing and testing an iDEAL module for schoolchildren in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, with no socio-demographic differences expected. The intervention aims to improve KAP, environmental cleanliness index, and dengue index, potentially reducing dengue risk. Results could inform public health policies, emphasizing school-based interventions' importance in combating diseases like dengue.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study was conducted in two phases: Phase I included the development of the multidomain intervention module iAGELESS and evaluation of content validity, while Phase II consisted of evaluating the acceptance of the module among 18 healthcare and social care providers, 13 older adults with cognitive frailty, and 13 caregivers. Content validity index (CVI) was used to quantify the content validity. Respondents completed a questionnaire which consisted of information on sociodemographic, followed by module acceptance evaluation with respect to content, terminologies, and graphics. The data was then analyzed descriptively.
RESULTS: A multidomain intervention module, iAGELESS was developed. The module was found to have appropriate content validity (overall CVI = 0.83). All the caregivers, 92% of older adults with cognitive frailty and 83% of healthcare and social care providers were satisfied with the overall content of the module. More than 50% of those who accepted the module had satisfactory consensus on the ease of the terminologies, length of sentences, pictures, information, color, and font size included in the module.
CONCLUSION: The iAGELESS module demonstrated good content validity and was well accepted, thus warranting its utilization in future studies to determine its effectiveness in reversing cognitive frailty among older adults.
OBJECTIVE: This umbrella review synthesizes findings from systematic reviews and meta-analyses to provide insights into global perceptions on COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy across diverse populations and regions.
METHODS: We conducted a literature search across major databases to identify systematic reviews and meta-analysis that reported COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy. The AMSTAR-2 (A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews) criteria were used to assess the methodological quality of included systematic reviews. Meta-analysis was performed using STATA 17 with a random effect model. The data synthesis is presented in a table format and via a narrative.
RESULTS: Our inclusion criteria were met by 78 meta-analyses published between 2021 and 2023. Our analysis revealed a moderate vaccine acceptance rate of 63% (95% CI 0.60%-0.67%) in the general population, with significant heterogeneity (I2 = 97.59%). Higher acceptance rates were observed among health care workers and individuals with chronic diseases, at 64% (95% CI 0.57%-0.71%) and 69% (95% CI 0.61%-0.76%), respectively. However, lower acceptance was noted among pregnant women, at 48% (95% CI 0.42%-0.53%), and parents consenting for their children, at 61.29% (95% CI 0.56%-0.67%). The pooled vaccine hesitancy rate was 32% (95% CI 0.25%-0.39%) in the general population. The quality assessment revealed 19 high-quality, 38 moderate-quality, 15 low-quality, and 6 critically low-quality meta-analyses.
CONCLUSIONS: This review revealed the presence of vaccine hesitancy globally, emphasizing the necessity for population-specific, culturally sensitive interventions and clear, credible information dissemination to foster vaccine acceptance. The observed disparities accentuate the need for continuous research to understand evolving vaccine perceptions and to address the unique concerns and needs of diverse populations, thereby aiding in the formulation of effective and inclusive vaccination strategies.
AIM: The study aimed to understand the experiences of parents of children with thalassemia related to their family, financial, social, treatment, and psychological issues in Pakistan.
METHODS: This descriptive phenomenological study recruited 21 parents of children with thalassemia through purposive sampling until data saturation was achieved. Analysis of transcribed interviews was performed through Colaizzi's method and themes and subthemes revolving around diagnosis, challenges, and treatment issues were extracted.
FINDINGS: A total of 21 Pakistani parents participated in this study. Most of the participants were females (n = 16, 76.19%), housewives/stay-at-home moms (n = 13 (61.90%), and were uneducated (n = 6, 28.57%). Regarding genetic traits, only three (14.28%) parents declared that they had genetic traits of thalassemia. The findings of our study revealed that thalassemia is enormously influenced by psychosocial and economic problems because of this disease in their families.
CONCLUSION: Our findings indicated that parents of these children face multi-faceted challenges, such as physical, socio-emotional, financial, and familial. These findings may lead to an adequate understanding of their individual needs and efficient utilization of supportive and care programs.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: An understanding of such experiences, involving those distinctive to Pakistani culture, is especially vital to inform the care of these children and enhance their quality of life.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving 86 respondents was conducted using an online survey between the middle of March and April 2022. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) developed by Cohen et al., (1983) was used to assess the stress levels of individuals. Data analysis was carried out using the SPSS statistical program, which included descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal Wallis and Linear Regression tests.
RESULTS: The majority of respondents, 75.6% (n=65) reported moderate stress levels, while 14.0% (n=12) declared severe stress levels. The Mann-Whitney test showed no significant difference in psychosocial stress scores among workers between onshore and offshore (χ2=-0.523, p=0.601), whereas the Kruskal Wallis test showed a significant difference in psychosocial stress scores among workers between states (PMA, SKA, and SBA) (χ2=6.415, p=0.040). According to the regression test, workers with medical histories of diabetes and Covid-19 (R2=0.158) (p<0.005) are two factors linked to psychosocial stress.
CONCLUSION: The study found that there were significant differences in psychosocial stress among oil and gas workers between SKA, SBA, and PMA due to quarantine activity. Mobile workers and those with certain medical histories were identified as being particularly vulnerable to psychosocial stress. However, it was noted that the overall improvement in the quarantine period had a positive impact on the mental health of these workers.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved third- and fourth-year pharmacy students at the International Islamic University Malaysia. A validated self-administered questionnaire was distributed to students who had taken a vOSCE a week before.
RESULTS: Out of the 253 students who were approached, 231 (91.3%) completed the questionnaire. More than 75% of the participants agreed that the instructions and preparations were clear and helpful in familiarizing them with the vOSCE flow. It was found that 53.2% of the respondents were satisfied with the flow and conduct of the vOSCE. However, only approximately one-third of the respondents believed that the tasks provided in the vOSCE were more convenient, less stressful, and easier to perform than those in the conventional OSCE. Furthermore, 49.7% of the students favored not having a vOSCE in the future when conducting a conventional OSCE becomes feasible again. Internet connection was reported as a problem hindering the performance of the vOSCE by 51.9% of the participants. Students who were interested in clinical pharmacy courses were more satisfied than other students with the preparation and operation of the vOSCE, the faculty support, and the allocated time.
CONCLUSION: Students were satisfied with the organization and operation of the vOSCE. However, they still preferred the conventional OSCE over the vOSCE. These findings might indicate a further need to expose students to telehealthcare models.
METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive cross-sectional study across multiple centers in Iraq from April to September 2021. Our cohort consisted of 404 women who had a mastectomy for breast cancer treatment, 154 of whom also chose to have BR. Utilizing the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer's (EORTC) tools specifically, select domains from EORTC QLQ-BR23, QLQ-C30, and QLQ-BRECON23-we evaluated various facets of their QoL.
RESULTS: The mean QoL score was 54 out of 100, with patients who did not undergo BR reporting slightly higher scores (55) compared to those who did (52). Notably, social and sexual functioning scores were statistically superior in the non-BR group. Satisfaction with surgery, sexual function, and breast aesthetics were the lowest rated aspects among BR patients, indicating a considerable gap between expectations and outcomes. Marital status and the type of mastectomy notably influenced body image and sexual function. A significant portion of patients (100 out of 250) opted out of BR due to recurrence concerns, while 26.2% (106 out of 154) pursued BR to restore their pre-mastectomy physique.
CONCLUSION: Contrary to the anticipated benefits of BR, our findings suggest that women who underwent the procedure reported a lower QoL compared to those who did not. The outcomes highlight the discrepancy between expected and actual benefits of BR, suggesting a pressing need for comprehensive rehabilitation programs. These programs should aim to enhance the QoL for post-mastectomy patients and provide in-depth counseling to align expectations with the potential realities of BR.
OBJECTIVES: The authors describe the frailty and cognitive profile of middle-aged and older adults with CHD to identify predictor variables and to explore the relationship with hospital admissions and outpatient visits.
METHODS: Using a cross-sectional, multicentric design, we included 814 patients aged ≥40 years from 11 countries. Frailty phenotype was determined using the Fried method. Cognitive function was assessed by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.
RESULTS: In this sample, 52.3% of patients were assessed as robust, 41.9% as prefrail, and 5.8% as frail; 38.8% had cognitive dysfunction. Multinomial regression showed that frailty was associated with older age, female sex, higher physiologic class, and comorbidities. Counterintuitively, patients with mild heart defects were more likely than those with complex lesions to be prefrail. Patients from middle-income countries displayed more prefrailty than those from higher-income countries. Logistic regression demonstrated that cognitive dysfunction was related to older age, comorbidities, and lower country-level income.
CONCLUSIONS: Approximately one-half of included patients were (pre-)frail, and more than one-third experienced cognitive impairment. Frailty and cognitive dysfunction were identified in patients with mild CHD, indicating that these concerns extend beyond severe CHD. Assessing frailty and cognition routinely could offer valuable insights into this aging population.
METHODS: University students who were studying in a Malaysia university with a mean age of 24.0 years (n = 380; females 71.6%) were recruited through convenience sampling between 19 August and 30 September 2021. They completed a Google Form consisting of information on sociodemographic background, weight stigma, psychological distress and self-reported body weight and height. Psychometric testing was conducted using the classical test theory (including confirmatory factor analysis) and Rasch models to confirm the two-factor structure of WSSQ and the unidimensional structure of the PWS using the various fit indices. Concurrent validity of the total scores of WSSQ and PWS with psychological distress and body mass index (BMI) was also investigated. Internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha was conducted.
RESULTS: The confirmatory factor analyses and Rasch analyses verified the two-factor structure for the WSSQ and the single-factor structure for the PWS. Both the WSSQ and PWS showed good internal consistency and good concurrent validity as demonstrated by their significant correlations with psychological distress and BMI.
CONCLUSION: The WSSQ and PWS have strong validity and reliability, and they can both be used to assess weight stigma among Malaysian university students.
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: V: Descriptive study.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of three-modal exercise on fatigue, sleep, QoL as well as to determine the relationship between age, disease severity, disease stage and working years with women diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (PD).
METHODS: In this randomized controlled trial, 44 female educators in stages I-II with PD who were between the ages of 40 and 60 volunteered. For a total of 36 sessions over the course of six weeks, Group A received a three-modal fitness program through online video sessions, whereas Group B received Nordic walking. The outcome measures included the Fatigue Severity Scale, Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale, and Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire-39.
RESULTS: Age, Hoehn and Yahr scale, working years, and PD in years did not correlate with each other (p > 0.50). The three-modal exercise experimental Group A showed statistically significant improvement in QoL (p 0.001), sleep (p 0.001), and fatigue (p 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Women in the field of education who participated in a three-modal exercise programme for PD reported a significant improvement in their level of exhaustion, sleep patterns, and quality of life.
OBJECTIVE: This is merely a published protocol, not the findings of a future study. This study aims to determine and explain the predictors of depressive symptoms among MSM living with HIV. Specifically, this study wants to determine the association between depressive symptoms among MSM living with HIV and biological, psychosocial, and social factors. Finally, the mixed methods will answer to what extent the qualitative results confirm the quantitative results of the predictors of depressive symptoms among MSM living with HIV.
METHODS: The study has ethical approval from the Medical Research Ethics Committee (MREC) of the Ministry of Health (MOH) NMRR ID-21-02210-MIT. This study will apply an explanatory sequential mixed methods study design. It comprised two distinct phases: quantitative and qualitative study design for answering the research questions and hypothesis. This study will randomly recruit 941 MSM living with HIV in the quantitative phase, and at least 20 MSM living with HIV purposively will be selected in the qualitative phase. The study will be conducted in ten public Primary Care Clinics in Selangor, Malaysia. A self-administered questionnaire will gather the MSM's background and social, psychological, and biological factors that could be associated with depressive symptoms. For the quantitative study, descriptive analysis and simple logistic regression will be used for data analysis. Then, variables with a P value < 0.25 will be included in multiple logistic regression to measure the predictors of depressive symptoms. In the qualitative data collection, in-depth interviews will be conducted among those with moderate to severe depressive symptoms from the quantitative phase. The thematic analysis will be used for data analysis in the qualitative phase. Integration occurs at study design, method level, and later during interpretation and report writing.
RESULT: The quantitative phase was conducted between March 2022 to February 2023, while qualitative data collection is from March 2023 to April 2023, with baseline results anticipated in June 2023.
CONCLUSION: In combination, qualitative and quantitative research provides a better understanding of depressive symptoms among MSM living with HIV. The result could guide us to provide a comprehensive mental healthcare program toward Ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
AIMS: This study aims to evaluate the effect of theory- and web-based health education intervention on mental health literacy among foundation students at a public university in Malaysia.
METHODS: A randomised controlled trial study will be conducted among foundation students. Participants will be recruited and randomly assigned to either the intervention or control group. The intervention will be conducted for two weeks with a one-month follow-up. The health education intervention will be developed according to the Information, Motivation, and Behavioural Skill Theory, and will be delivered via a website. The outcome will be measured using validated, self-administered questionnaires. at baseline, post-intervention, and one-month follow up. The data will be analysed using Generalised Estimating Equation (GEE). This study is registered to the Thai Clinical Trial Registry (TCTR) (reference number: TCTR20210705006), dated 4th July 2021.
CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study will be useful for relevant authorities to take further efforts in mental health promotion among young people.