Displaying publications 941 - 960 of 5464 in total

  1. Nur Syakilah Mahyiddin, Rosmawati Mohamed, Hamid Jan Jan Mohamed, Norfarhana Ramly
    Dengue incidence has grown dramatically in recent decades and become a global incidence especially in the
    urban area. Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia reported that the number of dengue cases since January
    2014 until June 2014 was 38. 411 cases which was higher compared to the number reported in year 2013 (10,
    910 cases). The objective of the study was to determine the knowledge and preventive practices of dengue
    among residents in Flat Pandan Indah, Ampang Selangor. A cross sectional study design with convenience
    sampling method was adopted in this study. A total of 298 respondents living in Flat Pandan Indah were
    recruited based on the inclusion criteria. A validated questionnaire that measures knowledge and preventive
    practices of dengue was completed by respondents. More than half of the respondents had scored 61.7%
    with good knowledge regarding dengue. However, 50.3% of the respondents had a limited extent of dengue
    practice. Almost all of the respondents (95.6%) reported that television or radio as the main source for
    information on dengue. The common preventive measures used by the respondents were cleaning the
    house (n=148, 49.7%), eliminating standing water around the house (n=123, 41.3%) and covering water
    containers in the home (n=120, 40.a3%). There was no correlation between dengue knowledge and
    preventive practice score (p = 0.109). The study revealed that majority of the respondents had good
    knowledge regarding dengue but the practices to prevent dengue are poor. Thus, health education program
    focusing on dengue prevention practices should be done on the community members in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  2. Noormaliza, H., Najibah, A.R., Fauzana, M., Azizah, A., Nukhdiha, O.
    Stress reduces the performance and productivity of employees.
    One of the most important stressors originate from organizational factors,
    which are decision latitude, psychological demand, social support and job
    insecurity. This creates four kinds of jobs: passive, active, low strain and high
    strain. The objective of the study is to determine the association between
    organizational factors with occupational stress and cortisol level among
    lecturers in University Selangor. This cross-sectional study used a purposive
    sampling, which involved 45 lecturers from various faculties. The instrument
    used in this study was Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) which is a
    Psychosocial Job Assessment Instrument designed by Karasek et al., (1998).
    The questionnaire has been translated to Malay version by Edimansyah et al.,
    (2006). 10ml of blood sample was collected from each respondent by certified
    phlebotomist. Results from the statistical analysis showed that majority of the
    respondents were female (75.6%), aged below forty years old (82.2%), married
    (77.8%) and hold a master degree (68.9%). Most of the respondents were
    found having low decision latitude 35(77.5%). Majority of the respondents
    were also found in passive group 13(28.9%) which were having low
    psychological job demand and low decision latitude, while others are in low
    strain 11(24.4%), high strain 11(24.4%) and active group 10(22.2%)
    respectively. There was a significant association between two organizational
    factors with occupational stress level, which are decision latitude and
    psychological job demand (p0.05). As a
    conclusion, two out of four organizational factors, which are decision latitude
    and psychological job demand showed a significant association with
    occupational stress levels. Cortisol as one of stress biomarkers may not be
    significant due to small sample size.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  3. Mohd Hafiidz Jaafar, Kadir Arifin, Kadaruddin Aiyub, Muhammad Rizal Razman, Mark Harris Zuknik
    Construction industry is one of the major contributors towards Malaysian economy and socio-economy. It is an important
    industry gearing Malaysia towards developed nation status. However, fatalities in this industry are a crucial problem. Number of
    fatalities in this industry is the highest compare to other industries registered in Malaysia. The contributing factors can be separated
    into immediate (human and worksite elements) and underlying (management and external). Occupational safety and health (OSH)
    management is a challenge in the construction industry due to its hazardous nature. A framework of construction OSH management
    consisting of policy, process, personnel and incentive elements were tested. 13 respondents from 13 residential projects comprising of
    high-rise and low-rise in Pulau Pinang were interviewed. It was found that the immediate factors are being more recognized by the
    respondents compare to the underlying factors. Human element is perceived as the most significant contributor, while the external
    element is the least significant. In terms of construction OSH management, process and personnel elements are the most significant in
    developing an effective OSH management programme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  4. Abdul Hadi H
    A cross sectional study was conducted among tea plantation workers in Cameron Highlands from July to December 2006 to study the prevalence of low back pain and factors associated with it. One hundred and six tea plantation field workers participated in the study. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaire. Time motion studies were also conducted for 3 different job categories. The prevalence of back pain experienced throughout their work in the plantation was 81.1% and the prevalence of low
    back pain experienced in the past 12 months was 64.2%. Feeling the need to work as fast as possible was a significant predictor of low back pain and increased the risk by 3.5 times, therefore it is suggested that both the management and workers give serious attention to this particular aspect to reduce the incidence of low back pain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  5. Nur Azlina Abd Rahman, Muhamad Arifpin Mansor, Ahmad Rasdan Ismail
    The occurrences of occupational accidents and incidents are increasing in parallel with the growth of industries
    such as mining and quarrying. The main objective of this study was to analyze data on the perception of occupational
    accidents in the mining and quarrying sector in Malaysia. The data was collected and examined based on the
    questionnaires on the level of perception of accident investigation in mining and quarrying sector. Statistical data
    reported by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) was also reviewed. The findings of this study
    prove that the level of perception of workers towards occupational accident issues in mining and quarrying sector
    is still in the moderate level with the mean value of 3.28. The findings show that 51.7% of the workers agree while
    25.9% totally agree to the accident occurrence. Only 1.7% of the workers are not aware of accident occurrence at the
    workplace. Employers and employees must carry out their responsibilities to prevent accidents by adhering to health
    and safety practices at the workplace.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  6. Muhammad Hasbullah, M.A., Leman, A.M., Baba, I.
    Occupational safety and health (OSH) in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have not received the proper
    attention not only in Malaysia, but in most of the countries globally, in terms of research or support for implementation.
    This research focuses on the implementation of the occupational safety and health in small and medium industries in
    the southern region of peninsular of Malaysia. The objective of this research is to determine the level of awareness of
    SME owners and also their employers towards the importance of implementing OSH in their daily tasks. This study
    will be based on conducting a survey to 200 SMEs owners and workers throughout the southern region of Malaysia.
    The results from this research can be use as a benchmark for other researchers to further enhance the research in this
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  7. Mohd Norhafsam Maghpor, Suhaily Amran, Ahmad Sayuti Zainal Abidin, Naemah Tajol Arus, Nurzuhairah Jamil, Nor Husna Mat Hussin
    A study has been conducted on trans,trans-muconic acid (t,t-MA) as the biomarker for benzene exposure among
    oil and gas petrol tanker drivers. The objectives of this study are to determine the significant difference and the
    correlation between Benzene personal exposure and urinary t,t-MA among exposed and non-exposed workers. A total
    of 92 questionnaires were distributed to obtain demographic and descriptive data. Benzene personal exposure was
    sampled using SKC passive samplers and the data was analyzed using GC-FID. Urinary t,t-MA was collected at end of
    work shift and analyzed using HPLC-UV detector. A total of 30 non-exposed workers were also sampled. The averages
    of urinary t,t-MA were 96.65 ug/g creatinine for exposed workers and 0.51 ug/g creatinine for non-exposed workers.
    Meanwhile, the averages of Benzene personal exposure were 0.37 mg/m3 and 0.01 mg/m3 for exposed workers and
    non-exposed workers respectively. No significant correlation was found between exposure to benzene with excreted
    urinary t,t-MA of workers occupationally exposed (p-value > 0.05) as well as to workers non-exposed to benzene
    (p-value > 0.05). In conclusion, there is no significant correlation found between Benzene personal exposure and
    urinary t,t-MA among exposed and non-exposed workers. Applicability of using t,t-MA as the biomarker of benzene
    exposure shall be further discussed with all the other confounding factors to be taken into account.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  8. Julismah Jani, Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali
    The objectives of this study were to determine level of acquisition, implementation and differences of pedagogical content knowledge among physical education teachers It also examined the relationship between pedagogical content knowledge and its implementation during physical education lesson. About 149 of Form 4 physical education teachers in Ulu Kinta, Perak, Malaysia secondary schools and 125 physical education teachers of X class in upper secondary schools of Surabaya, Indonesia were involved in this study. Data of the study was collected through questionnaires The findings delineate a medium level (M = 2.90) of pedagogical content knowledge of Malaysian physical education teachers and 86.3% have implemented in their lessons. Whilst the Indonesian physical education teachers acquired a high level of pedagogical content knowledge (M = 3.69) and 94.2% have implemented during their physical education lessons. There was a significant (p = .00) difference among Malaysian and Indonesian physical education teachers on acquisition of pedagogical content knowledge. The findings also delineate a medium positive and significant relationship between pedagogical content knowledge and its implementation during physical education lesson of Malaysian (r = .622, p < .01) and Indonesian (r = .647, p < .01) physical education teachers respectively. The results of the study implied that pedagogical content knowledge is a specific domain to teaching process. Teachers are able to develop their current dimension and goals or contemporary of pedagogical content knowledge based on current needs and their own ability and contentment. Therefore, teachers should acquire pedagogical content knowledge so that their teaching would be meaningful and effective for students learning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  9. Che Romli R, Chan SG
    This quantitative-oriented research was conducted to identify factors that contributed to errors in dispensing medication among nurses and to understand why nurses did not report their errors in dispensing. In this study a total of 284 U29 nurses participated in focusing on factors contributing to medication errors and failure to report the errors. In this study, analysis of the data collected was made in two sections; dispensing errors and failure to report the errors in giving medication. According to Evans et al. (2006) although nurses may not admit directly to such errors, they expressed their perceptions towards situations described in the questionnaire items as contributing to medication errors among nurses. Almost all in the sample of 284 chose not to report medication errors because they could not identify the cause of dispensing errors; other nurses perceived that the individual involved is not competent in performing the task. Other reasons include fear that the action will be exposed by the management, to avoid publicity from the media, and there is no difference in reporting or not reporting the medication errors. This study was done not only for exploring factors of medication errors; it also aspires to identify problems that arise in hospital services and in order to maintain the quality of health care. The management should consider the impact of medication errors and failure to report medication errors on the nursing profession and quality image of the hospital.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  10. Rozano, A.S., Asman, N., Zubaidah Z.A., Lim, G.S.
    Ann Dent, 2017;24(2):33-38.
    Prescription of flexible denture (FD) is non preference by the clinician in Ministry of Health Malaysia and it was not included in the curriculum of public university. However, among private dental practitioner (PDP) this treatment modality is highly favourable. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge and perception on the flexible dentures by the PDP. The level of perception and knowledge on FD was analysed using validated questionnaire. 42 PDP had participated. An independent t-test was employed to determine the statistical difference between genders. One Way ANOVA was used to evaluate the statistical difference between their years of experience in private sector on knowledge and perception of flexible denture. There was no significant different in knowledge between female and male (p=0.892) and years of experience (p=0.617). Perceptions of flexible denture, was not significantly influence by genders (p=0.068) but by year of experiences between group A and B (p=0.039), and between group B and group C (p=0.039). P value was set at 0.05. In conclusion, there is a correlation between perceptions of flexible denture and years of experience of private dental practitioner.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  11. Woon YL, Hor CP, Lee KY, Mohd Anuar SFZ, Mudin RN, Sheikh Ahmad MK, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2018 08 02;18(1):946.
    PMID: 30068318 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-018-5849-z
    BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic measures of the dengue burden such as prevalence and incidence are important for policy-making and monitoring the progress of disease control. It is a common practice where epidemiologic and economic research estimate dengue burden based on notification data. However, a basic challenge in estimating the incidence of dengue is that a significant proportion of infected population are asymptomatic. It can be overcome by using mathematical models that relate observed prevalence and mortality to incidence. In this study, we estimate the trend of dengue incidence and hospitalization in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This study is based entirely on the available secondary data sources on dengue in Malaysia. The age-specific incidence of dengue between 2001 and 2013 was estimated using the prevalence and mortality estimates in an incidence-prevalence-mortality (IPM) model. Data on dengue prevalence were extracted from six sero-surveys conducted in Malaysia between 2001 and 2013; while statistics on dengue notification and Case Fatality Rate were derived from National Dengue Surveillance System. Dengue hospitalization data for the years 2009 to 2013 were extracted from the Health Informatics Centre and the volumes of dengue hospitalization for hospitals with missing data were estimated with Poisson models.

    RESULTS: The dengue incidence in Malaysia varied from 69.9 to 93.4 per 1000 population (pkp) between 2001 and 2013.The temporal trend in incidence rate was decreasing since 2001. It has been reducing at an average rate of 2.57 pkp per year from 2001 to 2013 (p = 0.011). The age-specific incidence of dengue decreased steadily with dengue incidence reaching zero by age > 70 years. Dengue notification rate has remained stable since 2001 and the number of notified cases each year was only a small fraction of the incident cases (0.7 to 2.3%). Similarly, the dengue hospitalization was larger but still a small fraction of the incident cases (3.0 to 5.6%).

    CONCLUSION: Dengue incidence can be estimated with the use of sero-prevalence surveys and mortality data. This study highlights a reducing trend of dengue incidence in Malaysia and demonstrates the discrepancy between true dengue disease burden and cases reported by national surveillance system. Sero-prevalence studies with representative samples should be conducted regularly to allow better estimation of dengue burden in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  12. Bhagat V, Haque M, Bin Abu Bakar YI, Husain R, Khairi CM
    Adv Med Educ Pract, 2016;7:575-584.
    PMID: 27790052
    Emotional maturity (EM) is defined as the ability of an individual to respond to situations, control emotions, and behave in an adult manner when dealing with others. EM is associated with adult learning skill, which is an important aspect of professional development as stated in the principles of andragogy. These principles are basically a characteristic feature of adult learning, which is defined as "the entire range of formal, non-formal, and informal learning activities that are undertaken by adults after an initial education and training, which result in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills". The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of EM on adult learning among Years I and II medical students of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). The study population included preclinical medical students of UniSZA from Years I and II of the academic session 2015/2016. The convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample. Data were collected using "EM scale" to evaluate emotional level and adult learning scale to assess the adult learning scores. Out of 120 questionnaires, only six response sheets were not complete and the remaining 114 (95%) were complete. Among the study participants, 23.7% (27) and 76.3% (87) were males and females, respectively. The data were then compiled and analyzed using SPSS Version 22. The Pearson's correlation method was used to find the significance of their association. The results revealed a significant correlation between EM and adult learning scores (r=0.40, p<0.001). Thus, the study result supports the prediction, and based on the current findings, it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between EM and adult learning and it has an effect on the students. Medical faculty members should give more emphasis on these aspects to produce health professionals. Henceforward, researchers can expect with optimism that the country will create more rational medical doctors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  13. MyJurnal
    The nuts consumption pattern of Malaysian adults were assessed by a set of food frequency questionnaire collected from June to December 2008 from 364 adults (129 men and 235 women) which were selected by stratified random sampling from five areas of Penang state. Average total nuts consumption of 0.77 g/day among Penang adults was found to be no gender-specific difference but was significantly different (P
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  14. Ahmad Hanis, I.A.H., Mad Nasir, S., Jinap, S., Alias, R., Ab Karim, M.S.
    As Malaysian economies grow, Malaysian per capita income is likely to increase. From economics point of view, it is expected that better-off consumers will move to better quality of food attributes such as freshness, food safety, quality and healthfulness in their food intake. This study aimed to investigate the demand for eggs attributes by Malaysian consumers. The study considers the conjoint analysis technique as a method for acquiring insights into preferences for eggs product. The technique was applied to establish the trade-offs that Malaysian consumers make between size, colour, size of packaging, functional attribute and price in the purchasing of eggs for 202 respondents. Least squares regression was utilized to estimate the relative importance of attributes for eggs. The results revealed that the ideal characteristic of egg was one with large size (grade A), omega eggs, brown, and ten per packs. We also found that consumers were also willing to pay more for their preferred attributes. The results found in the study provide valuable inputs to producers or marketers to improve their marketing efforts as well as market positioning, in line with the demanded eggs attributes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  15. Jamal, K., Kamarulzaman, N.H., Abdullah, A.M., Ismail, M.M., Hashim, M.
    Malaysia depends on imports for its fragrant rice, mostly from Thailand, Vietnam, India and Pakistan. The fragrant rice farming in non-granary areas has been included in the new Entry Point Project (EPP) under the National Key Economic Areas (NKEA). In order to realize the aspiration of producing fragrant rice in large areas, it would require full participation and commitment from the existing and new farmers. The objective of this paper is to investigate farmer’s acceptance towards fragrant rice farming in two districts namely Pasir Mas and Tanah Merah, located in the state of Kelantan. The respondents of the study are 23 farmers and in-depth interviews are carried out to obtain farmers’ responses towards fragrant rice farming. The results from the content analysis reveal innovation characteristics, extension services and market pressure are among several factors that explain farmers’ acceptance towards fragrant rice farming.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  16. Mohd. Firdaus Siau, A., Son, R., Mohhiddin, O., Toh, P.S., Chai, L.C
    This cross sectional study aimed to explored the pattern of socio-demographic distribution, to assess the level of KAP of food safety; and the relationship with the level of premise cleanliness in the food courts at Putrajaya. Distribution of food handlers socio-demographic profile was Malaysian (62.0%), male (70.4%), working experienced in food industry (82.0%) and attended food handler training (85.0%). The mean age was 28.7 years and 85.4% having income not less than RM 1,500 monthly. 78.5% of the food handlers at educational level were found as primary/secondary school. 15.0% of the respondents had not attended the food sanitation training. The findings reveal that food handlers’ KAP were high with a mean percentage score more than 79.0%.The majority of the food courts in Putrajaya had consistently moderate level of cleanliness (63.5%) with the mean of 83.03%. Only 27.4% of the food courts were in the level of clean situation (>89% of premise cleanliness score) and 9.1% were not in the clean condition (
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  17. Khai, N. X., Kusairi, M. N., Ahmad, S., Syahaneem, M. Z., Fatimah, M. A.
    There are some signals that Malaysian marine landings are decreasing and that wild stocks have been over-fished. However, it has extensive inland water bodies which have the potentials to be developed into freshwater aquaculture sites. Tengas (Neolissochilus sp.), a freshwater type of fish, are found in abundance in Malaysia; but has not reached the commercial level in the market. This paper examines the potential of developing tengas as a commercial freshwater species. The data used in this study were obtained through primary data search from key informants and a survey. A semi-structured open-ended questionnaire with Malay and Chinese languages was designed for the interviews. The study areas covered Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia. From the survey, we found that tengas has potential to be taken as a food item and an ornamental fish. The wild stock of tengas in fact is also worthwhile to be conserved for agro-tourism development. Many restaurant operators are willing to invent cooking method on tengas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  18. Siti Aida Lamat, Tajul Arifin Muhamad, Shahlan Surat, Mohamad Firdaus Ahmad
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 22-34, 2016 - This study aims to
    provide information to the team manager, especially at the university level to understand the
    relationship between coaching style and mental toughness among athletes. The sample had
    been selected from four Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) football team consisting of 88
    players (n = 88: 22 players per team). The study used two instruments that had been modified
    namely "Leadership Scale for Sports Questionnaire" (LSS-40), (Chelladurai & Salleh, 1980)
    and "The Mental Toughness Questionnaire" (MTQ-48), (Clough, Earle & Sewell, 2002).
    Research findings had identified UiTM’s football team scores has a moderately high level of
    mental toughness for each dimension known as challenge, commitments, control assurance
    and confidence. The study also found that the leadership style of training and instruction was
    favored by UiTM’s footballer compared to the autocratic leadership style. Overall, the study
    found a significant relationship between the leadership style with mental toughness especially
    for dimension training and instruction. The findings also showed that there is a moderately
    relationship between leadership style of democratic, social support and positive response to
    the mental toughness dimension of confidence. As for the coaching style of training and
    instruction also has a moderately relationship to the mental toughness dimensions of
    challenge. Results of this study showed that the leadership style affects the level of mental
    toughness UiTM’s football teams. Furthermore, the coaches need to figure out the best
    coaching style in order to improve mental toughness among football team.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  19. Che Hasan Sabri TH, Muhamad TA
    The purpose of this study was to identify whether a novice teachers have a self-esteem while teaching physical education. This study access the level of self-esteem among novice teachers between gender and option teachers teach in physical education. This study is a quantitative research survey and this study design is selected using questionnaires based on Rosenberg self-esteem scale for collecting data. 30 novice physical education teachers have been selected from one of the schools in the district of Sepang, Selangor. 15 males and 15 female teachers were randomly selected from the target group. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 for frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation and independent sample t-test to measure the level of self-esteem of teachers with the dependent variable. The study found that there was no significant difference between the level of self-esteem between genders. While in terms of options, there are significant differences in the level of self-esteem for non-option physical education teachers. The self-esteem level among novice teachers are very important to enhance the quality of learning, especially in the subjects of physical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  20. Koh KC, Gupta ED, Poovaneswaran S, Then SL, Teo MJ, Gan TY, et al.
    Indian J Palliat Care, 2017 Jan-Mar;23(1):46-52.
    PMID: 28216862 DOI: 10.4103/0973-1075.197961
    CONTEXT: The Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS) is an easy-to-use assessment tool to evaluate the effectiveness of palliative care. There is no published literature on the use of POS as an assessment tool in Malaysia.

    AIM: To define the concordance in the assessment of quality of life between patients with advanced cancers and their palliative care nurses using a Malay version of the POS.

    SETTINGS AND DESIGN: This study was conducted in the palliative care unit of the Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar Seremban, Malaysia, from February 2014 to June 2014.

    SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We adapted and validated the English version of the 3-day recall POS into Malay and used it to define the concordance in the assessment of quality of life between patients and palliative care nurses. Forty patients with advanced stage cancers and forty palliative care nurses completed the Malay POS questionnaire.

    STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: The kappa statistical test was used to assess the agreement between patients and their palliative care nurses.

    RESULTS: Slight to fair concordance was found in all items, except for one item (family anxiety) where there was no agreement.

    CONCLUSIONS: The Malay version of the POS was well accepted and reliable as an assessment tool for evaluation of the effectiveness of palliative care in Malaysia. Slight to fair concordance was shown between the patients and their palliative care nurses, suggesting the needs for more training of the nurses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
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