Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 385 in total

  1. Dan Jiang, Fang Z, Chin SX, Tian XF, Su TC
    Sci Rep, 2016 06 02;6:27205.
    PMID: 27251222 DOI: 10.1038/srep27205
    Biohydrogen production has received widespread attention from researchers in industry and academic fields. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to evaluate the effects of several key variables in anaerobic fermentation of glucose with Clostridium butyrium, and achieved the highest production rate and yield of hydrogen. Highest H2 yield of 2.02 mol H2/mol-glucose was achieved from 24 h bottle fermentation of glucose at 35 °C, while the composition of medium was (g/L): 15.66 glucose, 6.04 yeast extract, 4 tryptone, 3 K2HPO4, 3 KH2PO4, 0.05 L-cysteine, 0.05 MgSO4·7H2O, 0.1 MnSO4·H2O and 0.3 FeSO4·7H2O, which was very different from that for cell growth. Sugarcane bagasse and Jatropha hulls were selected as typical tropical biomass wastes to produce sugars via a two-step acid hydrolysis for hydrogen production. Under the optimized fermentation conditions, H2 yield (mol H2/mol-total reducing sugar) was 2.15 for glucose, 2.06 for bagasse hydrolysate and 1.95 for Jatropha hull hydrolysate in a 3L fermenter for 24 h at 35 °C, with H2 purity of 49.7-64.34%. The results provide useful information and basic data for practical use of tropical plant wastes to produce hydrogen.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors/microbiology
  2. Tisa F, Abdul Raman AA, Wan Daud WMA
    J Environ Manage, 2014 Dec 15;146:260-275.
    PMID: 25190594 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.07.032
    Treatment of industrial waste water (e.g. textile waste water, phenol waste water, pharmaceutical etc) faces limitation in conventional treatment procedures. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) do not suffer from the limits of conventional treatment processes and consequently degrade toxic pollutants more efficiently. Complexity is faced in eradicating the restrictions of AOPs such as sludge formation, toxic intermediates formation and high requirement for oxidants. Increased mass-transfer in AOPs is an alternate solution to this problem. AOPs combined with Fluidized bed reactor (FBR) can be a potential choice compared to fixed bed or moving bed reactor, as AOP catalysts life-span last for only maximum of 5-10 cycles. Hence, FBR-AOPs require lesser operational and maintenance cost by reducing material resources. The time required for AOP can be minimized using FBR and also treatable working volume can be increased. FBR-AOP can process from 1 to 10 L of volume which is 10 times more than simple batch reaction. The mass transfer is higher thus the reaction time is lesser. For having increased mass transfer sludge production can be successfully avoided. The review study suggests that, optimum particle size, catalyst to reactor volume ratio, catalyst diameter and liquid or gas velocity is required for efficient FBR-AOP systems. However, FBR-AOPs are still under lab-scale investigation and for industrial application cost study is needed. Cost of FBR-AOPs highly depends on energy density needed and the mechanism of degradation of the pollutant. The cost of waste water treatment containing azo dyes was found to be US$ 50 to US$ 500 per 1000 gallons where, the cost for treating phenol water was US$ 50 to US$ 800 per 1000 gallons. The analysis for FBR-AOP costs has been found to depend on the targeted pollutant, degradation mechanism (zero order, 1st order and 2nd order) and energy consumptions by the AOPs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  3. Lim JX, Vadivelu VM
    J Environ Manage, 2014 Dec 15;146:217-225.
    PMID: 25173730 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.07.023
    A sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with a working volume of 8 L and an exchange ratio of 25% was used to enrich biomass for the treatment of the anaerobically treated low pH palm oil mill effluent (POME). The influent concentration was stepwise increased from 5000 ± 500 mg COD/L to 11,500 ± 500 mg COD/L. The performance of the reactor was monitored at different organic loading rates (OLRs). It was found that approximately 90% of the COD content of the POME wastewater was successfully removed regardless of the OLR applied to the SBR. Cycle studies of the SBR show that the oxygen uptake by the biomass while there is no COD reduction may be due to the oxidation of the storage product by the biomass. Further, the growth kinetic parameters of the biomass were determined in batch experiments using respirometer. The maximum specific growth rate (μmax) was estimated to be 1.143 day(-1) while the half saturation constant (Ks) with respect to COD was determined to be 0.429 g COD/L. The decay coefficient (bD) and biomass yield (Y) were found to be 0.131 day(-1) and 0.272 mg biomass/mg COD consumed, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  4. Ng CA, Sun D, Bashir MJ, Wai SH, Wong LY, Nisar H, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2013 Jun;138:38-47.
    PMID: 23612160 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.03.129
    It was found that with replenishment, powdered activated carbon (PAC) in the membrane bioreactor (MBR) would develop biologically activated carbon (BAC) which could enhance filtration performance of a conventional MBR. This paper addresses two issues (i) effect of PAC size on MBR (BAC) performance; and (ii) effect of sludge retention time (SRT) on the MBR performance with and without PAC. To interpret the trends, particle/floc size, concentration of mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS), total organic carbon (TOC), short-term filtration properties and transmembrane pressure (TMP) versus time are measured. The results showed improved fouling control with fine, rather than coarse, PAC provided the flux did not exceed the deposition flux for the fine PAC. Without PAC, the longer SRT operation gave lower fouling at modest fluxes. With PAC addition, the shorter SRT gave better fouling control, possibly due to greater replenishment of the fresh PAC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  5. Shuit SH, Ong YT, Lee KT, Subhash B, Tan SH
    Biotechnol Adv, 2012 Nov-Dec;30(6):1364-80.
    PMID: 22366515 DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2012.02.009
    In recent years, environmental problems caused by the use of fossil fuels and the depletion of petroleum reserves have driven the world to adopt biodiesel as an alternative energy source to replace conventional petroleum-derived fuels because of biodiesel's clean and renewable nature. Biodiesel is conventionally produced in homogeneous, heterogeneous, and enzymatic catalysed processes, as well as by supercritical technology. All of these processes have their own limitations, such as wastewater generation and high energy consumption. In this context, the membrane reactor appears to be the perfect candidate to produce biodiesel because of its ability to overcome the limitations encountered by conventional production methods. Thus, the aim of this paper is to review the production of biodiesel with a membrane reactor by examining the fundamental concepts of the membrane reactor, its operating principles and the combination of membrane and catalyst in the catalytic membrane. In addition, the potential of functionalised carbon nanotubes to serve as catalysts while being incorporated into the membrane for transesterification is discussed. Furthermore, this paper will also discuss the effects of process parameters for transesterification in a membrane reactor and the advantages offered by membrane reactors for biodiesel production. This discussion is followed by some limitations faced in membrane technology. Nevertheless, based on the findings presented in this review, it is clear that the membrane reactor has the potential to be a breakthrough technology for the biodiesel industry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors/economics
  6. Khor SM, Ng SL, Lim PE, Seng CE
    Environ Technol, 2011 Dec;33(15-16):1903-14.
    PMID: 22439579
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects ofNi(II) and Cr(VI) individually and in combination on the simultaneous removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen and metals under a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operation. Three identical laboratory-scale SBRs were operated with FILL, REACT, SETTLE, DRAW and IDLE periods in a ratio of 1:12:1:2:8 for a cycle time of 24 h until the steady state was achieved. Nickel(II) at increasing concentrations up to 35 mg/L was added to one of the reactors; Cr(VI) at increasing concentrations up to 25 mg/L was added to a second reactor; while a combination of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) in equal concentrations up to 10 mg/L was added to a third reactor. The results demonstrate that both Ni(II) and Cr(VI) exerted a more pronounced inhibitory effect on the removal of ammonia nitrogen (AN) than on COD removal. Synergistic and antagonistic inhibitory effects on the rates of COD and AN removal, respectively, were observed for the 50% Ni(II) and 50% Cr(VI) (w/w) mixture in the concentration range between 10 and 20 mg/L. The simultaneous presence of 50% Ni(II) and 50% Cr(VI) at a concentration of 20 mg/L resulted in system failure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  7. Muhamad MH, Sheikh Abdullah SR, Mohamad AB, Rahman RA, Kadhum AA
    Environ Technol, 2012 Apr-May;33(7-9):915-26.
    PMID: 22720416
    A pilot scale granular activated carbon-sequencing batch biofilm reactor with a capacity of 2.2 m3 was operated for over three months to evaluate its performance treating real recycled paper industry wastewater under different operational conditions. In this study, dissolved air floatation (DAF) and clarifier effluents were used as influent sources of the pilot plant. During the course of the study, the reactor was able to biodegrade the contaminants in the incoming recycled paper mill wastewater in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD), adsorbable organic halides (AOX; specifically 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP)) and ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) removal efficiencies at varying hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 1-3 days, aeration rates (ARs) of 2.1-3.4 m3/min and influent feed concentration of 40-950 mg COD/l. Percentages of COD, 2,4-DCP and NH3-N removals increased with increasing HRT, resulting in more than 90% COD, 2,4-DCP and NH3-N removals at HRT values above two days. Degradation of COD, 2,4-DCP and NH3-N were seriously affected by variation of ARs, which resulted in significant decrease of COD, 2,4-DCP and NH3-N removals by decreasing ARs from 3.4 m3/min to 2.1 m3/min, varying in the ranges of 24-80%, 6-96% and 5-42%, respectively. In comparison to the clarifier effluent, the treatment performance of DAF effluent, containing high COD concentration, resulted in a higher COD removal of 82%. The use of diluted DAF effluent did not improve significantly the COD removal. Higher NH3-N removal efficiency of almost 100% was observed during operation after maintenance shutdown compared to normal operation, even at the same HRT of one day due to the higher dissolved oxygen concentrations (1-7 mg/l), while no significant difference in COD removal efficiency was observed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  8. Chelliapan S, Wilby T, Sallis PJ, Yuzir A
    Water Sci Technol, 2011;63(8):1599-606.
    PMID: 21866757
    Tylosin has been considered inhibiting COD removal in anaerobic digestion. In this study it is proven that this is not always the case. Accordingly, elevated concentrations of Tylosin (100-800mgL-1) could be tolerated by the anaerobic system. The influence of Tylosin concentrations on an up-flow anaerobic stage reactor (UASR) was assessed using additions of Tylosin phosphate concentrate. Results showed high efficiency for COD removal (average 93%) when Tylosin was present at concentrations ranging from 0 to 400 mg L-1. However, at Tylosin concentrations of 600 and 800 mg L-1 treatment efficiency declined to 85% and 75% removal respectively. The impact of Tylosin concentrations on archaeal activity were investigated and the analysis revealed that archaeal cells dominated the reactor, confirming that there was no detectable inhibition of the methanogens at Tylosin levels between 100 and 400mg L-1. Nevertheless, the investigation showed a slight reduction in the number of methanogens at Tylosin levels of 600 and 800 mg L-1. These results demonstrated that the methanogens were well adapted to Tylosin. It would not be expected that the process performance of the UASR would be affected, not even at a level well in excess of those appearing in real wastewater from a Tylosin production site.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  9. Ahmad A, Ghufran R, Abd Wahid Z
    J Hazard Mater, 2011 Dec 30;198:40-8.
    PMID: 22047724 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.10.008
    The granulation process in palm oil mill effluent using calcium oxide-cement kiln dust (CaO-CKD) provides an attractive and cost effective treatment option. In this study the efficiency of CaO-CKD at doses of 1.5-20 g/l was tested in batch experiments and found that 10 g of CaO/l caused the greatest degradation of VFA, butyrate and acetate. An upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was operated continuously at 35°C for 150 days to investigate the effect of CaO-CKD on sludge granulation and methanogenesis during start-up. The treatment of POME emphasized the influence of varying organic loading rates (OLR). Up to 94.9% of COD was removed when the reactor was fed with the 15.5-65.5 g-CODg/l at an OLR of 4.5-12.5 kg-COD/m(3)d, suggesting the feasibility of using CaO in an UASB process to treat POME. The ratio of volatile solids/total solids (VS/TS) and volatile fatty acids in the anaerobic sludge in the UASB reactor decreased significantly after long-term operation due to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the granules. Granulation and methanogenesis decreased with an increase in the influent CaO-CKD concentration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  10. Ahmed Z, Hwang SJ, Shin SK, Song J
    J Hazard Mater, 2010 Apr 15;176(1-3):849-55.
    PMID: 20031312 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.11.114
    The yeast strain Candida tropicalis was used for the biodegradation of gaseous toluene. Toluene was effectively treated by a liquid culture of C. tropicalis in a bubble-column bioreactor, and the toluene removal efficiency increased with decreasing gas flow rate. However, toluene mass transfer from the gas-to-liquid phase was a major limitation for the uptake of toluene by C. tropicalis. The toluene removal efficiency was enhanced when granular activated carbon (GAC) was added as a fluidized material. The GAC fluidized bioreactor demonstrated toluene removal efficiencies ranging from 50 to 82% when the inlet toluene loading was varied between 13.1 and 26.9 g/m(3)/h. The yield value of C. tropicalis ranged from 0.11 to 0.21 g-biomass/g-toluene, which was substantially lower than yield values for bacteria reported in the literature. The maximum elimination capacity determined in the GAC fluidized bioreactor was 172 g/m(3)/h at a toluene loading of 291 g/m(3)/h. Transient loading experiments revealed that approximately 50% of the toluene introduced was initially adsorbed onto the GAC during an increased loading period, and then slowly desorbed and became available to the yeast culture. Hence, the fluidized GAC mediated in improving the gas-to-liquid mass transfer of toluene, resulting in a high toluene removal capacity. Consequently, the GAC bubble-column bioreactor using the culture of C. tropicalis can be successfully applied for the removal of gaseous toluene.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors/microbiology
  11. Mel M, Sopyan I, Nor YA
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Jul;63 Suppl A:18-20.
    PMID: 19024963
    Tricalcium phosphate ceramic microcarrier has been developed and introduced to a new possibility for the culture of anchorage dependent animal cells of DF1. It was observed that the number of attached cells was increased with shorter time for both spinner vessel and stirred tank (ST) bioreactor. For those bioreactors, the total viable cell number that had been obtained is about 1.2 x 10(5) cell/ml.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  12. Abd-Aziz S, Fernandez CC, Salleh MM, Illias RM, Hassan MA
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2008 Aug;150(2):193-204.
    PMID: 18633736 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-008-8140-4
    Shrimps have been a popular raw material for the burgeoning marine and food industry contributing to increasing marine waste. Shrimp waste, which is rich in organic compounds is an abundant source of chitin, a natural polymer of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GluNac), a reducing sugar. For this respect, chitinase-producing fungi have been extensively studied as biocontrol agents. Locally isolated Trichoderma virens UKM1 was used in this study. The effect of agitation and aeration rates using colloidal chitin as control substrate in a 2-l stirred tank reactor gave the best agitation and aeration rates at 200 rpm and 0.33 vvm with 4.1 U/l per hour and 5.97 U/l per hour of maximum volumetric chitinase activity obtained, respectively. Microscopic observations showed shear sensitivity at higher agitation rate of the above system. The oxygen uptake rate during the highest chitinase productivity obtained using sun-dried ground shrimp waste of 1.74 mg of dissolved oxygen per gram of fungal biomass per hour at the kappaL a of 8.34 per hour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors/microbiology*
  13. Chew TL, Bhatia S
    Bioresour Technol, 2009 May;100(9):2540-5.
    PMID: 19138514 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2008.12.021
    Catalytic cracking of crude palm oil (CPO) and used palm oil (UPO) were studied in a transport riser reactor for the production of biofuels at a reaction temperature of 450 degrees C, with residence time of 20s and catalyst-to-oil ratio (CTO) of 5 gg(-1). The effect of HZSM-5 (different Si/Al ratios), beta zeolite, SBA-15 and AlSBA-15 were studied as physically mixed additives with cracking catalyst Rare earth-Y (REY). REY catalyst alone gave 75.8 wt% conversion with 34.5 wt% of gasoline fraction yield using CPO, whereas with UPO, the conversion was 70.9 wt% with gasoline fraction yield of 33.0 wt%. HZSM-5, beta zeolite, SBA-15 and AlSBA-15 as additives with REY increased the conversion and the yield of organic liquid product. The transport riser reactor can be used for the continuous production of biofuels from cracking of CPO and UPO over REY catalyst.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  14. Show KY, Lee DJ, Pan X
    Biotechnol Adv, 2013 Jul-Aug;31(4):409-20.
    PMID: 23267859 DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2012.12.006
    Biological removal of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur is drawing increasing research interest in search for an efficient and cost-effective wastewater treatment. While extensive work on separate removal of nitrogen and sulfur is well documented, investigation on simultaneous denitrifying sulfide removal has only been reported recently. Most of the work on denitrifying sulfide removal has been focusing on bioreactor performance, loading and operating conditions. Nonetheless, underlying principles elucidating the biochemical reactions and the mechanisms of the microbial degradation are yet to be established. In addition, unstable denitrifying sulfide removal which is a major operating problem that hinders practical application of the process, is yet to be resolved. This paper provides a review on the state-of-the-art development of simultaneous biological removal of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon. Research on bioreactor operation and performance, reactor configurations, mechanisms and modeling work including the use of mass balance analysis and artificial neural networks is delineated. An in-depth discussion on the microbial community and functional consortium is also provided. Challenges and future work on simultaneous biological removal of nitrogen-sulfur-carbon are also outlined.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors/microbiology
  15. Alam MZ, Fakhru'l-Razi A
    PMID: 15508283
    A study on liquid state bioconversion of sewage treatment plant (STP) sludge was assisted to evaluate the performance of batch fermenter compared to shake flask in a laboratory. Bioconversion of STP sludge was highly influenced by the mixed fungal culture of Penicillium corylophilum and Aspergillus niger after 4 days of treatment. The results showed that about 24.9 g kg(-1) dry sludge cake (DSC) was produced with enrichment of fungal biomass protein in fermenter while 20.1 g kg(-1) in shake flask after 4 days of fungal treatment. The effective biodegradation of STP sludge was recorded in both fermenter and shake flask experiment compared to control (uninnoculated sample). The results presented in this study revealed that the overall performance of fermenter in terms of sludge cake (biosolids) accumulation and biodegradation of STP sludge was higher than the shake flask.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors/microbiology*
  16. Wang J, Mahmood Q, Qiu JP, Li YS, Chang YS, Li XD
    Biomed Res Int, 2015;2015:398028.
    PMID: 26167485 DOI: 10.1155/2015/398028
    Large volumes of untreated palm oil mill effluent (POME) pose threat to aquatic environment due to the presence of very high organic content. The present investigation involved two pilot-scale anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactors, continuously operated for 1 year to treat POME. Setting HRT at 9.8 d, the anaerobic EGSB reactors reduced COD from 71179 mg/L to 12341 mg/L and recycled half of sludge by a dissolved air flotation (DAF). The average effluent COD was 3587 mg/L with the consistent COD removal efficiency of 94.89%. Adding cationic polymer (PAM) dose of 30 mg/L to DAF unit and recycling its half of sludge caused granulation of anaerobic sludge. Bacilli and small coccid bacteria were the dominant microbial species of the reactor. The reactor produced 27.65 m(3) of biogas per m(3) of POME which was utilized for electricity generation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors/microbiology*
  17. Gobi K, Vadivelu VM
    Bioresour Technol, 2015;189:169-176.
    PMID: 25889804 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.04.023
    Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) recovery from aerobic granules was investigated using four cell digestion agents, namely, sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide, acetone and sodium chloride. Simultaneously, the removal of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and its effect on PHA yield were investigated. The highest PHA recovery yield was obtained using sodium hypochlorite, accounting for 89% cell dry weight (CDW). The highest PHA was recovered after the sodium hypochlorite completely removed the EPS from the aerobic granules. The average molecular weight (Mw) of the PHA recovered using sodium hypochlorite was 5.31 × 10(5)g/mol with only 1.8% molecular weight degradation. The energy and duration analysis for PHA recovery revealed that the sodium hypochlorite method required the least amount of energy and time at 0.0561 MJ/g PHA and 26 h, respectively. The PHA that was recovered was a P3(HB-co-HV) co-polymer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors/microbiology
  18. Ujang Z, Salim MR, Khor SL
    Water Sci Technol, 2002;46(9):193-200.
    PMID: 12448469
    A laboratory-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) was fed with synthetic wastewater to investigate the possibility of simultaneous removal of organic, nitrogen and phosphorus by intermittent aeration. The MBR consists of two compartments using a microfiltration membrane with 0.2 microm pore size and a surface area of 0.35 m2. Hydraulic retention time was set at 24 hours and solid retention time 25 days. MLSS concentration in the reactor was in the range of 2,500-3,800 mg/L. The MLSS internal recycling ratio was maintained at 100% influent flow rate. Intermittent aeration was applied in this study to provide an aerobic-anaerobic cycle. Three stages of operations were conducted to investigate the effect of aeration and non-aeration on simultaneous organic and nutrient removal. In Stage 1, time cycles of aeration and non-aeration were set at 90/150 min and 150/90 min in the first and second compartment, the removal efficiency was 97%, 94% and 70% for COD, nitrogen and phosphorus respectively. In Stage 2, time cycles of aeration and non-aeration were set at 60/120 min and 120/60 min in the first and second compartment, the removal efficiency was 97%, 96% and 71% for COD, nitrogen and phosphorus respectively. In Stage 3, time cycles of aeration and non-aeration were set at 120/120 min and 120/120 min in compartment 1 and 2, the removal efficiency was 98%, 96% and 78% for COD, nitrogen and phosphorus respectively. Results show that longer non-aeration time in the second compartment provided better performances of biological phosphorus removal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  19. Alam MZ, Fakhru'l-Razi A, Molla AH
    J Environ Sci (China), 2004;16(1):132-7.
    PMID: 14971468
    This study was undertaken to screen the filamentous fungi isolated from its relevant habitats(wastewater, sewage sludge and sludge cake) for the bioconversion of domestic wastewater sludge. A total of 35 fungal strains were tested against wastewater sludge (total suspended solids, TSS 1%-5% w/w) to evaluate its potentiality for enhancing the biodegradability and dewaterability using liquid state bioconversion(LSB) process. The strains were divided into five groups i.e. Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Basidiomycete and Miscellaneous, respectively. The strains WWZP1003, SCahmA103, SCahmT105 and PC-9 among their respective groups of Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma and Basidiomycete played potential roles in terms of separation (formation of pellets/flocs/filaments), biodegradation(removal of COD) and filtration (filterability) of treated domestic wastewater sludge. The Miscellaneous group was not considered due to its unsatisfactory results as compared to the other groups. The pH value was also influenced by the microbial treatment during fermentation process. The filterability of treated sludge was improved by fungal treatment, and lowest filtration time was recorded for the strain WWZP1003 and SCahmA103 of Penicillium and Aspergillus groups respectively compared with other strains.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
  20. Al-Shididi S, Henze M, Ujang Z
    Water Sci Technol, 2003;48(11-12):327-35.
    PMID: 14753553
    The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) system for implementation in Malaysia. Theoretical, field, laboratory investigations, and modelling simulations have been carried out. The results of the study indicated that the SBR system was robust, relatively cost-effective, and efficient under Malaysian conditions. However, the SBR system requires highly skilled operators and continuous monitoring. This paper also attempted to identify operating conditions for the SBR system, which optimise both the removal efficiencies and the removal rates. The removal efficiencies could reach 90-96% for COD, up to 92% for TN, and 95% for SS. An approach to estimate a full operational cycle time, to estimate the de-sludging rate, and to control the biomass in the sludge has also been developed. About 4 hours react time was obtained, as 2.25 hours of nitrification with aerated slow fill and 1.75 hour of denitrification with HAc addition as an additional carbon source. Inefficient settling was one of the problems that affect the SBR effluent quality. The settling time was one hour for achieving Standard B (effluent quality) and 2 hours for Standard A.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors*
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