Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 106 in total

  1. Hur, Tae Hun, Kim, Hyung Jun, Choi, Yun Im, Jeong, Du Shin, Park, Hyung Kook, Yang, Kwang Ik
    Neurology Asia, 2013;18(1):99-101.
    Acute mountain sickness is an illness caused by climbing to a high altitude without prior acclimatization. Neurological consequences, like parkinsonism following acute mountain sickness without lesion of brain MRI have been reported rarely. A healthy 56-year-old man presented with dysarthria and gait disturbance. Neurological examination revealed tremor of hands, limb rigidity, and bradykinesia. The symptoms developed approximately 30 days following a 3,500 m climb of the Annapurna in the Himalayas. Brain MRI did not reveal any abnormalities including globus pallidus. The parkinsonism symptoms persisted for about 3 months before a complete recovered was made. We suggest that parkinsonism can develop after climbing to a high altitude but that the symptoms can be transient if a brain MRI detects no abnormalities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  2. Yusof MI, Shaharudin S, Sivalingarajah P
    Asian Spine J, 2018 Apr;12(2):349-355.
    PMID: 29713418 DOI: 10.4184/asj.2018.12.2.349
    Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study.

    Purpose: We measured the vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) of the hip, knee, and ankle joints during normal gait in normal patients, adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients with a Cobb angle <40° and in AIS patients with spinal fusion. We aimed to investigate whether vGRF in the aforementioned joints is altered in these three groups of patients.

    Overview of Literature: vGRF of the lower limb joints may be altered in these groups of patients. Although it is known that excessive force in the joints may induce early arthritis, there is limited relevant information in the literatures.

    Methods: We measured vGRF of the hip, knee, and ankle joints during heel strike, early stance, mid stance, and toe-off phases in normal subjects (group 1, n=14), AIS patients with Cobb angle <40° (group 2, n=14), and AIS patients with spinal fusion (group 3, n=13) using a gait analysis platform. Fifteen auto-reflective tracking markers were attached to standard anatomical landmarks in both the lower limbs. The captured motion images were used to define the orientations of the body segments and force exerted on the force plate using computer software. Statistical analysis was performed using independent t-test and analysis of variance to examine differences between the right and left sides as well as those among the different subject groups.

    Results: The measurements during the four gait phases in all the groups did not show any significant difference (p>0.05). In addition, no significant difference was found in the vGRF measurements of all the joints among the three groups (p>0.05).

    Conclusions: A Cobb angle <40° and spinal fusion did not significantly create imbalance or alter vGRF of the lower limb joints in AIS patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  3. Abdul Rahman RA, Rafi F, Hanapiah FA, Nikmat AW, Ismail NA, Manaf H
    Rehabil Res Pract, 2018;2018:2071726.
    PMID: 30402290 DOI: 10.1155/2018/2071726
    Background: Tasks requiring simultaneous mobility and cognition (dual tasks) have been associated with incidence of falls. Although these deficits have been documented in individuals with neurologic disorder, the effect of dual task in children with traumatic brain injury has not been fully explored.

    Objective: To investigate the effect of dual-task (dual-motor and dual-cognitive task) conditions on spatiotemporal gait parameters during timed up and go test in children with traumatic brain injury.

    Methods and Material: A total of 14 children with traumatic brain injury and 21 typically developing children participated in this case-control study. Functional balance was assessed before the actual testing to predict the risk of falls. Timed up and go test was performed under single-task and dual-task (dual-motor and dual-cognitive task) conditions. Spatiotemporal gait parameters were determined using the APDM Mobility Lab system. The descriptive statistics and t-test were used to analyze demographic characteristics and repeated measure ANOVA test was used to analyze the gait parameters.

    Results: Under dual-task (dual-motor and dual-cognitive task) conditions during the timed up and go test, gait performance significantly deteriorated. Furthermore, the total time to complete the timed up and go test, stride velocity, cadence, and step time during turning were significantly different between children with traumatic brain injury and typically developing children.

    Conclusions: These findings suggest that gait parameters were compromised under dual-task conditions in children with traumatic brain injury. Dual-task conditions may become a component of gait training to ensure a complete and comprehensive rehabilitation program.

    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  4. Vipin M, Sujendra DM, Imthiaz VK, Hitesh-Shah
    Malays Orthop J, 2016 Nov;10(3):46-48.
    PMID: 28553449 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1611.006
    An adolescent boy with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy presented with crouch gait. He had bilateral severe flexion deformities of knees and hips. He was treated with single event multilevel surgery for the correction of deformities. Surgical procedures included bilateral adductor release, iliopsoas lengthening, bilateral femoral shortening and patella plication. Persistent hypertension was noted in the post-operative period. All causes of secondary hypertension were ruled out. Having persistent hypertension following the femoral shortening procedure is unusual. Antihypertensive medication controlled his blood pressure 15 months after surgery. Hypertension following correction of knee flexion deformity and limb lengthening is well known. Hypertension has not been described with the shortening osteotomy of the femur. Hypertension is a rare complication following the corrective surgery for the treatment of crouch gait. Blood pressure should be monitored during the post-operative period to detect such a rare complication.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  5. Perera CK, Gopalai AA, Gouwanda D, Ahmad SA, Salim MSB
    Sci Rep, 2023 Oct 03;13(1):16640.
    PMID: 37789077 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-43148-0
    Forward continuation, balance, and sit-to-stand-and-walk (STSW) are three common movement strategies during sit-to-walk (STW) executions. Literature identifies these strategies through biomechanical parameters using gold standard laboratory equipment, which is expensive, bulky, and requires significant post-processing. STW strategy becomes apparent at gait-initiation (GI) and the hip/knee are primary contributors in STW, therefore, this study proposes to use the hip/knee joint angles at GI as an alternate method of strategy classification. To achieve this, K-means clustering was implemented using three clusters corresponding to the three STW strategies; and two feature sets corresponding to the hip/knee angles (derived from motion capture data); from an open access online database (age: 21-80 years; n = 10). The results identified forward continuation with the lowest hip/knee extension, followed by balance and then STSW, at GI. Using this classification, strategy biomechanics were investigated by deriving the established biomechanical quantities from literature. The biomechanical parameters that significantly varied between strategies (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  6. Kaewkaen K, Wongsamud P, Ngaothanyaphat J, Supawarapong P, Uthama S, Ruengsirarak W, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Feb;25(1):67-74.
    PMID: 29599636 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.1.8
    Background: The walking gait of older adults with balance impairment is affected by dual tasking. Several studies have shown that external cues can stimulate improvement in older adults' performance. There is, however, no current evidence to support the usefulness of external cues, such as audio-visual cueing, in dual task walking in older adults. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of an audio-visual cue (simulated traffic light) on dual task walking in healthy older adults and in older adults with balance impairments.

    Methods: A two-way repeated measures study was conducted on 14 healthy older adults and 14 older adults with balance impairment, who were recruited from the community in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Their walking performance was assessed using a four-metre walking test at their preferred gait speed and while walking under two further gait conditions, in randomised order: dual task walking and dual task walking with a simulated traffic light. Each participant was tested individually, with the testing taking between 15 and 20 minutes to perform, including two-minute rest periods between walking conditions. Two Kinect cameras recorded the spatio-temporal parameters using MFU gait analysis software. Each participant was tested for each condition twice. The mean parameters for each condition were analysed using a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with participant group and gait condition as factors.

    Result: There was no significant between-group effect for walking speed, stride length and cadence. There were also no significant effects between gait condition and stride length or cadence. However, the effect between gait condition and walking speed was found to be significant [F(1.557, 40.485) = 4.568,P= 0.024, [Formula: see text]].

    Conclusion: An audio-visual cue (simulated traffic light) was found to influence walking speed in both healthy older adults and in older adults with balance impairment. The results suggest that audio-visual cues could be incorporated into healthy lifestyle promotion in older adults with balance impairment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  7. Eshraghi A, Abu Osman NA, Karimi M, Gholizadeh H, Soodmand E, Wan Abas WA
    PLoS One, 2014;9(5):e96988.
    PMID: 24865351 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096988
    Prosthetic suspension system is an important component of lower limb prostheses. Suspension efficiency can be best evaluated during one of the vital activities of daily living, i.e. walking. A new magnetic prosthetic suspension system has been developed, but its effects on gait biomechanics have not been studied. This study aimed to explore the effect of suspension type on kinetic and kinematic gait parameters during level walking with the new suspension system as well as two other commonly used systems (the Seal-In and pin/lock). Thirteen persons with transtibial amputation participated in this study. A Vicon motion system (six cameras, two force platforms) was utilized to obtain gait kinetic and kinematic variables, as well as pistoning within the prosthetic socket. The gait deviation index was also calculated based on the kinematic data. The findings indicated significant difference in the pistoning values among the three suspension systems. The Seal-In system resulted in the least pistoning compared with the other two systems. Several kinetic and kinematic variables were also affected by the suspension type. The ground reaction force data showed that lower load was applied to the limb joints with the magnetic suspension system compared with the pin/lock suspension. The gait deviation index showed significant deviation from the normal with all the systems, but the systems did not differ significantly. Main significant effects of the suspension type were seen in the GRF (vertical and fore-aft), knee and ankle angles. The new magnetic suspension system showed comparable effects in the remaining kinetic and kinematic gait parameters to the other studied systems. This study may have implications on the selection of suspension systems for transtibial prostheses. Trial registration: Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials IRCT2013061813706N1.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait*
  8. Mortaza N, Abu Osman NA, Mehdikhani N
    Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 2014 Dec;50(6):677-91.
    PMID: 24831570
    Fall is a common and a major cause of injuries. It is important to find elderlies who are prone to falls. The majority of serious falls occur during walking among the older adults. Analyzing the spatio-temporal parameters of walking is an easy way of assessment in the clinical setting, but is it capable of distinguishing a faller from a non-faller elderly? Through a systematic review of the literature, the objective of this systematic review was to identify and summarize the differences in the spatio-temporal parameters of walking in elderly fallers and non-fallers and to find out if these parameters are capable of distinguishing a faller from a non-faller. All original research articles which compared any special or temporal walking parameters in faller and non-faller elderlies were systematically searched within the Scopus and Embase databases. Effect size analysis was also done to standardize findings and compare the gait parameters of fallers and non-fallers across the selected studies. The electronic search led to 5381 articles. After title and abstract screening 30 articles were chosen; further assessment of the full texts led to 17 eligible articles for inclusion in the review. It seems that temporal measurements are more sensitive to the detection of risk of fall in elderly people. The results of the 17 selected studies showed that fallers have a tendency toward a slower walking speed and cadence, longer stride time, and double support duration. Also, fallers showed shorter stride and step length, wider step width and more variability in spatio-temporal parameters of gait. According to the effect size analysis, step length, gait speed, stride length and stance time variability were respectively more capable of differentiating faller from non-faller elderlies. However, because of the difference of methodology and number of studies which investigated each parameter, these results are prone to imprecision. Spatio-temporal analysis of level walking is not sufficient and cannot act as a reliable predictor of falls in elderly individuals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait/physiology*
  9. Hadizadeh M, Amri S, Roohi SA, Mohafez H
    Int J Sports Med, 2016 Nov;37(12):997-1002.
    PMID: 27551935
    This study aimed to quantify changes in gait parameters and their symmetries among athletes with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructions during a rehabilitation program. Twenty-two national players with ACL reconstructions and 15 healthy athletes were recruited. The gait data were collected between postoperative weeks 4-5, 8-9 and 12-13 using a three-dimensional motion analysis system. The spatio-temporal gait parameters and symmetry indexes (SIs) were evaluated for the patients and the control group. One-way and repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance were used to analyse the data. The results demonstrated significant differences among spatio-temporal (P<0.001) and SIs (P=0.007) of patients for Test 1 and the control group. Repeated measure analysis revealed significant changes in the linear combinations of spatio-temporal gait variables (P=0.002) and SIs (P=0.043) over time. The injured limb's step length, cadence and weight acceptance time presented significant improvement across time (P<0.001). Moreover, the SI of the stance time was reduced significantly by 46.48% (P=0.004) among SI parameters. After three months, no significant differences were found between patients and healthy controls for the measured gait components (P>0.05). The rehabilitation program allowed national athletes to restore symmetry in spatio-temporal gait parameters toward the control group's range 12-13 weeks post-reconstruction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait/physiology*
  10. Khan SJ, Khan SS, Usman J, Mokhtar AH, Abu Osman NA
    Gait Posture, 2018 03;61:243-249.
    PMID: 29413792 DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2018.01.024
    OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that toe-in gait (TI) will further reduce first peak (Knee Adduction Moment) KAM and decrease balance when combined with a knee brace (KB) and laterally wedged insoles (LWI) in medial knee osteoarthritis (kOA) patients.
    PARTICIPANTS: Twenty patients with bilateral symptomatic medial kOA.
    INTERVENTIONS: 4-point leverage-based KB, full-length LWI with 5° inclination and toe-in gait (TI).
    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: First and second peak knee adduction moment (fKAM and sKAM respectively), balance and pain.
    METHODS: The fKAM and sKAM were determined from 3-dimensional gait analysis with six randomized conditions: (1) N (without any intervention), (2) KB, (3) KB + TI, (4) LWI, (5) LWI + TI, (6) KB + LWI + TI. Balance was assessed by Biodex Balance System using three stability settings, (i) Static (ii) Moderate dynamic setting for fall risk (FR12) and (iii) High dynamic setting for fall risk (FR8).
    RESULTS: The reduction in fKAM and sKAM was greatest (19.75% and 12%) when TI was combined with KB and LWI respectively. No change in balance was observed when TI combined with KB, and LWI and when used concurrently with both the orthosis at static and FR12 conditions. Significant balance reduction was found at FR8 for KB + TI (22.22%), and KB + LWI + TI (35.71%). Pain increased significantly for KB (258%), KB + TI (305%), LWI + TI (210%) and KB + LWI + TI (316%). LWI showed no effect on pain.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a synergistic effect of TI when combined with KB and LWI concurrently in sKAM reduction. However, the concurrent use of TI, KB and LWI decreases balance and pain as assessed on a highly dynamic platform.
    Study site: Department of Sports Medicine, University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait/physiology*
  11. Gholizadeh H, Abu Osman NA, Eshraghi A, Ali S
    PLoS One, 2014;9(5):e94520.
    PMID: 24827560 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094520
    The suction sockets that are commonly prescribed for transtibial amputees are believed to provide a better suspension than the pin/lock systems. Nevertheless, their effect on amputees' gait performance has not yet been fully investigated. The main intention of this study was to understand the potential effects of the Seal-in (suction) and the Dermo (pin/lock) suspension systems on amputees' gait performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait/physiology*
  12. Chen LK, Liu LK, Woo J, Assantachai P, Auyeung TW, Bahyah KS, et al.
    J Am Med Dir Assoc, 2014 Feb;15(2):95-101.
    PMID: 24461239 DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2013.11.025
    Sarcopenia, a newly recognized geriatric syndrome, is characterized by age-related decline of skeletal muscle plus low muscle strength and/or physical performance. Previous studies have confirmed the association of sarcopenia and adverse health outcomes, such as falls, disability, hospital admission, long term care placement, poorer quality of life, and mortality, which denotes the importance of sarcopenia in the health care for older people. Despite the clinical significance of sarcopenia, the operational definition of sarcopenia and standardized intervention programs are still lacking. It is generally agreed by the different working groups for sarcopenia in the world that sarcopenia should be defined through a combined approach of muscle mass and muscle quality, however, selecting appropriate diagnostic cutoff values for all the measurements in Asian populations is challenging. Asia is a rapidly aging region with a huge population, so the impact of sarcopenia to this region is estimated to be huge as well. Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS) aimed to promote sarcopenia research in Asia, and we collected the best available evidences of sarcopenia researches from Asian countries to establish the consensus for sarcopenia diagnosis. AWGS has agreed with the previous reports that sarcopenia should be described as low muscle mass plus low muscle strength and/or low physical performance, and we also recommend outcome indicators for further researches, as well as the conditions that sarcopenia should be assessed. In addition to sarcopenia screening for community-dwelling older people, AWGS recommends sarcopenia assessment in certain clinical conditions and healthcare settings to facilitate implementing sarcopenia in clinical practice. Moreover, we also recommend cutoff values for muscle mass measurements (7.0 kg/m(2) for men and 5.4 kg/m(2) for women by using dual X-ray absorptiometry, and 7.0 kg/m(2) for men and 5.7 kg/m(2) for women by using bioimpedance analysis), handgrip strength (<26 kg for men and <18 kg for women), and usual gait speed (<0.8 m/s). However, a number of challenges remained to be solved in the future. Asia is made up of a great number of ethnicities. The majority of currently available studies have been published from eastern Asia, therefore, more studies of sarcopenia in south, southeastern, and western Asia should be promoted. On the other hand, most Asian studies have been conducted in a cross-sectional design and few longitudinal studies have not necessarily collected the commonly used outcome indicators as other reports from Western countries. Nevertheless, the AWGS consensus report is believed to promote more Asian sarcopenia research, and most important of all, to focus on sarcopenia intervention studies and the implementation of sarcopenia in clinical practice to improve health care outcomes of older people in the communities and the healthcare settings in Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait/physiology
  13. Nair SR, Rahmat K, Alhabshi SM, Ramli N, Seong MK, Waran V
    Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2013 Jul;115(7):1150-3.
    PMID: 23031746 DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2012.09.014
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait Disorders, Neurologic/etiology
  14. Khan SJ, Khan SS, Usman J, Mokhtar AH, Abu Osman NA
    Prosthet Orthot Int, 2019 Apr;43(2):148-157.
    PMID: 30192706 DOI: 10.1177/0309364618796849
    BACKGROUND:: Knee osteoarthritis is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. There is a need of reducing knee joint load and to improve balance and physical function among knee osteoarthritis patients.

    OBJECTIVES:: To test the hypothesis that toe-out gait will reduce second peak knee adduction moment further and increase fall risk when combined with knee brace and laterally wedged insole in knee osteoarthritis patients.

    STUDY DESIGN:: Single visit study with repeated measures.

    METHODS:: First and second peak knee adduction moments, fall risk and comfort level. First and second peak knee adduction moments were determined from three-dimensional gait analysis, completed under six randomized conditions: (1) natural, (2) knee brace, (3) knee brace + toe-out gait, (4) laterally wedged insole, (5) laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait, and (6) knee brace + laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait. Fall risk was assessed by Biodex Balance System using three randomized stability settings: (1) static, (2) moderate dynamic setting (FR12), and (3) high dynamic setting (FR8).

    RESULTS:: The reduction in first peak knee adduction moment and second peak knee adduction moment was greatest (7.16% and 25.55%, respectively) when toe-out gait combine with knee brace and laterally wedged insole. Significant increase in fall risk was observed with knee brace + laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait (42.85%) at FR12. Similar significant balance reductions were found at FR8 condition for knee brace + toe-out gait (35.71%), laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait (28.57%), and knee brace + laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait (50%) as compared to natural. However, knee brace decreased fall risk at FR12 by 28.57%.

    CONCLUSION:: There is a synergistic effect of toe-out when combined with knee brace and laterally wedged insole concurrently in second peak knee adduction moment reduction but with a greater degree of fall risk. Simultaneous use of conservative treatments also decreases comfort level.

    CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Patients with mild and moderate knee osteoarthritis are usually prescribed conservative treatment techniques. This study will provide an insight whether or not a combination of these techniques have a synergistic effect in reducing knee joint load.

    Matched MeSH terms: Gait/physiology*
  15. Pui Kei C, Mohd Nordin NA, Abdul Aziz AF
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2020 Nov 20;99(47):e23296.
    PMID: 33217861 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000023296
    INTRODUCTION: Stroke survivors are commonly at risk of functional decline following discharge from rehabilitation, which increase their susceptibility to falls, dependency in activities of daily living and emotional disturbances. To combat these, continued therapy is important. Home-based therapy (HBT) has been shown to be useful in maintaining functional performance and quality of life of chronic stroke survivors. However, evidence on its effectiveness remains limited, while no studies are available to date which report the benefit of HBT on stroke survivors self-efficacy and emotional status. Therefore, this study aims to assess the effectiveness of post-discharge HBT in comparison to usual practice on functional outcome (mobility and gait speed), self-efficacy and anxiety level among stroke survivors.

    METHODS: This is an assessor-blinded randomized control trial comparing 2 types of intervention which are HBT (experimental group) and usual practice (UP) (control group). Based on sample size calculation using GPower, a total number of 42 participants will be recruited and allocated into either the HBT or the UP group. Participants in HBT group will receive a set of structured exercise therapy consisting of progressive strengthening, balance and task-related exercises. While participants in UP group will receive a usual "intervention" practised by rehabilitation professional prior to discharging stroke patients from their care. Both groups are advised to perform the given interventions for 3 times per week for 12 weeks under the supervision of their caregiver. Outcomes of interventions will be measured using timed up and go test (for mobility), ten-meter walk test (for gait speed), stroke self-efficacy questionnaire (for self-efficacy) and hospital anxiety and depression scale (for anxiety level). All data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

    DISCUSSION: This study will provide the information on the effectiveness of HBT in comparison to UP among stroke population who are discharged from rehabilitation. Findings from the study will enable rehabilitation professionals to design effective discharge care plan for stroke survivors in combating functional decline when no longer receiving hospital-based therapy.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, ACTRN12619001182189 (last updated 22/11/2019).

    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  16. Nurul Azreen Hashim, Norley Shuib, Salina Mohamed, Ling SL, Khariah Mat Nor
    Delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae is an important condition which commonly occur during recovery from acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Typical presentation would be apathy, disorientation, amnesia, hypokinesia, bizarre behavior, insomnia and neurological manifestations such as gait disturbance, hypertonia and tremor. We report here a case of a man presented with delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae one month after the carbon monoxide poisoning in his suicidal attempt. He presented with the typical presentation and diagnosis confirmed with the MRI findings. His MRI showed abnormal signal in subcortical hemisphere white matter of both temporo-fronto-parietal-occipital regions along the insula and both globus pallidus. He was treated with Olanzapine, Fluvoxamine, Chlorpromazine and Levodopa and his condition slowly improved. It is important for clinicians to recognize the symptoms and risk factors to develop delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae in patients who previously had carbon monoxide poisoning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  17. Phang MWL, Lew SY, Chung I, Lim WK, Lim LW, Wong KH
    Chin Med, 2021 Jan 28;16(1):15.
    PMID: 33509239 DOI: 10.1186/s13020-020-00414-x
    BACKGROUND: Hereditary ataxia (HA) represents a group of genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative diseases caused by dysfunction of the cerebellum or disruption of the connection between the cerebellum and other areas of the central nervous system. Phenotypic manifestation of HA includes unsteadiness of stance and gait, dysarthria, nystagmus, dysmetria and complaints of clumsiness. There are no specific treatments for HA. Management strategies provide supportive treatment to reduce symptoms.

    OBJECTIVES: This systematic review aimed to identify, evaluate and summarise the published literature on the therapeutic roles of natural remedies in the treatment of HA to provide evidence for clinical practice.

    METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Web of Science, PubMed and Science Direct Scopus were thoroughly searched for relevant published articles from June 2007 to July 2020.

    RESULTS: Ten pre-clinical and two clinical studies were eligible for inclusion in this systematic review. We identified the therapeutic roles of medicinal plants Brassica napus, Gardenia jasminoides, Gastrodia elata, Ginkgo biloba, Glycyrrhiza inflata, Paeonia lactiflora, Pueraria lobata and Rehmannia glutinosa; herbal formulations Shaoyao Gancao Tang and Zhengan Xifeng Tang; and medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus in the treatment of HA. In this review, we evaluated the mode of actions contributing to their therapeutic effects, including activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, activation of antioxidant pathways, maintenance of intracellular calcium homeostasis and regulation of chaperones. We also briefly highlighted the integral cellular signalling pathways responsible for orchestrating the mode of actions.

    CONCLUSION: We reviewed the therapeutic roles of natural remedies in improving or halting the progression of HA, which warrant further study for applications into clinical practice.

    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  18. Nies YH, Mohamad Najib NH, Lim WL, Kamaruzzaman MA, Yahaya MF, Teoh SL
    Front Neurosci, 2021;15:660379.
    PMID: 33994934 DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2021.660379
    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a severely debilitating neurodegenerative disease, affecting the motor system, leading to resting tremor, cogwheel rigidity, bradykinesia, walking and gait difficulties, and postural instability. The severe loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta causes striatal dopamine deficiency and the presence of Lewy bodies indicates a pathological hallmark of PD. Although the current treatment of PD aims to preserve dopaminergic neurons or to replace dopamine depletion in the brain, it is notable that complete recovery from the disease is yet to be achieved. Given the complexity and multisystem effects of PD, the underlying mechanisms of PD pathogenesis are yet to be elucidated. The advancement of medical technologies has given some insights in understanding the mechanism and potential treatment of PD with a special interest in the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) to unravel the pathophysiology of PD. In PD patients, it was found that striatal brain tissue and dopaminergic neurons from the substantia nigra demonstrated dysregulated miRNAs expression profiles. Hence, dysregulation of miRNAs may contribute to the pathogenesis of PD through modulation of PD-associated gene and protein expression. This review will discuss recent findings on PD-associated miRNAs dysregulation, from the regulation of PD-associated genes, dopaminergic neuron survival, α-synuclein-induced inflammation and circulating miRNAs. The next section of this review also provides an update on the potential uses of miRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic tools for PD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  19. Chan CK, Mohamed RM, Azlina AA, Azhar MM
    Malays Orthop J, 2016 Nov;10(3):42-45.
    PMID: 28553448 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1611.004
    Multicentric disappearing bone disease, or Gorham disease, is a rare entity. A middle age woman, presented to us with left sided antalgic gait and severe bony deformity of her left knee. Radiograph revealed massive bone defect of the medial condyle of the left tibia with subluxation of the knee joint. She was scheduled for knee replacement in six months. However, she developed another lesion over the right hip that typically mimicked the disease progression of disappearing bone disease. The right femoral head vanished progressively within three months without significant history of infection or trauma. Subsequent bone biopsy of the right femoral head and left tibia condyle confirmed the diagnosis. Total knee replacement was carried out for her left knee. She remained pain free on her left knee. A year later, after confirming by sequential radiographs that the osteolysis had stopped, total right hip replacement was performed. Five years later, she remained pain free and both the arthroplasties were stable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
  20. Mohd Sharif NA, Goh SL, Usman J, Wan Safwani WKZ
    Phys Ther Sport, 2017 Nov;28:44-52.
    PMID: 28673759 DOI: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2017.05.001
    BACKGROUND: Knee sleeves are widely used for the symptomatic relief and subjective improvements of knee problems. To date, however, their biomechanical effects have not been well understood.

    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether knee sleeves can significantly improve the biomechanical variables for knee problems.

    METHOD: Systematic literature search was conducted on four online databases - PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Springer Link - to find peer-reviewed and relevant scientific papers on knee sleeves published from January 2005 to January 2015. Study quality was assessed using the Structured Effectiveness Quality Evaluation Scale (SEQES).

    RESULTS: Twenty studies on knee sleeves usage identified from the search were included in the review because of their heterogeneous scope of coverage. Twelve studies found significant improvement in gait parameters (3) and functional parameters (9), while eight studies did not find any significant effects of knee sleeves usage.

    CONCLUSION: Most improvements were observed in: proprioception for healthy knees, gait and balance for osteoarthritic knees, and functional improvement of injured knees. This review suggests that knee sleeves can effect functional improvements to knee problems. However, further work is needed to confirm this hypothesis, due to the lack of homogeneity and rigor of existing studies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Gait
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