Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 153 in total

  1. Roslan ND, Yusop JM, Baharum SN, Othman R, Mohamed-Hussein ZA, Ismail I, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2012;13(3):2692-706.
    PMID: 22489118 DOI: 10.3390/ijms13032692
    P. minus is an aromatic plant, the leaf of which is widely used as a food additive and in the perfume industry. The leaf also accumulates secondary metabolites that act as active ingredients such as flavonoid. Due to limited genomic and transcriptomic data, the biosynthetic pathway of flavonoids is currently unclear. Identification of candidate genes involved in the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway will significantly contribute to understanding the biosynthesis of active compounds. We have constructed a standard cDNA library from P. minus leaves, and two normalized full-length enriched cDNA libraries were constructed from stem and root organs in order to create a gene resource for the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, especially flavonoid biosynthesis. Thus, large-scale sequencing of P. minus cDNA libraries identified 4196 expressed sequences tags (ESTs) which were deposited in dbEST in the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI). From the three constructed cDNA libraries, 11 ESTs encoding seven genes were mapped to the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. Finally, three flavonoid biosynthetic pathway-related ESTs chalcone synthase, CHS (JG745304), flavonol synthase, FLS (JG705819) and leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase, LDOX (JG745247) were selected for further examination by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) in different P. minus organs. Expression was detected in leaf, stem and root. Gene expression studies have been initiated in order to better understand the underlying physiological processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  2. Ho CL, Kwan YY, Choi MC, Tee SS, Ng WH, Lim KA, et al.
    BMC Genomics, 2007;8:381.
    PMID: 17953740
    Oil palm is the second largest source of edible oil which contributes to approximately 20% of the world's production of oils and fats. In order to understand the molecular biology involved in in vitro propagation, flowering, efficient utilization of nitrogen sources and root diseases, we have initiated an expressed sequence tag (EST) analysis on oil palm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  3. Pucker B, Pandey A, Weisshaar B, Stracke R
    PLoS One, 2020;15(10):e0239275.
    PMID: 33021974 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239275
    The R2R3-MYB genes comprise one of the largest transcription factor gene families in plants, playing regulatory roles in plant-specific developmental processes, defense responses and metabolite accumulation. To date MYB family genes have not yet been comprehensively identified in the major staple fruit crop banana. In this study, we present a comprehensive, genome-wide analysis of the MYB genes from Musa acuminata DH-Pahang (A genome). A total of 285 R2R3-MYB genes as well as genes encoding three other classes of MYB proteins containing multiple MYB repeats were identified and characterised with respect to structure and chromosomal organisation. Organ- and development-specific expression patterns were determined from RNA-Seq data. For 280 M. acuminata MYB genes for which expression was found in at least one of the analysed samples, a variety of expression patterns were detected. The M. acuminata R2R3-MYB genes were functionally categorised, leading to the identification of seven clades containing only M. acuminata R2R3-MYBs. The encoded proteins may have specialised functions that were acquired or expanded in Musa during genome evolution. This functional classification and expression analysis of the MYB gene family in banana establishes a solid foundation for future comprehensive functional analysis of MaMYBs and can be utilized in banana improvement programmes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  4. Zhang L, Cenci A, Rouard M, Zhang D, Wang Y, Tang W, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 06 03;9(1):8199.
    PMID: 31160634 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44637-x
    Fusarium wilt disease, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, especially by tropical race 4 (Foc TR4), is threatening the global banana industry. Musa acuminata Pahang, a wild diploid banana that displays strong resistance to Foc TR4, holds great potential to understand the underlying resistance mechanisms. Microscopic examination reports that, in a wounding inoculation system, the Foc TR4 infection processes in roots of Pahang (resistant) and a triploid cultivar Brazilian (susceptible) were similar by 7 days post inoculation (dpi), but significant differences were observed in corms of both genotypes at 14 dpi. We compare transcriptomic responses in the corms of Pahang and Brazilian, and show that Pahang exhibited constitutive defense responses before Foc TR4 infection and inducible defense responses prior to Brazilian at the initial Foc TR4 infection stage. Most key enzymatic genes in the phenylalanine metabolism pathway were up-regulated in Brazilian, suggesting that lignin and phytotoxin may be triggered during later stages of Foc TR4 infection. This study unravels a few potential resistance candidate genes whose expression patterns were assessed by RT-qPCR assay and improves our understanding the defense mechanisms of Pahang response to Foc TR4.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  5. Loh SC, Othman AS, Veera Singham G
    Sci Rep, 2019 10 04;9(1):14296.
    PMID: 31586098 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-50800-1
    Hevea brasiliensis remains the primary crop commercially exploited to obtain latex, which is produced from the articulated secondary laticifer. Here, we described the transcriptional events related to jasmonic acid (JA)- and linolenic acid (LA)-induced secondary laticifer differentiation (SLD) in H. brasiliensis clone RRIM 600 based on RNA-seq approach. Histochemical approach proved that JA- and LA-treated samples resulted in SLD in H. brasiliensis when compared to ethephon and untreated control. RNA-seq data resulted in 86,614 unigenes, of which 2,664 genes were differentially expressed in JA and LA-induced secondary laticifer harvested from H. brasiliensis bark samples. Among these, 450 genes were unique to JA and LA as they were not differentially expressed in ethephon-treated samples compared with the untreated samples. Most transcription factors from the JA- and LA-specific dataset were classified under MYB, APETALA2/ethylene response factor (AP2/ERF), and basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) gene families that were involved in tissue developmental pathways, and we proposed that Bel5-GA2 oxidase 1-KNOTTED-like homeobox complex are likely involved in JA- and LA-induced SLD in H. brasiliensis. We also discovered alternative spliced transcripts, putative novel transcripts, and cis-natural antisense transcript pairs related to SLD event. This study has advanced understanding on the transcriptional regulatory network of SLD in H. brasiliensis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  6. Deng S, Mai Y, Niu J
    Gene, 2019 Mar 20;689:131-140.
    PMID: 30576805 DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2018.12.016
    Citrus maxima "seedless" is originally from Malaysia, and now is widely cultivated in Hainan province, China. The essential features of this cultivar are thin skin, green epicarp and seedless at the ripening stage. Here, using C. maxima "seedless" as experimental material, we investigated the physical and inclusion indicators, and found the accumulation of storage compounds during 120-210 DAF leading to inconsistent increase between volume and weight. Component analysis of soluble sugar indicated that arabinose and xylose have a high content in early development of pummelo juice sacs (PJS), whereas fructose, glucose and sucrose show a significant increase during PJS maturation. To clarify a global overview of the gene expressing profiles, the PJSs from four periods (60, 120, 180 and 240 DAF) were selected for comparative transcriptome analysis. The resulting 8275 unigenes showed differential expression during PJS development. Also, the stability of 11 housekeeping genes were evaluated by geNorm method, resulting in a set of five genes (UBC, ACT, OR23, DWA2 and CYP21D) used as control for normalization of gene expression. Based on transcriptome data, 5 sucrose synthases (SUSs) and 10 invertases (INVs) were identified to be involved in sucrose degradation. Importantly, SUS4 may be responsible for arabinose and xylose biosynthesis to form the cell wall in early development, while SUS3 and VIN2 may be important in the accumulation of soluble hexose leading to cell expansion through an osmotic-independent pathway in late development. The information provides valuable metabolite and genetic resources in C. maxima "seedless", and is important for achieving high fruit yield and quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  7. Wang Z, Huang S, Jia C, Liu J, Zhang J, Xu B, et al.
    Plant Cell Rep, 2013 Sep;32(9):1373-80.
    PMID: 23652818 DOI: 10.1007/s00299-013-1449-7
    KEY MESSAGE: Three tau class MaGSTs responded to abiotic stress, MaGSTF1 and MaGSTL1 responded to signaling molecules, they may play an important role in the growth of banana plantlet. Glutathione S-transferases (GST) are multifunctional detoxification enzymes that participate in a variety of cellular processes, including stress responses. In this study, we report the molecular characteristics of five GST genes (MaGSTU1, MaGSTU2, MaGSTU3, MaGSTF1 and MaGSTL1) cloned from banana (Musa acuminate L. AAA group, cv. Cavendish) using a RACE-PCR-based strategy. The predicted molecular masses of these GSTs range from 23.4 to 27.7 kDa and their pIs are acidic. At the amino acid level, they share high sequence similarity with GSTs in the banana DH-Pahang (AA group) genome. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the deduced amino acid sequences of MaGSTs also have high similarity to GSTs of other plant species. Expression analysis by semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed that these genes are differentially expressed in various tissues. In addition, their expression is regulated by various stress conditions, including exposure to signaling molecules, cold, salinity, drought and Fusarium oxysporum f specialis(f. Sp) cubense Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) infection. The expression of the tau class MaGSTs (MaGSTU1, MaGSTU2 and MaGSTU3) mainly responded to cold, salinity and drought while MaGSTF1 and MaGSTL1 expressions were upregulated by signaling molecules. Our findings suggest that MaGSTs play a key role in both development and abiotic stress responses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  8. Tee CS, Marziah M, Tan CS, Abdullah MP
    Plant Cell Rep, 2003 Jan;21(5):452-8.
    PMID: 12789448
    Three different morphological callus types, identified as type A, B and C, and tips of in vitro inflorescences were used as target tissues for genetic transformation. Five different DNA plasmids carrying a synthetic green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene driven by different promoters, CaMV 35S, HBT, and Ubi1 were tested for the genetic transformation of Dendrobium Sonia 17. 35S-sgfp-TYG-nos (p35S) with the CaMV 35S promoter showed the highest GFP transient expression rate, while the HBT and Ubi1 promoters showed a relatively lower expression rate in all of the target tissues tested. The highest number of GFP-expressing cells was observed on day 2 post-bombardment, and the number declined gradually over the course of the next 2 weeks. Type A and B callus were found to be the best potential target tissues for genetic transformation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  9. Sarpan N, Taranenko E, Ooi SE, Low EL, Espinoza A, Tatarinova TV, et al.
    Plant Cell Rep, 2020 Sep;39(9):1219-1233.
    PMID: 32591850 DOI: 10.1007/s00299-020-02561-9
    KEY MESSAGE: Several hypomethylated sites within the Karma region of EgDEF1 and hotspot regions in chromosomes 1, 2, 3, and 5 may be associated with mantling. One of the main challenges faced by the oil palm industry is fruit abnormalities, such as the "mantled" phenotype that can lead to reduced yields. This clonal abnormality is an epigenetic phenomenon and has been linked to the hypomethylation of a transposable element within the EgDEF1 gene. To understand the epigenome changes in clones, methylomes of clonal oil palms were compared to methylomes of seedling-derived oil palms. Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data from seedlings, normal, and mantled clones were analyzed to determine and compare the context-specific DNA methylomes. In seedlings, coding and regulatory regions are generally hypomethylated while introns and repeats are extensively methylated. Genes with a low number of guanines and cytosines in the third position of codons (GC3-poor genes) were increasingly methylated towards their 3' region, while GC3-rich genes remain demethylated, similar to patterns in other eukaryotic species. Predicted promoter regions were generally hypomethylated in seedlings. In clones, CG, CHG, and CHH methylation levels generally decreased in functionally important regions, such as promoters, 5' UTRs, and coding regions. Although random regions were found to be hypomethylated in clonal genomes, hypomethylation of certain hotspot regions may be associated with the clonal mantling phenotype. Our findings, therefore, suggest other hypomethylated CHG sites within the Karma of EgDEF1 and hypomethylated hotspot regions in chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 5, are associated with mantling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  10. Ariffin N, Abdullah R, Rashdan Muad M, Lourdes J, Emran NA, Ismail MR, et al.
    Plasmid, 2011 Sep;66(3):136-43.
    PMID: 21827784 DOI: 10.1016/j.plasmid.2011.07.002
    Polyhydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate (PHBV) is a polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) bioplastic group with thermoplastic properties is thus high in quality and can be degradable. PHBV can be produced by bacteria, but the process is not economically competitive with polymers produced from petrochemicals. To overcome this problem, research on transgenic plants has been carried out as one of the solutions to produce PHBV in economically sound alternative manner. Four different genes encoded with the enzymes necessary to catalyze PHBV are bktB, phaB, phaC and tdcB. All the genes came with modified CaMV 35S promoters (except for the tdcB gene, which was promoted by the native CaMV 35S promoter), nos terminator sequences and plastid sequences in order to target the genes into the plastids. Subcloning resulted in the generation of two different orientations of the tdcB, pLMIN (left) and pRMIN (right), both 17.557 and 19.967 kb in sizes. Both plasmids were transformed in immature embryos (IE) of oil palm via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Assays of GUS were performed on one-week-old calli and 90% of the calli turned completely blue. This preliminary test showed positive results of integration. Six-months-old calli were harvested and RNA of the calli were isolated. RT-PCR was used to confirm the transient expression of PHBV transgenes in the calli. The bands were 258, 260, 315 and 200 bp in size for bktB, phaB, phaC and tdcB transgenes respectively. The data obtained showed that the bktB, phaB, phaC and tdcB genes were successfully integrated and expressed in the oil palm genome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  11. Ting NC, Sherbina K, Khoo JS, Kamaruddin K, Chan PL, Chan KL, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 10 01;10(1):16296.
    PMID: 33004875 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-73170-5
    Evaluation of transcriptome data in combination with QTL information has been applied in many crops to study the expression of genes responsible for specific phenotypes. In oil palm, the mesocarp oil extracted from E. oleifera × E. guineensis interspecific hybrids is known to have lower palmitic acid (C16:0) content compared to pure African palms. The present study demonstrates the effectiveness of transcriptome data in revealing the expression profiles of genes in the fatty acid (FA) and triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthesis processes in interspecific hybrids. The transcriptome assembly yielded 43,920 putative genes of which a large proportion were homologous to known genes in the public databases. Most of the genes encoding key enzymes involved in the FA and TAG synthesis pathways were identified. Of these, 27, including two candidate genes located within the QTL associated with C16:0 content, showed differential expression between developmental stages, populations and/or palms with contrasting C16:0 content. Further evaluation using quantitative real-time PCR revealed that differentially expressed patterns are generally consistent with those observed in the transcriptome data. Our results also suggest that different isoforms are likely to be responsible for some of the variation observed in FA composition of interspecific hybrids.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  12. Rosli R, Amiruddin N, Ab Halim MA, Chan PL, Chan KL, Azizi N, et al.
    PLoS One, 2018;13(4):e0194792.
    PMID: 29672525 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194792
    Comparative genomics and transcriptomic analyses were performed on two agronomically important groups of genes from oil palm versus other major crop species and the model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana. The first analysis was of two gene families with key roles in regulation of oil quality and in particular the accumulation of oleic acid, namely stearoyl ACP desaturases (SAD) and acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesterases (FAT). In both cases, these were found to be large gene families with complex expression profiles across a wide range of tissue types and developmental stages. The detailed classification of the oil palm SAD and FAT genes has enabled the updating of the latest version of the oil palm gene model. The second analysis focused on disease resistance (R) genes in order to elucidate possible candidates for breeding of pathogen tolerance/resistance. Ortholog analysis showed that 141 out of the 210 putative oil palm R genes had homologs in banana and rice. These genes formed 37 clusters with 634 orthologous genes. Classification of the 141 oil palm R genes showed that the genes belong to the Kinase (7), CNL (95), MLO-like (8), RLK (3) and Others (28) categories. The CNL R genes formed eight clusters. Expression data for selected R genes also identified potential candidates for breeding of disease resistance traits. Furthermore, these findings can provide information about the species evolution as well as the identification of agronomically important genes in oil palm and other major crops.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  13. Yeoh SH, Satake A, Numata S, Ichie T, Lee SL, Basherudin N, et al.
    Mol Ecol, 2017 Oct;26(19):5074-5085.
    PMID: 28749031 DOI: 10.1111/mec.14257
    Elucidating the physiological mechanisms of the irregular yet concerted flowering rhythm of mass flowering tree species in the tropics requires long-term monitoring of flowering phenology, exogenous and endogenous environmental factors, as well as identifying interactions and dependencies among these factors. To investigate the proximate factors for floral initiation of mast seeding trees in the tropics, we monitored the expression dynamics of two key flowering genes, meteorological conditions and endogenous resources over two flowering events of Shorea curtisii and Shorea leprosula in the Malay Peninsula. Comparisons of expression dynamics of genes studied indicated functional conservation of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and LEAFY (LFY) in Shorea. The genes were highly expressed at least 1 month before anthesis for both species. A mathematical model considering the synergistic effect of cool temperature and drought on activation of the flowering gene was successful in predicting the observed gene expression patterns. Requirement of both cool temperature and drought for floral transition suggested by the model implies that flowering phenologies of these species are sensitive to climate change. Our molecular phenology approach in the tropics sheds light on the conserved role of flowering genes in plants inhabiting different climate zones and can be widely applied to dissect the flowering processes in other plant species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  14. Amini S, Rosli K, Abu-Bakar MF, Alias H, Mat-Isa MN, Juhari MA, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(12):e0226338.
    PMID: 31851702 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226338
    Rafflesia possesses unique biological features and known primarily for producing the world's largest and existing as a single flower. However, to date, little is known about key regulators participating in Rafflesia flower development. In order to further understand the molecular mechanism that regulates Rafflesia cantleyi flower development, RNA-seq data from three developmental stages of floral bud, representing the floral organ primordia initiation, floral organ differentiation, and floral bud outgrowth, were analysed. A total of 89,890 transcripts were assembled of which up to 35% could be annotated based on homology search. Advanced transcriptome analysis using K-mean clustering on the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) was able to identify 12 expression clusters that reflect major trends and key transitional states, which correlate to specific developmental stages. Through this, comparative gene expression analysis of different floral bud stages identified various transcription factors related to flower development. The members of WRKY, NAC, bHLH, and MYB families are the most represented among the DEGs, suggesting their important function in flower development. Furthermore, pathway enrichment analysis also revealed DEGs that are involved in various phytohormone signal transduction events such as auxin and auxin transport, cytokinin and gibberellin biosynthesis. Results of this study imply that transcription factors and phytohormone signalling pathways play major role in Rafflesia floral bud development. This study provides an invaluable resource for molecular studies of the flower development process in Rafflesia and other plant species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  15. Harun S, Abdullah-Zawawi MR, A-Rahman MRA, Muhammad NAN, Mohamed-Hussein ZA
    Database (Oxford), 2019 01 01;2019.
    PMID: 30793170 DOI: 10.1093/database/baz021
    Plants produce a wide range of secondary metabolites that play important roles in plant defense and immunity, their interaction with the environment and symbiotic associations. Sulfur-containing compounds (SCCs) are a group of important secondary metabolites produced in members of the Brassicales order. SCCs constitute various groups of phytochemicals, but not much is known about them. Findings from previous studies on SCCs were scattered in published literatures, hence SuCComBase was developed to store all molecular information related to the biosynthesis of SCCs. Information that includes genes, proteins and compounds that are involved in the SCC biosynthetic pathway was manually identified from databases and published scientific literatures. Sets of co-expression data was analyzed to search for other possible (previously unknown) genes that might be involved in the biosynthesis of SCC. These genes were named as potential SCC-related encoding genes. A total of 147 known and 92 putative Arabidopsis thaliana SCC-related genes from literatures were used to identify other potential SCC-related encoding genes. We identified 778 potential SCC-related encoding genes, 4026 homologs to the SCC-related encoding genes and 116 SCCs as shown on SuCComBase homepage. Data entries are searchable from the Main page, Search, Browse and Datasets tabs. Users can easily download all data stored in SuCComBase. All publications related to SCCs are also indexed in SuCComBase, which is currently the first and only database dedicated to plant SCCs. SuCComBase aims to become a manually curated and au fait knowledge-based repository for plant SCCs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  16. Neoh BK, Wong YC, Teh HF, Ng TLM, Tiong SH, Ooi TEK, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(3):e0213591.
    PMID: 30856213 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213591
    To investigate limiters of photosynthate assimilation in the carbon-source limited crop, oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), we measured differential metabolite, gene expression and the gas exchange in leaves in an open field for palms with distinct mesocarp oil content. We observed higher concentrations of glucose 1-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate, sucrose 6-phosphate, and sucrose in high-oil content palms with the greatest difference being at 11:00 (p-value ≤0.05) immediately after the period of low morning light intensity. Three important photosynthetic genes were identified using differentially expressed gene analysis (DEGs) and were found to be significantly enriched through Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway enrichment: chlorophyll a-b binding protein (CAB-13), photosystem I (PSI), and Ferredoxin-NADP reductase (FNR), particularly for sampling points at non-peak light (11:00 and 19:00), ranging from 3.3-fold (PSI) and 5.6-fold (FNR) to 10.3-fold (CAB-13). Subsequent gas exchange measurements further supported increased carbon assimilation through higher level of internal CO2 concentration (Ci), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration rate (E) in high-oil content palms. The selection for higher expression of key photosynthesis genes together with CO2 assimilation under low light is likely to be important for crop improvement, in particular at full maturity and under high density planting regimes where light competition exists between palms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  17. Teng L, Han W, Fan X, Zhang X, Xu D, Wang Y, et al.
    Plant Mol Biol, 2021 Apr;105(6):611-623.
    PMID: 33528753 DOI: 10.1007/s11103-020-01113-9
    We applied an integrative approach using multiple methods to verify cytosine methylation in the chloroplast DNA of the multicellular brown alga Saccharina japonica. Cytosine DNA methylation is a heritable process which plays important roles in regulating development throughout the life cycle of an organism. Although methylation of nuclear DNA has been studied extensively, little is known about the state and role of DNA methylation in chloroplast genomes, especially in marine algae. Here, we have applied an integrated approach encompassing whole-genome bisulfite sequencing, methylated DNA immunoprecipitation, gene co-expression networks and photophysiological analyses to provide evidence for the role of chloroplast DNA methylation in a marine alga, the multicellular brown alga Saccharina japonica. Although the overall methylation level was relatively low in the chloroplast genome of S. japonica, gametophytes exhibited higher methylation levels than sporophytes. Gene-specific bisulfite-cloning sequencing provided additional evidence for the methylation of key photosynthetic genes. Many of them were highly expressed in sporophytes whereas genes involved in transcription, translation and biosynthesis were strongly expressed in gametophytes. Nucleus-encoded photosynthesis genes were co-expressed with their chloroplast-encoded counterparts potentially contributing to the higher photosynthetic performance in sporophytes compared to gametophytes where these co-expression networks were less pronounced. A nucleus-encoded DNA methyltransferase of the DNMT2 family is assumed to be responsible for the methylation of the chloroplast genome because it is predicted to possess a plastid transit peptide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  18. Usman MG, Rafii MY, Martini MY, Yusuff OA, Ismail MR, Miah G
    Cell Stress Chaperones, 2018 Mar;23(2):223-234.
    PMID: 28812232 DOI: 10.1007/s12192-017-0836-3
    Backcrossing together with simple sequence repeat marker strategy was adopted to improve popular Malaysian chilli Kulai (Capsicum annuum L.) for heat tolerance. The use of molecular markers in backcross breeding and selection contributes significantly to overcoming the main drawbacks such as increase linkage drag and time consumption, in the ancient manual breeding approach (conventional), and speeds up the genome recovery of the recurrent parent. The strategy was adopted to introgress heat shock protein gene(s) from AVPP0702 (C. annuum L.), which are heat-tolerant, into the genetic profile of Kulai, a popular high-yielding chilli but which is heat sensitive. The parents were grown on seed trays, and parental screening was carried out with 252 simple sequence repeat markers. The selected parents were crossed and backcrossed to generate F1 hybrids and backcross generations. Sixty-eight markers appeared to be polymorphic and were used to assess the backcross generation; BC1F1, BC2F1 and BC3F1. The average recipient allele of the selected four BC1F1 plants was 80.75% which were used to produce the BC2F1 generation. BC1-P7 was the best BC1F1 plant because it had the highest recovery at 83.40% and was positive to Hsp-linked markers (Hsp70-u2 and AGi42). After three successive generations of backcrossing, the average genome recovery of the recurrent parent in the selected plants in BC3F1 was 95.37%. Hsp gene expression analysis was carried out on BC1F1, BC2F1 and BC3F1 selected lines. The Hsp genes were found to be up-regulated when exposed to heat treatment. The pattern of Hsp expression in the backcross generations was similar to that of the donor parent. This confirms the successful introgression of a stress-responsive gene (Hsp) into a Kulai chilli pepper variety. Furthermore, the yield performance viz. plant height, number of fruits, fruit length and weight and total yield of the improved plant were similar with the recurrent parent except that the plant height was significantly lower than the Kulai (recurrent) parent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  19. Kong SL, Abdullah SNA, Ho CL, Musa MHB, Yeap WC
    BMC Genom Data, 2021 02 05;22(1):6.
    PMID: 33568046 DOI: 10.1186/s12863-021-00962-7
    BACKGROUND: Phosphorus (P), in its orthophosphate form (Pi) is an essential macronutrient for oil palm early growth development in which Pi deficiency could later on be reflected in lower biomass production. Application of phosphate rock, a non-renewable resource has been the common practice to increase Pi accessibility and maintain crop productivity in Malaysia. However, high fixation rate of Pi in the native acidic tropical soils has led to excessive utilization of P fertilizers. This has caused serious environmental pollutions and cost increment. Even so, the Pi deficiency response mechanism in oil palm as one of the basic prerequisites for crop improvement remains largely unknown.

    RESULTS: Using total RNA extracted from young roots as template, we performed a comparative transcriptome analysis on oil palm responding to 14d and 28d of Pi deprivation treatment and under adequate Pi supply. By using Illumina HiSeq4000 platform, RNA-Seq analysis was successfully conducted on 12 paired-end RNA-Seq libraries and generated more than 1.2 billion of clean reads in total. Transcript abundance estimated by fragments per kilobase per million fragments (FPKM) and differential expression analysis revealed 36 and 252 genes that are differentially regulated in Pi-starved roots at 14d and 28d, respectively. Genes possibly involved in regulating Pi homeostasis, nutrient uptake and transport, hormonal signaling and gene transcription were found among the differentially expressed genes.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that the molecular response mechanism underlying Pi starvation in oil palm is complexed and involved multilevel regulation of various sensing and signaling components. This contribution would generate valuable genomic resources in the effort to develop oil palm planting materials that possess Pi-use efficient trait through molecular manipulation and breeding programs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
  20. Chen M, Zhang B, Li C, Kulaveerasingam H, Chew FT, Yu H
    Plant Physiol, 2015 Sep;169(1):391-402.
    PMID: 26152712 DOI: 10.1104/pp.15.00943
    Seed storage reserves mainly consist of starch, triacylglycerols, and storage proteins. They not only provide energy for seed germination and seedling establishment, but also supply essential dietary nutrients for human beings and animals. So far, the regulatory networks that govern the accumulation of seed storage reserves in plants are still largely unknown. Here, we show that TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1 (TTG1), which encodes a WD40 repeat transcription factor involved in many aspects of plant development, plays an important role in mediating the accumulation of seed storage reserves in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). The dry weight of ttg1-1 embryos significantly increases compared with that of wild-type embryos, which is accompanied by an increase in the contents of starch, total protein, and fatty acids in ttg1-1 seeds. FUSCA3 (FUS3), a master regulator of seed maturation, binds directly to the TTG1 genomic region and suppresses TTG1 expression in developing seeds. TTG1 negatively regulates the accumulation of seed storage proteins partially through transcriptional repression of 2S3, a gene encoding a 2S albumin precursor. TTG1 also indirectly suppresses the expression of genes involved in either seed development or synthesis/modification of fatty acids in developing seeds. In addition, we demonstrate that the maternal allele of the TTG1 gene suppresses the accumulation of storage proteins and fatty acids in seeds. Our results suggest that TTG1 is a direct target of FUS3 in the framework of the regulatory hierarchy controlling seed filling and regulates the accumulation of seed storage proteins and fatty acids during the seed maturation process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
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