Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 457 in total

  1. Nature, 1997 Sep 25;389(6649):315.
    PMID: 9311758
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  2. Cannon CH, Peart DR, Leighton M
    Science, 1998 Aug 28;281(5381):1366-8.
    PMID: 9721105
    The effects of commercial logging on tree diversity in tropical rainforest are largely unknown. In this study, selectively logged tropical rainforest in Indonesian Borneo is shown to contain high tree species richness, despite severe structural damage. Plots logged 8 years before sampling contained fewer species of trees greater than 20 centimeters in diameter than did similar-sized unlogged plots. However, in samples of the same numbers of trees (requiring a 50 percent larger area), logged forest contained as many tree species as unlogged forest. These findings warrant reassessment of the conservation potential of large tracts of commercially logged tropical rainforest.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  3. Granados A, Bernard H, Brodie JF
    Proc Biol Sci, 2018 02 28;285(1873).
    PMID: 29491176 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.2882
    Animals can have both positive (e.g. via seed dispersal) and negative (e.g. via herbivory) impacts on plants. The net effects of these interactions remain difficult to predict and may be affected by overhunting and habitat disturbance, two widespread threats to tropical forests. Recent studies have documented their separate effects on plant recruitment but our understanding of how defaunation and logging interact to influence tropical tree communities is limited. From 2013 to 2016, we followed the fate of marked tree seedlings (n = 1489) from 81 genera in and outside experimental plots. Our plots differentially excluded small, medium and large-bodied mammal herbivores in logged and unlogged forest in Malaysian Borneo. We assessed the effects of experimental defaunation and logging on taxonomic diversity and plant trait (wood density, specific leaf area, fruit size) composition of seedling communities. Although seedling mortality was highest in the presence of all mammal herbivores (44%), defaunation alone did not alter taxonomic diversity nor plant trait composition. However, herbivores (across all body sizes) significantly reduced mean fruit size across the seedling community over time (95% confidence interval (CI): -0.09 to -0.01), particularly in logged forest (95% CI: -0.12 to -0.003). Our findings suggest that impacts of mammal herbivores on plant communities may be greater in forests with a history of disturbance and could subsequently affect plant functional traits and ecological processes associated with forest regeneration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees/anatomy & histology*; Trees/growth & development; Trees/physiology*
  4. Othman NQ, Sulaiman S, Lee YP, Tan JS
    Data Brief, 2019 Aug;25:104288.
    PMID: 31453289 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104288
    To date, Ganoderma boninense is known to be the causal agent of basal stem rot (BSR) disease in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). This disease causes rotting in the roots, basal and upper stem of oil palm. Infection causes progressive destruction of the basal tissues at the oil palm trunk and internal dry rotting, particularly at the intersection between the bole and trunk. Molecular responses of oil palm during infection are not well study although this information is crucial to strategize effective measures to control or eliminate BSR. Here we report three sets of transcriptome data from samples of near-rot section of basal stem tissue of oil palm tree infected with G. boninense (IPIT), healthy section of basal stem tissue of the same G. boninense infected palm (IPHT) and the healthy section of basal stem tissue of the healthy palm (HPHT). The raw reads were deposited into NCBI database and can be accessed via BioProject accession number PRJNA530030.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  5. Albani A, Ibrahim MZ, Yong KH
    Data Brief, 2019 Aug;25:104306.
    PMID: 31406911 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104306
    The measurement of this data aims to evaluate the wind shear variability at three selected sites in Malaysia. The sites are Kudat in Sabah, Kijal in Terengganu and Langkawi in Kedah. Both sites in Kudat and Kijal is located in coastal areas with few buildings or trees, while the site in Langkawi is a coastal area with many buildings or trees. The variables were measured using the sensors that mounted on the wind mast with the maximum height from 55 m to 70 m from ground level. The variables measured were wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and pressure, while the wind shear data were directly generated using the power law equation. The averaged wind shear based on measured multiple height wind speed at selected sites is larger than the 1/7 law (0.143). Also, the value of wind shear was higher in order Langkawi > Kudat > Kijal. Ultimately, the wind shear data are essential and can be reused in the wind energy potential study, especially for data extrapolation to desired wind turbine hub height.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  6. Kobayashi MJ, Ng KKS, Lee SL, Muhammad N, Tani N
    Am J Bot, 2020 11;107(11):1491-1503.
    PMID: 33190268 DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.1557
    PREMISE: Leaf phenology is an essential developmental process in trees and an important component in understanding climate change. However, little is known about the regulation of leaf phenology in tropical trees.

    METHODS: To understand the regulation by temperature of leaf phenology in tropical trees, we performed daily observations of leaf production under rainfall-independent conditions using saplings of Shorea leprosula and Neobalanocarpus heimii, both species of Dipterocarpaceae, a dominant tree family of Southeast Asia. We analyzed the time-series data obtained using empirical dynamic modeling (EDM) and conducted growth chamber experiments.

    RESULTS: Leaf production by dipterocarps fluctuated in the absence of fluctuation in rainfall, and the peaks of leaf production were more frequent than those of day length, suggesting that leaf production cannot be fully explained by these environmental factors, although they have been proposed as regulators of leaf phenology in dipterocarps. Instead, EDM suggested a causal relationship between temperature and leaf production in dipterocarps. Leaf production by N. heimii saplings in chambers significantly increased when temperature was increased after long-term low-temperature treatment. This increase in leaf production was observed even when only nighttime temperature was elevated, suggesting that the effect of temperature on development is not mediated by photosynthesis.

    CONCLUSIONS: Because seasonal variation in temperature in the tropics is small, effects on leaf phenology have been overlooked. However, our results suggest that temperature is a regulator of leaf phenology in dipterocarps. This information will contribute to better understanding of the effects of climate change in the tropics.

    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  7. Riutta T, Kho LK, Teh YA, Ewers R, Majalap N, Malhi Y
    Glob Chang Biol, 2021 May;27(10):2225-2240.
    PMID: 33462919 DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15522
    Soil respiration is the largest carbon efflux from the terrestrial ecosystem to the atmosphere, and selective logging influences soil respiration via changes in abiotic (temperature, moisture) and biotic (biomass, productivity, quantity and quality of necromass inputs) drivers. Logged forests are a predominant feature of the tropical forest landscape, their area exceeding that of intact forest. We quantified both total and component (root, mycorrhiza, litter, and soil organic matter, SOM) soil respiration in logged (n = 5) and old-growth (n = 6) forest plots in Malaysian Borneo, a region which is a global hotspot for emission from forest degradation. We constructed a detailed below-ground carbon budget including organic carbon inputs into the system via litterfall and root turnover. Total soil respiration was significantly higher in logged forests than in old-growth forests (14.3 ± 0.23 and 12.7 ± 0.60 Mg C ha-1  year-1 , respectively, p = 0.037). This was mainly due to the higher SOM respiration in logged forests (55 ± 3.1% of the total respiration in logged forests vs. 50 ± 3.0% in old-growth forests). In old-growth forests, annual SOM respiration was equal to the organic carbon inputs into the soil (difference between SOM respiration and inputs 0.18 Mg C ha-1  year-1 , with 90% confidence intervals of -0.41 and 0.74 Mg C ha-1  year-1 ), indicating that the system is in equilibrium, while in logged forests SOM respiration exceeded the inputs by 4.2 Mg C ha-1  year-1 (90% CI of 3.6 and 4.9 Mg C ha-1  year-1 ), indicating that the soil is losing carbon. These results contribute towards understanding the impact of logging on below-ground carbon dynamics, which is one of the key uncertainties in estimating emissions from forest degradation. This study demonstrates how significant perturbation of the below-ground carbon balance, and consequent net soil carbon emissions, can persist for decades after a logging event in tropical forests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
    Soil hardness plays a vital role in evaluating the physical properties of soil structure. With regards to the impact of compaction on practical forest management issues, most report and review forms were available. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the soil condition in riparian forest restoration planted with indigenous species along Kayan Ulu River with special reference to soil hardness. Soil hardness was measured by using Hasegawa-type cone penetrometer from the surface soils to 100 cm depth, with a total of 48 random points for both study sites surveyed; restoration sites planted with Shorea macrophylla in year 1996 and 1998 (SPD96 and SPD98, respectively) for both on and between planting lines. Our findings indicated that, soil hardness in SPD98 was harder as compared to SPD96 at shallow depth presented in one drop penetrability. Likewise, soil penetration resistance on planting line in SPD98 was significantly higher than SPD96 at surface soils (0-20 cm) and subsurface soils (20-40 cm). A high number of strikes and soil penetration resistance indicate that the soils were highly compacted. However, there was no significant difference in term of soil penetration resistance between planting line. In order to avoid effects on tree productivity, it is recommended that in future, the evaluation of soil hardness should be determined during the early establishment for future restoration of riparian ecosystem. 
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  9. Pradisty NA, Amir AA, Zimmer M
    Oecologia, 2021 Apr;195(4):843-858.
    PMID: 33559746 DOI: 10.1007/s00442-021-04865-3
    Leaf litter and its breakdown products represent an important input of organic matter and nutrients to mangrove sediments and adjacent coastal ecosystems. It is commonly assumed that old-grown stands with mature trees contribute more to the permanent sediment organic matter pool than younger stands. However, neither are interspecific differences in leaf decay rates taken into account in this assumption nor is our understanding of the underlying mechanisms or drivers of differences in leaf chemistry sufficient. This study examines the influence of different plant species and ontogenetic stage on the microbial decay of mangrove leaf litter. A litterbag experiment was conducted in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia, to monitor leaf litter mass loss, and changes in leaf litter chemistry and microbial enzyme activity. Four mangrove species of different morphologies were selected, namely the trees Rhizophora apiculata and Bruguiera parviflora, the fern Acrostichum aureum and the shrub Acanthus ilicifolius. Decay rates of mangrove leaf litter decreased from A. ilicifolius to R. apiculata to B. parviflora to A. aureum. Leaf litter mass, total phenolic content, protein precipitation capacity and phenol oxidase activity were found to decline rapidly during the early stage of decay. Leaf litter from immature plants differed from that of mature plants in total phenolic content, phenolic signature, protein precipitating capacity and protease activity. For R. apiculata, but not of the other species, leaf litter from immature plants decayed faster than the litter of mature plants. The findings of this study advance our understanding of the organic matter dynamics in mangrove stands of different compositions and ages and will, thus, prove useful in mangrove forest management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  10. Pounsin G, Wahab NS, Roslan A, Zahidin MA, Pesiu E, Tamrin NAM, et al.
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2018 Mar;29(1):51-69.
    PMID: 29644015 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2018.29.1.4
    A study of the bat diversity was conducted in Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forest and Setiu Wetland Beach Ridges Interspersed with Swales (BRIS) forest in Terengganu, to study the species diversity, composition and stratification of fruit bats from the understorey to the forest canopy. Mist nets were set up at the understorey, sub-canopy and canopy layer while harp traps were set up at the understorey layer. We recorded 170 individuals from six families' compromised 21 species from Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forests and four species from Setiu Wetland BRIS forests throughout the sampling period. Megaerops ecaudatus and Cynopterus brachyotis were the most dominant species in Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forest and Setiu Wetland BRIS forests. Our study also recorded two species with new distributional records for the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, namely, Rhinolophus chiewkweeae and Chaerephon johorensis in Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forests. Potential factors that might influence the results were in terms of the canopy covers, the structural complexity of canopy, food availability and spatial characteristics. This study was able to increase the knowledge on the species diversity and composition of bats in Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forest and Setiu Wetland BRIS forest, thus, further aid in the effort of bat conservation in both areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  11. Ab Hamid S, Md Rawi CS
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2017 Jul;28(2):89-105.
    PMID: 28890763 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2017.28.2.7
    Leaf litter decomposition in a tropical stream was examined in two types of leaf packs; single species leaf packs of Pometia pinnata and two species leaf packs of equal combination of Pometia pinnata and Dolichandrone spathacea leaves. Both leaf packs were immersed in a river and weekly examined for remains of decomposed leaves and presence of EPT. In the control leaf packs, leaves in the two species leaf packs treatments decomposed within 35 days, faster than in single species leaf packs which decomposed after 42 days. In the presence of EPT, the leaf breakdown took 28 days in two species and 35 days for single species leaf packs. Higher abundance of EPT was observed in single species leaf packs but its diversity was higher in two species leaf packs. Litter breakdown in the stream was faster in the presence of EPT and softer leaves of D. spathacea with higher nitrogen content underwent faster decomposition and sustained higher numbers of EPT.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  12. Ghazalli MN, Md Sah MS, Mat M, Awang K, Jaafar MA, Mirad R, et al.
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2021 Mar;32(1):107-117.
    PMID: 33936554 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2021.32.1.7
    Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) Havil. or locally known as ketum/daun sebiak/biak-biak belongs to Rubiaceae family and generally occurs in secondary forest or disturbed areas in tropical and subtropical region. This research enumerated the characterisation of Mitragyna speciosa leaf anatomy and micromorphology features which is still not well documented. This medium to large sized tree species characterised with opposite arrangement, ovate-acuminate leaf and with 12-17 pairs of veins. Transverse sections of petioles showed that this species has petiole outlines with slightly convex at the middle of the adaxial part and 'U'-shaped on abaxial side. Results also showed that this species has paracytic and hypostomatic stomata, combination of non-glandular (majority) and glandular trichomes (minority), with observation on the secretory cells present in petiole and midrib parenchyma cells. Cuticle on the abaxial and adaxial epidermal surfaces showed the presence granule and wax films with periclinal and anticlinal walls can be differentiated clearly. The results obtained in this study can be used to providing additional systematics information of Mitragyna speciosa with the documentation of the leaf anatomy and micromorphology characters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  13. Jucker T, Bongalov B, Burslem DFRP, Nilus R, Dalponte M, Lewis SL, et al.
    Ecol Lett, 2018 07;21(7):989-1000.
    PMID: 29659115 DOI: 10.1111/ele.12964
    Topography is a key driver of tropical forest structure and composition, as it constrains local nutrient and hydraulic conditions within which trees grow. Yet, we do not fully understand how changes in forest physiognomy driven by topography impact other emergent properties of forests, such as their aboveground carbon density (ACD). Working in Borneo - at a site where 70-m-tall forests in alluvial valleys rapidly transition to stunted heath forests on nutrient-depleted dip slopes - we combined field data with airborne laser scanning and hyperspectral imaging to characterise how topography shapes the vertical structure, wood density, diversity and ACD of nearly 15 km2 of old-growth forest. We found that subtle differences in elevation - which control soil chemistry and hydrology - profoundly influenced the structure, composition and diversity of the canopy. Capturing these processes was critical to explaining landscape-scale heterogeneity in ACD, highlighting how emerging remote sensing technologies can provide new insights into long-standing ecological questions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  14. Nakamura A, Kitching RL, Cao M, Creedy TJ, Fayle TM, Freiberg M, et al.
    Trends Ecol Evol, 2017 06;32(6):438-451.
    PMID: 28359572 DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2017.02.020
    Forest canopies are dynamic interfaces between organisms and atmosphere, providing buffered microclimates and complex microhabitats. Canopies form vertically stratified ecosystems interconnected with other strata. Some forest biodiversity patterns and food webs have been documented and measurements of ecophysiology and biogeochemical cycling have allowed analyses of large-scale transfer of CO2, water, and trace gases between forests and the atmosphere. However, many knowledge gaps remain. With global research networks and databases, and new technologies and infrastructure, we envisage rapid advances in our understanding of the mechanisms that drive the spatial and temporal dynamics of forests and their canopies. Such understanding is vital for the successful management and conservation of global forests and the ecosystem services they provide to the world.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  15. Too CC, Ong KS, Ankenbrand MJ, Lee SM, Yule CM, Keller A
    Genome Announc, 2018 Jun 21;6(25).
    PMID: 29930065 DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.00560-18
    We report here the draft genome of Klebsiella sp. strain C31, a bacterial isolate from the North Selangor peat swamp forest in Malaysia. The putative genes for the biogeochemical processes of the genome were annotated and investigated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  16. Mohamad-Matrol AA, Chang SW, Abu A
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5579.
    PMID: 30186704 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5579
    Background: The amount of plant data such as taxonomical classification, morphological characteristics, ecological attributes and geological distribution in textual and image forms has increased rapidly due to emerging research and technologies. Therefore, it is crucial for experts as well as the public to discern meaningful relationships from this vast amount of data using appropriate methods. The data are often presented in lengthy texts and tables, which make gaining new insights difficult. The study proposes a visual-based representation to display data to users in a meaningful way. This method emphasises the relationships between different data sets.

    Method: This study involves four main steps which translate text-based results from Extensible Markup Language (XML) serialisation format into graphs. The four steps include: (1) conversion of ontological dataset as graph model data; (2) query from graph model data; (3) transformation of text-based results in XML serialisation format into a graphical form; and (4) display of results to the user via a graphical user interface (GUI). Ontological data for plants and samples of trees and shrubs were used as the dataset to demonstrate how plant-based data could be integrated into the proposed data visualisation.

    Results: A visualisation system named plant visualisation system was developed. This system provides a GUI that enables users to perform the query process, as well as a graphical viewer to display the results of the query in the form of a network graph. The efficiency of the developed visualisation system was measured by performing two types of user evaluations: a usability heuristics evaluation, and a query and visualisation evaluation.

    Discussion: The relationships between the data were visualised, enabling the users to easily infer the knowledge and correlations between data. The results from the user evaluation show that the proposed visualisation system is suitable for both expert and novice users, with or without computer skills. This technique demonstrates the practicability of using a computer assisted-tool by providing cognitive analysis for understanding relationships between data. Therefore, the results benefit not only botanists, but also novice users, especially those that are interested to know more about plants.

    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  17. Adam, M.B., Norazman, N., Mohamad Kasim, M.R.
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(1):113-123.
    Logging activity is one of the most important activities for tropical countries
    including Malaysia, as it produces quality trees for papers. One of the important tree
    species is the Acacia Mangium which it produces a soft tree for papermaking enterprises.
    The papers are exported to Europe and countries which have high demand for paper
    due to the rapid development of the printing industry. Thus we analyzed the height for
    individual trees. We investigate the maximum height of the trees from 1990 to 2006
    and we fit the data using extreme value model. Some of the data are missing and three
    imputation methods we used to solve this problem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  18. Huang Xy, Qi JQ, Xie JL, Hao JF, Qin BD, Chen SM
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:17-23.
    The culms of bamboo Bambusa rigida ranging from 1, 3 and 5 year old were obtained and investigated for anatomical characteristics in different ages, heights and zones in radial direction of culm wall thickness. The vascular bundles were denser and smaller at the top portion and outer zone of all age groups. No significant differences in vascular bundle frequency and size were found among the tree age groups. Metaxylem vessels did not vary significantly among ages. Fibre and parenchyma were longer in the middle portion of the height and middle zone in radial direction of culms wall. No significant differences in fibre and parenchyma length were observed in all age groups. The wall thicknesses of fibre and parenchyma were thicker in the top portion and outer zone. Furthermore, the wall thicknesses of fibre and parenchyma increased significantly from 1 to 3 year, showing that there is a maturing progress from 1 to 3 year.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  19. Sreekar R, Katabuchi M, Nakamura A, Corlett RT, Slik JWF, Fletcher C, et al.
    R Soc Open Sci, 2018 Sep;5(9):181168.
    PMID: 30839691 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.181168
    The relationship between β-diversity and latitude still remains to be a core question in ecology because of the lack of consensus between studies. One hypothesis for the lack of consensus between studies is that spatial scale changes the relationship between latitude and β-diversity. Here, we test this hypothesis using tree data from 15 large-scale forest plots (greater than or equal to 15 ha, diameter at breast height ≥ 1 cm) across a latitudinal gradient (3-30o) in the Asia-Pacific region. We found that the observed β-diversity decreased with increasing latitude when sampling local tree communities at small spatial scale (grain size ≤0.1 ha), but the observed β-diversity did not change with latitude when sampling at large spatial scales (greater than or equal to 0.25 ha). Differences in latitudinal β-diversity gradients across spatial scales were caused by pooled species richness (γ-diversity), which influenced observed β-diversity values at small spatial scales, but not at large spatial scales. Therefore, spatial scale changes the relationship between β-diversity, γ-diversity and latitude, and improving sample representativeness avoids the γ-dependence of β-diversity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
  20. Razieh Shojanoori, Helmi Z.m. Shafri, Shattri Mansor, Mohd Hasmadi Ismail
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1025-1034.
    The growth of residential and commercial areas threatens vegetation and ecosystems. Thus, an urgent urban management
    issue involves determining the state and the quantity of urban tree species to protect the environment, as well as controlling
    their growth and decline. This study focused on the detection of urban tree species by considering three types of tree
    species, namely, Mesua ferrea L., Samanea saman, and Casuarina sumatrana. New rule sets were developed to detect these
    three species. In this regard, two pixel-based classification methods were applied and compared; namely, the method of
    maximum likelihood classification and support vector machines. These methods were then compared with object-based
    image analysis (OBIA) classification. OBIA was used to develop rule sets by extracting spatial, spectral, textural and color
    attributes, among others. Finally, the new rule sets were implemented into WorldView-2 imagery. The results indicated
    that the OBIA based on the rule sets displayed a significant potential to detect different tree species with high accuracy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees
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