Displaying publications 1101 - 1120 of 2458 in total

  1. Turner TJ
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2009;9:235.
    PMID: 20003536 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-9-235
    Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines support clinical decision-making by making recommendations to guide clinical practice. These recommendations are developed by integrating the expertise of a multidisciplinary group of clinicians with the perspectives of consumers and the best available research evidence. However studies have raised concerns about the quality of guideline development, and particularly the link between research and recommendations. The reasons why guideline developers are not following the established development methods are not clear.We aimed to explore the barriers to developing evidence-based guidelines in eleven hospitals in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, so as to better understand how evidence-based guideline development could be facilitated in these settings. The research aimed to identify the value clinicians place on guidelines, what clinicians want in guidelines developed in hospital settings and what factors limit rigorous evidence-based guideline development in these settings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia, Southeastern
  2. Kurniawan N, Islam MM, Djong TH, Igawa T, Daicus MB, Yong HS, et al.
    Zoolog Sci, 2010 Mar;27(3):222-33.
    PMID: 20192690 DOI: 10.2108/zsj.27.222
    To elucidate genetic divergence and evolutionary relationship in Fejervarya cancrivora from Indonesia and other Asian countries, allozyme and molecular analyses were carried out using 131 frogs collected from 24 populations in Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and the Philippines. In the allozymic survey, seventeen enzymatic loci were examined for 92 frogs from eight representative localities. The results showed that F. cancrivora is subdivided into two main groups, the mangrove type and the large- plus Pelabuhan ratu types. The average Nel's genetic distance between the two groups was 0.535. Molecular phylogenetic trees based on nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA and Cyt b genes and constructed with the ML, MP, NJ, and BI methods also showed that the individuals of F. cancrivora analyzed comprised two clades, the mangrove type and the large plus Pelabuhan ratu / Sulawesi types, the latter further split into two subclades, the large type and the Pelabuhan ratu / Sulawesi type. The geographical distribution of individuals of the three F. cancrivora types was examined. Ten Individuals from Bangladesh, Thailand, and the Philippines represented the mangrove type; 34 Individuals from Malaysia and Indonesia represented the large type; and 11 individuals from Indonesia represented the Pelabuhan ratu / Sulawesi type. Average sequence divergences among the three types were 5.78-10.22% for the 16S and 12.88-16.38% for Cyt b. Our results suggest that each of the three types can be regarded as a distinct species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  3. Clark CS, Rampal KG, Thuppil V, Roda SM, Succop P, Menrath W, et al.
    Environ Res, 2009 Oct;109(7):930-6.
    PMID: 19656507 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2009.07.002
    In 2006 a report on the analysis for lead in 80 new residential paints from four countries in Asia revealed high levels in three of the countries (China, India and Malaysia) and low levels in a fourth country (Singapore) where a lead in paint regulation was enforced. The authors warned of the possible export of lead-painted consumer products to the United States and other countries and the dangers the lead paint represented to children in the countries where it was available for purchase. The need for a worldwide ban on the use of lead in paints was emphasized to prevent an increase in exposure and disease from this very preventable environmental source. Since the earlier paper almost 300 additional new paint samples have been collected from the four initial countries plus 8 additional countries, three from Asia, three from Africa and two from South America. During the intervening time period two million toys and other items imported into the United States were recalled because the lead content exceeded the United States standard. High lead paints were detected in all 12 countries. The average lead concentration by country ranged from 6988 (Singapore) to 31,960ppm (Ecuador). One multinational company sold high lead paint in one country through January 2007 but sold low lead paint later in 2007 indicating that a major change to cease adding lead to their paints had occurred. However, the finding that almost one-third of the samples would meet the new United States standard for new paint of 90ppm, suggests that the technology is already available in at least 11 of the 12 countries to produce low lead enamel paints for domestic use. The need remains urgent to establish effective worldwide controls to prevent the needless poisoning of millions of children from this preventable exposure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  4. Islam MM, Khan MM, Tjong DH, Alam MS, Sumida M
    Zoolog Sci, 2008 Mar;25(3):261-72.
    PMID: 18393563 DOI: 10.2108/zsj.25.261
    The present study was conducted to elucidate the genetic divergence and the phylogenetic relationships in the F. limnocharis complex from Bangladesh and other Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan by allozyme analyses. We used a total of 95 frogs of the F. limnocharis complex from these countries and F. cancrivora from the Philippines as an outgroup. Based on body size, the F. limnocharis complex from Bangladesh was divided into three distinct groups: large, medium and small types. Allozyme analyses were carried out with 28 loci encoding 20 enzymes and two blood proteins by horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis. When genetic distance was calculated, distinct divergence was found among the three types: mean genetic distance was 0.782 between the small and medium types, 1.458 between the large and medium types, and 1.520 between the large and small types. Phylogenetic trees based on genetic distance showed that all populations of Bangladesh small type strongly formed a cluster and were found to be most closely related to the Sri Lanka population; that all populations of Bangladesh large type formed a very strong cluster and were grouped with several populations from Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, and Taiwan; and that the medium type was segregated from all other groups. This may imply that each of the three types is a different species, and that the medium type is possibly an undescribed taxon.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  5. Jirasiritham S
    J. Vasc. Surg., 2008 Dec;48(6 Suppl):81S-83S; discussion 83S.
    PMID: 19084749 DOI: 10.1016/j.jvs.2008.09.009
    Cardiovascular diseases have become more prevalent and threatening to the health of the population of Asia due to the rapidly growing number of aging people. The Asian Society for Vascular Surgery unites 13 member organizations: Japan, Korea, China, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Thailand. The essential mission of the Asian Society for Vascular Surgery is to improve training in vascular surgery to increase the number of competent vascular surgeons in Asia. Almost every member country has its own vascular training program. Most curricula for vascular surgery training are composed of basic vascular research, clinical vascular medicine, vascular investigation, and open and endovascular surgery, with the period of training ranging from 2 to 4 years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  6. van Doorslaer E, O'Donnell O, Rannan-Eliya RP, Somanathan A, Adhikari SR, Garg CC, et al.
    Health Econ, 2007 Nov;16(11):1159-84.
    PMID: 17311356
    Out-of-pocket (OOP) payments are the principal means of financing health care throughout much of Asia. We estimate the magnitude and distribution of OOP payments for health care in fourteen countries and territories accounting for 81% of the Asian population. We focus on payments that are catastrophic, in the sense of severely disrupting household living standards, and approximate such payments by those absorbing a large fraction of household resources. Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal and Vietnam rely most heavily on OOP financing and have the highest incidence of catastrophic payments. Sri Lanka, Thailand and Malaysia stand out as low to middle income countries that have constrained both the OOP share of health financing and the catastrophic impact of direct payments. In most low/middle-income countries, the better-off are more likely to spend a large fraction of total household resources on health care. This may reflect the inability of the poorest of the poor to divert resources from other basic needs and possibly the protection of the poor from user charges offered in some countries. But in China, Kyrgyz and Vietnam, where there are no exemptions of the poor from charges, they are as, or even more, likely to incur catastrophic payments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  7. Halpin K, Mungall BA
    Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis, 2007 Sep;30(5-6):287-307.
    PMID: 17629946
    Following the discovery of two new paramyxoviruses in the 1990s, much effort has been placed on rapidly finding the reservoir hosts, characterising the genomes, identifying the viral receptors and formulating potential vaccines and therapeutic options for these viruses, Hendra and Nipah viruses caused zoonotic disease on a scale not seen before with other paramyxoviruses. Nipah virus particularly caused high morbidity and mortality in humans and high morbidity in pig populations in the first outbreak in Malaysia. Both viruses continue to pose a threat with sporadic outbreaks continuing into the 21st century. Experimental and surveillance studies identified that pteropus bats are the reservoir hosts. Research continues in an attempt to understand events that precipitated spillover of these viruses. Discovered on the cusp of the molecular technology revolution, much progress has been made in understanding these new viruses. This review endeavours to capture the depth and breadth of these recent advances.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  8. Sugiyama S
    Yakushigaku Zasshi, 2005;40(2):98-106.
    PMID: 17152831
    This article attempts to trace the origin of tea. The author believes the ancient Chinese tea, "chia", is either Jicha (water extract from the pith of Acacia catechu that grows naturally in the mountainous border between the Yunnan province of China and southern Asian countries) or Jicha-Kagikazura (water extract from the young branches and leaves of Uncaris gambir, originally found in India/Sri Lanka). Both were pulverized after being kiln-dried and then mixed with water to produce a thick suspension, or tea. Although the drink is bitter and has an astringent property, it has a particular flavor with a refreshing after-taste. Its components with medicinal properties include tannin, catechin, and various flavonoids, making us believe it was worthwhile for the people at the time to consume the drink regularly. Generally speaking, tea cultivation in China flourished south of the Yangzi Jiang River including the present Zhejiang and Anhui provinces. Depending on the regions, there were words for tea in various languages, including the names of places where particular teas were grown. In addition to the names that appear in the famous Chajing book, it is interesting to note Da Fang pronounced tea as "TAH". Because the area south of the Yangzi Jiang has traditionally been active in foreign trade since the ancient and middle ages. People in this region consumed various foreign originated teas as well. This included Gambir, which was introduced to southern Asia (including present Malaysia and Indonesia) and was consumed as an herbal tea under names such as Guo Luo or Ju Luo teas. Paan, from India, also uses Gambir paste and was a popular chewing refreshment to prevent diseases caused by miasma as well as to keep one's mouth clean. The name A-sen-yaku used in Japan was taken from the plant name Acasia, and Gambir was used to dye Buddhist monks' Ke-Ra bags to a blackish yellow color. The Daikanwa dictionary states the Ra in the name, which means thin silk, was later replaced with "A". The official name for Ji-cha [Er Cha] in modern China is "Gaiji-cha", [Hal-Er Cha], which comes from the name of a variety of tea made by the Ai-Ni tribal subgroup of the ethnic Ha-Ni in Yunnan province. The [see character in text] character is pronounced "ni", which is a homophony of [character in text]. Based on these facts, "Ai-Ni" should be considered the same as "Hai-Ni". Because the ethnic groups in Yunnan province used primitive and tough tea leaves, which were eaten instead of being infused in water, the leaves were first fermented by being buried in the ground. Even today, people of these ethnic groups prefer fungus-fermented black tea with a particular flavor. In contrast, the ethnic Hans used and still use improved and softer young shoots of tea leaves to prepare mainly green tea. It has recently been discovered that Acapsia, as well as Gambir, has anti-oxidant properties, and that consumption over time is effective against many lifestyle-related adult diseases. It may be well worthwhile to cast fresh light upon ancient tea drinking customs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia, Southeastern
  9. Kaufmann E, Maschwitz U
    Naturwissenschaften, 2006 May;93(5):216-27.
    PMID: 16544124
    Ant-garden (AG) associations are systems of epiphytic plants and arboricolous (i.e., tree-living) ants, in which the ants build fragile carton nests containing organic material. They collect and incorporate seeds or fruits of epiphytes that then germinate and grow on the nest [sensu Corbara et al. (1999) 38:73-89]. The plant roots stabilize the nest carton. AGs have been well-known in the neotropics for more than 100 years. In contrast, reports on similar associations in the paleotropics are scarce so far. After discovering a first common AG system on giant bamboo [Kaufmann et al. (2001) 48:125-133], we started a large-scale survey for AGs in Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Java, and southern Thailand. A great variety of AG systems (altogether including 18 ant species and 51 plant species) was discovered and is described in the present paper. The high number of species participating in AG associations was reflected by a great variability in the specific appearances of the nest gardens. Frequently, further groups of organisms (e.g., hemipteran trophobionts, fungi) were also involved. Preference patterns of particular ant and epiphyte species for each other and for particular phorophytes (carrier trees) were detected. We integrate domatia-producing, so-called ant-house epiphytes in our study and compare their phases of establishment, as well as other characteristics, to "classical" AGs, coming to the conclusion that they should be regarded only as a special type of AG epiphyte and not as a separate ecological category.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  10. Dang LH, Mound LA, Qiao GX
    Zootaxa, 2013;3716:1-21.
    PMID: 26106761
    The Oriental genus Stigmothrips Ananthakrishnan is synonymised with A draneothrips Hood, a genus in which most species have been described from the Neotropics. Problems with descriptions by T.N. Ananthakrishnan of species from India are discussed, but cannot be fully resolved without access to the holotypes. A key is provided to 23 species of Adraneothrips from Asia and Australia, including four new species: darwini sp. n. from Northern Territory, Australia; hani sp. n. from Taiwan, China; yunnanensis sp. n. from Yunnan, China as well as Java, Indonesia; and waui sp. n. from Papua New Guinea. One species from the Philippines, Adraneothrips makilingensis (Reyes) comb. n., is transferred from Apelaunothrips, and the male of Adraneothrips russatus (Haga) is described and illustrated for the first time, from Yunnan, China. Two species are newly recorded from Australia: coloratus (Mound) previously known only from the Solomon Islands, and russatus (Haga) previously known from southern Japan and southern China but with one female recorded here from Fiji. Further new records are, coloratus from Java, and chinensis (Zhang & Tong) from Malaysia. Colonies of species in this genus are commonly found living on dead leaves, as fungus-feeders, and many species are brightly coloured or bicoloured in patterns of yellow and brown.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  11. Ota K
    Transplant Proc, 2004 Nov;36(9):2535-8.
    PMID: 15621082
    The Asian Society of Transplantation, founded in 1989 includes Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Republic of China, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The registry was also started from the same year in cooperation with these 16 countries. A questionnaire was sent to the key person of each country every year. The questionnaire includes (a) number of centers that performed organ transplants, (b) varieties and numbers of organ transplants performed in 2000 and 2001, (c) present status of dialysis, number of dialysis patients, and number of the candidates on the list for transplantation, (d) number of patients going abroad for transplantation, and (e) recent transplant highlights, news and issues affecting each country during 2000 and 2001. We previously gathered data for 2000, except for Indonesia, Singapore, and the UAE. Regarding 2001 data, we will send the questionnaires to the countries involved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  12. Mohamed MH
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 May;59 Suppl B:19-20.
    PMID: 15468798
    One of the emerging technologies in the area of plasma processing is plasma immersion ion implantation (PSII). The paper addresses the merits offered by the PSII technique especially in the area of biomaterial processing. Worldwide development status as well as the drive towards commercial applications is elaborated in an attempt to draw the attention to the importance of the process for Malaysia as well as south East Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia, Southeastern
  13. Noordin R, Wahyuni S, Mangali A, Huat LB, Yazdanbakhsh M, Sartono E
    Filaria journal, 2004 Aug 12;3(1):8.
    PMID: 15307892
    BACKGROUND: Brugia malayi is endemic in several Asian countries with the highest prevalence in Indonesia. Determination of prevalence of lymphatic filariasis by serology has been performed by various investigators using different kinds of antigen (either soluble worm antigen preparations or recombinant antigens). This investigation compared the data obtained from IgG4 assays using two different kinds of antigen in a study on prevalence of antibodies to B. malayi. METHODS: Serum samples from a transmigrant population and life long residents previously tested with IgG4 assay using soluble worm antigen (SWA-ELISA), were retested with an IgG4 assay that employs BmR1 recombinant antigen (BmR1 dipstick [Brugia Rapid trade mark ]). The results obtained with the two antigens were compared, using Pearson chi-square and McNemar test. RESULTS: There were similarities and differences in the results obtained using the two kinds of antigen (SWA and BmR1). Similarities included the observation that assays using both antigens demonstrated an increasing prevalence of IgG4 antibodies in the transmigrant population with increasing exposure to the infection, and by six years living in the area, antibody prevalence was similar to that of life-long residents. With regards to differences, of significance is the demonstration of similar antibody prevalence in adults and children by BmR1 dipstick whereas by SWA-ELISA the antibody prevalence in adults was higher than in children. CONCLUSIONS: Results and conclusions made from investigations of prevalence of anti-filarial IgG4 antibody in a population would be affected by the assay employed in the study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  14. Lum SK
    ANZ J Surg, 2013 Mar;83(3):118-21.
    PMID: 23320799 DOI: 10.1111/ans.12055
    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on medical practitioners' agreement will become a reality in the year 2015. Doctors registered in one ASEAN country will be given reciprocal recognition in another country under this agreement. Rapid and excessive movement of human resources between countries in a short span of time is undesirable and can be destabilizing. The surgical fraternity in the ASEAN countries should plan for a common surgical curriculum, a common examination and an ASEAN Board of Surgery so that standards of future trainees in different countries are comparable. The curriculum should take into consideration the diversity of the countries in socio-economic development. Ideally, it should be based on a public health approach to bring affordable quality surgical care to the masses in an efficient and effective manner.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia, Southeastern
  15. Wang S, Du Z, Li H
    Zootaxa, 2013;3669:401-55.
    PMID: 26312350
    The genus Proinalactis Meyrick, 1908 is reviewed in Southeast Asia. Twenty-seven new species are described based on the specimens collected in Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Burma, Philippines. The new species include P. alveiformis sp. nov., P. angusta sp. nov., P. bruneiensis sp. nov., P. conicispinalis sp. nov., P. ellipsoidea sp. nov., P. exiliprocessa sp. nov., P. extumida sp. nov., P. fascisetacea sp. nov., P. flagellaris sp. nov., P. foraininulata sp. nov., P. fortijuxtalis sp. nov., P. lancea sp. nov., P. latuncata sp. nov., P. longisaccata sp. nov., P. lophacantha sp. nov., P. medispinata sp. nov., P. palmifolia sp. nov., P. pectinifera sp. nov., P.sectoralis sp. nov., P. semiovata sp. nov., P. sinualis sp. nov., P. spinosicostalis sp. nov., P. strena sp. nov., P. superimposita sp. nov., P. truncatapicalis sp. nov., P. undulata sp. nov. and P. vulvida sp. nov. Promalactis parasuzukiella Wang, 2006 and P. simniliflora Wang, 2006 are recorded from Southeast Asia for the first time. Three species described by Lvovsky are fully redescribed. Images of adults and genitalia are provided, along with a check list of 71 species from Southeast Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia, Southeastern
  16. Kron T, Azhari HA, Voon EO, Cheung KY, Ravindran P, Soejoko D, et al.
    Australas Phys Eng Sci Med, 2015 Sep;38(3):493-501.
    PMID: 26346030 DOI: 10.1007/s13246-015-0373-2
    It was the aim of this work to assess and track the workload, working conditions and professional recognition of radiation oncology medical physicists (ROMPs) in the Asia Pacific region over time. In this third survey since 2008, a structured questionnaire was mailed in 2014 to 22 senior medical physicists representing 23 countries. As in previous surveys the questionnaire covered seven themes: 1 education, training and professional certification, 2 staffing, 3 typical tasks, 4 professional organisations, 5 resources, 6 research and teaching, and 7 job satisfaction. The response rate of 100% is a result of performing a survey through a network, which allows easy follow-up. The replies cover 4841 ROMPs in 23 countries. Compared to 2008, the number of medical physicists in many countries has doubled. However, the number of experienced ROMPs compared to the overall workforce is still small, especially in low and middle income countries. The increase in staff is matched by a similar increase in the number of treatment units over the years. Furthermore, the number of countries using complex techniques (IMRT, IGRT) or installing high end equipment (tomotherapy, robotic linear accelerators) is increasing. Overall, ROMPs still feel generally overworked and the professional recognition, while varying widely, appears to be improving only slightly. Radiation oncology medical physics practice has not changed significantly over the last 6 years in the Asia Pacific Region even if the number of physicists and the number and complexity of treatment techniques and technologies have increased dramatically.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  17. Phua J, Joynt GM, Nishimura M, Deng Y, Myatra SN, Chan YH, et al.
    Intensive Care Med, 2016 Jul;42(7):1118-27.
    PMID: 27071388 DOI: 10.1007/s00134-016-4347-y
    PURPOSE: To compare the attitudes of physicians towards withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatments in intensive care units (ICUs) in low-middle-income Asian countries and regions with those in high-income ones, and to explore differences in the role of families and surrogates, legal risks, and financial considerations between these countries and regions.

    METHODS: Questionnaire study conducted in May-December 2012 on 847 physicians from 255 ICUs in 10 low-middle-income countries and regions according to the World Bank's classification, and 618 physicians from 211 ICUs in six high-income countries and regions.

    RESULTS: After we accounted for personal, ICU, and hospital characteristics on multivariable analyses using generalised linear mixed models, physicians from low-middle-income countries and regions were less likely to limit cardiopulmonary resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, vasopressors and inotropes, tracheostomy and haemodialysis than those from high-income countries and regions. They were more likely to involve families in end-of-life care discussions and to perceive legal risks with limitation of life-sustaining treatments and do-not-resuscitate orders. Nonetheless, they were also more likely to accede to families' requests to withdraw life-sustaining treatments in a patient with an otherwise reasonable chance of survival on financial grounds in a case scenario (adjusted odds ratio 5.05, 95 % confidence interval 2.69-9.51, P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  18. Chua KH, Ng JG, Ng CC, Hilmi I, Goh KL, Kee BP
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1843.
    PMID: 27069792 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1843
    Crohn's disease (CD) is a prominent type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. CD is known to have higher prevalence in the Western countries, but the number of cases has been increasing in the past decades in Asia, including Malaysia. Therefore, there is a need to investigate the underlining causes of CD that may shed light on its prevention and treatment. In this study, genetic polymorphisms in NOD1 (rs2075820), CXCL16 (rs2277680), STAT6 (rs324015) and TLR4 (rs4986791) genes were examined in a total of 335 individuals (85 CD patients and 250 healthy controls) with PCR-RFLP approach. There was no significant association observed between NOD1 rs2075820 and STAT6 rs324015 with the onset of CD in the studied cohort. However, the G allele of CXCL16 rs2277680 was found to have a weak association with CD patients (P = 0.0482; OR = 1.4310). The TLR4 rs4986791 was also significantly associated to CD. Both the homozygous C genotype (P = 0.0029; OR = 0.3611) and C allele (P = 0.0069; OR = 0.4369) were observed to confer protection against CD. On the other hand, the heterozygous C/T genotype was a risk genotype (P = 0.0015; OR = 3.1392). Further ethnic-stratified analysis showed that the significant associations in CXCL16 rs2277680 and TLR4 rs4986791 were accounted by the Malay cohort. In conclusion, the present study reported two CD-predisposing loci in the Malay CD patients. However, these loci were not associated to the onset of CD in Chinese and Indian patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  19. Fry B, Carter JF, Tinggi U, Arman A, Kamal M, Metian M, et al.
    Isotopes Environ Health Stud, 2016 Dec;52(6):619-32.
    PMID: 26982881 DOI: 10.1080/10256016.2016.1149481
    To assess coastal ecosystem status and pollution baselines, prawns were collected from the commercial catches of eight Asia-Pacific countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand). Samples collected from 21 sites along regional coastlines were analysed for trace metal and stable isotopic compositions of H, C, N, O and S. A combination of simple averaging and multivariate analyses was used to evaluate the data. Sites could be assigned to easily recognise polluted and unpolluted groups based on the prawn results. Some filter-feeding clams were also collected and analysed together with the benthic-feeding prawns, and the prawns generally had lower trace metal burdens. Climate change effects were not strongly evident at this time, but altered ocean circulation and watershed run-off patterns accompanying future climate change are expected to change chemical patterns recorded by prawns along these and other coastlines. Stable isotopes, especially (15)N, can help to distinguish between relatively polluted and unpolluted sites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
  20. Abubakar IB, Lim KH, Kam TS, Loh HS
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2016 May 26;184:107-18.
    PMID: 26947901 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.03.004
    The genus Tabernaemontana has widespread distribution throughout tropical and subtropical parts of the world, i.e. Africa, Asia and America which has long been used for treatments of different disease conditions including tumours, wounds, syphilis, stomach ache and headache. Some Tabernaemontana species are used for treatment of piles, spleen and abdominal tumours in India. In particular, the leaf of Tabernaemontana corymbosa is used for treatment of tumours in Bangladesh. Parts of the plant or whole plants are used as decoctions, steam bath, powder and ointments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia
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