OBJECTIVE: To determine whether ASD-like phenomenon occurs in oral epithelial precursor lesions, and to speculate on its relevance.
METHODS: Twenty cases each of mild, moderate and severe oral dysplasia (inclusive of carcinoma-in-situ), and 10 normal oral mucosa (normal controls) were serial sectioned for H and E staining, and for microvessel density (MVD) scoring with CD31, CD34 and CD105. Microcapillary pattern images were digitally captured for 3-D reconstruction.
RESULTS: Oral ASD foci consisting of CD31- and CD34-positive capillary loops abutting onto the overlying dysplastic oral epithelium (and causing it to assume an irregular or papillary surface configuration) were identified in moderate (3/20; 15%) and severe dysplasia (13/20; 65%), but not in normal oral mucosa and mild dysplasia. MVD score demonstrated increasing vascularity as epithelium progressed from normal to severe dysplasia (p<0.05). CD105 demonstrated increase neovascularization in all dysplasia grades (p<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary findings taken together suggest that: 1. ASD-like phenomenon may be an important intermediary biomarker in oral precursor lesions; and 2. architectural alterations of the entire disturbed mucosa may be a more useful pre-malignancy index.
METHOD: tissue samples from a case of primary chondrosarcoma of the maxilla and its recurrent tumor were examined immunohistochemically for Notch1-4 and their ligands (Jagged1, Jagged2 and Delta1) expression.
RESULTS: both primary and recurrent tumors were histopathologically diagnosed as conventional hyaline chondrosarcoma (WHO Grade I). Hypercellular tumor areas strongly expressed Notch3 and Jagged1 in spindle and pleomorphic cells suggesting up-regulation of these protein molecules at sites of tumor proliferation. Expression patterns were distinct with some overlap. Differentiated malignant and atypical chondrocytes demonstrated variable expression levels of Jagged1, and weak to absent staining for Notch1, 4 and Delta1. Protein immunolocalization was largely membranous and cytoplasmic, sometimes outlining the lacunae of malignant chondrocytes. Hyaline cartilage demonstrated a diffuse or granular precipitation of Jagged1 suggesting presence of soluble Jagged1 activity at sites of abnormal chondrogenesis. No immunoreactivity for the other Notch members was observed. Calcified cartilage was consistently Notch-negative indicating down-regulation of Notch with cartilage maturation. Stromal components namely endothelial cells and fibroblasts variably expressed Notch1, 3 and Jagged1 but were mildly or non-reactive for the other members.
CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate that Notch signaling pathway may participate in cellular differentiation and proliferation in chondrosarcoma. Findings implicate Notch3 and Jagged1 as key molecules that influence the differentiation and maturation of cells of chondrogenic lineage.
METHODS: Two types of phantoms were developed: phantoms A and B. Phantom A was made from a base material consisting of polyvinyl chloride-plastisol with the addition of glycerol, whereas phantom B consisted of polyvinyl chloride-plastisol with the addition of graphite. Each phantom had a stiff and soft lesion shaped like a sphere, with a diameter of 1.4 cm. The phantoms were cuboids with dimensions of 10 × 10 cm2 and a thickness of 5 cm. A series of phantom evaluations was performed, consisting of density, elasticity, acoustic properties, B-mode ultrasound images, and strain ratio.
RESULTS: The characterisation results show that background A closely resembles fibroglandular tissue in terms of density and acoustic properties (<5% variation); background B only resembles fibroglandular tissue in terms of density (-1.8% variation). In terms of elasticity, both backgrounds were close to the minimum value of fibroglandular tissue elasticity. The soft lesion on the phantom had a slightly lower density and elasticity than the carcinoma, whereas its acoustic properties (speed of sound and attenuation coefficient) were slightly higher than those of the reference carcinoma. Both phantoms were consistent with the literature in terms of strain ratio, geometric accuracy, lesion detection, and mean pixel value and showed good potential stability over one year.
CONCLUSION: This study successfully described the fabrication and evaluation sequence of a phantom equivalent to breast fibroglandular tissue and its evaluation via ultrasound imaging.
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: This study offers proprietary information essential for the fabrication of phantoms that can be used for quality assurance and control in ultrasound imaging.
METHODS: Radiation dose received at left outer canthus (LOC) and left eyelid (LE) were measured using Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor dosimeters on 35 patients who underwent diagnostic or cerebral embolization procedures.
RESULTS: The radiation dose received at the LOC region was significantly higher than the dose received by the LE. The maximum eye lens dose of 1492 mGy was measured at LOC region for an AVM case, followed by 907 mGy for an aneurysm case and 665 mGy for a diagnostic angiography procedure. Strong correlations (shown as R(2)) were observed between kerma-area-product and measured eye doses (LOC: 0.78, LE: 0.68). Lateral and frontal air-kerma showed strong correlations with measured dose at LOC (AKL: 0.93, AKF: 0.78) and a weak correlation with measured dose at LE. A moderate correlation was observed between fluoroscopic time and dose measured at LE and LOC regions.
CONCLUSIONS: The MOSkin dose-monitoring system represents a new tool enabling real-time monitoring of eye lens dose during neuro-interventional procedures. This system can provide interventionalists with information needed to adjust the clinical procedure to control the patient's dose.
KEY POINTS: Real-time patient dose monitoring helps interventionalists to monitor doses. Strong correlation was observed between kerma-area-product and measured eye doses. Radiation dose at left outer canthus was higher than at left eyelid.