Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 125 in total

  1. Norfazilah Ahmad, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, Yee,San Khor, Kalaiarasan Gemini, Nur Atikah Bahrin, Nur Husnina Azhar, et al.
    Borneo Epidemiology Journal, 2020;1(1):35-45.
    Strategising, which is an effective workplace intervention to curb cardiovascular disease (CVD), requires understanding of the CVD risk related to a specific working population. The Framingham Risk Score (FRS) is widely used in predicting the ten-year CVD risk of various working populations. This study aimed to use FRS to determine the ten-year CVD risk amongst workers in a tertiary healthcare setting and its associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted on workers who participated in the special health check programme at the staff clinic of a tertiary healthcare institution in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A set of data sheets was used to retrieve the workers’ sociodemographic and CVD risk information. The prevalence of high, moderate and low ten-year CVD risk was 12.8%, 20.0% and 67.2%, respectively. Workers in the high-risk group were older [mean age: 54.81 (standard deviation, 5.72) years], male (44%), smokers (72.7%) and having hyperglycaemia (46.7%) and hypertriglyceridemia [median triglycerides: 1.75 (interquartile range, 1.45) mmol/L]. Diastolic blood pressure (aOR 1.07, 95% CI: 1.01,1.14), hyperglycaemia (aOR 8.80, 95% CI: 1.92,40.36) and hypertriglyceridemia (aOR 4.45, 95% CI: 1.78,11.09) were significantly associated with high ten-year CVD risk. Diastolic blood pressure (aOR 1.08, 95% CI: 1.03,1.13) and hypertriglyceridemia (aOR 2.51, 95% CI: 1.12-5.61) were significantly associated with moderate ten-year CVD risk. The prevalence of high and moderate ten-year CVD risk was relatively high. Amongst the workers in the high-risk group, they were older, male, smokers and with high fasting blood sugar and triglyceride. Understanding the ten-year CVD risk and its associated factors could be used to plan periodic workplace health assessment and monitor to prevent CVD
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  2. Mohd Faid AR, Zainudin MA, Yusmah M, Norizah M, Rosnah I
    Prevention of needle stick injuries (NSI) remained a challenge to the health care workers throughout the world. In Malaysia, efforts to prevent NSI among health care workers has been one ofthe emphases as these injuries may cause serious and potential fatal infections such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. This retrospective cohort study was done to determine factors related to prevalence of NSI among health care workers in government health facilities in Negeri Sembilan that were reported from 2001 until 2003. There were 101 cases of NSI reported affecting various categories of health staff and also paramedical trainees and medical students. The NSI occurs mostly in females (72.35%), age 30 years or less (73.2%), and trainees of medical or paramedical courses (45.4%). Other characteristics found are as follows: cases had attended SP courses (60.4%) , had less than 5 years in service (78.1%) and mostly never had NSI before (93.1%), However 84.2% of N SI among the respondents that have good and very good knowledge levels on NSI prevention. It is recommended that follow-up or audit on the practice of the Standard Precautions (SP) should be implemented following the training of staff. It is also important that medical trainees or paramedical students be adequately trained on SP before entering the clinical environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  3. Wong LP, Wu Q, Hao Y, Chen X, Chen Z, Alias H, et al.
    Int Health, 2021 May 04.
    PMID: 33945613 DOI: 10.1093/inthealth/ihab023
    BACKGROUND: We aimed to investigate the association between institution trust and public responses to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak.

    METHODS: An Internet-based, cross-sectional survey was administered on 29 January 2020. A total of 4393 adults ≥18 y of age and residing or working in the province of Hubei, central China were included in the study.

    RESULTS: The majority of the participants expressed a great degree of trust in the information and preventive instructions provided by the central government compared with the local government. Being under quarantine (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 2.35 [95% confidence interval {CI} 1.80 to 3.08]) and having a high institutional trust score (OR 2.23 [95% CI 1.96 to 2.53]) were both strong and significant determinants of higher preventive practices scores. The majority of study participants (n=3640 [85.7%]) reported that they would seek hospital treatment if they suspected themselves to have been infected with COVID-19. Few of the participants from Wuhan (n=475 [16.6%]) and those participants who were under quarantine (n=550 [13.8%]) expressed an unwillingness to seek hospital treatment.

    CONCLUSIONS: Institutional trust is an important factor influencing adequate preventive behaviour and seeking formal medical care during an outbreak.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  4. Chia YC, Devaraj NK, Chook JB, Chew MT, Ooi PB, Mohamed M, et al.
    Eur Heart J Suppl, 2021 May;23(Suppl B):B98-B100.
    PMID: 34054370 DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/suab058
    Despite hypertension remaining the leading cause of death worldwide, awareness of hypertension and its control rate is still suboptimal in Malaysia. This study aims to determine the proportion of both diagnosed and undiagnosed hypertension, awareness and its control rate during the yearly May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign that has been coordinated by the International Society of Hypertension. Participants aged ≥18 years were recruited at various screening sites namely universities, health facilities, shopping malls, and other sites. Participant's socio-demographic, environmental, and lifestyle data were captured using a questionnaire. Three blood pressure (BP) readings as well as anthropometric measurements were obtained from all participants. The mean of the second and third BP readings was used in analyses. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥140 mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg or taking antihypertensive medication. A total of 3062 participants were recruited. The proportion with hypertension in our study was 18.7% (n = 572). The proportion who were aware of their BP status was 63.2%. More than half (57.2%) of the hypertensives were on antihypertensive medication and 70.3% of those treated were controlled. In conclusion, in this BP screening campaign, one in five were hypertensive with almost two thirds aware of their hypertensive status. BP control among those who are taking medications was high at 70% but under 60% of hypertensives were on treatment. Hypertension screening programmes are important to promote awareness and control of hypertension as well as to reduce the devastating complications associated with this disorder.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  5. Sami W, Ansari T, Butt NS, Hamid MRA
    Int J Health Sci (Qassim), 2017 Apr-Jun;11(2):65-71.
    PMID: 28539866
    Globally, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is considered as one of the most common diseases. The etiology of T2DM is complex and is associated with irreversible risk factors such as age, genetic, race, and ethnicity and reversible factors such as diet, physical activity and smoking. The objectives of this review are to examine various studies to explore relationship of T2DM with different dietary habits/patterns and practices and its complications. Dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle are the major factors for rapidly rising incidence of DM among developing countries. In type 2 diabetics, recently, elevated HbA1c level has also been considered as one of the leading risk factors for developing microvascular and macrovascular complications. Improvement in the elevated HbA1c level can be achieved through diet management; thus, the patients could be prevented from developing the diabetes complications. Awareness about diabetes complications and consequent improvement in dietary knowledge, attitude, and practices lead to better control of the disease. The stakeholders (health-care providers, health facilities, agencies involved in diabetes care, etc.) should encourage patients to understand the importance of diet which may help in disease management, appropriate self-care and better quality of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  6. Hanihaselah, M.S., Norasikin, M.
    Background : The management of chronic disease during flood seems to be one of the main challenges to the health care service. Chronic disease becomes worst during flood. Poor condition at the relief centres, loss of assets, fear, and lack of functional health facilities contribute to the morbidity and mortality during and after flood. Poor chronic disease management, especially on severe and uncontrolled hypertension, may threaten lives of victims during flood. In addition, comprehensive treatment cannot be delivered due to destroyed infrastructure, shortage of doctors on duty and delay in getting drug supply. Therefore, all aspects of chronic disease management shall be reviewed and included in the disaster preparedness in order to control and prevent acute incidence and complications of the chronic diseases. Previous Action Plan did not address this issue effectively which had caused many patients not getting their treatment adequately. The aim of this writing is to share experiences in managing chronic disease patients particularly hypertensive patients.
    Methodology : A retrospective study based on data collection by health personnel while conducting health screening, clinical examination and giving treatment to flood victims at the relief centres. Hypertensive patients were identified when the victims came for treatment and while the medical team conducting medical rounds. New hypertensive cases as well as uncontrolled cases with no complication were treated and monitored at the relief centres.
    Result : It was found that 34,530 cases of non communicable disease (11.1% of the total number of the flood victims) including hypertension and diabetes mellitus were reported in Johor. Kota Tinggi reported a total number of 5,317 cases of chronic disease. There was no data collection on specific chronic diseases collected at the state level during the floods thus the findings representing Kota Tinggi cases only. In retrospective search of 150 flood victims with hypertension in Kota Tinggi, only 95 cases had complete data. Among them 71.6% (68 cases) were hypertensive cases already on treatment and 28.4% (27 cases) were new cases. Also it has been found that 67.4% (64 cases) were uncontrolled hypertension and 32.6% (31 cases) were controlled hypertension. Four cases had been found diagnosed as uncontrolled hypertension with complications and have been referred to hospital.
    Conclusion : Comprehensive health strategy for flood victims shall not be focused only on saving lives and giving emergency treatment to patients but also to update and strengthen an overall chronic disease management. Many factors contributed to increase in blood pressure during flooding. Good hypertensive treatment at the relief centres is needed to minimise morbidity and mortality. Information on care and treatment received by flood victims having chronic disease is vital in assessing their health needs during disaster and in formulating disaster preparedness in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  7. Hassan N, A. Rahman K, Aris Kasah M, Jusoh M
    A qualitative research was carried out in Besut and Kuala Terengganu to identyy adolescents’ health problems and needs jiom adolescent perspective, and to establish a priority area in the development of Adolescent Health Clinic in the district. A total of 61 adolescents were selected and divided into four groups and stratified according to age, 13-15 years old and 16 - 17 years old. Generally all participants wished to live in an environment free hom negative health risk factors. The obstacles they perceived were mainly related to lack of care or too much control by their parents. Some of them perceived that their parents in general had inadequate knowledge and skills on parenting. Among local behavioural problems mentioned were loafing, running away from home, vandalism, school absenteeism, aggressive behaviour, substance abuse, pre-marital sexual activities, "bohsia", “bohjan" and even involvement in crimes. More than hah' agreed that counselling service is important for adolescents, and it should be made available in the community preferably outside the schools. They perceived an adolescent friendly health clinic concept as an important concept that should be introduced. To them adolescent friendly health clinic is a clinic run by professionals who are knowledgeable, caring, good listeners, non—judgemental, and who exercise confidentiality. The clinic preferably should be situated in a location which is away from the present health facilities to avoid the image of a place for sick people. Clinic hours preferably during weekends, should provide appropriate technologies and situated in a comfortable ambience. Adolescent participation in the clinic was also mentioned as an important entity for adolescent friendly health services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  8. Shaharom, N.A., Nyamah, M.A., Norashikin, M., Zaharah, M.S., Zuhaida, A.J., Norb, H., et al.
    The state of Johore suffered a massive flood disaster from 19th December 2006 to 1st January and from 12th January to 19th February 2007. The possible upsurge of dengue was of foremost concern and led to efforts in increasing control activities. Anyone with history of high fever with at least two symptoms of severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscles and joint paint, rashes and petechiae were notified as dengue. Active and passive case finding was initiated at all 371 evacuation centres as well through health facilities and hospitals through an active surveillance system. Presumptive larval survey was also carried together with control activities by 46 health teams. Data were collected using the format ‘Aktiviti harian kawalan denggi di kawasan pos banjir- Lampiran E‘ and ‘Laporan aktiviti harian kawalan denggi di pusat pemindahan banjir – Lampiran D2’. Dengue serology and blood film for malaria was sent for as well as vector species identification. A total of 594 dengue cases were reported for the period of 19th December 2006 till 19th February 2007, which was an increase in comparison to the 5-year median but less than that reported in year 2006. However only 14 (2.3%) cases were from flood affected areas. During the flood phase, a total of 5,929 inspections were carried out at the evacuation centres with Aedes Index (AI) of 1.86%, while the post flood period showed a lower index. However Breteau Index (BI) and Container Index (CI) were higher. Preventive fogging were carried out at the evacuation centres using adulticides, thermal fogging was carried out at 21,959 premises (40.04% of inspected premises) and 350.6 L adulticides (malathion, fenitrothion and permethrin) were used. Dengue was expected to increase during flood as a result of increase Aedes potential breeding sites. However with intensive and integrated control activities, Johore was able to minimize the impact of flood for vector-borne diseases as seen from the low cases reported in flood related areas. A special guidelines for surveillance and control was developed during this flood as a reference for future occurrences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  9. Yassin Ibrahim, Rosnah Sutan, Khalib Bin Abdul Latif, Al - Abed A. Al - Abed, Amara, Ahmed, Adam, Ishag
    Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) plays an important role in the treatment outcomes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Poor adherence would result in failure to prevent viral replication as well as an increased risk of developing drug resistance. Adherence to a life long treatment such as antiretroviral therapy is usually a complicated issue that requires careful and continuous collaboration of patient, family and healthcare provider. The objective of this study was to assess adherence to antiretroviral therapy and its associated factors among people living with HIV. This is a health facility-based cross sectional study conducted among adults’ people living with HIV in Omdurman HIV/AIDS centre, Sudan. Data was collected through direct interview using semi-structured questionnaire. There were only 144/846 (17.02%) who adhered to antiretroviral therapy as prescribed by their doctors. The remaining 51.18% were taking the therapy but not regularly, 31.21% were taking it but currently not and 0.59% stated that they have never taken any antiretroviral therapy. Factors associated with poor adherence that have been identified include female gender (Adj. OR = 3.46 (95%CI: 1.46-8.21), P = 0.005), younger age (Adj. OR = 1.14 (95%CI: 1.02-1.28), P = 0.022), being unemployed (Adj. OR = 5.94 (95%CI: 1.51-23.40), P = 0.011), those who were divorced, separated or widowed (Adj. OR = 11.35 (95%CI: 1.74-73.96), P = 0.011) and respondents who perceived that their health status is poor (Adj. OR = 5.21 (95%CI: 1.44-18.81), P = 0.012) or very poor (Adj. OR = 4.04 (95%CI: 1.27-12.81), P = 0.018). Educational level and social support against HIV-related stigma and discrimination were not significantly associated with adherence. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy among the respondents is very poor. Urgent interventions based on modifiable factors and mainly targeting females and younger age group are needed to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  10. Ng, S.Y., Saleha, A.A, Bejo, S.K., Dhaliwal, G.K.
    Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia, 2016;28(2):12-16.
    Multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) such as multidrug-resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii and Escherichia coli are important pathogens associated with nosocomial infections in both human and animal health care facilities. Surfaces of inanimate objects in health care facilities can serve as sources of infection. However, studies on prevalence of these pathogens in veterinary settings are lacking in the country. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the occurrence of A. baumannii and E. coli and the occurrence of MDR isolates on surfaces of inanimate objects in veterinary health care facilities in Klang Valley, Malaysia. In this study, swab samples were taken from 65 surfaces of inanimate objects that included door knobs, examination tables, labcoats, stethoscopes and weighing scales. The swab samples were cultured and all isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility test. The study revealed that the occurrence of A. baumannii was 9.23% and 5 out of 6 (83.33%) A. baumannii isolates were classified as MDR. However, no E. coli was isolated. In conclusion, surfaces of inanimate objects can be a source of MDR A. baumannii in veterinary health care facilities that is of animal and public health concern.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  11. Arshat H, Kim KS, Jalil AH
    Malays J Reprod Health, 1985 Jun;3(1):59-63.
    PMID: 12314428
    A total of 552 women in 1983 have undergone laparoscopic sterilization under local anesthesia with sedation in the family planning clinic at Maternity Hospital and the Specialist Center at Batu Complex. A review was made to evaluate the risks, benefits, and safety of outpatient surgery in view of the shortage of anesthetic personnel, operating theaters and costs to patients if general anesthesia were to be used instead. Anesthetic complications (0.9%) were found to be of a very minor nature, not requiring hospitalization. Surgical complication was higher at 3.8%. There was a high rate (21%) of difficulties encountered at operation, 15% for medical officers and trainees but only 6% for specialists. In summary, a very low complication rate was encountered with local anesthetics. The use of local anesthesia with sedation is advocated. This cuts down on costs, hospitalization and recovey time and overcomes the perennial problem of shortage of anesthetic staff and operating theaters. The rate of the surgical complications was related to the surgeon's experience.

    Study site: family planning clinic at Maternity Hospital and the Specialist Center at Batu Comple
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  12. Chew BH, Cheong AT, Ismail M, Hamzah Z, A-Rashid MR, Md-Yasin M, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2016 Jan 07;6(1):e009375.
    PMID: 26743703 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009375
    OBJECTIVE: To examine impressions of public healthcare providers/professionals (PHCPs) who are working closely with family medicine specialists (FMSs) at public health clinics.

    DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.

    SETTING: This study is part of a larger national study on the perception of Malaysian public healthcare professionals on FMSs (PERMFAMS).

    PARTICIPANTS: PHCPs from three categories of health facility: hospitals, health clinics and health offices.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Qualitative analyses of written comments of respondents' general impression of FMSs.

    RESULTS: The participants' response rate was 58.0% (780/1345), with almost equal proportions from each public healthcare facility. A total of 23 categories for each of the 648 impression comments were identified. The six emerging themes were: (1) importance of FMSs; (2) roles of FMSs; (3) clinical performance of FMSs; (4) attributes of FMSs; (5) FMS practice challenges; (6) misconception of FMS roles. Overall, FMS practice was perceived to be safe and able to provide effective treatments in a challenging medical discipline that was in line with the current standards of medical care and ethical and professional values. The areas of concern were in clinical performance expressed by PHCPs from some hospitals and the lack of personal attributes and professionalism among FMSs mentioned by PHCPs from health clinics and offices.

    CONCLUSIONS: FMSs were perceived to be capable of providing effective treatment and were considered to be important primary care physicians. There were a few negative impressions in some areas of FMS practice, which demanded attention by the FMSs themselves and the relevant authorities in order to improve efficiency and safeguard the fraternity's reputation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  13. Hossain MS, Rahman NN, Balakrishnan V, Puvanesuaran VR, Sarker MZ, Kadir MO
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2013 Jan 31;10(2):556-67.
    PMID: 23435587 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph10020556
    The present study was undertaken to determine the bacterial agents present in various clinical solid wastes, general waste and clinical sharp waste. The waste was collected from different wards/units in a healthcare facility in Penang Island, Malaysia. The presence of bacterial agents in clinical and general waste was determined using the conventional bacteria identification methods. Several pathogenic bacteria including opportunistic bacterial agent such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pyogenes were detected in clinical solid wastes. The presence of specific pathogenic bacterial strains in clinical sharp waste was determined using 16s rDNA analysis. In this study, several nosocomial pathogenic bacteria strains of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Lysinibacillus sphaericus, Serratia marcescens, and Staphylococcus aureus were detected in clinical sharp waste. The present study suggests that waste generated from healthcare facilities should be sterilized at the point of generation in order to eliminate nosocomial infections from the general waste or either of the clinical wastes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  14. Abu Talib R, Idris IB, Sutan R, Ahmad N, Abu Bakar N
    Iran J Public Health, 2018 Nov;47(11):1694-1702.
    PMID: 30581786
    Background: This cross-sectional was aimed to assess the prevalence of pre-pregnancy care services usage and its determinant factors among women of reproductive age in Kedah, Malaysia.

    Methods: Overall, 1347 respondents who attended 24 government health clinics, were chosen using systematic multistage random sampling. A validated self-administered questionnaire which consisted of sections including socio-demographic characteristics, social support, knowledge on pre-pregnancy care, perception on risk of pregnancy, health status, as well as intention and awareness on pre-pregnancy care services were distributed.

    Results: The prevalence of utilization of pre-pregnancy care services was still low i.e. 44.0%. Bivariate and multivariate analysis showed consistent significant level between all factors and pre-pregnancy care usage except for family planning practice. The factors that showed significant difference with the usage of pre-pregnancy care services were age of more than 35 (P<0.001), high education level (P<0.001), non-working mothers (P<0.001), multipara (P=0.001), awareness on the existence of pre-pregnancy care services in government health facilities (P<0.001), intention to use the services (P=0.0030), having medical illness (P=0.005), having social support (P=0.001), high knowledge (P<0.001), and positive perception (P<0.001).

    Conclusion: Low usage of pre-pregnancy care services can be improved through health screening on reproductive-aged women with positive determinant factors at the triage level in integrated clinics. Information and knowledge on pre-pregnancy services should be disseminated among community members through various means including roadshows and pre-wedding workshops.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  15. Arshat H, Othman R, Kuan Lin Chee, Abdullah M
    JOICFP Rev, 1985 Oct;10:10-5.
    PMID: 12313881
    The NADI program (pulse in Malay) was initially launched as a pilot project in 1980 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It utilized an integrated approach involving both the government and the private sectors. By sharing resources and expertise, and by working together, the government and the people can achieve national development faster and with better results. The agencies work through a multi-level supportive structure, at the head of which is the steering committee. The NADI teams at the field level are the focal points of services from the various agencies. Members of NADI teams also work with urban poor families as well as health groups, parents-teachers associations, and other similar groups. The policy and planning functions are carried out by the steering committee, the 5 area action committees and the community action committees, while the implementation function is carried out by the area program managers and NADI teams. The chairman of each area action committee is the head of the branch office of city hall. Using intestinal parasite control as the entry point, the NADI Integrated Family Development Program has greatly helped in expanding inter-agency cooperation and exchange of experiences by a coordinated, effective and efficient resource-mobilization. The program was later expanded to other parts of the country including the industrial and estate sectors. Services provided by NADI include: comprehensive health services to promote maternal and child health; adequate water supply, proper waste disposal, construction of latrines and providing electricity; and initiating community and family development such as community education, preschool education, vocational training, family counseling and building special facilities for recreational and educational purposes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities, Proprietary*
  16. Chew BH, Lee PY, Cheong AT, Ismail M, Shariff-Ghazali S, Goh PP
    Prim Care Diabetes, 2016 10;10(5):383-6.
    PMID: 27459893 DOI: 10.1016/j.pcd.2016.07.003
    A persistent and increasing prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus has recently been reported in the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2015. This commentary recapitulates the relevant and valuable lessons in the Malaysian national diabetes registries to inform the healthcare stakeholders and policy makers on potential areas of clinical practice improvement and future researches. Under performance of the process measures and sub-optimal control of HbA1c, blood pressure and lipids profile were prevalent (<40% achieved treatment targets). Although these had improved slightly from 2009 to 2012, diabetes co-morbidities (hypertension and dyslipidaemia) and complications had also increased. Prevalence of insulin use had doubled, and lipid lowering agent use had increased about 50% in 2012 compared to 2009. We identified six clinical areas for urgent attention and improvement, and three potential areas for future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities*
  17. Musa R, Abu Bakar AZ, Ali Khan U
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2012 Sep;24(5):826-32.
    PMID: 21490111 DOI: 10.1177/1010539511404396
    BACKGROUND: The commencement of methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) in 2005 represents a quantum leap in the management of heroin dependence in Malaysia.
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the 2-year outcomes of this modality in the treatment of heroin dependence with respect to the quality of life (QOL), heroin abstinence, and rate of employment among heroin dependants attending the Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital (HTAA) MMT clinic.
    METHOD: This was an experimental study in which the second QOL assessment was conducted 2 years after treatment initiation.
    RESULTS: A total of 172 patients enrolled at the point of entry to the MMT program. The authors examined 107 patients who remained in the program 2 years later (62.6% retention rate). A paired t test demonstrated significant improvements in all 4 domains of QOL (physical, psychological, social relationships, and environment; P < .001). The most marked improvement was noted in the psychological domain.
    CONCLUSION: The MMT program at HTAA is effective in improving the QOL among heroin dependants.
    Study site: MMT clinic, Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  18. Mahmood MI, Daud F, Ismail A
    Public Health, 2016 Jun;135:56-65.
    PMID: 26976488 DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.07.043
    OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of glycaemic control and factors associated with poor glycaemic control [glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) ≥6.5%] among patients with type 2 diabetes treated in public health clinics in Johor, Malaysia.

    STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.

    METHODS: A review of all patients aged over 18 years and with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes for >1 year. The National Diabetic Registry was used as the database for attendees at public health clinics in Johor Bahru between January and December 2013. A required sample of 660 was calculated, and a random sampling method was applied to acquire patient information across the 13 public health clinics in Johor Bahru. All relevant information (e.g. HbA1c, type of treatment and other parameters for glycaemic control) were abstracted from the registry.

    RESULTS: Sixty-eight percent of 706 patients had HbA1c >6.5%, and mean HbA1c was 7.8%. Younger patients (72.3%) had poorer glycaemic control than older patients (63.0%), and most patients with poor glycaemic control were obese (79.2%). Approximately 31.7% of patients did not achieve the target blood pressure <130/80 mmHg, and 58.5% did not achieve the target lipid profile. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that age (<60 years), sex (male), duration of diabetes (>5 years), body mass index (obese), type of treatment (diet therapy vs combination therapy) and abnormal lipid profile were significantly associated with increased odds of HbA1C >6.5%.

    CONCLUSIONS: More than half (68%) of the patients with diabetes had HbA1c >6.5%. This highlights the importance of providing organized care to manage patients with diabetes in the primary care setting, such as weight reduction programmes, proper prescribing treatment, and age- and gender-specific groups to ensure good glycaemic control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  19. Chua S, Viegas OA, Ratnam SS
    Asia Pac Popul J, 1990 Mar;5(1):125-34.
    PMID: 12283342
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
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