METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted between January 2013 and December 2015 in Cu Chi General Hospital. The following dengue-related treatment costs were calculated: hospitalisation, diagnosis, specialised services, drug usage and medical supplies. Average cost per case and treatment cost across different age was calculated.
RESULTS: In the study period, 1672 patients with dengue fever were hospitalised. The average age was 24.98 (SD = 14.10) years, and 47.5% were males (795 patients). Across age groups, the average cost per episode was USD 48.10 (SD = 3.22). The highest costs (USD 56.61, SD = 48.84) were incurred in the adult age group (> 15 years), and the lowest costs (USD 30.10, SD = 17.27) were incurred in the paediatric age group (< 15 years).
CONCLUSION: The direct medical costs of dengue-related hospitalisation place a severe economic burden on patients and their families. The probable economic value of dengue management in Vietnam is significant.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted from the healthcare providers' perspective from January 1st to June 30th 2014. TH is a university teaching hospital in the capital city, while GH is a state-level general hospital. Both are government-funded cardiac referral centers. Clinical data was extracted from a national cardiac registry. Cost data was collected using mixed method of top-down and bottom-up approaches. Total hospitalization cost per PCI patient was summed up from the costs of ward admission and cardiac catheterization laboratory utilization. Clinical characteristics were compared with chi-square and independent t-test, while hospitalization length and cost were analyzed using Mann-Whitney test.
RESULTS: The mean hospitalization cost was RM 12,117 (USD 3,366) at GH and RM 16,289 (USD 4,525) at TH. The higher cost at TH can be attributed to worse patients' comorbidities and cardiac status. In contrast, GH recorded a lower mean length of stay as more patients had same-day discharge, resulting in 29% reduction in mean cost of admission compared to TH. For both hospitals, PCI consumables accounted for the biggest proportion of total cost.
CONCLUSIONS: The high PCI consumables cost highlighted the importance of cost-effective purchasing mechanism. Findings on the heterogeneity of the patients, treatment practice and hospitalization cost between TH and GH are vital for formulation of cost-saving strategies to ensure sustainable and equitable cardiac service in Malaysia.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Second Victim Experience and Support Tool for Recovery (SVEST-R) questionnaire was utilized to conduct an anonymous survey on the healthcare providers in Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) from August to October 2018.
RESULTS: A total of 482 respondents participated in the survey and 46.1% of the respondents reported SVE following their involvement in PSIs. Notably, symptoms such as flashbacks, fear, and stress tend to persist for longer durations compared to other symptoms. It is worth noting that non-work-related support received the highest mean (medical doctors = 3.83; nurses = 3.70), indicating that respondents preferred to seek emotional support from their friends and families. Furthermore, nurses reported a significantly higher experience of absenteeism following PSIs than doctors (p=0.003). In addition, most respondents expressed a desire for discussion or counselling with a respected peer or supervisor following their involvement in PSIs.
CONCLUSION: Present study reported a relatively high prevalence of SVE among healthcare providers at SGH. Hence, proactive measures, including non-work related and supervisor support, are essential in facilitating their overall well-being and successful recovery.