Displaying publications 101 - 113 of 113 in total

  1. Self L
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 2016 07 06;95(1):10-4.
    PMID: 26880771 DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0817
    Insecticide-treated mosquito nets were first put to practical use in the Western Pacific Region. Less than a decade after conducting workshops and other promotional activities, millions of people were protected by 1989. This occurred before the availability of commercially produced pretreated nets and before global funding for mass net distribution. This paper describes the sequence of steps leading to regional control success. The beginning stages in 1979 recognized that treating torn mosquito nets was a viable control option. Basic net treatment procedures were established by 1983 and workshops were held the next 2 years in China, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. Malaria staff became convinced of net benefits and were motivated to impart their knowledge to others. Village inhabitants soaked the nets in washbasins containing permethrin or deltamethrin solution, then dried them horizontally on mats. By the 1990s, the population protected by nets had appreciably increased, and regional malaria cases confirmed by microscopy were markedly reduced. This coincided with commercial interest to mass-produce pretreated mosquito nets for worldwide use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  2. Panneerselvam C, Murugan K, Roni M, Aziz AT, Suresh U, Rajaganesh R, et al.
    Parasitol Res, 2016 Mar;115(3):997-1013.
    PMID: 26612497 DOI: 10.1007/s00436-015-4828-x
    Malaria remains a major public health problem due to the emergence and spread of Plasmodium falciparum strains resistant to chloroquine. There is an urgent need to investigate new and effective sources of antimalarial drugs. This research proposed a novel method of fern-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) using a cheap plant extract of Pteridium aquilinum, acting as a reducing and capping agent. AgNP were characterized by UV-vis spectrophotometry, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Phytochemical analysis of P. aquilinum leaf extract revealed the presence of phenols, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, proteins, carbohydrates, saponins, glycosides, steroids, and triterpenoids. LC/MS analysis identified at least 19 compounds, namely pterosin, hydroquinone, hydroxy-acetophenone, hydroxy-cinnamic acid, 5, 7-dihydroxy-4-methyl coumarin, trans-cinnamic acid, apiole, quercetin 3-glucoside, hydroxy-L-proline, hypaphorine, khellol glucoside, umbelliferose, violaxanthin, ergotamine tartrate, palmatine chloride, deacylgymnemic acid, methyl laurate, and palmitoyl acetate. In DPPH scavenging assays, the IC50 value of the P. aquilinum leaf extract was 10.04 μg/ml, while IC50 of BHT and rutin were 7.93 and 6.35 μg/ml. In mosquitocidal assays, LC50 of P. aquilinum leaf extract against Anopheles stephensi larvae and pupae were 220.44 ppm (larva I), 254.12 ppm (II), 302.32 ppm (III), 395.12 ppm (IV), and 502.20 ppm (pupa). LC50 of P. aquilinum-synthesized AgNP were 7.48 ppm (I), 10.68 ppm (II), 13.77 ppm (III), 18.45 ppm (IV), and 31.51 ppm (pupa). In the field, the application of P. aquilinum extract and AgNP (10 × LC50) led to 100 % larval reduction after 72 h. Both the P. aquilinum extract and AgNP reduced longevity and fecundity of An. stephensi adults. Smoke toxicity experiments conducted against An. stephensi adults showed that P. aquilinum leaf-, stem-, and root-based coils evoked mortality rates comparable to the permethrin-based positive control (57, 50, 41, and 49 %, respectively). Furthermore, the antiplasmodial activity of P. aquilinum leaf extract and green-synthesized AgNP was evaluated against CQ-resistant (CQ-r) and CQ-sensitive (CQ-s) strains of P. falciparum. IC50 of P. aquilinum were 62.04 μg/ml (CQ-s) and 71.16 μg/ml (CQ-r); P. aquilinum-synthesized AgNP achieved IC50 of 78.12 μg/ml (CQ-s) and 88.34 μg/ml (CQ-r). Overall, our results highlighted that fern-synthesized AgNP could be candidated as a new tool against chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum and different developmental instars of its primary vector An. stephensi. Further research on nanosynthesis routed by the LC/MS-identified constituents is ongoing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  3. Hung KK, Lin AK, Cheng CK, Chan EY, Graham CA
    Postgrad Med J, 2015 Mar;91(1073):127-31.
    PMID: 25673799 DOI: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2014-133126
    Malaria remains a significant cause of travel-related mortality and morbidity. Asians are known to have higher risks because they are less careful in pre-travel health preparations. This study reports on a cohort of travellers to malaria-prone regions examined in a previous study, which explored general levels of pre-travel health preparation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  4. Balami AD, Md Said S, Mohd Zulkefli NA, Bachok N, Audu B
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2020 Nov 25;20(1):726.
    PMID: 33238901 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-020-03388-8
    BACKGROUND: Studies on uptake of first dose of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) are lacking, despite it being a predictor of subsequent doses. This study aimed at assessing the determinants of uptake of first dose of IPTp among pregnant women at the State Specialist Hospital, Maiduguri.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted, in which respondents were selected using a systematic random sampling method, and structured questionnaires were used to obtain information from them. Chi-squared test was used to determine factors associated with uptake of first IPTp dose, while a further multivariate logistic regression was performed to determine its predictors.

    RESULTS: Three hundred and eighty respondents answered the survey, whose ages ranged from 15 to 45 years, and 86.8% were multigravid. Sixty five percent of them were aware of IPTp, and 34.7% believed that IPTp could be harmful to their pregnancies. Over a half of the respondents (52.9%) believed that taking all their IPTp medicines was very good for their pregnancies, while 45.0% felt that taking their IPTp medicines was very pleasant. Only two respondents (0.5%) stated that it was very untrue that their significant others thought that they should take all their IPTp medicines. Half of the respondents said it was very easy for them to take all their IPTp medicines even if they were experiencing mild discomforts while taking them. Less than a half (42.37%) had received their first dose of IPTp. In bivariate as well as multivariate analysis, only higher level of knowledge was significantly associated with uptake of first IPTp dose. Those with better knowledge of IPTp were about twice more likely to have taken their first dose of IPTp, compared to those with lower knowledge of IPTp (AOR = 1.85; 95% CI: 1.17-2.92).

    CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of IPTp as well as its uptake, were sub-optimal in this study. Since knowledge of IPTp significantly predicts uptake of the first dose of IPTp, there is the need to implement health education campaigns to raise the awareness of pregnant women and their families on the need to receive and comply with it.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  5. Idris ZM, Chan CW, Mohammed M, Kalkoa M, Taleo G, Junker K, et al.
    Parasit Vectors, 2017 Apr 26;10(1):204.
    PMID: 28441959 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-2139-z
    BACKGROUND: Seroepidemiology can provide evidence for temporal changes in malaria transmission and is an important tool to evaluate the effectiveness of control interventions. During the early 2000s, Vanuatu experienced an acute increase in malaria incidence due to a lapse in funding for vector control. After the distribution of subsidised insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) resumed in 2003, malaria incidence decreased in the subsequent years. This study was conducted to find the serological evidence supporting the impact of ITN on exposure to Anopheles vector bites and parasite prevalence.

    METHODS: On Ambae Island, blood samples were collected from 231 and 282 individuals in 2003 and 2007, respectively. Parasite prevalence was determined by microscopy. Antibodies to three Plasmodium falciparum (PfSE, PfMSP-119, and PfAMA-1) and three Plasmodium vivax (PvSE, PvMSP-119, and PvAMA-1) antigens, as well as the Anopheles-specific salivary antigen gSG6, were detected by ELISA. Age-specific seroprevalence was analysed using a reverse catalytic modelling approach to estimate seroconversion rates (SCRs).

    RESULTS: Parasite rate decreased significantly (P malaria prevalence on Ambae Island between 2003 and 2007. The recombinant gSG6 antigen originally developed to indicate exposure to the Afrotropical vector An. gambiae may be used in the Pacific to complement the traditional measure of entomological inoculation rate (EIR).

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  6. Subramaniam J, Murugan K, Panneerselvam C, Kovendan K, Madhiyazhagan P, Kumar PM, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2015 Dec;22(24):20067-83.
    PMID: 26300364 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5253-5
    Mosquito-borne diseases represent a deadly threat for millions of people worldwide. However, the use of synthetic insecticides to control Culicidae may lead to high operational costs and adverse non-target effects. Plant-borne compounds have been proposed for rapid extracellular synthesis of mosquitocidal nanoparticles. Their impact against biological control agents of mosquito larval populations has been poorly studied. We synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNP) using the aqueous leaf extract of Mimusops elengi as a reducing and stabilizing agent. The formation of AgNP was studied using different biophysical methods, including UV-vis spectrophotometry, TEM, XRD, EDX and FTIR. Low doses of AgNP showed larvicidal and pupicidal toxicity against the malaria vector Anopheles stephensi and the arbovirus vector Aedes albopictus. AgNP LC50 against A. stephensi ranged from 12.53 (I instar larvae) to 23.55 ppm (pupae); LC50 against A. albopictus ranged from 11.72 ppm (I) to 21.46 ppm (pupae). In the field, the application of M. elengi extract and AgNP (10 × LC50) led to 100 % larval reduction after 72 h. In adulticidal experiments, AgNP showed LC50 of 13.7 ppm for A. stephensi and 14.7 ppm for A. albopictus. The predation efficiency of Gambusia affinis against A. stephensi and A. albopictus III instar larvae was 86.2 and 81.7 %, respectively. In AgNP-contaminated environments, predation was 93.7 and 88.6 %, respectively. This research demonstrates that M. elengi-synthesized AgNP may be employed at ultra-low doses to reduce larval populations of malaria and arbovirus vectors, without detrimental effects on predation rates of mosquito natural enemies, such as larvivorous fishes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  7. Othman AS, Lin JW, Franke-Fayard BM, Kroeze H, van Pul FJA, Chevalley-Maurel S, et al.
    Mol Biochem Parasitol, 2018 Sep;224:44-49.
    PMID: 30053393 DOI: 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2018.07.009
    The transmission-blocking vaccine candidate Pfs48/45 from the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is known to be difficult to express in heterologous systems, either as full-length protein or as correctly folded protein fragments that retain conformational epitopes. In this study we express full-length Pfs48/45 in the rodent parasite P. berghei. Pfs48/45 is expressed as a transgene under control of the strong P. berghei schizont-specific msp1 gene promoter (Pfs48/45@PbMSP1). Pfs48/45@PbMSP1 schizont-infected red blood cells produced full-length Pfs48/45 and the structural integrity of Pfs48/45 was confirmed using a panel of conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies that bind to different Pfs48/45 epitopes. Sera from mice immunized with transgenic Pfs48/45@PbMSP1 schizonts showed strong transmission-reducing activity in mosquitoes infected with P. falciparum using standard membrane feeding. These results demonstrate that transgenic rodent malaria parasites expressing human malaria antigens may be used as means to evaluate immunogenicity and functionality of difficult to express malaria vaccine candidate antigens.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  8. Hii JL, Chee KC, Vun YS, Awang J, Chin KH, Kan SK
    PMID: 9185261
    The district of Kudat has one of the highest and most persistent malaria transmission levels in Sabah, Malaysia, with annual parasite incidence of 102 per 1,000 inhabitants per year. Due to this situation and the failure of DDT spraying to control malaria, a community participation health program (Sukarelawan Penjagaan Kesihatan Primer or SPKP) was developed as an adjunct to current anti-malarial measures during 1987-1991. SPKP is made up of unpaid community workers known as village health volunteers (VHVs). VHVs are selected by a village development and security committees training and supervision a member of the Vector-Borne Diseases Control Program (VBDCP). The beneficiaries of SPKP consisted primarily of Runggus people and other remote, and mobile populations who visit the home of a VHV for diagnosis and treatment. This group of febrile patients and their children who attend a participating school submit finger prick blood and personal details to the VHV. and receive a presumptive treatment for malaria. Thick and thin blood smears are examined by a VBDCP microscopist who then prepare and forward a radical or curative treatment to the VHV so that it can be administered to the microscopically-positive patient free of charge. Between June 1987 to June 1991, VHVs from 32 kampungs (villages) and 22 schools collected 56,245 slides representing 24.7% of total slide collection compared to 74.9% collected by passive case detection (PCD) posts in health centers and district hospital. The average volunteer treated 11.8 (range 10.4-13.4) and 31.4 (range 26-49) patients per month in kampungs and schools respectively. In contrast, non-SPKP posts in a district hospital, health centers and flying doctor service treated an average of 616.3 patients per month (range 134.8-1032.8). The slide positivity rate of blood smears taken by VHVs was 8.43% compared with 7.37% for non-SPKP posts. Average slide collection and slide positivity rates varied considerably from one community to another, despite their close geographic proximity. The monthly number of VHV-diagnosed patients from the school and kampungs communities and the monthly number of true malaria patients in the two groups were significantly correlated. Sustainability of SPKP was linked to an ongoing process of social change which involved co-operative networking between the government health sector and the community. This in turn provided a stimulus for malaria abatement efforts. When Runggus people themselves control and maintain ownership of community-based malaria programs, the function of SPKP as a malaria surveillance system and an antimalarial drug distribution network is vastly improved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  9. Rohani A, Zamree I, Lim LH, Rahini H, David L, Kamilan D
    PMID: 17333767
    The bioefficacy of indoor residual-sprayed deltamethrin wettable granule (WG) formulation at 25 mg a.i./m2 and 20 mg a.i./m2 for the control of malaria was compared with the current dose of 20 mg/m2 deltamethrin wettable powder (WP) in aboriginal settlements in Kuala Lipis, Pahang, Malaysia. The malaria vector has been previously identified as Anopheles maculatus. The assessment period for the 20 mg/m2 dosage was six months, but for the 25 mg/m2 dosage, the period was 9 months. Collections of mosquitoes using the bare-leg techniques were carried out indoors and outdoors from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. All mosquitoes were dissected for sporozoites and parity. Larval collections were carried out at various locations to assess the extent and distribution of breeding of vectors. A high incidence of human feeds was detected during May 2005 and a low incidence during January 2005 for all the study areas. Our study showed that deltamethrin WG at 25 mg/m2 suppressed An. maculatus biting activity. More An. maculatus were caught in outdoor landing catches than indoor landing catches for all the study areas. The results indicate that 25 mg/m2 WG is good for controlling malaria for up to 9 months. Where residual spraying is envisaged, the usual two spraying cycles per year with 20 mg/m2 deltamethrin may be replaced with 25 mg/m2 deltamethrin WG every 9 months.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  10. Al-Adhroey AH, Nor ZM, Al-Mekhlafi HM, Mahmud R
    Malar J, 2010 May 24;9:137.
    PMID: 20497543 DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-9-137
    BACKGROUND: Despite continuous efforts by the government and private sectors, malaria is still a public health problem in rural Peninsular Malaysia. This study investigated household knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) regarding malaria in two malaria endemic communities, forest-aboriginal and rural communities, in the Lipis district of Pahang state, Malaysia.

    METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study with a semi-structured questionnaire was carried out among 100 and 123 households from forest-aboriginal and rural areas, respectively.

    RESULTS: Knowledge about malaria and its transmission is significantly higher among the rural participants than the aborigines (86.2% vs 76%, p < 0.01). However, use of medicinal plants and beliefs in witchcraft and sorcery in treating febrile diseases were significantly higher among the aboriginal population (p < 0.01). There were no significant differences between the two communities in terms of the knowledge about malaria symptoms, attitudes towards its severity and practices in preventive measures against malaria by using mosquito bed nets. However, the knowledge and practice of different preventive measures to combat malaria, such as insecticide and the elimination of breeding areas, was significantly higher among the rural population than the aborigines (p < 0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: Both communities were aware of malaria as a disease, but knowledge, attitudes and practices were inadequate. Providing efficient health education to people residing in malaria endemic areas would improve their understanding about malaria prevention in order to bring about the elimination of malaria from the country.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  11. Balami AD, Said SM, Zulkefli NAM, Bachok N, Audu B
    Malar J, 2019 Feb 20;18(1):41.
    PMID: 30786906 DOI: 10.1186/s12936-019-2676-3
    BACKGROUND: The levels of insecticide-treated net use among pregnant women and uptake of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy, have been sub-optimal in Nigeria. Previous studies have reported positive correlations between knowledge, attitude and practice of malaria preventive measures. It has also been reported that information and motivation, act through a mediator (behavioural skills), to cause a health behaviour change. The aim of this study was as such to develop, implement, and assess the effects of a health educational intervention based on the information-motivation-behavioural skills (IMB) model on the levels of knowledge, motivation, and behavioural skills for ITN use and IPTp uptake among pregnant women in a hospital in north-eastern Nigeria.

    METHODS: This was a randomized controlled parallel-group trial in which 372 antenatal care attendees were randomly assigned to either an intervention or control group after collecting baseline data using a structured questionnaire. The intervention group received a 4-h health education on malaria, guided by a module developed based on the IMB theory, while the control group received health education on breastfeeding for a similar duration and by the same facilitator. Follow-up data were subsequently collected at 2 months and at 4 months post-intervention using the same questionnaire. The generalized linear mixed models analysis was used to determine the between-group and within-group effects of the intervention. The intention-to-treat analysis was used after missing data had been replaced. This was followed by a sensitivity analysis, where the analyses were repeated without replacing the missing values.

    RESULTS: The intervention was significant in achieving a 12.75% (p control group. The sensitivity analysis revealed no great differences in the effect sizes, even when missing data were not replaced.

    CONCLUSION: The intervention module was effective in improving knowledge, motivation and behavioural skills. It is as such recommended to be adopted and incorporated into the routine antenatal health education schedules. It is also recommended that booster doses of the module be given say 2 months after the first dose to sustain levels of motivation and behavioural skills. Trial registration Pan African Clinical Trial Registry, PACTR201610001823405. Registered 26 October 2016, http://www.pactr.org.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
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