Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 176 in total

  1. Balla SB, Banda TR, Galic I, N NM, Naishadham PP
    Forensic Sci Int, 2019 Apr;297:243-248.
    PMID: 30844636 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.02.009
    The aims of the present study were to validate the discriminatory potential of Cameriere's third molar maturity index (I3M) cut-off value of I3M molar (I2M = 0.0) and I3M molars was analyzed by Cameriere's method. The proportion of accurately classified (Ac) individuals using the cut-off value of I3M 
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar/growth & development*
  2. Angelakopoulos N, Galić I, Balla SB, Kiş HC, Gómez Jiménez L, Zolotenkova G, et al.
    Int J Legal Med, 2021 Nov;135(6):2423-2436.
    PMID: 34228192 DOI: 10.1007/s00414-021-02656-2
    The diagnostic accuracy of the I3M to assess the legal age of 18 years has already been tested in several specific-population samples. The left lower third molar has been extensively used for discriminating between minors and adults. This research aimed to compare the usefulness of lower third molar maturity indexes, from both left and right side (I3ML and I3MR), in samples originating from four distinct continents in order to examine possible differences in their accuracy values. For this purpose, a sample of 10,181 orthopantomograms (OPGs), from Europe, Africa, Asia and America, was analysed and previously scored in other studies. The samples included healthy subjects with no systemic disorders with both third molars and clear depicted root apices. Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for left and right asymmetry did not show any significant differences. Data about sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratio and accuracy were pooled together and showed similar results for I3ML and I3MR, respectively. In addition, all these quantities were high when only the I3MR was considered to discriminate between adults and minors. The present referable database was the first to pool third molar measurements using panoramic radiographs of subjects coming from different continents. The results highlighted that both I3ML and I3MR are reliable indicators for assessing the legal age of 18 years old in those jurisdictions where this legal threshold has been set as the age of majority.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar, Third/growth & development*
  3. Awang MN, Boon LC, Nor GM
    Indian J Med Sci, 1990 Aug;44(8):205-8.
    PMID: 2262207
    The results of the present investigation have shown the usefulness of suprofen in the control of pain following surgical removal of impacted wisdom tooth. The regime of 200 mg. q.d.s. orally, was shown to be satisfactory in the control of postoperative pain. Pain was rapidly controlled by the 1st hour after ingestion and subsequently maintained at a low profile until is was completely abolished by the 8th hour of the postoperative period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar, Third/surgery*
  4. Liversidge HM, Peariasamy K, Folayan MO, Adeniyi AO, Ngom PI, Mikami Y, et al.
    J Forensic Odontostomatol, 2017 Dec 01;35(2):97-108.
    PMID: 29384741
    BACKGROUND: The nature of differences in the timing of tooth formation between ethnic groups is important when estimating age.

    AIM: To calculate age of transition of the mandibular third (M3) molar tooth stages from archived dental radiographs from sub-Saharan Africa, Malaysia, Japan and two groups from London UK (Whites and Bangladeshi).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The number of radiographs was 4555 (2028 males, 2527 females) with an age range 10-25 years. The left M3 was staged into Moorrees stages. A probit model was fitted to calculate mean ages for transitions between stages for males and females and each ethnic group separately. The estimated age distributions given each M3 stage was calculated. To assess differences in timing of M3 between ethnic groups, three models were proposed: a separate model for each ethnic group, a joint model and a third model combining some aspects across groups. The best model fit was tested using Bayesian and Akaikes information criteria (BIC and AIC) and log likelihood ratio test.

    RESULTS: Differences in mean ages of M3 root stages were found between ethnic groups, however all groups showed large standard deviation values. The AIC and log likelihood ratio test indicated that a separate model for each ethnic group was best. Small differences were also noted between timing of M3 between males and females, with the exception of the Malaysian group. These findings suggests that features of a reference data set (wide age range and uniform age distribution) and a Bayesian statistical approach are more important than population specific convenience samples to estimate age of an individual using M3.

    CONCLUSION: Some group differences were evident in M3 timing, however, this has some impact on the confidence interval of estimated age in females and little impact in males because of the large variation in age.

    Matched MeSH terms: Molar, Third/growth & development*
  5. Taha NA, Al-Rawash MH, Imran ZA
    Int Endod J, 2022 May;55(5):416-429.
    PMID: 35152464 DOI: 10.1111/iej.13707
    AIM: The aim of the study was to compare the outcome of full pulpotomy using 2 calcium silicate-based materials compared with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in symptomatic mature permanent teeth with carious pulp exposure.

    METHODOLOGY: This study was designed as a parallel, double blind, randomized controlled trial where symptomatic mature permanent teeth with carious pulp exposure meeting the inclusion criteria were randomly treated with full pulpotomy using one of 3 calcium silicate-based materials (ProRoot MTA, Biodentine and TotalFill). Full pulpotomy was performed, and haemostasis was achieved via a cotton pellet moistened with 2.5% NaOCl. A 3-mm layer of the calcium silicate-based material was randomly placed as the pulpotomy agent through a block randomization process followed by a resin-based composite restoration. Postoperative periapical radiograph was taken. Clinical and radiographic evaluation were completed after 6 months and 1 year. The patient and evaluator were blinded to the type of materials used. Pain levels were scored preoperatively and 7 days after treatment. Effect of potential prognosis factors including gender, age, diagnosis, bleeding time and type of caries were also analysed.

    RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-four teeth in 146 patients received full pulpotomy and were randomly assigned to either the tested or control material through block randomization technique (50 MTA, 50 Biodentine and 64 TotalFill). The age ranged from 10 to 70 years. The diagnosis was irreversible pulpitis in 112 teeth (72%) and reversible pulpitis in 28 teeth (28%). The majority of patients presented with severe pain, during the first week 96.9% reported complete relief of pain or mild pain. Four cases had immediate failure. At 6 months the overall success rate was 92.2%, over 1 year 156/164 teeth attended follow-up with 12 failures (2 restorative failures and 10 endodontic failures), the overall success of pulpotomy at 1 year was 92.3% (144/156); 91.8% in MTA, 93.3% in Biodentine and 91.9% in TotalFill with no significant difference amongst the groups and no side effects observed. No significant association was evident between outcome and the investigated variables.

    CONCLUSIONS: The 1-year success rate of full pulpotomy did not differ significantly between Biodentine pulpotomy, TotalFill pulpotomy, and MTA pulpotomy. The study was registered with clinical trials; registration number (NCT04345263).

    Matched MeSH terms: Molar/surgery
  6. Hussein AS, Faisal M, Haron M, Ghanim AM, Abu-Hassan MI
    J Clin Pediatr Dent, 2015;39(3):219-23.
    PMID: 26208065 DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-39.3.219
    Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) is a condition of hypomineralized enamel of systemic origin affecting first permanent molars and frequently permanent incisors. It is considered a global problem and data from South-East Asian countries, including Malaysia are lacking. Hence the aim of this study were to investigate the distribution and severity of MIH in a group of children aged 7-12 year olds attending pediatric dental clinic at Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar/pathology
  7. Khairiyah AM, Razak IA, Raja-Latifah RJ, Tan BS, Norain AT, Noor-Aliyah I, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2009 Apr;21(2):184-95.
    PMID: 19190002 DOI: 10.1177/1010539509331788
    The objective of this study is to share cost analysis methodology and to obtain cost estimates for posterior restorations in public sector dental clinics. Two urban and 2 rural dental clinics in Selangor state were selected. Only cases of 1 posterior restoration per visit by dental officers were included over 6 months. One capsulated amalgam type, 1 capsulated tooth-colored, and 1 non-capsulated tooth-colored material were selected. A clinical pathway form was formulated to collect data per patient. Annual capital and recurrent expenditures were collected per clinic. The mean cost of an amalgam restoration was RM 30.96 (sdRM 7.86); and tooth-colored restorations ranged from RM 33.00 (sdRM 8.43) to RM 41.10 (sdRM 10.61). Wherein 1 USD = RM 2.8. Restoration costs were 35% to 55% higher in clinics in rural areas than in urban areas. The findings demonstrate economy of scale for clinic operation and restoration costs with higher patient load. Costs per restoration were higher in rural than in urban dental clinics. More studies are recommended to address the dearth of dental costs data in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar*
  8. Kumar Potu B, Jagadeesan S, Bhat KM, Rao Sirasanagandla S
    Morphologie, 2013 Jun;97(317):31-7.
    PMID: 23806306 DOI: 10.1016/j.morpho.2013.04.004
    The retromolar foramen (RMF) and retromolar canal (RMC) are the anatomical structures of the mandible located in retromolar fossa behind the third molar tooth. This foramen and canal contain neurovascular structures which provide accessory/additional innervation to the mandibular molars and the buccal area. These neurovascular contents of the canal gain more importance in medical and dental practice, because these elements are vulnerable to damage during placement of osteointegrated implants, endodontic treatment and sagittal split osteotomy surgeries and a detailed knowledge of this anatomical variation would be vital in understanding failed inferior alveolar nerve blockage, spread of infection and also metastasis. Although few studies have been conducted in the past showing the incidence and types in different population groups, a lacunae in comprehensive review of this structure is lacking. Though this variation posed challenging situations for the practicing surgeons, it has been quite neglected and the incidence of it is not well presented in all the textbooks. Hence, we made an attempt to provide a consolidated review regarding variations and clinical applications of the RMF and RMC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar/blood supply; Molar/innervation; Molar, Third/surgery
  9. Yulistiani D, Jelan ZA, Liang JB, Yaakub H, Abdullah N
    Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 2015 Apr;28(4):494-501.
    PMID: 25656207 DOI: 10.5713/ajas.14.0406
    A digestibility study was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementing mulberry foliage and urea rice-bran as a source of fermentable energy and protein to 12 sheep fed diets based on urea-treated rice straw (TRS). The three dietary treatments were: T1, TRS with mulberry; T2, TRS with 50% mulberry replaced with rice bran and urea; and T3, TRS with rice bran and urea. The study was arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications for each treatment. The sheep were fed one of the three diets and the supplements were offered at 1.2% of the body weight (BW) and the TRS was provided ad libitum. There were no differences (p>0.05) among the three treatment groups with respect to dry matter (DM) intake (76.8±4.2 g/kg BW(0.75)) and DM, organic matter (OM), and crude protein (CP) digestibility (55.3±1.22; 69.9±0.85; 46.3±1.65% respectively for DM, OM, and CP). The digestibility of fiber (neutral detergent fiber [NDF] and acid detergent fiber) was significantly lower (p<0.05) for T3 (46.2 and 46.6 respectively) compared to T1 (55.8 and 53.7 respectively) and T2 (54.1 and 52.8 respectively). Nitrogen (N) intake by sheep on diet T3 was significantly (p<0.05) higher than sheep fed diet T1. However, N balance did not differ among the three diets (3.0±0.32 g/d). In contrast, the rumen ammonia (NH3-N) concentrations in sheep fed T2 and T3 were significantly (p<0.05) higher than in sheep fed T1. The NH3-N concentrations for all three diets were above the critical value required for optimum rumen microbial growth and synthesis. Total volatile fatty acid concentrations were highest (p<0.05) in T1 (120.3 mM), whilst the molar proportion of propionic acid was highest in T3 (36.9%). However, the microbial N supply in sheep fed T1 and T3 was similar but was significantly (p<0.05) higher than for sheep fed T2. It was concluded that mulberry foliage is a potential supplement of fermentable energy and protein for sheep fed TRS based diet. The suggested level of supplementation is 1.2% of BW or 32% of the total diet since it resulted in similar effects on the intake of DM, OM, and NDF, digestibility of DM, OM, and CP, N utilization and microbial supply when compared to rice bran and urea supplementation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
  10. Ali R, Parthiban N, O'Dwyer T
    J Surg Tech Case Rep, 2014 Jan;6(1):21-5.
    PMID: 25013548 DOI: 10.4103/2006-8808.135144
    Desmoid fibromatosis is a benign yet locally aggressive tumor with a tendency to recur. It causes considerable morbidity particularly when it arises in a small area in the head and neck region. This tumor is extremely rare in the submandibular region. We report a case of desmoid tumor in the submandibular region in a 32-year-old male who presented with right submandibular swelling postextraction of right lower wisdom tooth. Excision biopsy was carried out initially following inconclusive fine needle aspiration and discussion at multidisciplinary meeting. The tumor recurred 4 months following initial excisional biopsy necessitating a more radical secondary approach involving segmental mandibulectomy. Intraoperatively we also noted that the tumor was originating from the site of previous wisdom tooth extraction, raising the question of surgical trauma as precursor of desmoid tumor. We achieved a negative resection margin and a complete remission for 24 months.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar, Third
  11. Abdul Razak I, Esa R
    Dent J Malays, 1988 Nov;10(2):41-4.
    PMID: 3271127
    The present study analysed the development of caries in 653 first permanent molars annually over a period of 5 years in children who were 7 years-old at baseline. The cumulative caries experience increased from 6.0% at baseline to 35.2% at the end of the study period. There were no appreciable differences in the annual incremental rate of caries experience among males and females. At baseline, the Malays and Indians have the highest and lowest caries experience respectively. At 12 years of age, the Chinese have the highest caries experience whilst the data for the Malays and Indians were comparable. The highest cumulative percentage increase in caries experience for the Malays, Chinese and Indians were between the ages of 7 to 8, 9 to 10 and 8 to 9 respectively while the average annual caries increment were 4.5%, 7.3% and 5.0% respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
  12. AL-Bayaty, F.H., Omar Emad Ibrahim, William, C., Khairuddin, N.A.
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2018;5(1):26-36.
    Objective: This retrospective study aims to evaluate the possible effects of antihypertensive drugs on alveolar bone loss in patients with chronic periodontitis. Methods: 50 patients on antihypertensive drugs selected as the experimental group and 50 patients with chronic periodontitis with no known systemic illnesses as control group were randomly selected as the study samples. Orthopantomographs were obtained, calibration and assessment of alveolar bone loss was performed by using the computer software program available in the faculty, through radiographic linear measurement procedure. Premolars, first and second molars of both maxilla and mandible were measured from the most apical point to the cementoenamel junction for mesial and distal aspects in the form of millimetres and percentile of the root length. Data was statistically analyzed using independent t-test and Analysis of Covariance in SPSS Version 23 with significance at P-value, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
  13. Al-Jaf, Nagham, Rohaya Megat Abdul Wahab, Mohamed Ibrahim Abu Hassan
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2015;2(1):14-20.
    Objectives: To assess interradicular spaces of maxilla and mandible in subjects with class I sagittal skeletal relationship as an aid for miniscrew placement. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of 47 adult subjects with class I skeletal relationship. Interradicular spaces were obtained at the alveolar processes from first premolar to second molar at 2 different vertical levels (6 and 8mm) from the cementoenamel junction (C.E.J). Results: In the maxilla, the highest inter-radicular space existed between second premolar and first molar. In the mandible, the highest interradicular space existed between first and second molar. All mandibular measurements were higher than their respective maxillary measurement. Generally, availability of interradicular space increases apically in both arches, but the difference is not significant. In the maxilla, male subjects’ measurement were significantly higher at 8 mm level between second premolar and first molar and between first and second molar Conclusions: Interradicular spac-es in the maxillary and mandibular alveolar spaces are available for miniscrew placement. In both arches, a more apical location provides more interradicular space. However, careful planning is needed to avoid sinus perforation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
  14. Jesús Luengo Fereira, Heraclio Reyes Rivas, Luz Elena Carlos Medrano, Iovanna Toscano, Minerva Anaya Alvarez
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:971-976.
    This study has been carried out to evaluate the clinical and radiographic CTZ (Chloramphenicol-Tetracycline-Zinc
    Eugenol Oxide) antibiotic paste in pulpotomies of primary molars. A Quasi-experimental study in 43 primary molars
    of children aged 3 to 7 years. Pulpotomies were performed on the selected patients with the CTZ antibiotic paste. Teeth
    were restored with glass ionomer and preformed steel metal crowns. Clinical and radiographic evaluation was performed
    at 6 and 12 months. SPSS V-19 program for data analysis and chi-square test was used up to 5%. Success rates were
    observed during the evaluation periods of time. 93% (x2
    = 0.446, p>0.05) and 88.4% (x2
    = 0.431, p>0.05) of the clinical form;
    97.7% (x2
    = 0.534, p>0.05) and 93% (x2
    = 0.553, p>0.05) were radiographic, at 6 and 12 months, respectively. The CTZ antibiotic
    paste is an alternative in the treatment of pulpotomy of molars. It provides an antimicrobial effect, decreased operative time, without
    causing trauma to the pediatric patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
  15. Kewalramani R, Murthy CS, Gupta R
    J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2019 08 31;9(4):347-351.
    PMID: 31528537 DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2019.08.001
    Introduction: Elusive second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in maxillary first molar are often missed during endodontic therapy and are a major cause of treatment failures. Its prevalence is known to vary among different populations and there is limited information on its prevalence in Indian population.

    Aim: This study investigated the prevalence and location of second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal in mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molar using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images in an Indian population.

    Materials and methods: CBCT images of 598 three rooted maxillary first molars were studied. In each CBCT image, the floor of pulp chamber was located and advanced by 2 mm to standardize the observation for MB2 canal. Its location was determined in relation to mesiobuccal (MB1) and palatal (P) canal.

    Statistical analysis: The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The presence of MB2 canal was correlated with age, gender and tooth position using Chi square test.

    Results: The prevalence of MB2 canal in three rooted maxillary first molar was 61.9%. It was seen that the prevalence of MB2 was highest in 20-40years age group (67.4%) followed by > 40 years (57.5%) and lowest in <20 years (50.6%) and the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.005). It is located mesiopalatally; 2.5 mm ± 0.6 mm palatally and 1.0 ± 0.4mmmesially to the MB1 canal or present directly on the line joining the MB1 and palatal canal.

    Conclusion: There is a high probability of finding MB2 canal in Indian patients. The access cavity must be modified from a triangular shape to rhomboid shape. Troughingmesiopaltally (about 2.5 mm palatally and 1 mm mesially) from MB1 to a depth of about 2 mm from the floor of pulp chamber may be necessary for locating MB2 canal.

    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
  16. Al-Saari N, Amada E, Matsumura Y, Tanaka M, Mino S, Sawabe T
    PeerJ, 2019;7:e6769.
    PMID: 31024772 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6769
    Biohydrogen is one of the most suitable clean energy sources for sustaining a fossil fuel independent society. The use of both land and ocean bioresources as feedstocks show great potential in maximizing biohydrogen production, but sodium ion is one of the main obstacles in efficient bacterial biohydrogen production. Vibrio tritonius strain AM2 can perform efficient hydrogen production with a molar yield of 1.7 mol H2/mol mannitol, which corresponds to 85% theoretical molar yield of H2 production, under saline conditions. With a view to maximizing the hydrogen production using marine biomass, it is important to accumulate knowledge on the effects of salts on the hydrogen production kinetics. Here, we show the kinetics in batch hydrogen production of V. tritonius strain AM2 to investigate the response to various NaCl concentrations. The modified Han-Levenspiel model reveals that salt inhibition in hydrogen production using V. tritonius starts precisely at the point where 10.2 g/L of NaCl is added, and is critically inhibited at 46 g/L. NaCl concentration greatly affects the substrate consumption which in turn affects both growth and hydrogen production. The NaCl-dependent behavior of fermentative hydrogen production of V. tritonius compared to that of Escherichia coli JCM 1649 reveals the marine-adapted fermentative hydrogen production system in V. tritonius. V. tritonius AM2 is capable of producing hydrogen from seaweed carbohydrate under a wide range of NaCl concentrations (5 to 46 g/L). The optimal salt concentration producing the highest levels of hydrogen, optimal substrate consumption and highest molar hydrogen yield is at 10 g/L NaCl (1.0% (w/v)).
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
  17. Eva Tan Lee Yin, Kuck Peng Sim, Mohd Yusmiaidil Putera Mohd Yusof
    Introduction: Identification of remains recovered at advanced stages of decomposition can be problematic due to the lack of physical evidence. Nonetheless, human dentition is least susceptible to decomposition and as such carry a significant value in personal identification of decomposed remains. Demirjian’s method of age estimation was developed specifically for children with developing dentition. In this article, a method on adapting the Demirjian’s method for Malay ethnic-specific age estimation using the third molar development is presented. Methods: Orthop- antomograms of Malay subjects aged 18 to 25 were obtained from UiTM Sungai Buloh. Total of 318 samples were taken, comprising of 123 and 195 images from male and female subjects. Development of right and left mandibular third molar was classified according to the eight stages of development as illustrated in Demirjian’s method. Data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis such as descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The intra- and inter-gender variation between left and right mandibular third molar was evaluated using independent student t-test and analysis of variance, respectively. Results: Intra-gender comparison analysis revealed a significant difference in the female and male with a p-value of 0.000 and 0.003, respectively. Regression equation to estimate age based on third molar development were formulated according to dental age and maturity score. Conclusion: The Demirjian’s method was successfully adapted for age estimation of individuals of Malay ethnicity. These findings can help with victim identification in cases of poor skeletal framework recovery and highly decomposed remains.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar, Third
  18. Nur Alia Atiqah Alias, Nabilah Syakirah Zolkifli, Mimi Wahidah Mohd Radzi, Nur Nadia Dzulkifli
    Mild steel plays an essential part in many construction industries due to its low cost and excellent mechanical properties. However, the use of strong acid in pickling, construction, and oil refining processes adds to a serious corrosion problem for mild steel. Two Cu(II) dithiocarbamate (DTC) complexes were successfully synthesised, namely Cu(II) ethyl-benzyl DTC (Cu[EtBenzdtc]2) and Cu(II) butyl-methyl DTC (Cu[BuMedtc]2) complexes, by a condensation reaction and subsequently used to scrutinise the corrosion resistance activity towards mild steel in acidic media. The proposed structures of complexes were characterised by using the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopies. The melting point for Cu[EtBenzdtc]2 was found around 362–375°C, and 389–392°C for Cu[BuMedtc]2. The percentages of Cu(II) found in Cu[EtBenzdtc]2 and Cu[BuMedtc]2 were 7.6% and 7.5%, respectively. Both complexes were non-electrolyte based on the molar conductivity analysis. Their corrosion inhibition performances were tested by using a weight loss measurement. Cu[BuMedtc]2 showed a good result as a corrosion inhibitor compared to Cu[EtBenzdtc]2. The complexes showed good effectiveness in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) compared to hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution. Furthermore, Cu[BuMedtc]2 showed a good result as a corrosion inhibitor compared to Cu[EtBenzdtc]2 with the highest percentage of corrosion inhibition recorded at 91.8%. Meanwhile, the highest percentage of corrosion inhibition shown by Cu[EtBenzdtc]2 was only 86.9%. The lowest corrosion rate shown for Cu[BuMedtc]2 was 8.1944×10-4 cm-1 h-1. Meanwhile, the Cu[EtBenzdtc]2 showed the lowest corrosion rate only at 1.3194×10-3 cm-1 h-1. This implies that Cu[BuMedtc]2 showed lower corrosion rate but higher inhibition efficiency compared to Cu[EtBenzdtc]2.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
  19. Islam R, Toida Y, Chen F, Tanaka T, Inoue S, Kitamura T, et al.
    Int Endod J, 2021 Oct;54(10):1902-1914.
    PMID: 34096634 DOI: 10.1111/iej.13587
    AIM: To evaluate the dental pulp response to a novel mineral trioxide aggregate containing phosphorylated pullulan (MTAPPL) in rats after direct pulp capping.

    METHODS: Ninety-six cavities were prepared in the maxillary first molars of 56 male Wistar rats. The dental pulps were intentionally exposed and randomly divided into four groups according to the application of pulp capping materials: MTAPPL; phosphorylated pullulan (PPL); a conventional MTA (Nex-Cem MTA, NCMTA; positive control); and Super-Bond (SB; negative control). All cavities were restored with SB and observed for pulpal responses at 1-, 3-, 7- and 28-day intervals using a histological scoring system. Statistical analysis was performed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U-test with Bonferroni's correction, and the level of significance was set at 0.05. DMP1 and CD34 antigen were used to evaluate odontoblast differentiation and pulpal vascularization, respectively.

    RESULTS: On day 1, mild inflammatory cells were present in MTAPPL and NCMTA groups; fewer inflammatory cells were present in the PPL, whereas SB was associated with a mild-to-moderate inflammatory response. A significant difference was observed between PPL and SB (p  .05). SB exhibited incomplete mineralized tissue barriers, significantly different from NCMTA, MTAPPL and PPL (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
  20. Veerabhadrappa SK, Hesarghatta Ramamurthy P, Yadav S, Bin Zamzuri AT
    Acta Odontol Scand, 2021 Oct;79(7):514-522.
    PMID: 33764264 DOI: 10.1080/00016357.2021.1901984
    OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic review of the characteristics of ectopic mandibular third molar (EMTM) in terms of its clinical presentation, radiographic findings, associated lesions, management and post-operative complications.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We searched the Pubmed, Medline, Embase and EBSCO databases for full-text, peer-reviewed journal publications from January 1965 to August 2020. Data extraction was done using preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.

    RESULTS: Our search yielded 45 case reports involving 48 EMTM teeth. The mean age of the patients was 46.3 years with an age range of 22-80 years. Thirty-two cases were seen in women as compared to 13 cases in men. The majority of the cases (42) were unilateral, with only three bilateral cases. Among the 48 EMTM teeth, 21 were seen in the condylar region followed by 13 in the ramus, seven in the sigmoid notch, three in the angle and two each in the coronoid process and the lower border of the mandible. Twenty-five EMTM teeth had histopathologically confirmed dentigerous cysts, eight teeth had chronic infection/inflammation/granulation tissue, two had radicular cysts, two had infected cysts, two teeth had normal follicular spaces, and associated lesions were not mentioned for nine teeth. The most common symptoms were swelling (33 teeth) and pain (29 teeth), and six teeth were asymptomatic. Surgical removal through intraoral approach was carried out for 27 teeth, while an extra-oral approach was adopted in 15 teeth, a spontaneous regression of the pericoronal radiolucency was noticed in one tooth, four teeth were not treated and choice of treatment was not mentioned for one tooth. Mild transient paraesthesia was frequently observed; however, serious post-surgical complications were not reported.

    CONCLUSIONS: The present review found that EMTM can present with complex clinicopathological characteristics, with a majority of the cases being asymptomatic in the beginning and turning out to be symptomatic with lesions at later stages, requiring surgical intervention.

    Matched MeSH terms: Molar
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