Displaying publications 1201 - 1220 of 2034 in total

  1. Spaan E
    Int Migr Rev, 1994;28(1):93-113.
    PMID: 12287280
    "This article discusses international migration from Java in the past and present and the role brokers have played in stimulating this movement. It describes legal and clandestine labor migration to Singapore, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia, the influence of employment brokers on the process, and the organization of the recruitment networks. The involvement of brokers is crucial but not always beneficial for the migrants. Migrants are dependent on the brokers and risk exploitation. In the case of movement to Saudi Arabia, there is a linkage with religious institutions and the Islamic pilgrimage."
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  2. Popul Headl, 1991 Nov;?(200):2.
    PMID: 12284509
    Experiencing remarkable decreases in mortality rates over the past 3 decades, Malaysia currently has one of the lowest mortality rates among developing countries, a rate that compares favorably with those of developed countries. Between 1957 and 1989, the crude death rate dropped from 12.4/1000 population to 4.6. Over the same period, Malaysia recorded even greater decreases in the infant mortality rate, from 75.5/1000 births to 15.2. The Maternal mortality rate also declined from 1.48 in 1970 to 0.24 in 1988. The data indicates that mortality rates vary from state to state, and that rural areas have a higher mortality than urban areas. According to a study by the National Population and Family Development Board, the use of maternal and child health services has played an important role in reducing neonatal, perinatal, infant, child, and maternal mortality rates. Nearly all women in Malaysia receive antenatal services. While the country has achieved great gains on mortality rates, programs focusing on specific age and socioeconomic groups could lead to even greater reductions. The Minister for National Unity and Social Development, Dato Napsiah Omar, has called for the development of programs designed to improve the population's quality of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  3. Martin PL
    Int Migr Rev, 1991;25(1):176-93.
    PMID: 12316776
    "A recent conference sponsored by the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD) in Nagoya, Japan examined the growing importance of labor migration for four major Asian labor importers (Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore) and five major labor exporters (Bangladesh, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, and Thailand).... The conference concluded that international labor migration would increase within Asia because the tight labor markets and rising wages which have stimulated Japanese investment in other Asian nations, for example, have not been sufficient to eliminate migration push and pull forces...."
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  4. Rachapaetayakom J
    Popul Manag, 1988 Dec;2(2):18-27.
    PMID: 12282180
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  5. Arumugam K, Tai FM
    Med Sci Res, 1991 Mar;19(6):183.
    PMID: 12343753
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  6. Stahl CW
    Int Migr Rev, 1984;18(1):37-49.
    PMID: 12312927
    "This article provides some empirical information pertaining to the benefits and costs of foreign labor to Singapore and subjects to critical analysis some of Pang and Lim's hypotheses concerning the costs of labor importation presented in a previous article.... The article concludes with a discussion of the real cost to Malaysia of Singapore's labor importation policies and its potential for disruption of Malaysia's development plans."
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  7. Montgomery MR, Richards T, Braun HI
    J Am Stat Assoc, 1986 Jun;81(394):297-309.
    PMID: 12155406
    This study examines the possibility that estimation of the effect of breast-feeding on infant survival is affected by selection bias, in that children who are healthier at birth may be more likely to be breast-fed. Data are from the 1976 Malaysian Family Life Survey. "Ordinary logit models for breast-feeding and survival are estimated, and the results suggest that selection is indeed present. For example, children of higher birth weight appear to be more likely to be breast-fed and likely to survive. In addition, weight at birth and the duration of breast-feeding appear to be linked." Using birth weight as an indicator for the child's health, the authors conclude that "the direct influence of breast-feeding on survival remains of overwhelming importance even after corrections for selection bias are made."
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  8. Kanjanapan W
    PMID: 12222504
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  9. Mak KH, Kark JD, Chia KS, Sim LL, Foong BH, Ding ZP, et al.
    Heart, 2004 Jun;90(6):621-6.
    PMID: 15145860
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the ethnic variation of short and long term female vulnerability after an acute coronary event in a population of Chinese, Indians, and Malays.
    DESIGN: Population based registry.
    PATIENTS: Residents of Singapore between the ages of 20-64 years with coronary events. Case identification and classification procedures were modified from the MONICA (monitoring trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease) project.
    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Adjusted 28 day case fatality and long term mortality.
    RESULTS: From 1991 to 1999, there were 16 320 acute coronary events, including 3497 women. Age adjusted 28 day case fatality was greater in women (51.5% v 38.6%, p < 0.001), with a larger sex difference evident among younger Malay patients. This inequality between the sexes was observed in both the pre-hospitalisation and post-admission periods. Among hospitalised patients, women were older, were less likely to have suffered from a previous Q wave or anterior wall myocardial infarction, and had lower peak creatine kinase concentrations. Case fatality was higher among women, with adjusted hazard ratios of 1.64 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.43 to 1.88) and 1.50 (95% CI 1.37 to 1.64) for 28 day and mean four year follow up periods. There were significant interactions of sex and age with ethnic group (p = 0.017). The adjusted hazards for mortality among Chinese, Indian, and Malay women versus men were 1.30, 1.71, and 1.96, respectively. The excess mortality among women diminished with age.
    CONCLUSION: In this multiethnic population, both pre-hospitalisation and post-admission case fatality rates were substantially higher among women. The sex discrepancy in long term mortality was greatest among Malays and in the younger age groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods
  10. Chang YM, Burgoyne LA, Both K
    J Forensic Sci, 2003 Nov;48(6):1309-13.
    PMID: 14640276
    The human sex test in forensic multiplexes is based on the amelogenin gene on both the X and Y chromosomes commonly used in sex genotyping. In this study of 338 male individuals in a Malaysian population comprising Malays, Chinese and Indians, using the AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus kit, the amelogenin test gave a significant proportion of null alleles in the Indian ethnic group (3.6% frequency) and 0.88% frequency in the Malay ethnic group due to a deletion of the gene on the Y chromosome. This sex test also failed in a forensic casework sample. Failure of the amelogenin test highlights the need for more reliable sex determination than is offered by the amelogenin locus in the Malay and Indian populations. The gender of the Indian-Malay amelogenin nulls was confirmed by the presence of three Y-STR alleles (DYS438, DYS390 and DYS439). For the Indian ethnic group, one of the Y-STR forms a stable haplotype with the amelogenin null. The amelogenin-deletion individuals also showed a null with a male-specific minisatellite MSY1, indicating that a very large deletion was involved that included the amelogenin and the MSY1 loci on the short arm of the Y chromosomes (Yp).
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
  11. Balasundaram R
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1970;64(4):607-14.
    PMID: 5485621 DOI: 10.1016/0035-9203(70)90085-4
    The pattern and incidence of cardiovascular disease was studied in a general practice in an urban-rural area in the west coast of West Malaysia. Hypertension, rheumatic heart disease and congenital heart disease accounted for 85% of the 476 patients with evidence of cardiovascular disease. Ischaemic heart disease, arteriosclerotic heart disease and other conditions accounted for the rest. Emphasis is laid on the salient features of incidence in general practice. Comparison is made with previous clinical and pathological studies from this region.
    Study site: General practjce clinic, Telok Anson [Teluk Intan], District of Lower Perak, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  12. Ahmad M
    Egypt Popul Fam Plann Rev, 1979;13(1-2):168-86.
    PMID: 12312263
    PIP: Responses to questions relating to breastfeeding in the World Fertility Surveys of South Korea, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Bangladesh are analyzed. Of these countries, the percentage of ever-married women who had breastfed in the last closed interval was between 94-99%, except for Malaysia (81%) and average number of months breastfeeding took place was from 16.5-19.2, except for Malaysia (7.3). The infant mortality rate in these countries was 33/1000 live births for South Korea, 45/1000 for Malaysia, 51/1000 for Sri Lanka, 137/1000 for Indonesia, 150/1000 for Bangladesh, and 152/1000 for Nepal. Responses, however, might vary according to different interview situations. Assuming that the reporting errors are of similar magnitude and direction, the relationship between duration of breastfeeding and the birth interval can be studied. But it is possible that breastfeeding was prolonged due to other reasons for which conception was delayed; thus the regression of breastfeeding duration on the birth interval is not as logical as the regression of the birth interval on the breastfeeding is, especially when habitual breastfeeding can be avoided. The negative relationship between breastfeeding and infant mortality does exist, assuming that a woman breastfeeds all her children for similar durations. Some breastfeeding differentials are place of residence (less for rural areas), education (reduces duration), and religion (Christians have shorter duration than Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists). In South Korea the mean length of breastfeeding of women aged 25-34 and 35-44 are 17.5 and 20.5, and women using contraceptives are 26% for 25-34 and 20% for 35-44. South Korea also has the highest level of breastfeeding, highest incidence of ever use of contraceptives, and a very low level of fertility. Nepal and Bangladesh have a high level of breastfeeding but since their contraceptive incidence is low, their fertility level remains high. Some areas of further research include influence of breastfeeding on infant and child mortality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  13. Brown R, Chua TH, Fornace K, Drakeley C, Vythilingam I, Ferguson HM
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2020 09;14(9):e0008617.
    PMID: 32886679 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008617
    The zoonotic malaria parasite, Plasmodium knowlesi, is now a substantial public health problem in Malaysian Borneo. Current understanding of P. knowlesi vector bionomics and ecology in Sabah comes from a few studies near the epicentre of human cases in one district, Kudat. These have incriminated Anopheles balabacensis as the primary vector, and suggest that human exposure to vector biting is peri-domestic as well as in forest environments. To address the limited understanding of vector ecology and human exposure risk outside of Kudat, we performed wider scale surveillance across four districts in Sabah with confirmed transmission to investigate spatial heterogeneity in vector abundance, diversity and infection rate. Entomological surveillance was carried out six months after a cross-sectional survey of P. knowlesi prevalence in humans throughout the study area; providing an opportunity to investigate associations between entomological indicators and infection. Human-landing catches were performed in peri-domestic, farm and forest sites in 11 villages (3-4 per district) and paired with estimates of human P. knowlesi exposure based on sero-prevalence. Anopheles balabacensis was present in all districts but only 6/11 villages. The mean density of An. balabacensis was relatively low, but significantly higher in farm (0.094/night) and forest (0.082/night) than peri-domestic areas (0.007/night). Only one An. balabacensis (n = 32) was infected with P. knowlesi. Plasmodium knowlesi sero-positivity in people was not associated with An. balabacensis density at the village-level however post hoc analyses indicated the study had limited power to detect a statistical association due low vector density. Wider scale sampling revealed substantial heterogeneity in vector density and distribution between villages and districts. Vector-habitat associations predicted from this larger-scale surveillance differed from those inferred from smaller-scale studies in Kudat; highlighting the importance of local ecological context. Findings highlight potential trade-offs between maximizing temporal versus spatial breadth when designing entomological surveillance; and provide baseline entomological and epidemiological data to inform future studies of entomological risk factors for human P. knowlesi infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population/statistics & numerical data
  14. Yahya P, Sulong S, Harun A, Wangkumhang P, Wilantho A, Ngamphiw C, et al.
    Int J Legal Med, 2020 Jan;134(1):123-134.
    PMID: 31760471 DOI: 10.1007/s00414-019-02184-0
    Ancestry-informative markers (AIMs) can be used to infer the ancestry of an individual to minimize the inaccuracy of self-reported ethnicity in biomedical research. In this study, we describe three methods for selecting AIM SNPs for the Malay population (Malay AIM panel) using different approaches based on pairwise FST, informativeness for assignment (In), and PCA-correlated SNPs (PCAIMs). These Malay AIM panels were extracted from genotype data stored in SNP arrays hosted by the Malaysian node of the Human Variome Project (MyHVP) and the Singapore Genome Variation Project (SGVP). In particular, genotype data from a total of 165 Malay individuals were analyzed, comprising data on 117 individual genotypes from the Affymetrix SNP-6 SNP array platform and data on 48 individual genotypes from the OMNI 2.5 Illumina SNP array platform. The HapMap phase 3 database (1397 individuals from 11 populations) was used as a reference for comparison with the Malay genotype data. The accuracy of each resulting Malay AIM panel was evaluated using a machine learning "ancestry-predictive model" constructed by using WEKA, a comprehensive machine learning platform written in Java. A total of 1250 SNPs were finally selected, which successfully identified Malay individuals from other world populations with an accuracy of 90%, but the accuracy decreased to 80% using 157 SNPs according to the pairwise FST method, while a panel of 200 SNPs selected using In and PCAIMs could be used to identify Malay individuals with an accuracy of approximately 80%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population/methods*
  15. Wong LP, Alias H, Aghamohammadi N, Nik Sulaiman NM
    Biomed Environ Sci, 2018 09;31(9):705-711.
    PMID: 30369349 DOI: 10.3967/bes2018.095
    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population/statistics & numerical data*
  16. Sandholzer C, Hallman DM, Saha N, Sigurdsson G, Lackner C, Császár A, et al.
    Hum Genet, 1991 Apr;86(6):607-14.
    PMID: 2026424
    Apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] exhibits a genetic size polymorphism explaining about 40% of the variability in lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] concentration in Tyroleans. Lp(a) concentrations and apo(a) phenotypes were determined in 7 ethnic groups (Tyrolean, Icelandic, Hungarian, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Black Sudanese) and the effects of the apo(a) size polymorphism on Lp(a) levels were estimated in each group. Average Lp(a) concentrations were highly significantly different among these populations, with the Chinese (7.0 mg/dl) having the lowest and the Sudanese (46 mg/dl) the highest levels. Apo(a) phenotype and derived apo(a) allele frequencies were also significantly different among the populations. Apo(a) isoform effects on Lp(a) levels were not significantly different among populations. Lp(a) levels were however roughly twice as high in the same phenotypes in the Indians, and several times as high in the Sudanese, compared with Caucasians. The size variation of apo(a) explains from 0.77 (Malays) to only 0.19 (Sudanese) of the total variability in Lp(a) levels. Together these data show (I) that there is considerable heterogeneity of the Lp(a) polymorphism among populations, (II) that differences in apo(a) allele frequencies alone do not explain the differences in Lp(a) levels among populations and (III) that in some populations, e.g. Sudanese Blacks, Lp(a) levels are mainly determined by factors that are different from the apo(a) size polymorphism.
    Matched MeSH terms: Continental Population Groups/genetics*
  17. Yap FBB
    Australas J Dermatol, 2010 Aug;51(3):210-1.
    PMID: 20695864 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-0960.2010.00647.x
    A prospective cross-sectional study was done between December 2007 and June 2009 in the skin clinic, Sarawak General Hospital, to determine the clinical characteristics of 138 Sarawakian natives with a clinical diagnosis of psoriasis. Women made up 50.7% and the mean age of the patients was 45.2 years. Of the group, 94.2% had chronic stable plaque psoriasis, 86.9% had a body surface area involvement of less than 10%, 60.9% had nail disease, 22.5% had joint disease and 55.1% had minimal effects to their quality of life because of their psoriasis.

    Study site: skin clinic, Sarawak General Hospital
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Groups/statistics & numerical data
  18. Müller AM, Tan CS, Chu AHY, van Dam RM, Müller-Riemenschneider F
    Int J Public Health, 2019 Jun;64(5):659-668.
    PMID: 30739208 DOI: 10.1007/s00038-019-01203-6
    OBJECTIVES: Examine the association between psychological variables and accelerometer-measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in urban Asians.

    METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Singapore. Participants wore an accelerometer for 7 days to measure physical activity (PA). Demographic, anthropometric and psychological data were also collected. Psychological variables included PA guideline knowledge, motivational profile for PA self-regulation (5 subscales), perceived barriers to PA (4 subscales) and perceived social support for PA. Regression models with adjustment for socio-demographic variables were fitted.

    RESULTS: External regulation (b = - 13.03, 95% CI - 34.55; - 1.50) and perceived daily life barriers (b = - 12.63, 95% CI - 24.95; - 0.32) were significantly associated with fewer weekly MVPA minutes. A significant interaction between perceived social support and age (p = 0.046) was found. Social support was significantly negative associated with MVPA minutes in younger (

    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population/statistics & numerical data*
  19. Karim NA, Razak NA
    PMID: 30865965 DOI: 10.1159/000493704
    Two nationwide studies, namely the South East Asian Nutrition Survey (SEANUTS Malaysia) and MyBreakfast study showed that 13-17% of children aged between 6 and 12 years were either overweight or obese. From dietary assessment, the majority of children achieved the Malaysian recommended nutrient intake (RNI) for energy and protein, but more than 50% did not fulfill the RNI for calcium and vitamin D. The majority of children consumed breakfast regularly; however, 20-30% of children skipped breakfast. The MyBreakfast study showed that 17.7% of the children consumed ready-to-eat cereal (RTEC) at breakfast, while among non-RTEC consumers, bread (44.2%), eggs (31.8%), and nasi lemak (23.9%) were the most common foods consumed. RTEC was the major contributor of whole grain (68.6%), followed by hot cereal (18.6%), biscuits (8.7%), and bread (1.8%). In the SEANUTS Malaysia, among children aged 7-9 years, 13.4 and 9.5% met the Malaysian Dietary Guideline (MDG) for fruits and vegetables while among children aged 10-12 years, only 19.6 and 16.1%, respectively, met the MDG for fruits and vegetables. For the milk group, only 5.5% of 7- to 9-year-old children and 3.7% of those 10-12 years old met the MDG for milk/dairy products per day.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  20. Looi LM, Prathap K
    Pathology, 1979 Oct;11(4):575-82.
    PMID: 93739
    Material from 334 consecutive autopsies on Orang Asli subjects performed in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur between May 1967 and June 1978 was examined for amyloidosis. Nine positive cases were found, all in patients above 40 years of age, giving an age-corrected incidence of about 9%. In 6 cases, amyloidosis was probably secondary to tuberculosis. The remaining 3 cases exhibited a pericollagenous distribution characteristic of primary amyloidosis. Involvement of the heart and lungs was prominent. However, there were considerable similarities in the distribution and staining properties of the amyloid in the 2 groups. Though both the heart and kidney were frequently affected, the kidney was the most common organ to give rise to clinical symptoms. Infection probably plays a major contributory role in amyloidosis in the Orang Asli.
    Matched MeSH terms: Continental Population Groups*
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