METHODS: Cross sectional analyses of N = 345 adult cancer survivors (5 years post cancer diagnosis) attending follow-ups at University Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia. Face-to face-interviews were conducted using the 30-item Cancer Health Literacy Test and the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale to determine preference for patient-centered care.
RESULTS: Cancer survivors' preference for patient-centered care was associated with a higher cancer health literacy score, higher educational level, being employed, breast cancer diagnosis, and not desiring psychological support [F (14, 327) = 11.25, p
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 526 pregnant women with GDM in two tertiary hospitals in Malaysia. Diabetes-related QOL was assessed using the Asian Diabetes Quality of Life Scale (AsianDQoL). Socio-demographic characteristics, glucose monitoring treatments for GDM, past obstetric history, concurrent medical problems and a family history of diseases were captured from patient records. A multiple logistic regression was used for analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 526 respondents with GDM entered the analysis. The median age of the respondents was 32 (interquartile range = 7) while 82.3% were Malay women. More than half of the respondents (69.5%) received an oral hypoglycaemic agent (OHA), and/or diet modification in controlling their GDM. The study reported that 23.2% of the respondents had poor-to-moderate QOL. Those with a family history of depression and/or anxiety (adjusted Odds ratio [AOR] 6.934, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.280-21.081), and a family history of GDM (AOR 1.814, 95% CI 1.185-2.778) were at higher odds of suffering from poor-to-moderate QOL compared to those without a family history. Similarly, those who received insulin, with or without OHA, and/or are on diet modification (AOR 1.955, 95% CI 1.243-3.074) were at higher odds of suffering from poor-to-moderate QOL compared to those receiving OHA and/or diet modification.
CONCLUSION: Nearly one-quarter of Malaysian women with GDM have poor-to-moderate QOL. GDM women with a family history of depression and/or anxiety, family history of GDM, and those who received insulin, with or without OHA, and/or are on diet modification were associated with poor-to-moderate QOL.
METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted in the Morang district, Nepal. A phenomenological approach was used. In-depth interviews were conducted with 14 participants. Postpartum women with one risk factor for high-risk pregnancy who non-adhere to referral hospital birth were selected purposively. Thematic analysis was done to generate themes and categories.
FINDINGS: Two main themes emerged in this study: (i) knowledge and understanding of risk and (ii) normalizing and non-acceptance of risk. The participants had inadequate knowledge of risk in pregnancy and childbirth. Their information source was their personal experiences of risk, witnessing their close relatives, and community incidents. The participants perceived pregnancy as a normal event and did not consider themselves as at risk. They tended to deny risk and perceived that everything was fine with their pregnancy.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study provide a glimpse into how women perceived risk and the reasons that lead them to deny the risks and gave home birth. In the presence of risk factors in pregnancy, some women were not convinced that they were at risk. An antenatal check-up should be utilized as a platform to educate women, explore their intentions, and encourage safer births.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study that was conducted to evaluate perception and experience of pharmacists with the use of Internet-based medication information by their patients. During the study period, 200 pharmacists were approached to participate in the study using a paper-based survey to assess their perceptions and current experience with the use of Internet-based medication information by their patients. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean/standard deviation for continuous variables, and frequency/percentages for qualitative variables). Also, simple linear regression was utilized to screen factors affecting pharmacists' perception scores of the use of Internet-based medication information.
RESULTS: Among 161 recruited pharmacists, the majority (n = 129, 80.1%) reported receiving inquiries from patients about Internet-based medication information within the last year. Among them, only 22.6% (n = 29) of pharmacists believed that Internet-based medication information is somewhat or very accurate. Unfortunately, only 24.2% (n = 31) of them stated that they always had enough time for their patient to discuss their Internet-based medication information. Regarding pharmacists' perception of the use of Internet-based medication information by their patients, more than half of the pharmacists (>50%) believe that Internet-based medication information could increase the patient's role in taking responsibility. On the other hand, 54.7% (n = 88) of the pharmacists believed that Internet-based medication information would contribute to rising the healthcare cost by obtaining unnecessary medications by patients. Finally, pharmacists' educational level was found to significantly affect their perception scores toward patient use of Internet-based medication information where those with higher educational level showed lower perception score (r = -0.200, P-value = 0.011).
CONCLUSION: Although pharmacists felt that usage of Internet-based data by patients is beneficial, they also have believed that it has a negative impact in terms of rising the healthcare cost, and it promotes unnecessary fear or concern about medications. We suggest that pharmacists be trained on principles of critical appraisal to become professional in retrieval information on the Internet that might improve their delivery of healthcare information and their recommendations to patients.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study. Postpartum women were identified from a tertiary hospital and evaluated at 1-month postnatal period using WOMBLSQ. The Rasch model was used to investigate the reliability, unidimensionality, item and person misfits and distribution map.
RESULTS: A total of 195 women were involved. The Rasch analysis revealed that the 30 items had a high level of reliability at 0.99 and item separation at 9.02. It has a low level of reliability at 0.45 and persons separation at 0.90. All the items are considered fit. Five people have most misfitting response strings based on item IPS_Q15, 'I was given little advice on contraception following the birth of my baby', but extremely trivial differences were found in the parameter estimates after refitting the model. The more difficult item to endorse satisfaction is item CA_Q17 'I was given little advice on contraception following the birth of my baby'.
CONCLUSIONS: The WOMBLSQ tested in postpartum women proved to have high item reliability index but with an adequate sample. The analysis shows that the 30 items target the right form of respondents, have similar latent characteristics of postpartum women and a shared sense of satisfaction. For future improvement, more difficult items endorsing satisfaction should be created, and the common items in which satisfaction is expected should be reduced.
METHODS: The data for this study, consisted of 2287 older adults aged 60 years and above, drawn from a nationally representative population-based survey entitled "Determinants of Wellness among Older Malaysians: A Health Promotion Perspective" conducted in 2009.
RESULTS: The mean age of the respondents was 68.7 (SD=6.6) years. The average score of cognitive function, measured by MMSE was 24.5 (SD=5.6). About 40% of the respondents were classified as overweight. Results of the multiple linear regression analysis revealed a significant association between BMI and cognitive function (Beta=.10, p