Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 9179 in total

  1. Grondys K, Ślusarczyk O, Hussain HI, Androniceanu A
    PMID: 33920916 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18084183
    The subject matter of the article relates to the assessment of the perception of selected types of risk in economic activities of the SME sector, which change their intensity as a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The current economic downturn is unprecedented and involves many companies and industries that have faced new, previously unknown challenges and threats. The objective of the article is to identify the most important risks and their resources based on the empirical research carried out in small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. The formulated objective was accomplished using the data collection method, i.e., the survey and reports on the condition of the SME sector in Poland as well as statistical data analysis methods, i.e., structure index and the analysis of variance, using the SPSS system. The process of primary data collection was carried out by means of an electronic survey among selected enterprises of the SME sector, conducting business activities in Poland. In the study, the employment factor was taken into account as a determinant of the perception and assessment of the intensity of selected risks arising from the economic activity in the Polish market in the conditions of the current economic downturn. On the basis of the obtained results, the impact of market, economic, financial and operational risks, depending on their intensity, on the functioning of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises was identified. Based on the analysis of variance, the effect of the size of the company on the level of individual risks was also examined. As a result of the observations made, it was established that, during the pandemic, the level and type of risk is similar in all the surveyed enterprises. They are most often threatened by strong competition in the industry, an increase in energy prices and insufficient profit. The overall results of the empirical research indicate the importance and the need to manage the key threats to the Polish SME sector.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poland/epidemiology
  2. Goh LPW, Chong ETJ, Lee PC
    PMID: 33050119 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17207354
    Alpha(α)-thalassemia is a blood disorder caused by many types of inheritable α-globin gene mutations which causes no-to-severe clinical symptoms, such as Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis that leads to early foetal death. Therefore, the aim of this meta-analysis was to provide an update from year 2010 to 2020 on the prevalence of α-thalassemia in Southeast Asia. A systematic literature search was performed using PubMed and SCOPUS databases for related studies published from 2010 to 2020, based on specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Heterogeneity of included studies was examined with the I2 index and Q-test. Funnel plots and Egger's tests were performed in order to determine publication bias in this meta-analysis. Twenty-nine studies with 83,674 subjects were included and pooled prevalence rates in this meta-analysis were calculated using random effect models based on high observed heterogeneity (I2 > 99.5, p-value < 0.1). Overall, the prevalence of α-thalassemia is 22.6%. The highest α-thalassemia prevalence was observed in Vietnam (51.5%) followed by Cambodia (39.5%), Laos (26.8%), Thailand (20.1%), and Malaysia (17.3%). No publication bias was detected. Conclusions: This meta-analysis suggested that a high prevalence of α-thalassemia occurred in selected Southeast Asia countries. This meta-analysis data are useful for designing thalassemia screening programs and improve the disease management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia, Southeastern/epidemiology
  3. Danial M, Arulappen AL, Ch'ng ASH, Looi I
    J Glob Health, 2020 Dec;10(2):0203105.
    PMID: 33403108 DOI: 10.7189/jogh.10.0203105
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia/epidemiology
  4. Post LA, Lin JS, Moss CB, Murphy RL, Ison MG, Achenbach CJ, et al.
    J Med Internet Res, 2021 02 01;23(2):e25454.
    PMID: 33464207 DOI: 10.2196/25454
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound global impact on governments, health care systems, economies, and populations around the world. Within the East Asia and Pacific region, some countries have mitigated the spread of the novel coronavirus effectively and largely avoided severe negative consequences, while others still struggle with containment. As the second wave reaches East Asia and the Pacific, it becomes more evident that additional SARS-CoV-2 surveillance is needed to track recent shifts, rates of increase, and persistence associated with the pandemic.

    OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study is to provide advanced surveillance metrics for COVID-19 transmission that account for speed, acceleration, jerk, persistence, and weekly shifts, to better understand country risk for explosive growth and those countries who are managing the pandemic successfully. Existing surveillance coupled with our dynamic metrics of transmission will inform health policy to control the COVID-19 pandemic until an effective vaccine is developed. We provide novel indicators to measure disease transmission.

    METHODS: Using a longitudinal trend analysis study design, we extracted 330 days of COVID-19 data from public health registries. We used an empirical difference equation to measure the daily number of cases in East Asia and the Pacific as a function of the prior number of cases, the level of testing, and weekly shift variables based on a dynamic panel model that was estimated using the generalized method of moments approach by implementing the Arellano-Bond estimator in R.

    RESULTS: The standard surveillance metrics for Indonesia, the Philippines, and Myanmar were concerning as they had the largest new caseloads at 4301, 2588, and 1387, respectively. When looking at the acceleration of new COVID-19 infections, we found that French Polynesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines had rates at 3.17, 0.22, and 0.06 per 100,000. These three countries also ranked highest in terms of jerk at 15.45, 0.10, and 0.04, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: Two of the most populous countries in East Asia and the Pacific, Indonesia and the Philippines, have alarming surveillance metrics. These two countries rank highest in new infections in the region. The highest rates of speed, acceleration, and positive upwards jerk belong to French Polynesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, and may result in explosive growth. While all countries in East Asia and the Pacific need to be cautious about reopening their countries since outbreaks are likely to occur in the second wave of COVID-19, the country of greatest concern is the Philippines. Based on standard and enhanced surveillance, the Philippines has not gained control of the COVID-19 epidemic, which is particularly troubling because the country ranks 4th in population in the region. Without extreme and rigid social distancing, quarantines, hygiene, and masking to reverse trends, the Philippines will remain on the global top 5 list of worst COVID-19 outbreaks resulting in high morbidity and mortality. The second wave will only exacerbate existing conditions and increase COVID-19 transmissions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asia, Southeastern/epidemiology; Far East/epidemiology; Indonesia/epidemiology; Malaysia/epidemiology; Philippines/epidemiology; Polynesia/epidemiology; Australasia/epidemiology
  5. Tsan SEH, Kamalanathan A, Lee CK, Zakaria SA, Wang CY
    Anaesthesia, 2021 03;76 Suppl 3:8-10.
    PMID: 32776524 DOI: 10.1111/anae.15231
    Matched MeSH terms: Depression/epidemiology
  6. Sirol Aflah SS, Mohd Thabit AA, Chidambaram SK
    Respirology, 2021 06;26(6):624-626.
    PMID: 33843115 DOI: 10.1111/resp.14057
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia/epidemiology
  7. Wong EHC, Tan HY, Dompok TM, Mohamad Ishak LA, Loong SP
    ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec, 2021 06 18;83(4):258-262.
    PMID: 34148048 DOI: 10.1159/000516597
    BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is the fourth common cancer in Malaysia. A few studies have looked into the incidence of NPC in Malaysia in general, but there has been no published data on its incidence in Sabah specifically, where NPC is very common among the population. The aim of this study is to present the first report on the incidence of NPC in the state of Sabah, Borneo.

    METHODS: Data of all patients diagnosed with NPC over a 5-year period from January 2015 to December 2019 inclusive were collected from the NPC registry of 3 main hospitals in Sabah. Age-standardized rates (ASRs) for different genders, ethnicities, and districts of origin were calculated.

    RESULTS: 215 NPC patients were identified with a mean age at diagnosis of 49 (range 9-82). The ASR of NPC was 7.9/100,000 where the average age-adjusted male-to-female ratio was 2.4. The highest ASR was found in Dusun ethnicity in both male (3.19/100,000) and female (1.69/100,000) individuals, followed by Chinese (both genders), and Kadazan (for male individuals) and Bajau (for female individuals). The highest ASR was found in patients originating from Sandakan, Kota Kinabalu, Keningau, and Tawau.

    CONCLUSION: This is the first report on the incidence of NPC in Sabah, Borneo. The data suggest high ASRs among the population, especially in male Dusun and Chinese ethnic groups. Further research looking into NPC in this state, especially on risk factors and ways to improve diagnosis and prevention among the population, is recommended.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia/epidemiology
  8. Pawankar R, Thong BY, Tiongco-Recto M, Wang JY, Abdul Latiff AH, Thien F, et al.
    Allergy, 2021 09;76(9):2998-2901.
    PMID: 33948966 DOI: 10.1111/all.14894
    Matched MeSH terms: Asia/epidemiology
  9. Tay YL, Abdullah Z, Chelladorai K, Low LL, Tong SF
    PMID: 34444527 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18168778
    Malaysia implemented its first Movement Control Order (MCO) during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic to slow the transmission of the virus. This study aimed to explore the public perception of the MCO implementation and people's experiences during this period. The study employed qualitative explorative in-depth interviews conducted with 23 Malaysian adults from various demographic backgrounds. Thematic analysis was performed using NVivo 12. Three main themes were identified: a period of information surge, heterogeneous emotional response, and attempts to adapt. During the MCO, the participants obtained information from multiple platforms. They suggested the need for clear and repeated instructions to avoid confusion and misinformation. They also acknowledged the importance of the MCO in breaking the chain of transmission and safeguarding high-risk groups; however, they also expressed that stricter enforcement from the authorities was warranted. The changes in the participants' work-life routines, lack of physical interaction, and uncertainty about their health and the economy due to the MCO negatively impacted their psychological states. Despite these challenges, the participants attempted to adapt to life under the MCO in different ways. The findings imply that during a crisis, the public tends to seek clear and reliable information, experience emotional turmoil, and adapt to changes. The MCO implementation can be improved through an effective communication strategy and efforts to battle misinformation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia/epidemiology
  10. Ganasegeran K, Jamil MFA, Ch'ng ASH, Looi I, Peariasamy KM
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Sep 18;18(18).
    PMID: 34574790 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18189866
    The rapid transmission of highly contagious infectious diseases within communities can yield potential hotspots or clusters across geographies. For COVID-19, the impact of population density on transmission models demonstrates mixed findings. This study aims to determine the correlations between population density, clusters, and COVID-19 incidence across districts and regions in Malaysia. This countrywide ecological study was conducted between 22 January 2021 and 4 February 2021 involving 51,476 active COVID-19 cases during Malaysia's third wave of the pandemic, prior to the reimplementation of lockdowns. Population data from multiple sources was aggregated and spatial analytics were performed to visualize distributional choropleths of COVID-19 cases in relation to population density. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to synthesize dendrograms to demarcate potential clusters against population density. Region-wise correlations and simple linear regression models were deduced to observe the strength of the correlations and the propagation effects of COVID-19 infections relative to population density. Distributional heats in choropleths and cluster analysis showed that districts with a high number of inhabitants and a high population density had a greater number of cases in proportion to the population in that area. The Central region had the strongest correlation between COVID-19 cases and population density (r = 0.912; 95% CI 0.911, 0.913; p < 0.001). The propagation effect and the spread of disease was greater in urbanized districts or cities. Population density is an important factor for the spread of COVID-19 in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia/epidemiology
  11. McKay DA
    Med J Malaysia, 1979 Mar;33(3):198-200.
    PMID: 522722
    Matched MeSH terms: Epidemiology*
  12. Sandosham AA
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Mar;31(3):176-9.
    PMID: 904507
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/epidemiology*
  13. Sinnathuray TA
    Med J Malaya, 1971 Sep;26(1):53-5.
    PMID: 4258576
    Matched MeSH terms: Cystadenoma/epidemiology*; Dermoid Cyst/epidemiology; Endometriosis/epidemiology*; Lymphangioma/epidemiology*; Ovarian Cysts/epidemiology*; Ovarian Neoplasms/epidemiology*; Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology*
  14. Eng LI
    Nature, 1965 Dec 25;208(5017):1329.
    PMID: 5870194
    Matched MeSH terms: Elliptocytosis, Hereditary/epidemiology*
    Med J Malaya, 1962 Mar;16:206-13.
    PMID: 14465140
    Matched MeSH terms: Mycoses/epidemiology*
  16. ROE TN
    Med J Malaya, 1960 Sep;15:26-32.
    PMID: 13742656
    Matched MeSH terms: Hyperthyroidism/epidemiology*
    Med J Malaya, 1956 Jun;10(4):289-303.
    PMID: 13399530
    Matched MeSH terms: Dengue/epidemiology*
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1954 Mar;48(2):150-2.
    PMID: 13157161
    Matched MeSH terms: Kwashiorkor/epidemiology*
  19. SODHY JS
    Med J Malaya, 1954 Jun;8(4):296-302.
    PMID: 13193267
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  20. Kong YW
    Dent J Malaysia Singapore, 1972 May;12(1):9-14.
    PMID: 4507360
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Abnormalities/epidemiology
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