Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 1008 in total

  1. Yin ZW, Li LZ
    Zootaxa, 2014.
    PMID: 24943626 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3815.3.9
    A new species, Megatyrus femoralis sp. n., is described from the Koshi Zone, East Nepal, with major diagnostic features illustrated. Megatyrus masumotoi Nomura, Sakchoowong & Chanpaisaeng, originally described from southwestern Thailand, is recorded from the Noring Timur Mountain, West Malaysia. The above data extends the known range of Megatyrus about 1,200 km to the west, and 870 km to the south.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Beetles/anatomy & histology
  2. Väisänen R
    Zootaxa, 2014.
    PMID: 24943632 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3815.4.4
    Mycomya Rondani specimens from the islands of South-East Asia, i.e. Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, are revised. The paper includes a key to the Mycomya species of the South-East Asian islands. The following six new species are described: M. shimai sp. n. from Java, Indonesia, M. pongo sp. n. from Sabah, Malaysia, and M. apoensis sp. n., M. nakanishii sp. n., M. paraklossi sp. n. and M. yatai sp. n. from Mindanao, the Philippines. The holotypes of M. klossi Edwards from Borneo, Malaysia, and M. minutata Edwards from Sumatra, Indonesia, were examined and their genitalia are described. M. occultans (Winnertz) is recorded from Java, Indonesia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Diptera/anatomy & histology
  3. Dow RA
    Zootaxa, 2014;3784:74-8.
    PMID: 24872033 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3784.1.4
    T. iban sp. nov. is described from the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Both sexes can be distinguished from all other species of Telosticta by the form of the antehumeral markings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Odonata/anatomy & histology
  4. Munari L
    Zootaxa, 2014;3784:281-93.
    PMID: 24872057 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3784.3.8
    Three new species of Dasyrhicnoessa Hendel, 1934 and one of Pseudorhicnoessa Malloch, 1914 from the Indo-Pacific area are described and the male terminalia illustrated. Among these new species, Dasyrhicnoessa paradoxa sp. nov. and Pseudorhicnoessa longicerca sp. nov. are especially noteworthy for the morphological peculiarities of the male terminalia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Diptera/anatomy & histology
  5. Aripin YM, Ibrahim N, Muhammad R
    Asian J Surg, 2013 Oct;36(4):150-3.
    PMID: 23726827 DOI: 10.1016/j.asjsur.2013.04.008
    The anatomical orientation of structures in the axilla has not been well studied, although it is essential for a neat and safe dissection. The objective of this study was to determine the relations between neurovascular structures in the axilla as they were encountered during axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) for breast cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Axilla/anatomy & histology*; Pectoralis Muscles/anatomy & histology*
  6. Schutze MK, Krosch MN, Armstrong KF, Chapman TA, Englezou A, Chomič A, et al.
    BMC Evol. Biol., 2012;12:130.
    PMID: 22846393
    Bactrocera dorsalis s.s. is a pestiferous tephritid fruit fly distributed from Pakistan to the Pacific, with the Thai/Malay peninsula its southern limit. Sister pest taxa, B. papayae and B. philippinensis, occur in the southeast Asian archipelago and the Philippines, respectively. The relationship among these species is unclear due to their high molecular and morphological similarity. This study analysed population structure of these three species within a southeast Asian biogeographical context to assess potential dispersal patterns and the validity of their current taxonomic status.
    Matched MeSH terms: Wings, Animal/anatomy & histology; Tephritidae/anatomy & histology
  7. Schutze MK, Jessup A, Clarke AR
    Bull. Entomol. Res., 2012 Feb;102(1):103-11.
    PMID: 21867577 DOI: 10.1017/S0007485311000423
    Four morphologically cryptic species of the Bactrocera dorsalis fruit fly complex (B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae, B. carambolae and B. philippinensis) are serious agricultural pests. As they are difficult to diagnose using traditional taxonomic techniques, we examined the potential for geometric morphometric analysis of wing size and shape to discriminate between them. Fifteen wing landmarks generated size and shape data for 245 specimens for subsequent comparisons among three geographically distinct samples of each species. Intraspecific wing size was significantly different within samples of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis s.s. but not within samples of B. papayae or B. philippinensis. Although B. papayae had the smallest wings (average centroid size=6.002 mm±0.061 SE) and B. dorsalis s.s. the largest (6.349 mm±0.066 SE), interspecific wing size comparisons were generally non-informative and incapable of discriminating species. Contrary to the wing size data, canonical variate analysis based on wing shape data discriminated all species with a relatively high degree of accuracy; individuals were correctly reassigned to their respective species on average 93.27% of the time. A single sample group of B. carambolae from locality 'TN Malaysia' was the only sample to be considerably different from its conspecific groups with regards to both wing size and wing shape. This sample was subsequently deemed to have been originally misidentified and likely represents an undescribed species. We demonstrate that geometric morphometric techniques analysing wing shape represent a promising approach for discriminating between morphologically cryptic taxa of the B. dorsalis species complex.
    Matched MeSH terms: Wings, Animal/anatomy & histology; Tephritidae/anatomy & histology*
  8. Simon KD, Bakar Y, Temple SE, Mazlan AG
    J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 2010 Nov;11(11):871-9.
    PMID: 21043056 DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1000054
    A simple yet useful criterion based on external markings and/or number of dorsal spines is currently used to differentiate two congeneric archer fish species Toxotes chatareus and Toxotes jaculatrix. Here we investigate other morphometric and meristic characters that can also be used to differentiate these two species. Principal component and/or discriminant functions revealed that meristic characters were highly correlated with pectoral fin ray count, number of lateral line scales, as well as number of anal fin rays. The results indicate that T. chatareus can be distinguished from T. jaculatrix by having a greater number of lateral line scales, a lower number of pectoral fin rays, and a higher number of anal fin rays. In contrast, morphometric discriminant analyses gave relatively low distinction: 76.1% of fish were ascribed to the correct species cluster. The observed morphometric differences came from the dorsal and anal spines lengths, with T. chatareus having shorter dorsal and longer anal spines than T. jaculatrix. Overall, meristic traits were more useful than morphometrics in differentiating the two species; nevertheless, meristics and morphometrics together provide information about the morphological differentiation between these two closely related archer fishes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fishes/anatomy & histology*; Animals, Congenic/anatomy & histology*
  9. Adnyane IK, Zuki AB, Noordin MM, Agungpriyono S
    Anat Histol Embryol, 2011 Feb;40(1):73-7.
    PMID: 21105898 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0264.2010.01041.x
    The morphology of the tongue of the adult barking deer, Muntiacus muntjak, was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. The result showed that the tongue of the barking deer was elongated with a rounded apex. Four types of lingual papillae were observed: filiform, fungiform, vallate and large conical papillae. The filiform papillae represented the most numerous types of lingual papillae. The fungiform papillae were distributed among the filiform papillae on the rostral and the body portions of the tongue. Ten to thirteen vallate papillae were distributed on both sides of the lingual prominence among the large conical papillae. Histologically, both the fungiform and vallate papillae contain taste buds in the epithelial layer. The distribution and types of lingual papillae found in the barking deer are similar to those in the other species that belong to the family Cervidae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tongue/anatomy & histology*; Muntjacs/anatomy & histology*
  10. Matsui M
    Zoolog Sci, 2009 Aug;26(8):579-85.
    PMID: 19719411 DOI: 10.2108/zsj.26.579
    A new microhylid, Kalophrynus yongi, Is described from the Cameron Highlands of Peninsular Malaysia. Morphologically, the new species differs from all known congeners by having a very stout forelimb with a humeral spine in males. Acoustically, it resembles K. baluensis and K. heterochirus and sharply differs from K. interlineatus, K. pleurostigma, K. palmatissimus, and K. nubicola.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anura/anatomy & histology*; Humerus/anatomy & histology
  11. B SN, Rodenbaugh DW
    Adv Physiol Educ, 2008 Jun;32(2):169-70.
    PMID: 18539862 DOI: 10.1152/advan.00106.2007
    Matched MeSH terms: Pelvis/anatomy & histology*; Muscle, Skeletal/anatomy & histology
  12. Das S, Abd Latiff A, Suhaimi FH, Othman FB, Yahaya MF, Ahmad F, et al.
    Bratisl Lek Listy, 2008;109(11):520-4.
    PMID: 19205565
    The occipital sinus (OS) lies in the attached margin of the faix cerebelli in the internal occipital crest of the occipital bone. The OS extends from the foramen magnum to the confluence of sinuses. Standard textbooks and research reports do not describe in detail any variation in the groove for the occipital sinus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cranial Fossa, Posterior/anatomy & histology*; Occipital Bone/anatomy & histology*
  13. Rajasvaran L, Haw TW, Sarker SZ
    J Med Syst, 2008 Aug;32(4):259-68.
    PMID: 18619090
    This work presents a method for liver isolation in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abdomen images. It is based on a priori statistical information about the shape of the liver obtained from a training set using the segmentation approach. Morphological watershed algorithm is used as a key technique as it is a simple and intuitive method, producing a complete division of the image in separated regions even if the contrast is poor, and it is fast, with possibility for parallel implementation. To overcome the over-segmentation problem of the watershed process, image preprocessing and postprocessing are applied. Morphological smoothing, Gaussian smoothing, intensity thresholding, gradient computation and gradient thresholding are proposed for preprocessing with morphological and graph based region adjacent list constructed for region merging. A new integrated region similarity function is also defined for region merging control. The proposed method produces good isolation of liver in axial MRI images of the abdomen, as is shown in this paper.
    Matched MeSH terms: Abdomen/anatomy & histology; Liver/anatomy & histology*
  14. Mukai Y, Chai LL, Shaleh SR, Senoo S
    Zoolog Sci, 2007 Aug;24(8):829-35.
    PMID: 18217491
    This study was conducted to clarify the development of free neuromasts with growth of the barramundi, Lates calcarifer. A pair of free neuromasts was observed behind the unpigmented eyes in newly hatched eleutheroembryos with a mean total length of 1.93 mm, and two-hour-old eleuthero-embryos could respond to an approaching pipette. At 2 days after hatching, the egg yolk sac was mostly consumed, the eyes were pigmented, and the larvae commenced feeding on rotifers. Free neuromasts increased in number with growth and commenced developing into canal neuromasts in barramundi 15 days old with a mean total length of 8.07 mm. The average length of the major axis of the trunk free neuromasts attained approximately 12.9-15.5 microm, and the number of sensory cells was 15.4-17.5 at 15-20 days old. Developed cupulae of free neuromasts were observed in 1-day-old eleutheroembryos. The direction of maximum sensitivity of free neuromasts, determined from the polarity of the sensory cells, coincided with the minor axis of the lozenge-shaped outline of the apical surface of the free neuromasts. The polarity of trunk neuromasts was usually oriented along the antero-posterior axis of the fish body, but a few had a dorso-ventral direction. On the head, free neuromasts were oriented on lines tangential to concentric circles around the eye.
    Matched MeSH terms: Larva/anatomy & histology; Perciformes/anatomy & histology*
  15. Murai T
    Am J Primatol, 2006 Aug;68(8):832-7.
    PMID: 16847976 DOI: 10.1002/ajp.20266
    The mating behaviors of the proboscis monkey were observed in a riverine forest along a tributary of the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia, for a period of 30 months. Solicitation for copulation was initiated frequently by males and occasionally by females. Most copulations involved only one mount; however, some multiple-mount copulations were observed and a maximum of six mounts per copulation were recorded. The mean duration of mounts was about 27 sec. Nonsexual mounts (female-female, female-juvenile/infant, juvenile-juvenile, and juvenile-infant) were also observed. Female-female mounts occurred shortly after failed solicitations toward males were observed. Harassment by juveniles and/or infants was observed during copulation; however, these harassments apparently did not interfere with copulation. Sexual swelling was evident in 77.4% of copulating females, with copulating subadult females showing the most distinct swelling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genitalia, Female/anatomy & histology; Colobinae/anatomy & histology
  16. Nayak S
    Adv Physiol Educ, 2006 Jun;30(2):95-6.
    PMID: 16709742
    Matched MeSH terms: Genitalia, Female/anatomy & histology*; Peritoneum/anatomy & histology*
  17. Balakirev AE, Abramov AV, Rozhnov VV
    Zootaxa, 2013;3640:521-49.
    PMID: 26000434
    A revision of the genus Leopoldamys is presented, and both the species composition and distribution in Indochina and Sundaic regions is reinvestigated. The phylogeny of the genus is recovered based on Cyt b, COI, and IRBP gene analyses. Five basal and 16 secondary monophyletic phylogenetic lineages were identified. A taxonomic reassessment of the continental and Sundaic populations is performed based on morphological verification of the genetically defined clades. Six clades were recovered in the phylogenetic analyses and correspond to morphologically defined species: L. revertens (distributed in lowlands of eastern and central Indochina), L. herberti (western and central Indochina, northward to northern Vietnam), L. edwardsi (China and northern Vietnam, northward of 21 degrees N), L. milleti (endemic of Dalat Plateau, southern Vietnam), L. sabanus (Borneo), and L. vociferans (lowlands of the Malacca Peninsula, northward to southwestern Thailand). The absence of proper L. sabanus in continental Indochina is revealed. The substitute name for the species known from the majority of Indochina under the name of L. sabanus should be L. revertens. The name L. neilli, which has been ascribed to populations from Thailand and Vietnam, is a junior synonym of L. herberti. Two related but rather divergent clades are found in Sumatra and the Malacca Peninsula. Based on their considerable genetic distances, these forms should be regarded as separate species from the L. sabanus type-bearing populations of Borneo, or as the members of L. sabanus polytypic superspecies. The substitute name for the lineage-bearing taxon from Malacca should be L. vociferans. The continental populations of Leopoldamys can be distinguished from each other by external and cranial characters and may be subdivided into four species. Two of these species (L. revertens and L. milleti) are well distinguished by external and cranial morphology, whereas the other two species (L. herberti and L. edwardsi) may be treated as sibling species that are difficult to distinguish based on morphological characters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muridae/anatomy & histology*; Skull/anatomy & histology
  18. Tan MK, Kamaruddin KN
    Zootaxa, 2013;3721:258-64.
    PMID: 26120671
    Two new species of Mogoplistinae from Bukit Fraser, Pahang of Malay Peninsula are described: Micrornebius malaya sp. n. and Ornebius albalatus sp. n.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology; Gryllidae/anatomy & histology
  19. Senthilkumar S
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 May;59 Suppl B:218-9.
    PMID: 15468896
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/anatomy & histology*; Orchidaceae/anatomy & histology*
  20. Rijal OM, Abdullah NA, Isa ZM, Noor NM, Tawfiq OF
    PMID: 23367155 DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6347220
    Selected landmarks from each of 47 maxillary dental casts were used to define a Cartesian-coordinate system from which the positions of selected teeth were determined on standardized digital images. The position of the i-th tooth was defined by a line of length (l(i)) joining the tooth to the origin, and the angle (θ(i)) of this line to the horizontal Cartesian axis. Four teeth, the central incisor, lateral incisor, canine and first molar were selected and their position were collectively used to represent the shape of the dental arch. A pilot study using clustering and principal component analysis strongly suggest the existence of 3 groups of arch shape. In this study, the homogeneity of the 3 groups was further investigated and confirmed by the Dunn and Davies-Bouldein validity indices. This is followed by an investigation of the probability distribution of these 3 groups. The main result of this study suggests 3 groups of multivariate (MV) normal distribution. The MV normal probability distribution of these groups may be used in further studies to investigate the issues of variation of arch shape, which is fundamental to the practice of prosthodontics and orthodontics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Arch/anatomy & histology*; Maxilla/anatomy & histology*
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