Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 151 in total

  1. Asad M, Ullah W, Gajdács M, Madléna M, Shanmugham S, Veettil SK, et al.
    J Infect Dev Ctries, 2025 Jan 31;19(1):58-66.
    PMID: 39977468 DOI: 10.3855/jidc.19554
    INTRODUCTION: A prescribing cascade occurs when new medications are prescribed to address an adverse drug reaction (ADR) associated with the preceding use of a medication, which may be mistaken as the onset of a novel disease or condition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the perceptions of hospital pharmacists regarding roles in preventing and minimizing prescribing cascades.

    METHODOLOGY: A qualitative, semi-structured interview, followed by a quantitative, questionnaire-based study, was carried out at the Shifa International Hospital (SIH; Islamabad, Pakistan). Discharge summaries of patients aged ≥ 60 years were collected to assess the prevalence of polypharmacy at SIH.

    RESULTS: Discharge summaries of n = 350 patients were collected; 60.2% (n = 211) had comorbid conditions, and the co-occurrence of diabetes and hypertension were the most common. 37.8% (n = 132) were taking 8 or more medications. Eight (n = 8) hospital pharmacists participated in the qualitative study, and 4 major themes were identified in their perceptions regarding prescribing cascades. Fifty-two (n = 52) pharmacists were recruited in the quantitative phase. 86.5% (n = 45) of the participants reported long standing illness/chronic conditions; 67.3% (n = 35) noted the presence of comorbidities as a high risk, while 90.3% (n = 47) noted multiple prescribers, and 75.0% (n = 39) identified the ageing population as important risks factors for polypharmacy.

    CONCLUSIONS: The current research may inform the role and responsibilities of hospital pharmacists in outpatient and inpatient departments, and in interprofessional care teams, in preventing and minimizing prescribing cascades.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  2. Chen CJ, Jallaludin RL
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2000;12(1):12-6.
    PMID: 11200211
    In recent years, the concept of a Health-Promoting School has received much interest. In Malaysia, dental nurses are ideally placed to play a lead role in promoting Oral Health within the school setting. This study aims to provide information on the knowledge, perception and perceived role of Oral Health Promotion in schools, among dental nurses. A postal questionnaire was used to measure dental nurses' knowledge, perception and perceived role of Oral Health Promotion. The majority (60%) of dental nurses had good knowledge of Oral Health Promotion. Generally, they perceived that they play an important role in promoting Oral Health in schools. However, a sizeable proportion (25%) did not think they had a role to play in working together with school authorities to provide children with healthy food choices in school canteens. The majority (60%) of dental nurses did not perceive Oral Health Promotion to be important as a whole. They had a good perception of the concepts: it supports behaviour change, it has appropriate goals, it integrates oral health and general health and relieves anxiety. However, they had a poorer perception of the concepts; diverse educational approaches, participation, focus on prevention, early intervention, "spread of effect" of dental health education and "make healthier choices the easier choices". Years of service was not significantly associated with knowledge and perception of Oral Health Promotion. Dental nurses should be reoriented towards a more holistic practice of Oral Health Promotion. Workshops that invite active participation from dental nurses should be conducted to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Role
  3. Azami G, Soh KL, Sazlina SG, Salmiah MS, Aazami S, Mozafari M, et al.
    J Diabetes Res, 2018;2018:4930157.
    PMID: 30225268 DOI: 10.1155/2018/4930157
    In recent years, great emphasis has been placed on the role of nonpharmacological self-management in the care of patients with diabetes. Studies have reported that nurses, compared to other healthcare professionals, are more likely to promote preventive healthcare seeking behaviors. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a nurse-led diabetes self-management education on glycosylated hemoglobin. A two-arm parallel-group randomized controlled trial with the blinded outcome assessors was designed. One hundred forty-two adults with type 2 diabetes were randomized to receive either usual diabetes care (control group) or usual care plus a nurse-led diabetes self-management education (intervention group). Duration of the intervention was 12 weeks. The primary outcome was glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c values). Secondary outcomes were changes in blood pressure, body weight, lipid profiles, self-efficacy (efficacy expectation and outcome expectation), self-management behaviors, quality of life, social support, and depression. Outcome measures were assessed at baseline and at 12-week and 24-week postrandomizations. Patients in the intervention group showed significant improvement in HbA1c, blood pressure, body weight, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, and diabetes self-management behaviors. The beneficial effect of a nurse-led intervention continued to accrue beyond the end of the trial resulting in sustained improvements in clinical, lifestyle, and psychosocial outcomes. This trial is registered with IRCT2016062528627N1.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role*
  4. Nordin AS, Kadir RA, Yahya NA, Zakaria H, Rashid RA, Habil MH
    Int Dent J, 2014 Aug;64(4):206-12.
    PMID: 24835463 DOI: 10.1111/idj.12110
    As a signatory to the World Health Organisation 2003 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Malaysia has policies in place and funded 300 public Quit clinics. Unfortunately, government dentists are not included to run tobacco dependence treatment. A cross-sectional exploratory survey was carried out to seek Malaysian dentists' opinion on their knowledge, perception and willingness to conduct tobacco dependence treatment. Participation was voluntary from those who attended a specially designed one-day, four-module workshop on tobacco cessation intervention. Data were collected using the Audience-Response-System equipment which tracked immediate responses covering four domains namely: smoking as a public health problem, smoking as an addiction, the role of dentists in the programme and confidence in conducting smoking cessation in the clinic. Sample comprised more female dentists (73.5%), mean age 33.6 (SD 8.99) years and with more than 3 years working experience. Findings indicated that the majority agreed Malaysia has a rising problem in the prevalence of smoking (71.6%) and predicted that it will affect mostly the young (81.9%). Only half of the dentists surveyed (58.9%) routinely recorded their patients' smoking habits. The majority (71.6%) believed that dentists are effective in helping their patient to stop smoking and 76.3% agreed that dentists should discuss the smoking habit with their patients; however, 60% agreed that doing so is too time consuming. In addition, only 24.7% knew of more ways to treat a smoking habit. The majority felt comfortable giving advice to patients about changing their habits (76.5%) or discussing treatment options (60.5%): 75% would opt for a combined programme of counselling and use of medication if they have to do, 15% would choose to go on counselling only, while 8% did not want to treat. In conclusion, the findings suggest that dentists have a strong potential to contribute significantly to providing smoking cessation treatment if adequately trained.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  5. Mak VS, March G, Clark A, Gilbert AL
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2014 Oct;22(5):366-72.
    PMID: 24428202 DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12090
    OBJECTIVE: To explore South Australian (SA) pharmacy interns' values, beliefs and motivations to study pharmacy and their assessment of how well their pharmacy education has prepared them for activities required of all health professionals under Australia's health care reforms.
    METHODS: A postal questionnaire was sent to all 136 SA pharmacy interns enrolled in SA intern training programmes in February 2010 (second month of the intern training programme).
    KEY FINDINGS: Sixty (44%) of SA pharmacy interns responded; 75% selected pharmacy as a career because of an interest in health-related sciences and 65% valued working with patients. Respondents believed their pharmacy education prepared them for patient care (80%), providing medicine information (72%) and primary health care delivery (68%), but 51% indicated that they were not prepared for multidisciplinary team care.
    CONCLUSIONS: The positive values, beliefs and motivations expressed by respondents are significant behavioural precursors to meet the requirements of health professionals in Australia's health care reforms. Respondents indicated that their pharmacy education provided appropriate training in a number of relevant professional areas.
    KEYWORDS: behaviour; career choice; education; pharmacy interns; preparedness
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  6. Omar H, Khan SA, Toh CG
    J Dent Educ, 2013 May;77(5):640-7.
    PMID: 23658411
    Student-generated videos provide an authentic learning experience for students, enhance motivation and engagement, improve communication skills, and improve collaborative learning skills. This article describes the development and implementation of a student-generated video activity as part of a knowledge, observation, simulation, and experience (KOSE) program at the School of Dentistry, International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It also reports the students' perceptions of an activity that introduced first-year dental students (n=44) to clinical scenarios involving patients and dental team aiming to improve professional behavior and communication skills. The learning activity was divided into three phases: preparatory phase, video production phase, and video-watching. Students were organized into five groups and were instructed to generate videos addressing given clinical scenarios. Following the activity, students' perceptions were assessed with a questionnaire. The results showed that 86 percent and 88 percent, respectively, of the students agreed that preparation of the activity enhanced their understanding of the role of dentists in provision of health care and the role of enhanced teamwork. In addition, 86 percent and 75 percent, respectively, agreed that the activity improved their communication and project management skills. Overall, the dental students perceived that the student-generated video activity was a positive experience and enabled them to play the major role in driving their learning process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Role Playing
  7. Hassali MA, Shafie AA, Al-Haddad MS, Abduelkarem AR, Ibrahim MI, Palaian S, et al.
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2011 Dec;7(4):415-20.
    PMID: 21272536 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2010.10.003
    The practice of pharmacy and, consequently, pharmacy curricula have undergone significant changes over the past years in response to a rapidly changing economic, political, and social environment. Within this context, the pharmacist's role had expanded to include more direct interaction with the public in terms of the provision of health information and advice on the safe and rational use of medications. To carry out these roles effectively, pharmacists need to be well prepared on how to deal with patients' behavior and psychology. The understanding of patient sociobehavioral aspects in the medication use process is paramount to achieving optimal clinical and humanistic outcomes from therapy. The concept of behavioral sciences and health psychology are embedded as the fundamental concepts in the field of social pharmacy, and thus it is imperative that this should be taught and nurtured to future pharmacy practitioners. Based on the growing needs for future pharmacists to be exposed to issues in social pharmacy, many pharmacy schools around the world have adopted this subject to be part of their standard curriculum. In this commentary, a discussion of the needs of social pharmacy courses in pharmacy curriculum will be addressed in the context of both developed and developing countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  8. Babar ZU, Bukhari NI, Sarwar W, Efendie B, Pereira R, Mohamed MH
    Pharm World Sci, 2007 Jun;29(3):101-3.
    PMID: 17288012 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-005-2905-4
    OBJECTIVES: This paper presents an outcome of pharmacist counseling among Malaysian smokers for their awareness of and willingness to quit smoking.

    METHOD: It was a cross-sectional study during a 3-day public health campaign at a shopping complex. Each self-referred participant was asked to complete a questionnaire apart from the question regarding improvement, and if any in their awareness and willingness to quit smoking, were asked to respond after counseling. Pharmacists counseled each participant about smoking cessation strategies and smoking related diseases. The data were analyzed by chi2 test.

    RESULTS: Among respondents, 25.5% had been smoking for more than 10 years, 31% for 5-10 years, 25.4% for 2-5 years and 18.3% for 1-2 years. The participants declaring no awareness about smoking were 22.9%, with little awareness 44.3%, having moderate awareness 25.7% and with considerable awareness were 7.1%. After counseling, 4.1% revealed unawareness, 17.8% little awareness, 43.8% moderate and 34.2% had considerable awareness on the above aspects. The post counseling awareness on smoking was observed to be significantly higher (P < 0.01). Among smokers studied, 67% showed willingness to quit smoking.

    CONCLUSION: Increase in awareness of and willingness to quit smoking reflects that pharmacist counseling seems to be helpful in cessation of smoking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  9. Chua SS, Kok LC, Yusof FA, Tang GH, Lee SW, Efendie B, et al.
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2012;12:388.
    PMID: 23145922 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-12-388
    BACKGROUND: The roles of pharmacists have evolved from product oriented, dispensing of medications to more patient-focused services such as the provision of pharmaceutical care. Such pharmacy service is also becoming more widely practised in Malaysia but is not well documented. Therefore, this study is warranted to fill this information gap by identifying the types of pharmaceutical care issues (PCIs) encountered by primary care patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension or hyperlipidaemia in Malaysia.
    METHODS: This study was part of a large controlled trial that evaluated the outcomes of multiprofessional collaboration which involved medical general practitioners, pharmacists, dietitians and nurses in managing diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia in primary care settings. A total of 477 patients were recruited by 44 general practitioners in the Klang Valley. These patients were counselled by the various healthcare professionals and followed-up for 6 months.
    RESULTS: Of the 477 participants, 53.7% had at least one PCI, with a total of 706 PCIs. These included drug-use problems (33.3%), insufficient awareness and knowledge about disease condition and medication (20.4%), adverse drug reactions (15.6%), therapeutic failure (13.9%), drug-choice problems (9.5%) and dosing problems (3.4%). Non-adherence to medications topped the list of drug-use problems, followed by incorrect administration of medications. More than half of the PCIs (52%) were classified as probably clinically insignificant, 38.9% with minimal clinical significance, 8.9% as definitely clinically significant and could cause patient harm while one issue (0.2%) was classified as life threatening. The main causes of PCIs were deterioration of disease state which led to failure of therapy, and also presentation of new symptoms or indications. Of the 338 PCIs where changes were recommended by the pharmacist, 87.3% were carried out as recommended.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the importance of pharmacists working in collaboration with other healthcare providers especially the medical doctors in identifying and resolving pharmaceutical care issues to provide optimal care for patients with chronic diseases.
    TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00490672.
    Study name: Cardiovascular Risk Factors Intervention Strategies (CORFIS) trial
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  10. Aljumah K, Hassali MA
    BMC Psychiatry, 2015;15:219.
    PMID: 26376830 DOI: 10.1186/s12888-015-0605-8
    Adherence to antidepressant treatment is essential for the effective management of patients with major depressive disorder. Adherence to medication is a dynamic decision-making process, and pharmacists play an important role in improving adherence to antidepressant treatment in different settings within the healthcare system. The aim of this study was to assess whether pharmacist interventions based on shared decision making improved adherence and patient-related outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  11. Ahmad A, Khan MU
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2016 04 23;12(5):811-2.
    PMID: 27157865 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.04.003
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  12. Hartog J
    Ment Hyg, 1971 Jan;55(1):35-44.
    PMID: 5549644
    Matched MeSH terms: Role
  13. Sreeramareddy CT, Ramakrishnareddy N, Rahman M, Mir IA
    BMJ Open, 2018 05 26;8(5):e017477.
    PMID: 29804056 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017477
    INTRODUCTION: Health professionals play an important role in providing advice to their patients about tobacco prevention and cessation. Health professionals who use tobacco may be deterred from providing cessation advice and counselling to their patients. We aimed to provide prevalence estimates of tobacco use among student health professionals and describe their attitudes towards tobacco cessation training.

    METHODS: Country-wise aggregate data from the Global Health Professions Student Survey on 'current cigarette smoking' (smoking cigarettes on 1 or more days during the past 30 days), and 'current use of tobacco products other than cigarettes' (chewing tobacco, snuff, bidis, cigars or pipes, 1 or more days during the past 30 days) were analysed. For each WHO region, we estimated mean prevalence rates of tobacco use weighted by the population of the sampling frame and aggregate proportions for 'health professionals' role' and 'cessation training' indicators using 'metaprop' command on Stata V.11.

    RESULTS: A total of 107 527 student health professionals participated in 236 surveys done in four health profession disciplines spanning 70 countries with response rates ranging from 40% to 100%. Overall, prevalence of smoking was highest in European countries (20% medical and 40% dental students) and the Americas (13% pharmacy to 23% dental students). Other tobacco use was higher in eastern Mediterranean (10%-23%) and European countries (7%-13%). In most WHO regions, ≥70% of the students agreed that health professionals are role models, and have a role in advising about smoking cessation to their patients and the public. Only ≤33% of all student health professionals in most WHO regions (except 80% dental students in the Eastern Mediterranean region) had received formal training on smoking cessation approaches and ≥80% of all students agreed that they should receive formal cessation training.

    CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco control should take place together with medical educators to discourage tobacco use among student health professionals and implement an integrated smoking cessation training into health professions' curricula.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  14. Naqvi AA, Hassali MA, Aftab MT, Nadir MN
    J Pak Med Assoc, 2019 Feb;69(2):216-223.
    PMID: 30804587
    OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to perceived barriers to medication adherence in patients with chronic illnesses..

    METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Karachi in September 2017, using grounded theory and inductive approach. Interviews were conducted using a checklist in Urdu language from patients of chronic illnesses determined based on medicines dispensed from the out-patient pharmacy in hospital. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, translated in English and validated. The translated quotations were analysed using a qualitative analysis software, and thematic analysis was conducted. Codes were generated and analysed by semantic linkages and network analysis using ATLAS.ti qualitative research software.

    RESULTS: Of the 16 patients interviewed, 8(50%) were males and 8(50%) were females. Barriers to medication adherence identified were patient behaviour (intentional and un-intentional non-adherence), comorbidity and pill burden, cost-related non-adherence, and low patient knowledge. The last barrier was associated with the rest.

    CONCLUSIONS: Counselling has the potential to increase patient knowledge regarding medication use, and active pharmacist-physician collaboration can improve medication adherence..

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  15. Brock T, Vu T, Kadirvelu A, Lee CY, Kent F
    Med Educ Online, 2020 Dec;25(1):1780697.
    PMID: 32552527 DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2020.1780697
    BACKGROUND: To promote better collaboration for patient care, interprofessional education (IPE) is required in many health professions courses. However, successful IPE implementation at scale can be challenging because of complicated logistics and competing priorities. Implementing across multiple geographies adds further complexity.

    OBJECTIVE: This paper describes the implementation of a full cohort IPE activity for medical and pharmacy students delivered at both the Australian and Malaysian campuses of Monash University.

    DESIGN: We designed a 150-minute, blended learning activity centred around asthma care for second-year medical and pharmacy students. Student perceptions were measured with a pre- and post-activity survey using the validated ten-item, three-factor, SPICE-R2 instrument. Analysis focused on differences between professions and countries.

    RESULTS: All second-year medicine (N = 301 in Australia and N = 107 in Malaysia) and pharmacy students (N = 168 in Australia and N = 117 in Malaysia) participated in the learning activity. A total of 326/693 (47%) students participated in the associated research by completing both the pre- and post-activity surveys. The pre-activity survey showed significant differences in four items between medicine and pharmacy students in Australia and two items in Malaysia. Post-activity, we observed significant changes in 8/10 items when the two professions were combined. Specifically, we noted changes across the countries in perceptions of roles and responsibilities for collaborative practice and patient outcomes from collaborative practice.

    CONCLUSIONS: IPE across different professions and countries is feasible. Positive outcomes in role understanding and perceived patient outcomes are achievable through a context-sensitive, locally driven approach to implementation. Longitudinal experiences may be required to influence perceptions of teamwork and team-based care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  16. Hasan SS, Thiruchelvam K, Kow CS, Ghori MU, Babar ZU
    Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res, 2017 Oct;17(5):431-439.
    PMID: 28825502 DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2017.1370376
    INTRODUCTION: Medication reviews is a widely accepted approach known to have a substantial impact on patients' pharmacotherapy and safety. Numerous options to optimise pharmacotherapy in older people have been reported in literature and they include medication reviews, computerised decision support systems, management teams, and educational approaches. Pharmacist-led medication reviews are increasingly being conducted, aimed at attaining patient safety and medication optimisation. Cost effectiveness is an essential aspect of a medication review evaluation. Areas covered: A systematic searching of articles that examined the cost-effectiveness of medication reviews conducted in aged care facilities was performed using the relevant databases. Pharmacist-led medication reviews confer many benefits such as attainment of biomarker targets for improved clinical outcomes, and other clinical parameters, as well as depict concrete financial advantages in terms of decrement in total medication costs and associated cost savings. Expert commentary: The cost-effectiveness of medication reviews are more consequential than ever before. A critical evaluation of pharmacist-led medication reviews in residential aged care facilities from an economical aspect is crucial in determining if the time, effort, and direct and indirect costs involved in the review rationalise the significance of conducting medication reviews for older people in aged care facilities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  17. Balan S, Hassali MA, Mak VSL
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2017 May-Jun;13(3):653-655.
    PMID: 27493130 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.06.014
    The pediatric population is an enormously diverse segment of population varying both in size and age. The diversity caused pharmacists face various challenges primarily related to procuring, provision as well as use of drugs in this group of patients. Pediatric dose calculation is particularly a concern for pharmacists. Another challenge faced by pharmacists is unavailability of suitable formulations for pediatric use. This has also led many pharmacists to prepare extemporaneous liquid preparations, even though stability data on such preparations are scarce. Some extemporaneous preparations contain excipients which are potentially harmful in children. Besides that, inadequate labeling and drug information for pediatric drug use had not only challenged pharmacists in recommending and optimizing drug use in children, but also inadvertently caused many drugs used outside the approved terms of the product license (off-label use). Pharmacists are striving to stay connected to overcome the common and comparable challenges faced in their day to day duties and strive to maximize the safe and effective use of medicines for children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  18. Tee GH, Gurpreet K, Hairi NN, Zarihah Z, Fadzilah K
    Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2013 Dec;17(12):1652-5.
    PMID: 24200284 DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.12.0241
    Assistant environmental health officers (AEHO) are health care providers (HCPs) who act as enforcers, educators and trusted role models for the public. This is the first study to explore smoking behaviour and attitudes toward tobacco control among future HCPs. Almost 30% of AEHO trainees did not know the role of AEHOs in counselling smokers to stop smoking, but 91% agreed they should not smoke before advising others not to do so. The majority agreed that tobacco control regulations may be used as a means of reducing the prevalence of smoking. Future AEHOs had positive attitudes toward tobacco regulations but lacked understanding of their responsibility in tobacco control measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  19. Hatah E, Tordoff J, Duffull SB, Braund R
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2014 Jan-Feb;10(1):185-94.
    PMID: 23688540 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2013.04.008
    In New Zealand, pharmacists are funded to provide adherence support to their patients via a service called "Medicines Use Review" (MUR). The service is based on the assumption that the medication regimen is clinically appropriate and therefore does not include a clinical review. However, whether or not pharmacists make clinical recommendations to patients during MUR is unclear.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
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