Displaying publications 1381 - 1400 of 1933 in total

    This study examined the predictive effect of self – esteem and perfectionism on eating disorders among university students. A total of 327 respondents (15.4% male and 84.6% female) participated in this research, recruited using simple random sampling method. Self – esteem was measured using Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, perfectionism was measured using Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale and eating disorder was measured using Eating Attitudes Test. There was a significant gender difference in eating disorders, t(376) = -2.909, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  2. Siti Noor Syarma Mohd Sharif, Mohd Adzim Khalili Rohin, Norhayati Abd Hadi
    Introduction: cAMP Response Element Binding (CREB) and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) protein levels tend to be a critical mediator for the beneficial effects of diet on neurogenesis and cognitive function. Increased fruit intake has been associated with improved cognitive function. However, in Malaysia, most adolescents still haven't met the recommended intake of fruits and far less is known on how their adequacy of fruit intake can be affected to their protein levels of CREB and BDNF. Methods: A cross sectional study was done on 352 students aged 14 and 16 years old involving 11 secondary schools in Kuala Terengganu, Marang and Hulu Terengganu Districts. A validated MyUM adolescent FFQ was used for fruit intake assessment. Blood sample to determine the level of CREB and BDNF proteins. Results: A total of 53.7% of adolescents consumed an adequate intake ( 2 servings/day) of fruits. Serum level BDNF was significantly (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
    This study examined the relationship between body dissatisfaction and eating disorder of undergraduate students in University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT). Using stratified random sampling technique, data from 299 respondents was gathered. Body dissatisfaction was measured using Body Shape Questionnaire while eating disorders were assessed using Eating Attitudes Test. Descriptive statistics showed thatthe majority of the respondents reported no symptom of body dissatisfaction. With regard to eating disorders, respondents reported low levels of dieting, bulimia and oral control, indicating that an eating disorder in this sample was somewhat low. T-test analyses showed that there were no significant gender differences in body dissatisfaction as well as in eating disorders. However, there was evidence to suggest that female respondents had slightly higher level of eating disorder than males. Results of Pearsoncorrelations showed there was significant relationship between body dissatisfaction and total score of eating disorders, dieting, bulimia and oral control subtypes (r = .58, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Hasfena Lamdin, Segaran Ramodran, Regidor III Dioso
    Introduction: In clinical settings, nurses are often the first to be called upon to perform ECG procedures and as such, it is imperative nurses can interpret and immediately report basic anomalies in electrocardiograms. In Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), although student nurses are taught ECG both in theory and hands-on learning through sim- ulation, there is no study examining the extent of student’s knowledge-skill retention regarding ECG. This study is to determine the learning attitude, level of knowledge and skill retention on electrocardiography among student nurses in UMS. Methods: A study entails a descriptive cross-sectional design. Nonprobability purposive sampling was used, where 100 (N) nursing students (2nd year n=50, 3rd-year n= 50) with selection criteria of respondents with prior learning on ECG were recruited for the study. A validated questionnaire (Cronbach α=0.81) benchmarked from a previous study was used to assessed learning attitude, level of knowledge and practice (skills) regarding ECG. Results: 85% (n=80) of the student nurses in this study had good to fair level knowledge and 15% (n=15) scored poor level of knowledge regarding ECG. With regards to practice competency, 87% (n=87) had fair to good level and 13% (n=13) scored poor skill level regarding ECG. Learning attitude towards ECG was positive among 88% (n=88) with 12% having a negative stance on readiness towards learning ECG. Sub-analyses showed a strong positive correlation between knowledge on ECG and practice (r=0.64). Conclusion: There is fair to good learning attitude, knowledge, and practice competency regarding ECG among the majority of nursing students in this study but a small cohort of students in this study have competency deficit regarding ECG. The deficit may compromise their ability to report critical anomalies present in patient electrocardiograms and there is a need to address this knowledge- practice gap.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  5. Zulkhairul Naimbin Sidek Ahmad, Siti Fatimah Sa’at, Farrah Ilyanibinti Che Jamalludin, Mazlinda Musa
    Introduction: Globally, HIV/AIDS has been a growing global threat and one of the major public health challenges. In Malaysia, the number of PLWH is continued to increase year by year. What is of alarming concern is that the prejudices related to HIV/AIDS still exist within the community. Stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV have been widely documented. It has extended their impact into the workplace and this hinders HIV pre- vention efforts and indirectly affected the national developmentprocesses. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the attitude of PLWHA among students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with convenience sampling techniques used. Data were collected among the 300 medical students and non-medical students. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed and comprise of; socio-de- mographic characteristics, items assessing knowledge of HIV/AIDS and attitudes towards PLWHA. Results: The majority of respondents were female (74%) who had never encountered PLWH (76%). The mean score of knowl- edge and attitudes were 4.04±1.12 and 27.18±4.0, respectively. Year 1 male students were found to have more comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS. They were also having a more positive attitude toward PLWH as compared to female students. Conclusion: Stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS are the most challenges issues- experienced by people suffering from the disease and it has been recognized. It is regarded as a serious threat to the fundamental rights of all infected people who are affected by or associated with this disease. This study highlights the need for better education programs on HIV/AIDS at the undergraduate level in order to increase knowledge of HIV/ AIDS andshape the positive attitude toward PLWH.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  6. M Tanveer Hossain Parash, Sadia Choudhury Shimmi, ABM Tofazzal Hossain
    Introduction: The healthy, active, and receptive huge student population is potential blood donors to meet safe blood requirements. The study aimed to assess the current level of knowledge regarding blood donation of nursing students of the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, UMS and to observe their attitude towards voluntary blood donation and to explore their practice as a voluntary blood donor. Methods: This cross-sectional study was con- ducted from July 2015 to June 2018 among one hundred and eight (108) nursing students who were included in this study by simple random sampling. The researchers explained the study design, objectives, and methodology to the selected subjects and obtained written consent from them. The study assessed the current level of knowledge and observed their attitude towards voluntary blood donation and explored their active involvement in donating blood through a validated questionnaire. Results: There were 89 female and 19 male participants in the study. Almost ev- ery student (96%) knew their blood group and most of them were correct about the health status of a blood donor. They had a lack of knowledge regarding the time required for blood donation and the amount of blood collected in each bag. Although most of the students were very favourable to donate blood, only 34% had previous experience of donating blood out of them; only 6% regularly donated voluntarily and on demand. Conclusion: From this finding, it can be recommended that measures for increasing knowledge regarding blood donation should be taken, and that would result in increased blood donation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  7. Adam Zafdri Md Zali, Rashidah Iberahim
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are types of bacteria known to cause bacterial keratitis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes bacterial keratitis by adhering to the surface of the contact lenses, when the P. aeruginosa are in contact with the eye, resulting in infectious keratitis. As for Staphylococcus aureus, when there is a predisposing factor such as wearing expired or extended use of contact lenses (contact lenses that can be used continually for up to one week even while sleeping) weaken the individual defences and leads to the development of bacterial keratitis. Both bacteria are capable to infect eye cornea and lead to bacterial keratitis through contact lenses wearer. The findings of this study provide information on the importance of routine practices in handling contact lenses to help reduce the incidence of bacterial keratitis caused by wear contact lenses in an individual. The side effect of wearing contact lenses such as redness of the eye and keratitis due to the infection by pathogenic bacteria which comes from the behavior and low hygiene level management of individual had led the study to create awareness to contact lenses wearer. In this study, 25 soft and hard contact lenses with purposed for colored or toric contact lenses were obtained among UiTM Negeri Sembilan students. The users required to answer the questionnaire form regarding the type, behavior, and routine practices of their contact lenses. Pathogenic bacteria were isolated using the cotton swab technique and cultured on nutrient broth. The streak technique was used to cultured bacteria from broth to nutrient agar, blood agar, and MacConkey agar. Later, the identification of bacteria was carried out using biochemical tests and microscopic observation. From the laboratory results, 84% of the tested contact lenses contained pathogenic bacteria on their surface. These findings concluded that the presences of pathogenic microorganisms on the contact lenses used closely related to the behavior in handling and hygenic practices level by the contact lenses users.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  8. Patricia Sator, Jummaiyah Md Tahir, Elvinna Maria Joannes, Nafisah Mokti
    Introduction: Social media have been used widely by majority of population around the world and have been proved to be useful for sharing information as well as gain knowledge. For student, media social plays a huge role especially during learning session. Recently, a lot of issues regarding nursing services flooded social media, which gave a negative impression about nurses profession. This study aims to identify the awareness on the impact of social media in regards to nursing services among Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), UMS nursing students. Methods: Descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study using modified questionnaire for data collection was con- ducted in FMHS, UMS. A total of 100 nursing student, year 3 (37%), year 2 (40%) and year 1 (23%) participated in the study. Results: Overall, 51% respondents agree and 45% strongly agree that social media is a powerful tool to connect among individuals. 63% agree and 34% strongly agree that social media can make jobs more efficient and innovative. 63% agree and 32% strongly agree that social media can be an agent of providing clinical education to nurses by facilitating conversations with colleagues about best practice and advanced healthcare. 51% agree and 22% strongly that social media can be trace and legal action can be taken towards nurses. 54% agree and 20% strongly agree that social media can be used to reveal malpractice among nurses. 45% agree and 40% strongly agree that social media can be misuse by the non-healthcare provider. Conclusion: Based on this study’s result, the respon- dents are well aware with the positive and negative impact of social media on nursing profession. There may has a small number of unaware or unsure about the impact among the respondents, with that the recommendation for this study is to ensure the UMS nursing students to abide with the professional and personal etiquettes and use common sense and caution while communicating on social media.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  9. Hamidah H, Azila T, Kelvin J M, NurulIzzatie M, Khadijah N Roslih
    Introduction: Burnout is a psychological syndrome experienced by an individual who is exposed to chronic stress. It is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It is often associ- ated with feelings of hopelessness and difficulties in dealing with work efficiency. As for students, going-through the process of learning is a complex stressful phenomenon causing of poor academic performance. The aim of the study was to explore causes of student nurses’ burnout followed by the intention to leave the program. Methods: This is a cross sectional study with total of 127 respondents selected based on Krejci Morgan (1970) sample size calculation from year 1 till year 3 nursing students. Maslach Burnout Inventory (2016) was used to measure the burnout-self test comprised of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal achievement. Twenty-two (22 items) with 7- points scale measuring responses of “Never (0)” to “Every day (7).” For Part B, three open ended questions applied to the intention of leaving the program. Results: A total of 35% of students had the intention of leaving the nursing program and 54% occurred during the first and second year of the study. Stress and financial struggles triggered the intention of quitting the program and 68% felt the study was breaking them down. Conclusion: Pursuing the program despite of the glitches worth the fights, 99 % of respondents acknowledged that this program is worth their future profession. Through this program they learnt to handle their emotional problem calmly and look after patients and colleague’s problem effectively.Nursing is a field of knowledge of humanities, exclusively in the care of patients and Nursing has been able to educate and transform the society who were insufficient in lives into useful human beings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  10. Ibrahim RZAR, Zalam WZM, Foster B, Afrizal T, Johansyah MD, Saputra J, et al.
    PMID: 34299757 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18147308
    Nowadays, the issue of teachers' psychological well-being causes serious concern, especially in Malaysia. Many studies related to psychological well-being have focused on students rather than on the health and well-being of teachers. Thus, the current study investigated the determinants of psychological well-being (depression, anxiety and stress) from the psychosocial work environment (job control, job demands and social support), and examined the moderating role of job control and social support in the relationship between job demands and psychological well-being among teachers. The design of this study was quantitative research through a survey questionnaire. The sample consisted of 335 high school teachers (23.3%-male; 76.7%-female) who responded to measuring scales of job demands, job control, social support, depression, anxiety and stress, and socio-demographic profile. The data were analyzed using two statistical methods, namely descriptive and inferential statistics. The hierarchical linear regression model was used to analyze the data by assisting the statistical software, i.e., SPSS-23. The results showed that job demands, job control and social support significantly predicted teachers' psychological well-being. Furthermore, the effect of job demands on teachers' depression and anxiety was partially moderated by job control and social support. In conclusion, this study has successfully identified the significant predictors of teachers' psychological well-being and the role of job control and social support as a moderating variable to teachers' psychological well-being in Malaysia. The result provides insights and contributes to the literature of teachers' psychological well-being determinants and involves Malaysian respondents with a collectivistic eastern culture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  11. Rusnani Ab Latif, Fairani Yusof, Tan, Yok Mui, Nor Suraizai Ibrahim
    Introduction: Students learn in many ways. Some students are visual learners, while others are auditory or kinesthetic learners. The purpose of the study is to identify the learning style of the students and factors that influence their learning styles. Methods: This is a descriptive study with cross-sectional design. Convenient sampling was used. In this study, a total of 51 nursing students were involved. A set of questionnaires using VARK (Visual; Auditory; Read/Write; Kinesthetic) inventory was used. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test were use. Results: The learning styles of the respondents were mostly kinesthetic learning style and auditory learning styles which is 14(27.5%) for both, ten respondent had combinations of various styles, seven respondents had read write learning style and six respondent had visual learning style which is 13.7% and 11.8% respectively. Chi-square test shows that there was significant difference between learning style and respondents' demographic factors of previous school and number of siblings, where p-value 0.05). Conclusion: In order to achieve the goal of student learning it is important to use a combination of teaching methods and to make the classroom environment as stimulating and interactive as possible
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  12. Jacob SA, Palanisamy UD, Napier J, Verstegen D, Dhanoa A, Chong EY
    Acad Med, 2021 May 25.
    PMID: 34039854 DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004181
    There is a need for culturally competent health care providers (HCPs) to provide care to deaf signers, who are members of a linguistic and cultural minority group. Many deaf signers have lower health literacy levels due to deprivation of incidental learning opportunities and inaccessibility of health-related materials, increasing their risk for poorer health outcomes. Communication barriers arise because HCPs are ill-prepared to serve this population, with deaf signers reporting poor-quality interactions. This has translated to errors in diagnosis, patient nonadherence, and ineffective health information, resulting in mistrust of the health care system and reluctance to seek treatment. Sign language interpreters have often not received in-depth medical training, compounding the dynamic process of medical interpreting. HCPs should thus become more culturally competent, empowering them to provide cultural- and language-concordant services to deaf signers. HCPs who received training in cultural competency showed increased knowledge and confidence in interacting with deaf signers. Similarly, deaf signers reported more positive experiences when interacting with medically certified interpreters, HCPs with sign language skills, and practitioners who made an effort to improve communication. However, cultural competency programs within health care education remain inconsistent. Caring for deaf signers requires complex, integrated competencies that need explicit attention and practice repeatedly in realistic, authentic learning tasks ordered from simple to complex. Attention to the needs of deaf signers can start early in the curriculum, using examples of deaf signers in lectures and case discussions, followed by explicit discussions of Deaf cultural norms and the potential risks of low written and spoken language literacy. Students can subsequently engage in role plays with each other or representatives of the local signing deaf community. This would likely ensure that future HCPs are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide appropriate care and ensure equitable health care access for deaf signers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Kai Sze Chan, Yit Siew Chin
    Introduction: Recognising the limitations of present dietary assessments method, recent attention had been drawn to image-based food record (IBFR) to assess dietary intake of the population. Thus, the present study aimed to compare nutrient intake assessed using IBFR with 24-hour diet recall (24DR) among nutrition and dietetics student. Method: There were 46 nutrition and dietetic undergraduates participated in the study, and information on the socio-demo- graphic background and acceptability toward IBFR were obtained. Respondents were trained to complete one-day IBFR, and they were interviewed by researchers on the following day for their 24DR. Result: The mean age of respon- dents was 21.4±1.7 years old. The present study revealed that there were significantly higher protein and beta-caro- tene, but lower vitamin C reported by IBFR compared to 24DR. Medium to strong correlations were found between IBFR and 24DR for energy and nutrients intakes. The Bland-Altman analysis demonstrated a good level of agreement between IBFR and 24DR for energy and macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat), respectively. The mean differences between IBFR and 24DR were -36 kcal for total daily energy intake, while mean differences of -12.24g, 0.79g, and 1.52g were reported for carbohydrates protein, and fat, respectively. Moderate level of agreement toward acceptability was demonstrated, and most of them (67.4%) preferred IBFR method. Conclusion: The present study re- vealed that IBFR showed a good level of agreement with 24DR in assessing nutrient intake. However, more extensive works should be considered to improve IBFR in assessing the energy and nutrients intake for the general population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Sohayla M. Attalla, Sakinah Ruhi, Che Nur Fadhlina Bt Che Mud
    Introduction: Cigarette smoking is showing an increasing prevalence among university students nowadays. Smok- ing includes the act of smoking cigarette containing tobacco and/or other ingredients or just inhaling the cigarette smoke. Smoking has many known physical side effects that include psychological or cognitive effects. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify the effect of cigarette smoking on the academic achievement among university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 136 students including 113 male and 23 fe- male aged 18 to 29 years from Management and Science University with 30 non smoker students. The question- naire included items about the social demographic characteristics, smoking status, the study styles and the aca- demic achievement of the participants. A frequency statistics, descriptive statistics and chi square test were used to analyze the collected data using SPSS version 25. Results: Among the smoker students, 51.5% came to class ear- ly, 80.8% attend classes regularly, 49.3% studied on weekends and 39.7% planned sufficient time to study for exam. Mean CGPA for smoker students is 2.6. Conclusion: Smoking is proven to be associated with low academic performance among university student.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  15. Sohayla M. Attalla, Nihal A. Hanafy, Mahfuza Akter, Sakinah Ruhi
    Introduction: The twenty-first-century learning is adopting the student-centered learning techniques and the teach- ers are mainly facilitators to direct the process of learning and so social media and mobile applications became an important learning platform. Mobile learning (M-learning) is the practice of learning activities through a portable device such as cellular phone or a personal digital assistant. The aim of this research is to screen the medical stu- dents’ intention toward the adoption of M-learning and to determine factors affecting the intentions of the medical students to practice M-learning. Methods: A cross-sectional study among medical students was performed through a questionnaire based on the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Technology Acceptance Model. The study included 129 students in different stages of the medical study. Results: Results showed that the factors affecting the students’ inten¬tion to practice M-learning include the students’ attitude, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and availability of resources. In the current sample 82.7% of students are already using M-Learning; 41.7% are using it for assessment, 22.8% are using it for learning and 35.5% are using it for both. Conclusion: It was concluded that most medical students have higher intention to adopt M-learning and they are mostly using it for assessment purposes rather than in learning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  16. Sohayla M. Attalla, Nur Syamimi Syuhada bt Safiee, Sakinah Ruhi
    Introduction: Cell phone is a device that has been used almost every day for all age groups. It connects everyone and everything around the world as it provides various social platforms. However, not many people realized that cell phone is a source of non-ionizing electromagnetic waves that can be associated with various physical effects. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify the physical side effects associated with exposure to the electromagnetic waves emitted by cell phone use and to detect if these effects are associated with specific pattern of use. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 166 participants randomly selected from university students. Results: showed that those suffering side effects associated with cell phone usage are usually using more than one cell phone (79%) since about 5 – 10 years (41.9%) for more than 5 hours daily (65.7%) for entertainment (34.3%) and
    making about 1-5 calls daily (41%) with average call duration 1 – 30 min (56.2%). 66.7% of them started using cell phone at age 7 – 12 years old, mostly handheld (61%), at their right side (40%), at all times of the day (64.8%). Most common side effects associated with cell phone usage include ear pain (52.4%), headache (79.5%), fatigue, anxiety or insomnia (57.8%), tremors and eye pain beside statistically significant (P
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Manah Chandra Changmai, Kastury Gohain, Akma Asyira Binti Zulkarnaie
    Introduction: Anatomy continues to be an important basic subject in medicine and other related health sciences which is delivered by method of either through lectures or demonstration. Thus, having a gross anatomy practi- cal with cadaver is a crucial phase for the students to have a deep understanding about anatomy of human body. The objective of this study is to explore the attitude and perception of medical and health science students in the importance of cadaver dissection in learning anatomy. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted by distrib- uting closed structured questionnaires to 270 respondents consisting of socio-demographic in part one, frequency on practical with dissected cadaver in part two, the attitude of student towards the dissected cadaver in part three, suggestion for improvement during practical with cadaver in part four and the value of cadavers during practical in part five. The collected data were processed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. Result: Descriptive statistical evaluation shows majority of the students perform practical with cadavers. They find cadaveric dissection exciting with no feeling of stress and anxiety. Many of them never had an emotional shock when exposing themselves to the cadavers for the first time accepting the cadaveric dissection ethically. The students recommended keeping cadaveric dissection in the health science curriculum. Conclusion: The cadaveric dissection helps in grounded understanding of anatomy. It promotes and develops psychomotor skills in students. The findings of the study discovered dissection to be a motivating tool in learning anatomy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
    The aim of this study is to examine the factors that drive students’ self-disclosure on Social Networking Sites (SNSs). A total of 215 undergraduates from two public universities in East Malaysia were recruited as respondents. This study adapts self-disclosure model by Elmi, A.Iahad and Ahmed (2012), where the model proposed trust as one of the factors that complementing other existing factors in online self-disclosure. This study proved that privacy concerns (r = -.212, p < .01), perceived trust (r = .22, p < .01), perceived ease of use (r = .213, p < .01), and perceived enjoyment (r = .28, p < .01) are significantly related to students’ online self-disclosure on SNSs. In addition, as trust plays a vital role in moderating the users’ online self-disclosure behavior, this study formulated students’ trusts on SNSs based on three dimensions which are individual, institutional and online trust. Findings of study suggested that there is a significant difference between online trust based on male and female respondents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  19. Malays J Nutr, 1995;1(1):-.
    Food consumption of 50 female students in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia was recorded for 7 days. Foods and drinks most frequently consumed were selected for analysis of iron, zinc, copper and lead content. The mean daily intakes of energy, protein, carbohydrate and fat among the students are 6.5±1.4 MJ (1550±335 kcal), 59.8±18.5g. 227. 1±54.6 g and 46.0±11.5 g respectively. This diet contributed 19.6±6.4 mg Fe, 7.0±2.0 mg Zn and 1.6±0.6 mg Cu per day which were lower than the Malaysian RDA for Fe and US RDA for Zn, while Cu is within the recommended range. The main sources of these minerals in the student’s diet were rice, rice products, meat and animal products. Lead concentration in the diet (134±77 ug/day) is below the acceptable daily intake (ADI) value suggested by Codex Alimentarius Commission (1984). This study indicated concern regarding the low intake of the essential trace elements on long term basis among the students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  20. Lua, P.L., Wan Dali, W.P.E., Shahril, M.R.
    Malays J Nutr, 2013;19(3):339-352.
    Introduction: This cluster randomised controlled study design aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing nutrition education intervention (NEI) that targeted at incremental reduction of body weight and increased physical activity level among university students. Methods: Body weight and physical activity level were assessed before and after intervention. A total of 417 university students from four public universities in Terengganu participated in the study. They were randomly selected and assigned into two arms, that is, intervention group (IG) or control group (CG) according to their cluster. The IG received 10 weeks intervention focused on NEI promotion using three modes which were conventional lecture, three brochures as take-home messages and text messages for intervention reinforcement while CG did not receive any intervention. Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A) and adjusted effect size were used to determine differences in body weight and physical activity levels between groups and time. Results: No significant changes in body weight were observed among both groups. The average weight and body mass index (BMI) were slightly reduced in IG compared to CG after the 10-week intervention (p>0.05). Nevertheless, physical activity level improved significantly among IG participants compared to CG with increased metabolic equivalent (MET) min/week spent for walking, moderate and vigorous activities and significantly decreased sitting time. The largest adjusted effect size was shown in total physical activity (0.75). Conclusion: The multimodal NEI had a positive influence on physical activity outcomes among university students. NEI should be continuously implemented in this particular population group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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