A retrospective report (1970-1980) on patients (non-head injuries and head-injuries) admitted with cerebral ischaemia into the intensive therapy unit is presented. The principles of management to reduce and control intracranial pressure are outlined. Since 1978 continuous intravenous infusion with Althesin has been used instead of barbiturates in the regime. Mortality rate fell from 83.7 percent (1970-1977) to 43.7 percent (1978-1980) for non head injury patients and from 72.1 percent (1970-1977) to 45.6 percent (1978-1980) in the head injured group, the differences between the periods being statistically significant. The possible influencing factors are mentioned. The quality of salvage and survival requires investigation.
A retrospective study of 62 cases of myasthenia gravis in Malaysia is reviewed. It shows an apparent prevalence among the ethnic Chinese compared with the Malay and Indian. The incidence of male and female and their average age of onset are similar. Unlike the western figure, among those with age of onset less than 20 years. both sexes are equally affected. The symptomatology, morbidity and mortality and incidence of thymoma are the same as those
reported elsewhere.
A retrospective study of factors associated with poor patient compliance with antituberculosis therapy was conducted in Taiping, Perak. 219 patients were studied. Male patients and hospital referrals were significantly more likely to default. Patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis alone had a greater rate of default, but this just failed to reach significance (0.05 less than p less than 0.10). Six of 7 male hospital referrals with tuberculous lymphadenitis alone defaulted. Patients treated as outpatients from the start were more compliant. Housewives were also highly compliant. It was noticed that patients who defaulted tended to do so during early stages of treatment.
Seventy-seven patients who had PAP smear cytology and colposcopic examination in a 2-year period between 1988 and 1989 were reviewed. Those with findings indicative or suspicious of malignancy were subjected to biopsy. All 50 patients thus biopsied were confirmed to have preclinical cancer on histological examination. Compared against histology, PAP smear cytology gave an accuracy rate of 90% (5 false negatives) and colposcopy gave an accuracy rate of 94% (3 false negatives). These results demonstrate that the two techniques are useful as screening tests for preclinical cervical cancer. The results are improved if they are used complementarily. However, there was poor specificity in the categorisation of cervical cancer by both methods. This was probably due to the subjectiveness of the two procedures. The study also raised the possibility of a higher incidence of preclinical cervical cancer in the Chinese ethnic group.
A retrospective study of 34 patients with supracondylar-condylar fractures of the femur admitted to the Alexandra Hospital, Singapore, from January 1979 to December 1983 was carried out. These fractures were surgically treated by AO principles and fixation, and the surgery performed mainly by the two authors. Using strict criteria adopted from Schatzker of Toronto, 1 it was found that 62% of patients had excellent/ good results. The importance of treating supracondylar-condylar fractures by AO principles and fixation is emphasised.
A retrospective study of the indications for temporary transvenous pacing in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, from 1971 to 1979 is reviewed. There were 111 patients. The main indications for temporary transvenous pacing were, namely,complete heart block (57%), sick sinus syndrome (24%), Mobitz type 11 block (5%) and bifascicularblock (3%).
The clinical presentation of patients with bilateral stones is discussed. The majority of patients presenting to the Nephrology Unit were in renal failure. Aggressive medical treatment allowed
diagnostic procedures and definitive surgery to be performed in uraemic patients. Most patients presenting in uraemia benefitted from treatment.
Study Site: Urology Unit, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Despite the high prevalence of oral ulcers little is known about what causes them and how best they can be treated. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a' chronic inflammatory disease characterized by painful recurring ulcerations of the oral mucosa. RAS can be clinically subdivided into four varieties viz - minor aphthous ulcer, major aphthous ulcer, herpetiform ulcers and Behcet's syndrome. A report on 134 patients with RAS is reported. Minor aphthous ulcer (63%) followed by major aphthous ulcer (29%) were the most frequent. A review of current research on RAS is summarized.
Study site: Department of Stomatology, Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
From 1981 to 1989, 12 patients of the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, were diagnosed to have Evans syndrome based on direct antiglobulin test (DAT) positive haemolytic anaemia and immune thrombocytopenia occurring either simultaneously (7 patients) or consecutively (5 patients). Their mean age at presentation was 24.8 years with a marked female preponderance. All 12 patients were given high dose steroid after diagnosis. Subsequently, other modalities including intravenous immunoglobulin (1 patient) and high dose methylprednisolone (1 patient) were given. Three patients died of intracranial haemorrhage during the first admission while 1 patient died of pulmonary embolism six months after diagnosis. Three patients had splenectomy because of thrombocytopenia. Six patients tested positive for antinuclear factor and antibodies to double stranded DNA and four of them died. Positive serology appeared to be associated with a poorer prognosis. Follow up observations indicate that patients who survive the acute attacks fare reasonably well.
A retrospective study on discharges of children from hospital against medical advice or at own risk (AOR) discharges was conducted at our department from March 1981 to February 1990. There were altogether 890 patients giving an average incidence of 2%/year. The racial composition comprised 62.5% Chinese, 28.5% Malay, 7.3% Indian and 1.7% others. The common reasons for AOR discharge includes: (a) Inconvenience of having the child hospitalised (18.4%). (b) Preference of being treated by the general practitioner (15%). (c) Parents think child is well (14%). (d) Preference of being treated by private specialist or other hospital (11.9%) etc. Neonate comprised 16.9%, infants (except neonates) 44%, children > 1-5 yrs 28.6%, > 5-10 yrs 7.7% and > 10 yr 1.9%. The common diagnoses of these children include gastroenteritis (13.9%), febrile fit (13%), upper respiratory tract infection (11.7%), neonatal jaundice (5.7%). In conclusion AOR discharges of children from hospital is not uncommon and more could be done to reduce the incidence.
Twenty-three cases of ovarian fibroma, comprising 3% of all benign tumors seen over a 20-year period, were analyzed. It was unilateral in all cases affecting more commonly the left ovary (70%). Whilst a majority of cases (77%) were encountered in the reproductive age group, the tumor was rare before the second decade. Only in 13% of cases was ascitis clinically detectable. This was not influenced by the size and weight (average of 9.3 x 10.8 x 11.1 cm and 959 g, respectively) of the tumors; a smooth-surfaced tumor was, however, associated with a greater amount of peritoneal fluid. Varying degrees of calcification in some tumors are detectable on ultrasonography and occasionally on abdominal radiography. The classical Meig's Syndrome was seldom encountered. The histopathological features, diagnostic problems and management are discussed.
A retrospective study of intraocular foreign bodies treated at the University Hospital over 10 years from 1970 - 1979 was carried out. Of the 48 cases reviewed, nine were anterior chamber foreign bodies while the rest were posterior segment foreign bodies. The anterior chamber foreign bodies had better visual prognosis as compared to the posterior segment foreign bodies. Most of the patients were young Chinese males and most of the injuries were due to accidents at work involving the 'hand hammer' (includes other implements used as a hammer).
This is a retrospectioe study of epidemiological and riskfactors ofischaemic heart disease in Malay patients admitted into the Coronary Care Unit, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur between October 1977 and December 1979 unth. proven myocardial infarction. Ofthe 116patients (M/F sex ratio 9.5 : 1), the incidence of various risk factors were smoking 82 percent, hypertension 42 percent, hypercholesterolemia 23 percent, diabetes mellitus 20 percent and family history 9 percent. Anterior infarctions were more common than inferior. Hyperuricemia was detected in 19 percent and 96 percent had at least one major riskfactor. In terms ofoccupation, a majorproportion ofthose afflicted were pensioners, security personnel and businessmen.
Cryptococcosis is a known opportunistic infection in immunosuppressed hosts. We report our experience of all cases presenting to our Department between December 1975 and September 1988. Eight post-renal transplant patients and three systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients were affected. All were receiving treatment with steroids, in association with either azathioprine or cyclosporin. The diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis was initially based on a positive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cryptococcal antigen, by latex agglutination test, and subsequently confirmed by cultures. Common clinical presentations, in descending order of frequency, included headaches, fever, mental confusion, epilepsy and papilloedema. Meningism was not a prominent feature. CT brain scans were obtained in eight patients and one showed a focal lesion and one showed cerebral atrophy. Four patients also had an abnormal chest X-ray (CXR) and one had disseminated cryptococcosis. Amphotericin and 5-fluorocytosine were the mainstay of therapy, although ketoconazole alone was subsequently used in three selected patients with cure. Four early deaths occurred in patients with delayed diagnosis and treatment, usually in association with other severe concurrent infections. We conclude that awareness of cryptococcosis is essential in immunocompromised hosts presenting with headache with, or without, mental confusion or fever.
A retrospective study of 137 patients with blood culture-positive typhoid fever admitted to the paediatric unit of the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia was carried out to study epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and treatment aspects of typhoid fever in Kelantanese children in hospital. The male:female ratio was 1:1.1. School-children were the most affected. Cases were seen throughout the year. The five most frequently presenting features were fever, hepatomegaly, diarrhoea, vomiting and cough. Rose spots were seen in only two patients. Complications included gastritis, bronchitis, ileus, psychosis, encephalopathy, gastro-intestinal bleeding and myocarditis. Relative bradycardia was not seen. Blood and stool cultures were positive in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd weeks of illness. There was no significant difference between percentages of elevated O and H titres, whether done during or after the 1st week of illness. A four-fold rise in (O) titres occurred in 50% of cases tested. We would miss 50% of typhoid fever cases if a titre (O) equal to more than 1/160 were relied upon for diagnosis. Altogether, 46% of patients had leucopenia. Chloramphenicol was the most commonly used antibiotic. There were two deaths.
This is a retrospective study of 80 patients with major central and lateral middle third fractures of facial skeleton treated at University Hospital from 1981 to 1985. The most common was the fractures of zygomatic complex. The peak incidence was in the 20-29 year age group and males were involved more than females (ratio 9: 1). Road traffic accidents were to be blamed for most of the fractures which was 82.25%.
This article examines retest reliability and digit preference in retrospective survey data on breastfeeding duration and type of supplementary food, covering three decades and reported by more than 1200 Malaysian women. Women with little or no education, rural residents, and those of Malay ethnicity are found to give less reliable data. In a logistic regression analysis, these respondent characteristics are more important determinants of data quality than the length of the recall period.