METHODS: We included individuals ages 2 through 79 years (not pregnant or institutionalized) who were free of cardiovascular disease from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys in 2013 through 2018. For all participants, we calculated the overall CVH score (range, 0 [lowest] to 100 [highest]), as well as the score for each component of diet, physical activity, nicotine exposure, sleep duration, body mass index, blood lipids, blood glucose, and blood pressure, using published American Heart Association definitions. Sample weights and design were incorporated in calculating prevalence estimates and standard errors using standard survey procedures. CVH scores were assessed across strata of age, sex, race and ethnicity, family income, and depression.
RESULTS: There were 23 409 participants, representing 201 728 000 adults and 74 435 000 children. The overall mean CVH score was 64.7 (95% CI, 63.9-65.6) among adults using all 8 metrics and 65.5 (95% CI, 64.4-66.6) for the 3 metrics available (diet, physical activity, and body mass index) among children and adolescents ages 2 through 19 years. For adults, there were significant differences in mean overall CVH scores by sex (women, 67.0; men, 62.5), age (range of mean values, 62.2-68.7), and racial and ethnic group (range, 59.7-68.5). Mean scores were lowest for diet, physical activity, and body mass index metrics. There were large differences in mean scores across demographic groups for diet (range, 23.8-47.7), nicotine exposure (range, 63.1-85.0), blood glucose (range, 65.7-88.1), and blood pressure (range, 49.5-84.0). In children, diet scores were low (mean 40.6) and were progressively lower in higher age groups (from 61.1 at ages 2 through 5 to 28.5 at ages 12 through 19); large differences were also noted in mean physical activity (range, 63.1-88.3) and body mass index (range, 74.4-89.4) scores by sociodemographic group.
CONCLUSIONS: The new Life's Essential 8 score helps identify large group and individual differences in CVH. Overall CVH in the US population remains well below optimal levels and there are both broad and targeted opportunities to monitor, preserve, and improve CVH across the life course in individuals and the population.
RESULTS: Total scores obtained from the selected nutritional criteria ranked MSCF, with total score of 15, as the lowest and thus it was considered to have the most desirable nutritional characteristics compared to MF, MSF and FWMF, which had respective total scores of 31, 22 and 20.
CONCLUSION: Conclusively, MSCF may serve as a better alternative CF for MF, MSC and FWMF. The present study has produced a potential alternative cost-effective and adequate CF, formulated from crayfish (P. clarkii) supplementation of locally available blend of yellow maize (Z. mays) and soybean (G. max), for the poor human population, aiming to encourage the consumption of animal-sourced CF for alleviating the prevalence of childhood undernutrition. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.
METHOD: This cross-sectional study was carried out to measure salivary cotinine concentrations among 1064 schoolchildren (10-11 years) attending 24 schools in Malaysia following recent partial smoke-free restrictions. Parents completed questionnaires and schoolchildren provided saliva samples for cotinine assay.
RESULTS: The geometric mean (GM) salivary cotinine concentrations for 947 non-smoking schoolchildren stratified by household residents' smoking behaviour were: for children living with non-smoking parents 0.32 ng/ml (95% CI 0.28-0.37) (n = 446); for children living with a smoker father 0.65 ng/ml (95% CI 0.57-0.72) (n = 432); for children living with two smoking parents 1.12 ng/ml (95% CI 0.29-4.40) (n = 3); for children who live with an extended family member who smokes 0.62 ng/ml (95% CI 0.42-0.89) (n = 33) and for children living with two smokers (father and extended family member) 0.71 ng/ml (95% CI 0.40-0.97) (n = 44). Parental-reported SHS exposures showed poor agreement with children's self-reported SHS exposures. Multiple linear regression demonstrated that cotinine levels were positively associated with living with one or more smokers, urban residence, occupation of father (Armed forces), parental-reported exposure to SHS and education of the father (Diploma/Technical certificate).
CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to characterise exposures to SHS using salivary cotinine concentrations among schoolchildren in Malaysia and also the first study documenting SHS exposure using salivary cotinine as a biomarker in a South-East Asian population of schoolchildren. Compared to other populations of similarly aged schoolchildren, Malaysian children have higher salivary cotinine concentrations. The partial nature of smoke-free restrictions in Malaysia is likely to contribute to these findings. Enforcement of existing legislation to reduce exposure in public place settings and interventions to reduce exposure at home, especially to implement effective home smoking restriction practices are required.
METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We are undertaking an international multicentre, double-blind, placebo-RCT to evaluate whether 12 months of erdosteine is beneficial for children and adults with bronchiectasis. We will recruit 194 children and adults with bronchiectasis to a parallel, superiority RCT at eight sites across Australia, Malaysia and Philippines. Our primary endpoint is the rate of exacerbations over 12 months. Our main secondary outcomes are QoL, exacerbation duration, time-to-next exacerbation, hospitalisations and lung function.
ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The Human Research Ethics Committees (HREC) of Children's Health Queensland (for all Australian sites), University of Malaya Medical Centre (Malaysia) and St. Luke's Medical Centre (Philippines) approved the study. We will publish the results and share the outcomes with the academic and medical community, funding and relevant patient organisations.
DESIGN AND METHODS: According to Brislin's Model, the Intensive Care Unit Environment Stress Scale (ICUESS) was translated both forward and backward and adapted cross-culturally. A total of 210 PICU patients were selected from four hospitals in XXX to analyze the final translated version of the questionnaire, the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Environmental Stress Scale (PICUESS). Content validity, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to assess the validity, while reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha and split-half reliability analysis.
RESULTS: For PICUESS, seven of 42 items were modified. Content validity was high (overall = 0.96, item validity = 0.8 to 1.0). Exploratory factor analysis revealed eight common factors (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin = 0.857, significant Bartlett's test). The results of the CFA indicate that the scale model fits well across the 8 factors. The entire scale demonstrated excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.934). The overall split-half reliability was 0.935.
CONCLUSIONS: The Chinese version of PICUESS demonstrates good reliability and validity, making it suitable for assessing pediatric patients' perceptions of the PICU environment.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The PICUESS can assist healthcare professionals in providing personalized environment care for PICU patients. It has the potential to serve as a tool for further testing and international comparisons of pediatric patients' perceptions of the PICU environment.
METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of patients in the Malaysian National Dengue Registry of 2013. The outcome measure was dengue-related mortality. Associations between sociodemographic and clinical variables with the outcome were analysed using multivariate analysis.
RESULTS: There were 43 347 cases of which 13081 were serologically confirmed. The mean age was 30.0 years (SD 15.7); 60.2% were male. The incidence of dengue increased towards the later part of the calendar year. There were 92 probable dengue mortalities, of which 41 were serologically confirmed. Multivariate analysis in those with positive serology showed that increasing age (OR 1.03; CI:1.01-1.05), persistent vomiting (OR 13.34; CI: 1.92-92.95), bleeding (OR 5.84; CI 2.17-15.70) and severe plasma leakage (OR 66.68; CI: 9.13-487.23) were associated with mortality. Factors associated with probable dengue mortality were increasing age (OR 1.04; CI:1.03-1.06), female gender (OR 1.53; CI:1.01-2.33), nausea and/or vomiting (OR 1.80; CI:1.17-2.77), bleeding (OR 3.01; CI:1.29-7.04), lethargy and/or restlessness (OR 5.97; CI:2.26-15.78), severe plasma leakage (OR 14.72; CI:1.54-140.70), and shock (OR 1805.37; CI:125.44-25982.98), in the overall study population.
CONCLUSIONS: Older persons and those with persistent vomiting, bleeding or severe plasma leakage, which were associated with mortality, at notification should be monitored closely and referred early if indicated. Doctors and primary care practitioners need to detect patients with dengue early before they develop these severe signs and symptoms.
METHOD: A total of 155 preschoolers in Kuala Lumpur between the ages 3 to 6 participated in an unmatched case-control study, comprising ASD children (n = 81) recruited from an early intervention program for autism, and 74 children without autism who were recruited from public preschools. Urine samples were collected at home, delivered to the study site, and transported to the environmental lab within 24 hours. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was applied to measure the concentration of heavy metals in the samples. Data were analysed using bivariate statistical tests (Chi-square and T-test) and logistic regression models.
RESULT: This study demonstrated that Cd, Pb, and As urine levels were significantly greater in children without autism relative to those affected with ASD (p child included being a firstborn, male, and higher parental education levels (adjusted odds ratios (aOR) > 1, p Preschoolers in this study demonstrated low levels of heavy metals in their urine samples, which was relatively lower in ASD children compared to the healthy matched controls. These findings may arise from the diminished capacity to excrete heavy metals, especially among ASD children, thereby causing further accumulation of heavy metals in the body. These findings, including the factors associated with having an ASD child, may be considered by healthcare professionals involved in child development care, for early ASD detection. Further assessment of heavy metals among ASD children in the country and interventional studies to develop effective methods of addressing exposure to heavy metals will be beneficial for future reference.
METHODS: Data were from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. We analysed data from Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Myanmar, Philippines, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.
RESULTS: In 2019, there were 728,500 deaths attributable to tobacco in Southeast Asia, with 128,200 deaths attributed to SHS exposure. The leading causes of preventable deaths were ischemic heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus, lower respiratory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer. Among deaths attributable to tobacco, females had higher proportions of deaths attributable to SHS exposure than males in Southeast Asia.
CONCLUSION: The burden of preventable deaths in a year due to SHS exposure in Southeast Asia is substantial. The implementation and enforcement of smoke-free policies should be prioritized to reduce the disease burden attributed to passive smoking in Southeast Asia.