Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 198 in total

  1. Roslani AC, Uzoigwe AG, Rajandram R, Low WY
    World J Surg, 2025 Feb 25.
    PMID: 40000569 DOI: 10.1002/wjs.12516
    BACKGROUND: Women are significantly underrepresented in surgical specialties, particularly in Southeast Asia. The factors influencing this gender disparity remain poorly understood. This study aims to explore the motivations, challenges, and barriers faced by female medical doctors in pursuing surgical careers in Malaysia.

    METHODS: An exploratory qualitative study was conducted between May 2016 and November 2017, using semi-structured in-depth interviews (IDIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) with male and female senior surgeons, medical officers, and surgical trainees. A coding tree was constructed and refined after initial rounds of data analysis. Thematic content analysis was performed using the NVivo 11 Pro (Windows) qualitative data analysis software.

    RESULTS: Ten IDIs and five FGDs (N = 34 participants) revealed three key themes: (A) influences on trainees' career choices, (B) challenges encountered during surgical training, and (C) trainee empowerment. Participants highlighted the demanding nature of surgical training, the lack of flexibility in work schedules, and the male-dominated work environment as significant barriers for women. Despite these challenges, supportive family structures and strong mentorship were found to be critical for the retention of women in surgery.

    CONCLUSION: Institutional support, mentorship opportunities, and culture change are essential for improving the representation and retention of female surgeons in Malaysia. Tailored policies that acknowledge the unique challenges faced by women in surgery could foster a more inclusive and supportive environment.

  2. Low WY, Ng KH, Kabir MA, Koh AP, Sinnasamy J
    Scientometrics, 2014;98:1521-1533.
    PMID: 24465065
    Research collaboration is the way forward in order to improve quality and impact of its research findings. International research collaboration has resulted in international co-authorship in scientific communications and publications. This study highlights the collaborating research and authorship trend in clinical medicine in Malaysia from 2001 to 2010. Malaysian-based author affiliation in the Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded) and clinical medicine journals (n = 999) and articles (n = 3951) as of 30th Oct 2011 were downloaded. Types of document analyzed were articles and reviews, and impact factors (IF) in the 2010 Journal Citation Report Science Edition were taken to access the quality of the articles. The number of publications in clinical medicine increased from 4.5 % (n = 178) in 2001 to 23.9 % (n = 944) in 2010. The top three contributors in the subject categories are Pharmacology and Pharmacy (13.9 %), General and Internal Medicine (13.6 %) and Tropical Medicine (7.3 %). By journal tier system: Tier 1 (18.7 %, n = 738), Tier 2 (22.5 %, n = 888), Tier 3 (29.6 %, n = 1170), Tier 4 (27.2 %, n = 1074), and journals without IF (2.1 %, n = 81). University of Malaya was the most productive. Local collaborators accounted for 60.3 % and international collaborations 39.7 %. Articles with international collaborations appeared in journals with higher journal IFs than those without international collaboration. They were also cited more significantly than articles without international collaborations. Citations, impact factor and journal tiers were significantly associated with international collaboration in Malaysia's clinical medicine publications. Malaysia has achieved a significant number of ISI publications in clinical medicine participation in international collaboration.
  3. Tong SF, Low WY, Ismail SB, Trevena L, Wilcock S
    Transl Androl Urol, 2013 Dec;2(4):281-90.
    PMID: 26816741 DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2013.09.14
    BACKGROUND: Perceptions of how receptive men are to sexual health inquiry may affect Malaysian primary care doctors' decisions to initiate such a discussion with their male patients. This paper quantifies the impact of doctors' perceptions of men's receptivity on male sexual health inquiry. Sexual health inquiry is one of the five areas in a study on determinants of offering preventive health checks to Malaysian men.
    METHODS: This was a cross sectional survey among primary care doctors in Malaysia. The questionnaire was based on an empirical model defining the determinants of primary care doctors' intention to offer health checks. The questionnaire measured: (I) perceived receptivity of male patients to sexual health inquiry; (II) doctors' attitudes towards the importance of sexual health inquiries; (III) perceived competence and, (IV) perceived external barriers. The outcome variable was doctors' intention in asking about sexual dysfunction in three different contexts (minor complaints visits, follow-up visits and health checks visits). All items were measured on the Likert scale of 1 to 5 (strongly disagree/unlikely to strongly agree/likely) and internally validated.
    RESULTS: 198 doctors participated (response rate 70.4%). Female primary care doctors constituted 54.5%. 78% of respondents were unlikely to ask about sexual dysfunction in visits for minor complaints to their male patients, 43.6% in follow up visits and 28.2% in health checks visits. In ordinal regression analysis, positive perception of men's receptivity to sexual health inquiry significantly predicted the doctors' intention in asking sexual dysfunction in all three contexts; i.e., minor complaints visits (P=0.013), follow-up visits (P<0.0001) and health checks visits (P=0.002). Perceived competence in sexual health inquiry predicted their intention in the follow-up visits (P=0.006) and health checks visits (P<0.001). Lower cost to health checks only predicted their intention in the follow-up visits (P=0.010).
    CONCLUSIONS: Whilst sexual health inquiry should be initiated in an appropriate context, 'perceived receptivity' to sexual health inquiry significantly affected doctors' intention in initiating sexual health inquiry to their male patients. Malaysian men's health may be substantially improved by strategies that assist doctors to identify patient 'receptivity'.
  4. Ainuddin HA, Loh SY, Chinna K, Low WY, Roslani AC
    J Child Health Care, 2015 Jun;19(2):229-38.
    PMID: 24154841 DOI: 10.1177/1367493513504834
    Adolescence is the potential period for growth and optimal functioning, but developmental issues like time of transition from childhood to adulthood will create stress and affect the adolescent's quality of life (QOL). However, there is a lack of research tool for measuring adolescent's QOL in Malaysia. The aim of the study was to determine the validity and reliability of the self-report Malay version of the pediatric QOL (PedsQL™) 4.0 Generic Core Scales in assessing the QOL of Malaysian adolescents. A cross-sectional study design using the 23-item self-report Malay version of the PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales was administered on a convenient cluster sampling (n = 297 adolescent) from a secondary school. The internal consistency reliability had Cronbach's α values ranging from .70 to .89. Factor analysis reported a six-factor structure via principal axis factor analysis. In conclusion, the self-report Malay version of the pediatric QOL 4.0 Generic Core Scales is a reliable and valid tool to measure the QOL of multiethnic Malaysian adolescents.
  5. Tong WT, Low WY, Wong YL, Choong SP, Jegasothy R
    BMC Public Health, 2012;12:743.
    PMID: 22950371 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-743
    Malaysia has relatively liberal abortion laws in that they permit abortions for both physical and mental health cases. However, abortion remains a taboo subject. The stagnating contraceptive prevalence rate combined with the plunging fertility rate suggests that abortion might be occurring clandestinely. This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of women and their needs with regard to abortion.
  6. Mohamed R, Ng CJ, Tong WT, Abidin SZ, Wong LP, Low WY
    BMC Public Health, 2012;12:601.
    PMID: 22856889 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-601
    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis B (HBV) is the leading cause of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. This study assessed the knowledge, attitudes and practices of people with chronic HBV and the associated factors.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted at an outpatient adult hepatology clinic at a tertiary hospital in Kuala Lumpur. A self-administered questionnaire was administered on a one-to-one basis to assess knowledge, attitudes, and lifestyle practices of people with chronic HBV.
    RESULTS: The response rate was 89% (n = 483/543). Participants had a mean age of 46.3 (±14.7) years and the mean duration of HBV from time of diagnosis was 12.2 (±8.8) years. The mean knowledge score was 12.57/20 (standard deviation: ±4.4, range: 0-19). Participants aged 30-39 years, with higher educational attainment, employed in professional jobs, longer duration of diagnosis and those without cirrhosis had significantly higher knowledge scores. Age, education level and duration of diagnosis were significant predictors of the knowledge score on standard multiple regression analysis. More than half of the participants were worried of spreading HBV infection to family and friends and worried since the diagnosis. A third of the participants (33.5%) were embarrassed to reveal their diagnosis to the public but most of them (93.6%) would inform their family. Those who reported feeling worried since their diagnosis were more likely to be middle-aged, of Malay ethnicity, have shorter duration of diagnosis of less than 10 years and have received therapy. About half of the participants (50.6%) did not share dining utensils and the majority (93.2%) believed that HBV can be transmitted by sharing of eating and drinking utensils. Older patients were significantly less likely to share utensils. Those who felt worried since diagnosis had significant higher knowledge of HBV.
    CONCLUSION: The findings highlight the stigma and misconceptions that still exist among the HBV patients. More patient and public education about HBV and its prevention are essential to increase awareness and to demystify the disease.
    Study site: Hepatology clinic, University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  7. Tong SF, Low WY, Ismail SB, Trevena L, Willcock S
    BMC Fam Pract, 2011;12:29.
    PMID: 21569395 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-12-29
    BACKGROUND: Men have been noted to utilise health care services less readily then women. Primary care settings provide an opportunity to engage men in health care activities because of close proximity to the target group (men in the community). Understanding attitudes towards men's health among Malaysian primary care doctors is important for the effective delivery of health services to men. We aimed to explore the opinions and attitudes of primary care doctors (PCDs) relating to men's health and help-seeking behaviour.
    METHODS: A qualitative approach to explore the opinions of 52 PCDs was employed, using fourteen in-depth interviews and eight focus group discussions in public and private settings. Purposive sampling of PCDs was done to ensure maximum variation in the PCD sample. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim for analysis. Open coding with thematic analysis was used to identify key issues raised in the interview.
    RESULTS: The understanding of the concept of men's health among PCDs was fragmented. Although many PCDs were already managing health conditions relevant and common to men, they were not viewed by PCDs as "men's health". Less attention was paid to men's help-seeking behaviour and their gender roles as a potential determinant of the poor health status of men. There were opposing views about whether men's health should focus on men's overall health or a more focused approach to sexual health. There was also disagreement about whether special attention was warranted for men's health services. Some doctors would prioritise more common conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolaemia.
    CONCLUSIONS: The concept of men's health was new to PCDs in Malaysia. There was wide variation in understanding and opposing attitudes towards men's health among primary care doctors. Creating awareness and having a systematic approach would facilitate PCDs in delivering health service to men.
  8. Ainuddin HA, Loh SY, Low WY, Sapihis M, Roslani AC
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012;13(12):6289-94.
    PMID: 23464447
    BACKGROUND: Research evidence suggests a debilitating impact of the diagnosis of cancer on the quality of life of the afflicted individuals, their spouses and their families. However, relatively few studies have been carried out on the impact on the QOL of adolescents living with parents diagnosed with cancer. This paper presents a sub- analysis on the impact of parental cancer (colorectal, breast and lung) on adolescents.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study on adolescents aged 13-18 years old. Upon ethical clearance obtained from UMMC Medical Ethics Committee, patients with colorectal, breast or lung cancer and their adolescent children were recruited from the Clinical Oncology Unit of University of Malaya Medical Centre. Respondents who gave consent completed a demographic questionnaire and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, via the post, email, home visit or meetings at the clinics.

    RESULTS: 95 adolescents from 50 families responded, giving a response rate of 88 percent. The adolescent's mean age was 16 years (ranging between 13-18 years). Adolescents with parental cancer had the lowest mean score in emotional functioning (p<0.05). Male adolescents had significantly higher quality of life overall and in physical functioning compared to female adolescents. Adolescents with a father with cancer had better school functioning compared to adolescents whose mothers had cancer. Families with household income of RM 5000 and above have significantly better quality of life compared to families with lower household income.

    CONCLUSIONS: Adolescent sons and daughters of parents with a cancer diagnosis show lowered QOL, particularly with reference to emotional functioning and school performance. Addressing the needs of this young group has been slow and warrants special attention. Revisiting the risk and resilience factors of adolescents might also inform tailored programs to address the needs of this neglected adolescent population.

  9. Tan WS, Ng CJ, Khoo EM, Low WY, Tan HM
    Aging Male, 2011 Dec;14(4):231-6.
    PMID: 22115177 DOI: 10.3109/13685538.2011.597463
    The etiology of erectile dysfunction (ED) is multi-factorial. This paper examines the association between ED, testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS) and metabolic syndrome (MS) in Malaysian men in an urban setting. One thousand and forty-six men aged ≥ 40 years from Subang Jaya, Malaysia were randomly selected from an electoral-roll list. The men completed questionnaires that included: socio-demographic data, self-reported medical problems and the International Index of erectile function (IIEF-5). Physical examination and the following biochemical tests were performed: lipid profile, fasting blood glucose (FBG) and total testosterone. The response rate was 62.8% and the mean age of men was 55.8 ± 8.4 (41-93) years. Ethnic distribution was Chinese, 48.9%; Malay, 34.5%; Indian, 14.8%. The prevalence of moderate-severe ED was 20.0%, while 16.1% of men had TDS (< 10.4 nmol/L) and 31.3% of men had MS. Indian and Malay men were significantly more likely to have ED (p  = 0.001), TDS (p  < 0.001) and MS (p < 0.001) than the Chinese. Multivariate regression analysis showed that elevated blood pressure, elevated FBG, low high-density lipoprotein and heart disease were predictors of ED while all MS components were independently associated with TDS. Malay and Indian men have a higher disease burden compared to Chinese men and were more likely to suffer with ED, TDS and MS. MS components were closely related to TDS and ED.
  10. Tong SF, Low WY, Ismail SB, Trevena L, Willcock S
    Fam Pract, 2011 Jun;28(3):307-16.
    PMID: 21115986 DOI: 10.1093/fampra/cmq101
    BACKGROUND: Although prevalent in primary care settings, men's health issues are rarely discussed. Yet, primary care doctors (PCDs) are well positioned to offer health check-ups during consultations.
    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to develop a substantive theory to explain the process of decision making by which PCDs engage men in discussing health check-ups.
    METHODS: Grounded theory method was adopted. Data source was from 14 in-depth interviews and 8 focus group discussions conducted with a semi-structured guide. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim for analysis. Initial open coding captured the concepts of processes from the data, followed by selective and theoretical coding to saturate the core category. Constant comparative method was used throughout the process to allow emergence of the theory.
    RESULTS: Fifty-two PCDs from private and public settings were interviewed. PCDs engaged male patients in health check-ups when they associated high medical importance with the relevant issues. The decision to engage men also depended on perceived chances of success in negotiations about health check-ups. A high chance of success, associated with minimal negotiation effort, is associated with men being most receptive to health check-ups. When doctors feel the importance of a particular health issue, they place less emphasis on their perceived men's receptivity to discuss that health issue in their intention to engage them in discussing it.
    CONCLUSIONS: Engaging male patients in appropriate health check-up activities requires a series of actions and decisions by the PCDs. The decision to engage the patient depends on the perceived balance between the receptivity of male patients and the medical importance of the issues in mind.
  11. Quek KF, Razack AH, Chua CB, Low WY, Loh CS
    Int J Urol, 2004 Oct;11(10):848-55.
    PMID: 15479289
    The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of treating lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) on anxiety, depression and psychiatric morbidity following one year of follow-up.
  12. Wong YL, Chinna K, Mariapun J, Wong LP, Khoo EM, Low WY, et al.
    Prev Med, 2013;57 Suppl:S24-6.
    PMID: 23318158 DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.01.004
    OBJECTIVES: To identify the correlates between risk perceptions and cervical cancer screening among urban Malaysian women.
    METHOD: A cross-sectional household survey was conducted among 231 women in Petaling Jaya city in 2007. The association of risk perceptions of cervical cancer and screening practice was analyzed using Poisson regression.
    RESULTS: 56% of the respondents ever had a Pap smear test. Knowledge of signs and symptoms (aPR=1.11, 95% CI=1.03-1.19), age (aPR=1.02, 95% CI=1.01-1.03), number of pregnancies (aPR=1.06, 95% CI=1.01-1.11), marital status, education level and religion were found to be significant correlates of Pap smear screening. Respondents who were never married were less likely to have had a Pap smear. Those who had no education or primary education were less likely to have had a Pap smear compared to those with degree qualification. The prevalence of screening was significantly higher among Christians and others (aPR=1.35; 95% CI=1.01-1.81) and Buddhists (aPR=1.38; 95% CI=1.03-1.84), compared to Muslims.
    CONCLUSION: Eliminating anecdotal beliefs as risks via targeted knowledge on established risk factors and culturally sensitive screening processes are strategic for increasing and sustaining uptake of Pap smear screening versus current opportunistic screening practices.
    KEYWORDS: Cervical cancer; Malaysia; Pap smear; Risk perception; Screening; Targeted knowledge
  13. Lee PY, Khoo EM, Low WY, Lee YK, Abdullah KL, Azmi SA, et al.
    Health Expect, 2016 Apr;19(2):427-36.
    PMID: 25857694 DOI: 10.1111/hex.12366
    BACKGROUND: Malaysia is an Asian country with population of diverse culture and health perceptions. Patient decision aid (PDA) is a new tool in Malaysia. Patients' and health-care professionals' (HCPs) expectation of a PDA is unknown.
    AIM: We aimed to explore patients' and health-care professionals'(HCPs) views on the information needed in a patient decision aid (PDA) on insulin initiation developed for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
    DESIGN: We used a qualitative design and thematic approach.
    SETTING: Three main primary health-care settings in Malaysia: public university-based primary care clinics, public health-care clinics and private general practices.
    METHOD: We conducted focus groups and one-to-one interviews with a purposive sample of health professionals and patients with type 2 diabetes.
    RESULTS: We interviewed 18 patients and 13 HCPs. Patients viewed the content of the PDA as simple and clear. However, HCPs felt the PDA might be difficult for patients with low literacy to understand. HCPs thought the PDA was too lengthy. Nevertheless, patients would prefer more information. HCPs tended to focus on benefits of insulin, while patients wanted to know the impact of insulin on their quality of life and practical issues regarding insulin and its side-effects. Patients preferred numbers to weigh the risks and benefits of treatment options. HCPs' views that presenting numbers in a PDA would be too complex for patients to understand.
    CONCLUSION: It is important to consider including issues related to psycho-social impact of treatment to patients when developing a patient decision aid.
  14. Quek KF, Low WY, Razack AH, Sin Loh C, Chua CB
    J Urol, 2002 Mar;167(3):1359-62.
    PMID: 11832732
    PURPOSE: We validated the Malay version of the International Prostate Symptom Score in patients with and without urinary symptoms in the Malaysian population.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Validity and reliability were studied in patients with and without lower urinary tract symptoms. Reliability was evaluated using the test-retest method and internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach's alpha. Sensitivity to change was expressed as the effect size in the pre-intervention versus post-intervention score in additional patients with lower urinary tract symptoms who underwent transurethral prostate resection.

    RESULTS: Internal consistency was excellent. A high degree of internal consistency was observed for each of the 7 items and for the total score (Cronbach's alpha 0.53 and greater, and 0.68, respectively). The test-retest correlation coefficients of the 7 items were highly significant. The intraclass correlation coefficient was high at 0.51 and greater. There was a high degree of sensitivity and specificity to the effects of treatment. Significant change from baseline to posttreatment scores was observed in all 8 items in the treated but not in the control group.

    CONCLUSIONS: The Malay International Prostate Symptom Score is a suitable, reliable, valid instrument that is sensitive to clinical change in the Malaysian population.

  15. Quek KF, Low WY, Razack AH, Chua CB, Loh CS
    J Sex Marital Ther, 2002 Oct-Dec;28(5):423-6.
    PMID: 12378843
    The purpose of this study is to validate the English version of the Golombok-Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS) in a Malaysian population. Using the test-retest method and Cronbach's alpha, we assessed reliability and internal consistency. Sensitivity to change was expressed as the effect size. Internal consistency was excellent (Cronbach's alpha value = 0.59 to 0.91) Test-retest correlation coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient were highly significant in majority items (ICC = 0.62 and above), and there was a high degree of sensitivity and specificity. The GRIMS is suitable, reliable, valid, and sensitive to clinical change in a Malaysian population.
  16. Low WY, Ng CJ, Tan NC, Choo WY, Tan HM
    Asian J Androl, 2004 Jun;6(2):99-104.
    PMID: 15154082
    Aim: To explore the barriers faced by general practitioners (GPs) in the management of patients with erectile dysfunction (ED).
    Methods: This was a qualitative analysis of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews involving 28 Malaysian GPs.
    Results: GPs' perception of ED being not a serious condition was a major determinant of their prescribing practice. Doctor's age (younger), gender (female), short consultation time and lack of experience were cited as barriers. The GPs' prescribing habits were heavily influenced by the feedback from the first few patients under treatment, the uncertainty of etiology of ED without proper assessment and the profit margin with bulk purchase. Other barriers include Patients' coexisting medical conditions, older age, lower socio-economic status, unrealistic expectations and inappropriate use of the anti-impotent drugs. Cardiovascular side effects and cost were two most important drug barriers.
    Conclusion: The factors influencing the management of ED among the general practitioners were multiple and complex. An adequate understanding of how these factors (doctors, patients and drugs) interact can assist in the formulation and implementation of strategies that encourage GPs to identify and manage ED patients.
  17. Sornpaisarn B, Shield K, Manthey J, Limmade Y, Low WY, Van Thang V, et al.
    Int J Drug Policy, 2020 Jul 22;83:102856.
    PMID: 32711336 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102856
    Background Factors and policies which potentially explain the changes in alcohol consumption and related harms from 2010 to 2017 in 11 middle-income countries in the South-East Asian region (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam) were examined. Methods Using secondary data from UN agencies, we analyzed trends in alcohol consumption, alcohol-attributable deaths and the burden of disease. Results Starting from a level of consumption significantly below the global average-especially among the Muslim-majority countries (Maldives, Indonesia, and Malaysia)-the majority of the countries in this region had markedly increased their alcohol consumption along with the economic development they experienced between 2010 and 2017. In fact, five middle-income countries in this region (Vietnam, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Timor-Leste) were in the top 12 countries globally based on absolute increases in adult alcohol per capita consumption (APC). The Philippines and Malaysia were the exceptions, as they had reduced their APC over this period. The majority of South-East Asian countries had parallel increasing trends in the age-standardized alcohol-attributable deaths and DALYs since 2010, in contrast to global trends. While all countries put some alcohol control policies in place, there were differences in the number and strength of the policies applied, commensurate with trends in consumption. In particular, three of the countries which were most successful in reducing consumption and harm (Malaysia, Philippines, and Sri Lanka) applied more effective tax methods based on specific taxation alone or in combination with another taxation method, applying higher taxation rates and regularly increasing them over time. Conclusion To achieve the global target and the Sustainable Development Goal in reducing alcohol consumption worldwide, middle-income countries, especially lower-middle-income countries, should employ stricter alcohol control policies, and apply an appropriate excise tax on alcohol products with regular increases to reflect inflation.
  18. Chandran A, Selva Kumar S, Hairi NN, Low WY, Mustapha FI
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:698741.
    PMID: 34295873 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.698741
    In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) set a comprehensive set of nine global voluntary targets, including the landmark "25 by 25" mortality reduction target, and 25 indicators. WHO has also highlighted the importance of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) surveillance as a key action by Member States in addressing NCDs. This study aimed to examine the current national NCD surveillance tools, activities and performance in Malaysia based on the WHO Global Monitoring Framework for NCDs and to highlight gaps and priorities moving forward. A desk review was conducted from August to October in 2020, to examine the current national NCD surveillance activities in Malaysia from multiple sources. Policy and program documents relating to NCD surveillance in Malaysia from 2010 to 2020 were identified and analyzed. The findings of this review are presented according to the three major themes of the Global Monitoring Framework: monitoring of exposure/risk factor, monitoring of outcomes and health system capacity/response. Currently, there is a robust monitoring system for NCD Surveillance in Malaysia for indicators that are monitored by the WHO NCD Global Monitoring Framework, particularly for outcome and exposure monitoring. However, Malaysia still lacks data for the surveillance of the health system indicators of the framework. Although Malaysia has an NCD surveillance in place that is adequate for the WHO NCD Global Monitoring Framework, there are areas that require strengthening. The country must also look beyond these set of indicators in view of the increasing burden and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes incorporating mental health indicators and leveraging on alternate sources of data relating to behaviors.
  19. Mok WKH, Hairi NN, Chan CMH, Mustapha FI, Saminathan TA, Low WY
    PMID: 34206056 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18115950
    (1) Background: The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children has increased tremendously in the ASEAN region, including Malaysia. In Malaysia, the National Strategic Plan for Non-Communicable Diseases (2015-2025) provides the overall framework for its response to the non-communicable diseases (NCD) epidemic. Preventing childhood obesity is one of the key strategies for early intervention to prevent NCDs. The objective of this research is to examine the current status of policy interventions in addressing childhood obesity in Malaysia. (2) Methods: A panel of 22 stakeholders and experts from Malaysia, representing the government, industry, academia and non-governmental organizations, were sampled using a modified Delphi technique. Data were collected using a modified NCD scorecard under four domains (governance, risk factors, surveillance and research and health systems response). A heat map was used to measure the success of the four realms of the NCD scorecard. For each domain of the NCD scorecard, the final score was grouped in quintiles. (3) Results: A total of 22 participants responded, comprising of eight (36.4%) males and 14 (63.4%) females. All the domains measured in implementing policies related to childhood obesity were of low progress. Nine governance indicators were reported as 22.5% (low progress), four in the risk factors domain, and two in the surveillance. This shows that timely and accurate monitoring, participatory review and evaluation, and effective remedies are necessary for a country's surveillance system. (4) Conclusion: Although Malaysia has published several key strategic documents relating to childhood obesity and implemented numerous policy interventions, we have identified several gaps that must be addressed to leverage the whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach in addressing childhood obesity in the country.
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