Methods: Towards Useful Aging (TUA) is a three-year longitudinal study conducted at baseline (2013-2014) and at follow-up (2015-2017) surveys. The number of participants dropped from 2322 during baseline study to 1787 and 1560 during the 18th and 36th month follow-up, respectively. Data on socio-demography, use of dietary supplement, biochemical indices, anthropometry, cognitive function, physical fitness and depressive symptoms were obtained. Longitudinal associations were done using the linear mixed model analysis among 1285 subjects with complete data.
Results: The most common vitamin and mineral supplementations consumed were multivitamin, B-complex, and calcium. Meanwhile, the herbal supplements consumed by participants were Eurycoma longifolia, Morinda citrifolia and Orthosiphon aristatus. Longitudinal analysis adjusted for multiple covariates showed improvement in both supplement users and non-users for global cognitive function, working memory, visual memory, 2-minute step test, chair stand test, chair sit and reach and time up and go test, waist circumference and hip circumference in both the supplement users and non-users.
Conclusion: Our findings indicated that dietary supplement intake is not associated with cognitive function, physical fitness, nutritional status, depressive symptoms or biochemical indices since improvement in the parameters was observed among both supplement users and non-users.
Methods: Data from the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2018 was analysed. This survey applied a multistage stratified cluster sampling design to ensure national representativeness. Malnutrition was identified using a validated Mini Nutrition Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF). Variables on sociodemographic, health status, and dietary practices were also obtained. The complex sampling analysis was used to determine the prevalence and associated factors of at-risk or malnutrition among the elderly.
Result: A total of 3,977 elderly completed the MNA-SF. The prevalence of malnutrition and at-risk of malnutrition was 7.3% and 23.5%, respectively. Complex sample multiple logistic regression found that the elderly who lived in a rural area, with no formal or primary level of education, had depression, Instrumental Activity of Daily Living (IADL) dependency, and low quality of life (QoL), were underweight, and had food insecurity and inadequate plain water intake were at a significant risk of malnutrition (malnutrition and at-risk), while Chinese, Bumiputra Sarawak, and BMI more than 25 kgm-2 were found to be protective.
Conclusions: Currently, three out of ten elderly in Malaysia were at-risk or malnutrition. The elderly in a rural area, low education level, depression, IADL dependency, low QoL, underweight, food insecurity, and inadequate plain water intake were at risk of malnutrition in Malaysia. The multiagency approach is needed to tackle the issue of malnutrition among the elderly by considering all predictors identified from this study.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of virtual data collection for a longitudinal study of aging assessing cognitive frailty in a middle-income Southeast Asian country.
METHODS: The Transforming Cognitive Frailty into Later-Life Self-Sufficiency (AGELESS) longitudinal study of aging involved community-dwelling participants aged 60 years and above. A semi-structured focus group discussion was conducted via videoconferencing with selected representatives from existing participants. The survey instrument was compiled during a hybrid meeting and refined using a virtual Delphi process involving 51 AGELESS investigators. The final draft survey and recruitment strategy were then piloted among selected participants.
RESULTS: Twelve individuals participated in the virtual focus group interview. Smartphone, tablet computer, laptops, and desktop personal computers were used for information gathering, communication, banking, shopping, leisure, religion, and education, within this group. The survey instrument was redacted from 362 items in 18 sections to 141 items in 12 sections through 3 virtual Delphi rounds facilitated by email, social media messaging, and videoconferencing which attracted 213 comments. Of 45 participants selected for the pilot survey, 30 were successfully contacted after one attempt and 18 completed the survey. Cognitive frailty was present in 13%, cognitive impairment in 20%, frailty in 20%, and 47% were robust.
CONCLUSION: A virtual survey instrument was developed for the AGELESS longitudinal survey of aging which was vital for determining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our older population as well as sustaining research into aging despite barriers posed by the pandemic.
Patients and Methods: A total of 253 participants aged 60 years and above participated in this cross-sectional study. The participants were subjected to pure tone audiometric assessment. The hearing threshold was calculated for the better ear and classified into pure-tone average (PTA) for the octave frequencies from 0.5 to 4 kHz and high-frequency pure-tone average (HFA) for the octave from 2 to 8kHz. Then, the risk factors associated with PTA hearing loss (HL) and HFAHL were identified by using multivariate logistic regression analysis.
Results: The prevalence of ARHL based on PTA and HFA among the community-dwelling older adults was 75.5% and 83.0%, respectively. Following multifactorial adjustments, being older (OR: 1.239; 95% CI: 1.062-1.445), having higher waist circumference (OR: 1.158; 95% CI: 1.015-1.322), lower intake of niacin (OR: 0.909; 95% CI: 0.831-0.988) and potassium (OR: 0.998; 95% CI: 0.996-1.000), and scoring lower in RAVLT T5 (OR: 0.905; 95% CI: 0.838-0.978) were identified as the risk factors of PTAHL. Meanwhile, being older (OR: 1.117; 95% CI: 1.003-1.244), higher intake of carbohydrate (OR: 1.018; 95% CI: 1.006-1.030), lower intake of potassium (OR: 0.998; 95% CI: 0.997-0.999), and lower scores on the RAVLT T5 (OR: 0.922; 95% CI: 0.874-0.973) were associated with increased risk of having HFAHL.
Conclusion: Increasing age, having higher waist circumference, lower intake of niacin and potassium, higher intake of carbohydrates and having lower RAVLT T5 score were associated with increased risk of ARHL. Modifying these risk factors may be beneficial in preventive and management strategies of ARHL among older persons.
METHODS: In this prospective cohort study, a total of 400 participants aged 60 years and above were successfully followed up at 5 years. Participants' socio-demographic, medical history, psycho-social, physical, cognitive and dietary intake information was obtained. Cognitive frailty was defined as comorbid physical frailty (> 1 Fried criteria) and mild cognitive impairment (Petersen criteria). Univariate analysis was performed for all variables, followed by hierarchical binary logistic regression (BLR) analysis to identify the ability of CF in predicting the incidence of falls, injuries, and disability. The significant value was set at p
METHODS: A comprehensive pooled data analysis was conducted on combined data from 810 participants sourced from the longitudinal Long-Term Research Grant Scheme-Towards Useful Aging (LRGS-TUA) and Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) studies. The MY-MINDD scores were developed by incorporating existing MIND diet food groups, their corresponding scoring mechanisms, and consideration of common Malaysian foods which are proven to be beneficial and detrimental to cognitive function. To substantiate the MY-MINDD scoring system, its association with MCI was evaluated using a series of validated neuropsychological test batteries.
RESULTS: MY-MINDD consists of seven food groups promote brain health and four food groups exert negative cognitive outcomes. The study participants had an average age of 67.9 ± 4.7 years. The collective MY-MINDD score for all participants was 6.4 ± 0.1 (out of a maximum 11 points), revealing a lower score in individuals with MCI at 6.0 ± 1.7 compared to those without MCI at 6.6 ± 1.6 (p
RESULTS: Leveraging the power of both Illumina short-reads and Nanopore long-reads, we employed an Illumina-Nanopore hybrid assembly approach to construct MAGs with enhanced quality. The dereplication process, facilitated by the dRep tool, validated the efficiency of the hybrid assembly, yielding MAGs that reflected the intricate microbial diversity of these extreme ecosystems. The comprehensive analysis of these MAGs uncovered intriguing insights into the survival strategies of thermophilic taxa in the hot spring biofilms. Moreover, we examined the plant litter degradation potential within the biofilms, shedding light on the participation of diverse microbial taxa in the breakdown of starch, cellulose, and hemicellulose. We highlight that Chloroflexota and Armatimonadota MAGs exhibited a wide array of glycosyl hydrolases targeting various carbohydrate substrates, underscoring their metabolic versatility in utilisation of carbohydrates at elevated temperatures.
CONCLUSIONS: This study advances understanding of microbial ecology on plant litter under elevated temperature by revealing the functional adaptation of MAGs from hot spring biofilms. In addition, our findings highlight potential for biotechnology application through identification of thermophilic lignocellulose-degrading enzymes. By demonstrating the efficiency of hybrid assembly utilising Illumina-Nanopore reads, we highlight the value of combining multiple sequencing methods for a more thorough exploration of complex microbial communities.