Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 372 in total

  1. Chen CJ, Jallaludin RL
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2000;12(1):12-6.
    PMID: 11200211
    In recent years, the concept of a Health-Promoting School has received much interest. In Malaysia, dental nurses are ideally placed to play a lead role in promoting Oral Health within the school setting. This study aims to provide information on the knowledge, perception and perceived role of Oral Health Promotion in schools, among dental nurses. A postal questionnaire was used to measure dental nurses' knowledge, perception and perceived role of Oral Health Promotion. The majority (60%) of dental nurses had good knowledge of Oral Health Promotion. Generally, they perceived that they play an important role in promoting Oral Health in schools. However, a sizeable proportion (25%) did not think they had a role to play in working together with school authorities to provide children with healthy food choices in school canteens. The majority (60%) of dental nurses did not perceive Oral Health Promotion to be important as a whole. They had a good perception of the concepts: it supports behaviour change, it has appropriate goals, it integrates oral health and general health and relieves anxiety. However, they had a poorer perception of the concepts; diverse educational approaches, participation, focus on prevention, early intervention, "spread of effect" of dental health education and "make healthier choices the easier choices". Years of service was not significantly associated with knowledge and perception of Oral Health Promotion. Dental nurses should be reoriented towards a more holistic practice of Oral Health Promotion. Workshops that invite active participation from dental nurses should be conducted to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  2. Tullo ES, Young TJ
    Int Psychogeriatr, 2014 Jan;26(1):165-71.
    PMID: 24135153 DOI: 10.1017/S1041610213001737
    BACKGROUND: The changing demographics of societies mean that medical students worldwide must be sufficiently prepared to care competently for patients with dementia through development of appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes. No previous research had explored undergraduate medical students' attitudes toward people with dementia.

    METHODS: An adapted version of the Approaches to Dementia Questionnaire (ADQ) was completed by 501 medical undergraduates in years 1, 3, and 5 of their degree programs in the UK and Malaysia. Non-parametric statistical analysis focused on any differences between year groups and geographical locations.

    RESULTS: The mean ADQ response indicated a generally positive attitude across the sample, comparable with other healthcare professionals previously surveyed. Year 3 and year 5 students expressed significantly more positive attitudes than year 1 students. Year 1 students based in the UK expressed significantly more positive attitudes than year 1 student based in Malaysia, but there were no significant differences between year 3 students based in different locations.

    CONCLUSION: The more positive attitudes found amongst year 3 and year 5 students compared to year 1 may be a result of teaching emphasizing a person-centered approach. The differences between entry-level students from Malaysia and the UK may reflect variance in cultural norms and expectations, or the ADQ's "Western" origin. Medical schools aiming to equip students with dementia-specific skills and knowledge can draw on the generally positive attitudes found in this study.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel*
  3. Mathialagan A, Nagalinggam P, Mathialagan S, Kirby BP
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2015 Oct;23(5):320-6.
    PMID: 25582973 DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12170
    The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between performance barriers and competency, and implementation of an expanded public health role for community pharmacists.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  4. Saleem F, Hassali MA, Aljadhey H
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2016 03 04;12(4):668.
    PMID: 26997135 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.02.011
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  5. Mazza D
    Aust Fam Physician, 2002 Oct;31(10):903-7.
    PMID: 12404827
    Over the past few years, the intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) has overcome many of the problems that had initially made it unpopular. Today it is probably the most cost effective reversible form of contraception available.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  6. Tan CM, Thanaraj K
    Med Educ, 1993 Mar;27(2):143-59.
    PMID: 8336561
    One hundred and twenty-eight medical students who had experienced a traditional-style preclinical curriculum completed three self-report questionnaires. Using factor analysis of students' responses this study explores interactions between study orientation, preferences for different kinds of learning environment, and evaluations of the physiology course. Such interactions can provide insight into the reasons why students fail to adopt effective learning strategies. Although many students had the intention to understand, they did not adopt a deep approach. Achievement motivation was strong, test anxiety high, and the course was perceived to be competitive. The meaning orientation merged with the achieving orientation; students were thus performance rather than task oriented. These students perceived the course to have been challenging, as did students within the reproducing orientation and who had 'surface' preferences. Students within the non-academic orientation had difficulty coping with the course. The findings suggest that conventional teaching and assessment methods are preventing students from developing appropriate criteria and internal standards for evaluating performance. An illusion of comprehension may prevent students from seeing the need to adopt more effective learning strategies and cause 'good' students with the ability to adopt a deep approach to abort the pursuit of deep understanding. Students' preferences and evaluations of teaching and assessment indicate that students within the different learning orientations have different educational needs. The implications for instruction and evaluation are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  7. Dias PL
    Med Educ, 1987 Jul;21(4):334-9.
    PMID: 3626901
    The knowledge and clinical and minor surgical skills acquired by 257 medical students in three universities in Sri Lanka and Malaysia were assessed by a questionnaire after they had completed their training period in ophthalmology. This study showed that many medical students graduating from these universities lacked the basic clinical and minor surgical skills essential for a doctor practising in a community in south-east Asia. The responses also indicated that teaching by consultants in all three universities was inadequate and due to these inadequacies the students requested that the duration of their training period be doubled. Ophthalmology is an important component of clinical practice and proper education in this subject is important. An urgent revision of the aims and objectives of the curriculum in ophthalmology is essential to place greater emphasis on this important and much neglected subject, for which very little curricular time is allotted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  8. Astuti EW, Suryani E, Rosalinna, Abdullah SKBF
    Enferm Clin, 2020 06;30 Suppl 5:28-33.
    PMID: 32713579 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.11.018
    OBJECTIVE: Health professionals are unable to solve the family problems. Practically, health professionals are encouraged to make collaboration. One effort to improve health professional readiness is by joining the interprofessional education (IPE). Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta is implementing one Team One Family-Community Internship Program Interprofessional Education and Collaboration (OTOF-CIPIPEC). This research aims to examine the effect of OTOF-CIPIPEC Implementation within the health students on readiness, teamwork, perception to the other professions and participants' satisfaction.

    METHOD: This research is a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post without control research approach. The research population covers all students registered joining OTOF CIPIPEC at Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta with a total number of 1061 of students. The samples are collected using a total sampling technique. The samples for this research are those registered joining the OTOF CIPIPEC at Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria with a total number of 1031 of students. This research utilizes the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) questionnaires as its measuring instruments. This study was conducted in Mojosongo sub-district, Jebres district, Surakarta. This research involves 38 Community Units (In Indonesia known as Rukun Warga/RW) with a total number of 1066 of family heads and the Sibela Community Health Center. The data are analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and multiple linear regression test.

    RESULT OF THE STUDY: The research results showed that there is a significant difference of readiness improvement, teamwork, and perception on other professions and satisfaction of the research subjects before and after joining OTOF-CIPIPEC (ρ<0.001). The average improvement scores of students' readiness, teamwork, perception, and satisfaction are 63.2%, 62.5%, 62.57%, and 113.04% respectively. The results of the multivariate analysis show that teamwork and perception significantly influence the students' readiness in their collaboration with the other professions (ρ<0.001) with the influence value of 0.93%.

    CONCLUSION: This research concludes that OTOF-CIPIPEC implementation may improve readiness, teamwork, and perception of other professions and students' satisfaction in interprofessional education (IPE).

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  9. Thangarajoo S, Rosliza AM, Nalliah S, Karim J, Shohaimi S, Ramasamy S, et al.
    BMC Med Educ, 2021 Apr 26;21(1):243.
    PMID: 33902577 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-021-02610-1
    BACKGROUND: Interprofessional learning (IPL) is a key challenge in Malaysia in incorporating the current profession-specific medical education into the interprofessional learning curriculum. Safe practices would be enhanced with improved collaboration among the health professionals when they learn with, from, and about each other. The main objective of this study was to determine the significant differences in self-assessment, attitude, and perception of interprofessional learning among doctors and nurses in a teaching hospital in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The second objective was to determine if there is any significant difference in the selected demography factors, mean and total scores between doctors and nurses in self-assessment, attitude, and perceptions of IPL aspects.

    METHODS: A total of doctors (39) and nurses (37) were recruited for an interventional study on the interprofessional learning approach on hospital acquired infection control. The participants responded to the University of West England Interprofessional (UWEIP) questionnaire at baseline consisting of four dimensions in IPL aspects; Self-assessment on communication and teamwork skills (CTW), interprofessional learning (IPL), interprofessional interaction (IPI), and interprofessional relationship (IPR). The Cronbach alpha value for the total questionnaire was established at 0.79.

    RESULTS: The majority of doctors scored positive in CTW, IPL, IPR, and neutral in IPI. Nurses' also recorded the highest positive scores in CTW, IPL, and IPR, and neutral in IPI. Negative scores were found in CTW and IPI. A significant difference was revealed between doctors and nurses in IPL attitude; p = 0.024 and there was no significant difference in other dimensions (p > .05). Results also found a significant difference between participants' and non-participants of IPL training sessions; p = 0.009.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed the infusion of interprofessional learning training among the health professionals displayed better self-assessments, attitudes, and perceptions towards collaborative practices.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  10. Omar H, Khan S, Haneline M, Toh CG
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2021 Aug;25(3):592-599.
    PMID: 33222374 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12636
    INTRODUCTION: Interprofessional learning (IPL) is the first stage towards the goal of interprofessional collaborative care. To enhance IPL experience, the School of Dentistry, International Medical University developed an IPL model based on the core competencies and the learning outcomes for dental and chiropractic students in their second and fourth year, respectively. The model was based on experiential learning and adult learning theories in addition to Miller's framework for clinical competencies.

    METHODS: The programme was developed as a student-centred, collaborative approach to achieve the learning outcomes for dental and chiropractic students. Second-year dental students (n = 46) and chiropractic students (n = 23) in their fourth year participated in the programme. The focus of the programme was to address the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) amongst dental students and to provide the chiropractic students with the opportunity to assess and identify risk factors for WMSDs in the dental setting. The readiness for interprofessional learning scale (RIPLS) questionnaire was completed prior to the interprofessional education programme and once again afterwards to determine dental and chiropractic students' awareness of roles and responsibilities of the other profession, and their attitudes to interprofessional education and teamwork.

    RESULTS: Dental and chiropractic students showed similar levels of readiness for shared learning. The results of this study suggest that the IPL programme contributed to the development of the students' positive perceptions towards the positive professional identity and the roles of other healthcare professionals.

    CONCLUSION: This study provides initial support for the integrated interprofessional learning experiences within the school. The results of the study will shape future curricula changes to further strengthen interprofessional education and subsequent interprofessional collaborative care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  11. Heggenhougen HK
    Med J Malaysia, 1978 Dec;33(2):165-77.
    PMID: 39229
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  12. Chen PC
    Br J Med Educ, 1972 Dec;6(4):323-4.
    PMID: 4664477
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  13. Raghvan HPN, Fatokun O
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2021 Oct 18;29(5):435-442.
    PMID: 34244775 DOI: 10.1093/ijpp/riab036
    OBJECTIVES: It is known that community pharmacists in Malaysia underreport adverse drug reactions (ADRs). In order to improve ADR reporting, a theory-based understanding of the factors associated with the community pharmacists' reporting behaviour is important. This study used the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to identify the predictors of behavioural intention to report ADRs to the regulatory authority among community pharmacists in Malaysia and to assess the relative importance of the predictors.

    METHODS: A questionnaire-based study was conducted among 188 randomly selected community pharmacists in the state of Johor, Malaysia. The questionnaire included four main TPB constructs (intention, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control) and related measures, including perceived moral obligation, past reporting behaviour and sociodemographic variables. Descriptive and hierarchical regression analyses were conducted.

    KEY FINDINGS: A total of 164 questionnaires were collected. The mean score of intention to report ADRs was 15.43 (SD = 2.99). The final model of the hierarchical regression analysis showed that attitude towards ADR reporting (P = 0.004), subjective norm (P = 0.010) and perceived moral obligation (P = 0.014) were significant predictors of intention to report ADRs. Attitude was the most significant predictor, followed by subjective norm and perceived moral obligation.

    CONCLUSIONS: Interventions targeting community pharmacists' attitude, subjective norms and perceived moral obligations towards ADR reporting, with a specific focus on attitude would likely have a positive impact on improving ADR reporting in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  14. Fradelos EC, Latsou D, Alikari V, Papathanasiou IV, Roupa A, Balang V, et al.
    Adv Exp Med Biol, 2021;1337:17-25.
    PMID: 34972887 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-78771-4_3
    This study aimed to examine Greek nurses' perceptions about hospital ethical climate and to investigate the possible difference of those perceptions regarding their demographic and work-related characteristics. The cross-sectional study design was employed in this study in which 286 nurses and nurse assistants participated. Data were collected by a sheet containing demographic and work-related characteristics and the Greek version of the Oslons' Hospital Ethical Climate Scale. IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences 25 was used in data analysis. Frequencies, means, percentages, and standard deviations summarized the data. For the statistical differences, parametric tests were performed. Independent Samples t and Pearson correlation analysis were used to determine the relationship between the ethical climate of the hospital and the nurses' characteristics. The p-values 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The mean age of the nurses was 44 years (SD: 8.5 years; range 24-66 years). The majority of them were women (77.3%). A percent of 57.7% of the sample was married. Most positive perceptions were concerning managers (4.01) following by peers (3.82), patients (3.69), hospitals (3.29) while the least positive perceptions of the ethical climate were concerning the physicians (3.16). The factors associated with hospital ethical perception were: working experience and responsible position. The highest score of ethical climate reported to managers subscale, while the minimum score was related to physicians. In general, Greek nurses reported positive perceptions regarding hospital ethical climate. The positive ethical climate is associated with a better working environment, fewer nurses' experience of moral distress, fewer chances for nursing turnover, high quality of nursing care, and fewer errors in nursing practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  15. Chu SY, Hara Y, Wong CH, Higashikawa M, McConnell GE, Lim A
    Int J Speech Lang Pathol, 2021 12;23(6):662-671.
    PMID: 33823717 DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2021.1877816
    Purpose: To investigate speech-language pathologists' current perceptions, previous training experiences, resources, barriers, and training needs in terms of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in two Asian countries.Method: Their knowledge and attitudes about EBP were explored using an online questionnaire. A descriptive analysis was conducted with consideration of the effect of demographic variables on knowledge and attitudes about EBP.Result: Malaysian speech-language pathologists (n = 98) displayed more positive attitudes toward EBPs, with a significantly higher (t (143) = 5.91, p < .01) total mean score (Mean = 120.7, SD = 11) compared to the Japanese speech-language pathologists (n = 47, Mean = 107.8, SD = 13.5). Malaysian practitioners who were female, worked full-time, and worked in government settings reported higher motivation to develop EBP skills. Japanese practitioners who worked in private sectors reported higher EBPs training needs than those in government settings. In both countries, speech-language pathologists with higher education levels tended to express fewer perceived barriers towards EBP.Conclusion: Findings could help local governance and speech-language pathologist associations to understand the current practices and professional development needs of speech-language pathologists, leading to more effective training programs and educating employers and managers who can reinforce EBP among practitioners.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  16. Ahmad Ghaus MG, Tuan Kamauzaman TH, Norhayati MN
    PMID: 34769813 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182111297
    This study aimed to determine the prevalence of high levels of knowledge, positive attitude, and good practice on evidence-based medicine (EBM) and identify the associated factors for practice score on EBM among emergency medicine doctors in Kelantan, Malaysia. This cross-sectional study was conducted in government hospitals in Kelantan. The data were collected from 200 emergency physicians and medical officers in the emergency department using the Noor Evidence-Based Medicine Questionnaire. Simple and general linear regressions analyses using SPSS were performed. A total of 183 responded, making a response rate of 91.5%. Of them, 49.7% had a high level of knowledge, 39.9% had a positive attitude and 2.1% had good practice. Sex, race, the average number of patients seen per day, internet access in workplace, having online quick reference application, and attitude towards EBM were significantly associated with EBM practice scores. It is recommended that appropriate authorities provide emergency doctors with broader access to evidence resources. EBM skill training should be enhanced in the current medical school curriculums.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  17. Dwekat IMM, Ismail TAT, Ibrahim MI, Ghrayeb F, Abbas E
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Oct 13;19(20).
    PMID: 36293759 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192013180
    Mistreatment of women during childbirth is a clear breach of women's rights during childbirth. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors of mistreatment of women during childbirth in the north of West Bank, Palestine. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 269 women within the first 16 weeks of their last vaginal childbirth to understand the childbirth events by using proportionate stratified random sampling. An Arabic valid questionnaire was used as a study instrument. Simple and multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine the factors associated with each type of mistreatment. The mean age of the women was 26.5 (SD 4.77) years. The overall prevalence of mistreatment was 97.8%. There were six types of mistreatment. Nine factors were significantly associated with the occurrence of one or more types of mistreatment. Delivery at a public childbirth facility was associated with all of the six types (aAdjOR: 2.17-16.77; p-values < 0.001-0.013). Women who lived in villages (aAdjOR 2.33; p-value = 0.047), had low education (aAdjOR 5.09; p-value = 0.004), underwent induction of labour (aAdjOR 3.03; p-value = 0.001), had a long duration of labour (aAdjOR 1.10; p-value = 0.011), did not receive pain killers (aAdjOR: 2.18-3.63; p-values = 0.010-0.020), or had an episiotomy or tear (aAdjOR 5.98; p-value < 0.001) were more likely to experience one or more types of mistreatment. With every one-hour increase in the duration of labor, women were 1.099 times more likely to experience a failure to meet the professional standard of care. Women were less likely to experience mistreatment with increasing age. Women with increasing age (aAdjOR: 0.91-0.92; p-values = 0.003-0.014) and parity (aAdjOR 0.72; p-value = 0.010) were less likely to experience mistreatment. Awareness of women's fundamental rights during childbirth, making the childbirth process as normal as possible, and improving the childbirth facilities' conditions, policies, practices and working environment may decrease mistreatment occurrence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  18. Low BY, Ting KN, Lee MK
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2023 Apr 10;31(2):261-265.
    PMID: 36534990 DOI: 10.1093/ijpp/riac101
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of community pharmacists (CP) towards household pharmaceutical waste disposal.

    METHODS: All pharmacists attending the Malaysian Community Pharmacy Guild event held in-person were invited to self-administer a web-based survey.

    KEY FINDINGS: The response rate was 61% (168/276). Overall, community pharmacists have mixed knowledge (mean ± SD: 5.89 ± 1.38) and positive attitude (mean ± SD: 9.58 ± 0.81) towards household pharmaceutical waste disposal. However, few community pharmacists (18/168, 10.7%) have promotional materials encouraging safe medication disposal in their pharmacies.

    CONCLUSIONS: Community pharmacists do not proactively promote safe household pharmaceutical waste disposal to mitigate pharmaceutical pollutants entering the environment although they have satisfactory knowledge and attitude.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
  19. Kuang FW, Farrukh MJ
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2024 Apr 25;24(1):524.
    PMID: 38664704 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-024-11008-w
    BACKGROUND: This study investigated community pharmacists' level of knowledge and attitude towards medical marijuana and its association with sociodemographic characteristics.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from 21 February 2022 to 15 November 2022. Community pharmacists working in Klang Valley were given a self-administered questionnaire. This survey instrument facilitated the collection of information about their sociodemographic attributes, training background, and knowledge and attitude concerning medical marijuana. Through rigorous analysis of the accumulated data, discernible factors correlating with the levels of knowledge and attitudes surrounding medical marijuana were identified.

    RESULTS: The majority (n=149, 53.8%) of participants had low knowledge of medical marijuana. Participants with lower knowledge of medical marijuana tend to have a negative attitude toward medical marijuana. Besides that, male participants showed higher knowledge of medical marijuana than female participants. Furthermore, it was found that atheists had the most negative attitude among other religions toward medical marijuana.

    CONCLUSION: Most community pharmacists in Malaysia lack sufficient knowledge about medical marijuana. This indicates that Malaysian pharmacists are not future-ready and need to equip themselves with adequate knowledge of the indications and adverse effects of medical marijuana if it is to be legalised one day. Thus, there is a need for improved training and education of pharmacists around cannabis-based medicines.

    Matched MeSH terms: Attitude of Health Personnel
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